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T Professional Learning Awards for Teachers

Dear Professional Learning Coordinator,
Please pass this information on to relevant members of your school
The Bay In-Service Training Trust Committee invites school community members of schools that
are affiliated B.I.S.T members to apply for a Professional Learning Award. The purpose of this
award is to encourage professional learning that will improve student engagement and learning.
The award is offered to teachers, parents, support staff, students or schools wanting to
undertake professional learning in a curriculum or other related area. Any recipient of the award
must agree to pass on the knowledge, skills and resources gained to other relevant school
community members on behalf of BIST.
The award can cater for a variety of professional learning needs and may include full or partial
contribution to:

Fees and travel to a major conference within New Zealand or overseas

Teacher release time or other assistance for an applicant who is producing a significant
curriculum resource that can be used in BIST and other schools
Other viable student centred proposals, for example priority learners, pastoral care,
leadership, coaching and mentoring, extra-curricular activities

This award is not available to subsidize personal study at a tertiary institute.

Selection factors:
The following factors will be taken into consideration:
1. The potential benefits of the proposal to improve student engagement and learning in
2. The demonstrated skills, commitment and knowledge of good practice in their teaching
discipline and/or the learning environment
3. A demonstrated ability to influence wider school initiatives and learning activities.
4. Report back to committee outlining award experience
5. Outline of proposed presentation or workshop to present the outcomes of your BIST

Expectations of recipients:

The potential improvement in student engagement and learning will

be shared with other schools through a presentation or workshop
facilitated by BIST

The recipient(s) will be required to update the Committee and

schools on possible next steps or future directions that can be taken
as a result of the awarded professional learning opportunity. This
may include feedback concerning both positive and negative
outcomes experienced during this active learning process
The recipient(s) will liaise with the BIST Co-Coordinator to ensure a
quality learning experience is passed on
During the professional learning opportunity the recipient is obliged
to report on milestones and any other targets that the Committee
deems as reasonable

In this way, BIST helps to add value to our learning community.

Please note:

In the case of teachers, preference will be given to those who have completed a
minimum of 3 years service in the education sector
Written confirmation that leave will be approved (if required) from the employing Board of
Trustees is to be attached to the application
Awards must be implemented by the start of term 3 2016.

Closing Date: Applications for this award must be made to the B.I.S.T committee by June 12
For more application packs please contact:

Dr. Terry Gunn

B.I.S.T Coordinator
P.O.Box 16496
Bethlehem, 3147
Ph. 02108197096

Name: _____________________________________________________________
School: ____________________________________________________________
Home address: ______________________________________________________
E-mail address: _____________________________________________________
Phone (School) ___________________ (Personal) ___________________________
Please complete no more than 800 words that outline the reasons for your application under
the following headings:

Proposed professional learning programme

Reasons for your application
How members of BIST schools would benefit from your award
Programme objectives
A cost breakdown of proposed expenses
Summary of professional learning history

Names of Referees:
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
Please enclose a copy of approval for any leave if required from your Board of
Signed _____________________________

Date __________________________

Applications and referees reports must be sent to the BIST Committee c/- Dr. Terry Gunn,
P.O.Box 16496, Bethlehem, 3147 or no later than June 12. Late
applications will not be considered.


Referees name: _______________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Phone (Home) ________________________________ (Work)
Please explain the professional capacity in which you have known the applicant:
Taking the following into consideration, please comment on the applicants
suitability for the Award:

Professional qualities including a demonstrated competence to influence

school programmes and learning, both within their own school and wider
learning community.
Qualities as a school community member (demonstrated skills,
commitment and knowledge of good practice)

Referees report must be sent to the BIST Committee, c/- Dr. Terry Gunn,
P.O. Box 16496, Bethlehem, 3147 or by June
12. Late applications will not be considered.


Referees name: _______________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Phone (Home) ________________________________ (Work)
Please explain the professional capacity in which you have known the applicant:
Taking the following into consideration, please comment on the applicants
suitability for the Award:

Professional qualities including a demonstrated competence to influence

school programmes and learning, both within their own school and wider
learning community.
Qualities as a member of the school community (demonstrated skills,
commitment and knowledge of good practice)

Referees report must be sent to the BIST Committee, c/- Dr. Terry Gunn,
P.O. Box 16496, Bethlehem, 3147 or by
June 12. Late applications will not be considered.

Assessment of Applications for BIST Awards

A panel comprising of B.I.S.T Committee members will use the criteria below to help
in the assessment of your application. This Committees discussion and assessment
remains confidential to B.I.S.T Committee members only. All sections must be
completed fully before the application will be assessed.
1. Completed application fully (proposal, costings, two referee reports)
2. Potential benefits for student engagement and learning within the school community



Versatility/flexibility over a range of environments

3. Demonstrated skills, commitment to and knowledge of good practice.

4. Demonstrated competence
engagement and learning.







You will be notified of the outcomes of the Panels decisions by

June 26.

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