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BINUS School Simprug

Class 4A
Term 4, Week 5: May 4-8, 2015

Numeracy Symmetry & Tessellation

a. Design and make symmetrical patterns
b. Identify unit shape in a tessellation
c. Making different tessellations

2. Literacy
a. Spelling Contract
b. Reading comprehension: class novel James and the Giant Peach (chapters 31-39)
c. Show and Tell of political leaders
d. Writing - persuasion
3. UOI
a. Branches of government
b. Make a country poster
c. Lorax play

Topics for next week: April 27-30


a. Review of fractions
b. Probability
c. Symmetry and Tessellation quiz

2. Literacy
a. Reading and vocabulary quiz
b. Home Reading (James and the Giant Peach chapters 32-36)
d. Writing - persuasion
3. UOI

a. Compare 2-3 countries political system

b. Watch documentaries about different countries political system
c. Research on other countries political systems
d. Make a country poster

Important reminders:
Please read your childs reflection
Reading comprehension and Vocabulary (words from the last spelling contract) quiz on
Wednesday, 13th of May
Public Holiday on 14th of May
Math quiz on symmetry and tessellation on Friday, 15th of May
Reading Log due on Friday, 15th of May

Happy weekend!
Ms. Corita

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