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James A.

CC Chris T. Newcomb Sarah L. Allard Sandy L. Gregory Sandi R. Brown
Jan 26

Ms. Spencer,
Good morning - hope all is well - I spoke with Dr. Brown (and Coach Newcomb) about your
senior research project, and we agree that your program would be powerful, especially
coming from a high school student. To help accommodate your vision of coming on Friday,
March 13, we would like to request to review (2) items prior to the event taking place, and
make a suggestion as well:
Review (1) - Speaking points you will have or use so we too can understand the delivery
and content
Review (2) - visual of "The Game of Consequences" - what does it look like, and what is its
To provide the best possible audience for your program (not to interfere with high school
credit courses) would you be interested in presenting in the Auditorium during Bells 6 and
7 P.E. classes? This would give you a wide 8th grade audience to interact with - the
Auditorium is equipped for what you need to present as well - perhaps something to
consider as you prepare your project plans.
Thank you for your time, have a great day, and I look forward to hearing from you. Best of
luck as you continue with your work . . .
James Imbriale
Assistant Principal
Virginia Beach Middle School
To James A. Imbriale
CC Chris T. Newcomb Sarah L. Allard Sandy L. Gregory Sandi R. Brown
Feb 6

Mr. Imbriale,
Good morning. I have attached a detailed lesson plan for my senior project.
With that said, I have a few more points to clarify.
The pretest is simple, three questions that will lead into the three topics I
would like to discuss.
I assigned Officer Peace to talk to the students about the consequences of
drug use. I believe that will be effective because he has the most knowledge

about punishment. If he is not available to speak, I can come up with

substitution for that part.
There has been a lot of question about what I meant by the Game of
Consequences. After talking to my teacher, we agreed that an interactive
game (students moving around) would be best. I am going to design a board
game layout to put on the floor. The students will get in teams and compete
to win. In order to win, they have to answer drug facts and scenarios
correctly. I want the students to be able to get up, walk around, and discuss
what they learned with others because, in my experience, discussion has
been the most effective way to learn.
Lastly, the date of March 13th no longer works for me because its an A day,
and my teacher will only allow me to do the project during my excused
blocks on B days. I was wondering if you could check the availability of March
the 16th.
Thank you so much for this opportunity.
Macy Spencer
James A. Imbriale
To Macy
Feb 10
Ms. Spencer,
Good morning - thank you for the send - I will review the information sent, and I have sent a
communication to the Health/P.E. department to see if the date of March 16 will work. More
to come, have a good day, and we will talk in short order about the presentation . . .
James Imbriale
James A. Imbriale
To Macy
CC Maynard Pease
Feb 19

Ms. Spencer,
Good morning hope all is well thank you for the information, as
we hope your design and plans are coming along . . . a couple of
questions, in no special order, as we approach the month of
March . . .

Will Officer Pease be part of your program? Is Officer
Pease aware of this opportunity? If not, will you be using
another individual, and if so, who will it be and what does
he/she represent?
Is it possible to view the 2-minute clip you want to
show as students come in? Good hook idea should grab
them as they enter . . .
Is the PowerPoint available for viewing? We would
like to see it prior to showing a mass of students . . .
The interactive game you plan on doing are there
any visuals or write-ups we can see prior to the event?
Post-survey questions can we see those as well? You
will get some interesting feedback on these from the
students . . .
March 16th is a good date I have booked the
Auditorium for you you can interact with Bells 6 and 7
Health and P.E. (which will give you a mass of 8th graders
without having to pull them from high school credit classes)
We operate on 50-minute bells do you think you will
be able to get what you want done in this amount of time?
Just a few items as we approach the March 16 date of interest I
stand ready to assist in any way I can, and I look forward to hearing
from you. I read your position paper and it has some good case law
to work from, and some insightful pros and cons to drug testing
students in schools. More to come, have a good day, and talk to you
soon . . .
James Imbriale

James A. Imbriale
Sarah L. Allard Chris T. Newcomb Maynard Pease
Mar 10
Mr. Imbriale,

I would like to thank you in advance for giving me this opportunity. Everything I need for my
presentation is complete. I still need to practice and make a few minor changes to my talking points;
however, I'm prepared and excited for next Monday! I have answered all of your questions below.
1. Since you will be in the Auditorium, what equipment/resources do you need?
I need a computer that connects to a projector to show my presentation, but other than that I should be
okay. I would like to schedule a time where I can come in, Thursday or Friday, so I can make sure
everything is running smoothly with the technology.
2. Will Officer Pease be part of your program?
I have spoken to Officer Pease, and he will be a part of my program. Im going to e-mail him separately
and set up another meeting with him to finalize everything.
3. Is your PowerPoint ready for viewing?
My PowerPoint is attached. Im editing my talking points, and I can send them to you hopefully by
tomorrow. My talking points are just a guide for me to keep me on task because my PowerPoint is mainly
4. Is the video clip available for viewing?
My video clip is complete; however, it is too large to send via e-mail. I can upload it to my dropbox and
send it separately.
5. How is the interactive game coming along - do you have anything to share on it?
I changed the game to jeopardy. Its a review of the PowerPoint. I will get the students into groups, and
the winners will receive a prize. The PowerPoint is attached.
6. Are post-survey questions available for viewing?
They are both attached.
7. Reminder - we operate on 50-minute bells - can you get your presentation (PowerPoint/speaker) and
post-survey done in that amount of time?
Im confident that I will have enough time; however, after practicing, I will determine whether or not to take
stuff out. I would like to complete the presentation in one class, so my lesson plan is flexible.

Have a great day!

Macy Spencer

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