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The Light by Hugo Medeiros

First Draft
I enter the room and there is a light
As strong as steel and as powerful as
Its strength depriving others of their
ability to see.
The light so strong it brings others to their
Including me.
However, there is one woman who stands
against the gleaming brilliance.
But when her eyes get used to the light
she is able to uncover the truth.
The woman stops fearing her surroundings
therefore she is given the liberty to see.
Without its power
the light is as dark as those fighting
We as people sacrifice our freedom of
to those who promise us that they will
But if we take the liberty to open our eyes
the control would be over
and so would the lies.

Second Draft
I enter the room and there is a light
As strong as steel and as powerful as dictatorship.
Its strength deprives others of their ability to see,
The light so strong it brings others to their knees,
Including me.
However, there is a citizen who stands tall.
In response, the gleaming brilliance stands stronger.
Nonetheless, the individual does not bow,
causing the light to become somber.
That light represents everything that hides
with fake positivity as a disguise.
If persistence and courage is ever by your side
You can be the person,
to turn the lights lies into its own demise.

Literary Elements


Simile (Line 2)
Rhyme Scheme

With this poem I chose my words carefully to

emphasize the strength of the light and the strength
of the person. On my first draft I said that a
woman stood strong. However, to have the poem
have an effect on everyone that reads it, I changed
woman to citizen. I purposely made the poems
tone confident and strong to bring life to the
person standing up to the light. And finally, I used
the light as a symbol of anything that hides with
fake positivity for anyone and everyone to
identify what that light is in their life. I learned
that only a few words can change the meaning of a
poem, and the way they are seen means

Rhyme Scheme

Rhyme Scheme
Mood: Relaxed
Tone: Confident,

Generation by Hugo Medeiros

First Draft
I am part of this ignorant generation
Where now kids believe that there is a limitation.
Where negotiation is used.
Not for something positive,
But to prove that what is irrelevant is education.
Instead of using words, they believe the only solution
is to fight.
But like the liberty bell, we need a drastic change to
like a crack to let in the light.
We need more intellectuals.
Society has ruined us.
When we are asked to think we become skeptical.
But our obligation is to save this generation
and to write a linear equation
for a new civilization.

Second Draft
I am part of this ignorant generation
Where kids believe that there is no expectation
And all life is, is just a huge vacation.
To be successful in life you need more than a destination.
Sadly, the way this world is now,
Youre nothing without an education.
Like the liberty bell, we need a drastic change to occur
such as a crack to let in the light.
We also need more intellectuals.
When people ask us to think
We need to stop being skeptical.
But our prime obligation is to save this generation
and to write a linear equation
for a new and improved civilization.



Rhyme Scheme

I cannot say that I am proud of my generation

and what we bring to the table. Because of the
importance of the message I attempted to portray, I
constantly used rhymes for the reader not to forget
the poem. I also used stanzas to separate my ideas
based on importance. But in my opinion, my
strongest literary element is my symbol in my third
stanza. I used the symbol of the liberty bell to
signify the need of change. The bell signifying my
generation, and the light being improvement. But as
for tone, I listed it as disappointment because of
what I actually feel towards my generation. What I
learned after writing this poem is my ability to
express myself. I wrote a poem on something that I
would never bring up in person, maybe because of
the controversy, definitely because I am an example
of the ignorance.

Rhyme Scheme

Symbol (Liberty

Rhyme Scheme

3 a.m. by Hugo Medeiros

First Draft

Second Draft

Literary Elements


3 a.m. and I sit by the window watching

The shadow of the moonlight over skyscrapers
I follow the shadow.
It travels from the highest peak to the lowest
Im at the lowest point now
One car alone in the vast darkness,
Its headlights fighting off the night.
Its speed cutting through the concrete.
The movement of leaves responding to its
crude momentum.
I count
The car is gone, leaving the darkness behind.
It is 3 a.m.,
I sit by the window watching

3 a.m. and I sit by the foggy window watching

The shadow of the moonlight over skyscrapers.
The stars, my only companions tonight.

Free verse

While writing this poem, I made a huge attempt

to bring a material (the car) to life by using an
exaggerated amount of personification. I also chose
my words carefully to clearly express how powerful
the car was. That was my main goal for the last two
stanzas. I wanted to give the reader the ability to
picture the ruined street but still wonder about the
extremity of the damage. Thats why I ended with a
metaphor. The car is now gone, leaving the asphalt
as the victim. By ending with a strong word like
victim, it portrays the message that I wanted:
violence, ruthlessness, and brutality.

I slowly drift to sleep

before a forceful roar startles me.
This roar was not from an animal,
but a machine.
The one responsible has now arrived.
One car alone in the vast darkness.
Its headlight fighting off the night.
Its speed cutting through the concrete.
The wind responding to its crude momentum.
The roar making the streets tremble.
The car is now gone
leaving the asphalt as the victim
and I as the witness
Of unrestrained speed.


Mood: Violent

I Shall Pass by Etienne de Grellet


Literary Elements


I shall pass
through this
life but once.
Any good
therefore that
I can do,
or any kindness
I can show,
let me do it now.
Let me not defer
or neglect it.
For I shall
never pass this
way again

Free verse

The masses only have one life, therefore they must spend it kindly.
In I Shall Pass by Etienne de Grellet, Etienne talks about spending
Repetition of I to his life in kindness because he shall never pass this way again. When
emphasize that it is Grellet says this way he means his life. But the true meaning that
he who must act.
could be understood from this poem is being remembered. Because
you only live once, the true way of being remembered is only for
ones kindness. Money and power will all end, but kindness is
(Neglect & Defer) eternal.
Mood: Serious
Tone: Devotion

Hugo Medeiros
ELA 10
Poetry Core Assignment

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