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Foreign Policy &

Chapter 10
Should foreign policy promote

How do countries set foreign policy?

Different nation-states interact differently with
the international community; some with ease,
other with more difficulty.
Some nation-states may decide to enter into
bilateral or multilateral agreements and
treaties, to work out ways to settle disputes
with other nation-states, and work together to
solve mutual problems.
Decisions about how to deal with other
countries are a part of a countries foreign

What are some examples of foreign policy

that affect peoples everyday lives?

Influences on Foreign Policy Decisions

pg. 225
Democratic leaders must ensure that their
decisions reflect the beliefs, values and goals
of a countries citizens.


How do citizens influence foreign

policy in democracies?

Freedom of speech
Signing petitions
Letter writing campaigns
Join organizations to promote a

Foreign Policy Goals

Foreign policy goals help guide the
actions of governments.
One job of the Canadian government
is to decide on foreign policy goals
that reflect the values of Canadians,
develop a plan to achieve those
goals, and then act.

Foreign Policy in a
Globalizing World
Until the end of WII, governments & diplomats
were the main players in international affairs.
Except in the case of war, their decisions rarely
affected ordinary people. Not since then, the
increasing pace of globalization has changed
international politics.
The role of nation-states has been reducedand multinationals corporations, as well as
international business, labour, and
humanitarian organizations, have become
more important!

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