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This is a bundle containing the GTK+ stack and its dependencies

for Windows. As such it is nothing more than a combination of the

individual packages it consists of. For a list, see
Both run-time and developer packages are included.
This bundle is intended for software developers and packagers. You are
expected to know what to do with it, more or less.
To use it, create some empty folder like c:\opt\gtk . Using either
Windows Explorer's built-in zip file management, or the command-line
unzip.exe, available for instance at
unzip this bundle. Avoid Winzip! It is known to behave oddly.
(But you presumably already did extract the files, as you are reading
this file.)
Then add the bin folder to your PATH. Make sure you have no other
versions of GTK+ in PATH. Run:
pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0
and verify that it prints out something reasonable. Run:
and verify that it works.
To use the MS-Windows theme engine, create a file etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
containing the line:
gtk-theme-name = "MS-Windows"

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