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Competency B
Lizandra Rivera (910) 467 3503

Comp B.3 Lesson Plan: Bully in Action: The Bus Skit

Teacher: Lizandra Rivera
Grade level: 8 12 years old

Topic: Bully in Action: The Bus Skit

1. Standards: #3 Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors

in personal, school, and community contexts.
2. Student Outcomes/objectives: The student will:
Recognize how our actions or lack of affect others people.
Take others perspectives and sense their emotions.
3. Key Vocabulary:
Bullying is when one or more people repeatedly exclude, physically
harm, or verbally abuse another person with the intent to hurt.
Victim is the person that
Bully is the person or people who cause or allow the bullying to happen.
Bystanders are the people around watching the victim getting hurt and
do nothing to stop it.
4. Materials/Media/Technology:
A piece of paper or post it note for each participant
Markers or any other writing materials
5. Assessment:
Checklist (on going) teacher observation for targeted students.
Survey children about the lesson plan.
6. Teaching/Learning Procedures: Bully in Action: The Bus Skit
Goals Show the effects of bullying through participating and discussing
the skit.
Action Plan:
o Set chairs to look like a school bus (2 chairs in 2 columns with an aisle
in the middle and 1 chair in the front for the bus driver)


Everyone gets a piece of paper or post it note. They write or draw a

negative remark or action. The victim writes a negative feeling or draws
a negative picture such as a sad or crying face.
The teacher/staff plays the bus driver and teacher in the skit (adults).
Everyone takes his/her place in the skit. Bus driver seats and narrates
as everyone acts. Everyone (except the victim) sits in the bus and acts
what is being said by the narrator. The victim stands at the door of the
bus and follows the narrator.
Rules (part of the skit): each part acts as the narrator directs
- Victim: walks inside the bus and tries to find a place to sit.
- Everyone: is talking to friends ignoring the victim and rejecting the
victim as he enters the bus and tries to sit.
- Victim: finds a place to sit in the middle of bus.
- Everyone: some are ignoring the victim by talking to their friends,
some are laughing as they point at the victim, and other and
staring around to what is happening.
- Narrator: says, We are finally at school, you may exit the bus one
by one.
- Everyone: behind the victim gets up one by one and as they pass the
victim they stick their piece of paper/post it note on the victim
showing what they wrote. Then they exit the bus gathering just
outside waiting for the victim.
- After everyone behind the victim is out, the victim stands to exit the
bus. As the victim is exiting the bus, everyone is placing their piece
of paper/post it notes on the victim. Some people will push the
victim as they paste the note and everyone is either laughing or
just staring as the victim exit the bus.
- Everyone: outside the bus is waiting and as the victim exit the bus
they will point and laugh.
- Victim: will go to an isolated space and sit sadly.

o How do you think the victim felt? Why?
o Questions???
7. Review:
Follow up a few times a year to ensure lesson sticks.
8. Professional Reflection:
How children react before, during, and after this lesson plan?
Read, ponder, and plan using assessment checklist and surveys.

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