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Effect of Technology on Learning and Development of Students


Romi Necq S. Abuel
1st Year -BS Applied Physics

Submitted to:
Prof. Jun Daryl Zamora

April, 2015
2nd Semester A.Y. 2014-2015
College of Arts and Sciences University of the Philippines Manila


The 21st Century marks the start of the modern era were technology plays a major role in
peoples lives. Some might even think that technology is more of a necessity, for its hard to
imagine life without the convenience of using electronic appliances, cellphones, computers and
internet. As technology have become more commonplace, various applications of it are being
implemented in some educational systems worldwide. The integration of technology and its
applications to the academic field is continuously evolving, and new trends and inventions in
technology lead to more advancement in education. Teachers may use projectors and/or
computers to display the lesson being discussed, provide electronic modules and learning
supplements, or they could even set up an interactive environment where students can answer
exercises given by the teacher through their own devices.
Young students these days are becoming more tech-savvy and dependent to technology.
Many of them already have up-to-date gadgets like phones, computers, game consoles and the
likes despite their young age. Some might even be too dependent on their devices, that it could
possibly affect their health and intellectual development. Teachers might also question the use of
personal technology in school because of internet access, and students may look for answers and
facts through it, sending or receiving test copies from a friend, or use social media to ask
questions. This implies that technology is generally beneficial to the youth, but can cause harm if
used in the wrong way.

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