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Mrs. Cracchiolo (2014-2015)

PIECE OF WRITING : How Do Human Rights Fit Into Our World?
In class writing OR out of class writing
1. Looking at the feedback, what/where do you think you did particularly well?
I think I did particularly well explaining how my human right has not yet been
widely accepted all over the world. I think my point was made clear on where I
stand on the subject and explaining what influences it could have throughout most
of the world if everyone chose to accept the right we have to life.
2. Looking at the feedback, what do you think was the area you need the most
improvement in and why? (Be Specific)
In this paper I had a hard time tying in how the story of Rachels challenge played
a role in my human right I chose to write on. I should have used more direct quotes
and examples to reference why we did this assignment and the importance of
valuing what we have in America.
3. Did the loop cycle work for you? Why or why not?
I think using a loop circle was effective for me because I like to keep my ideas
organized and flowing with the topic of my paper. I also feel that when you have
something to guide you, you pay attention to what needs to be included in the
paragraph you are working on.
4. Body paragraph construction is the most important part of your paper since this is the
area that uses evidence to back up your claims. Looking at your paper and feedback,
rate yourself overall on the following elements that correspond to the loop structure.
Topic Sentences


Suppoting Details (SD)
Explanations (EXP)
Closings (CLOS)
Incorporating Quotes












Set up quotes






Used quote and documenting properly___x__
Explain relevance




Concluding sentences






5. The big question: based on your comments, checklist where you rated yourself on body
paragraph structure, and overall score, what NEW GOAL do you have for your next
writing assignment? In other words, what skills will you try to focus on in the future and
My goal for my next paper would be to better reference outside sources and connecting it
to a big idea. I need to try and focus on one thing at a time while fully explaining what I am
trying to say in a more clear way. I also could have used better transitions to the next idea
and paragraph when I wrote this paragraph.

If I use better transitions it will help me to organize my ideas to make them more
appealing to my audience. If it flows well for my reader, than it will be easier to read and
make the reader want to keep reading. When you write you need to think about your
audience and make them want to read your future papers.

6. Any other feedback youd like to share??

I think the feedback I have received will help me to write my next paper better and
put more effort into it! This was a good starting point for me and I will take this
into consideration when I start my next large paper.

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