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Front cover

Process Implementing with

IBM Business Process
Manager Standard V8.5 - I
(Course code WB808 / VB808)

Student Exercises
ERC 1.0

WebSphere Education

Student Exercises

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July 2013 edition

The information contained in this document has not been submitted to any formal IBM test and is distributed on an as is basis without
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Student Exercises


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Exercises description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Exercise 1. Creating a process application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Part 1: Start IBM Business Process Manager and IBM Process Designer . . . . . . 1-3
Part 2: Create a process application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Exercise 2. Creating a business process definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Part 1: Create a business process definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Part 2: The default business process definition (BPD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Exercise 3. Modeling teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Exercise 4. Modeling task-type activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Part 1: Add phases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Part 2: Add the activities to the team lanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
Exercise 5. Creating nested processes and decomposing the business process
workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Part 1: Create a nested process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Part 2: Attach the linked process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
Exercise 6. Modeling gateways in a BPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
Part 1: Create gateways for parent process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Part 2: Create another gateway that is called Is Request Approved? . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
Part 3: Create gateways for the nested process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
Part 4: Create another gateway that is called Is Salary Acceptable? . . . . . . . . . . 6-16
Part 5: Create another gateway that is called Resubmit Salary? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18
Part 6: Add End Cancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-20
Exercise 7. Modeling timer intermediate events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
Exercise 8. Validating the process model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
Part 1: Verify the process model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
Part 2: Add new process requirements to the BPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
Exercise 9. Creating a toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
Exercise 10. Creating playback 1 assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1
Part 1: Create process variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3
Part 2: Implement intermediate timer events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-8
Part 3: Implement gateways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9
Part 4: Implement routing for an activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11

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Exercise 11. Conducting playback 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-1

Exercise 12. Creating and implementing a coach service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-1
Part 1: Build variables and business objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3
Part 2: Create a human service and define variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-11
Part 3: Create a Hiring Form coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-21
Part 4: Create a human service for the Approve New Hire Request activity . . . 12-34
Part 5: Add a service to an activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-37
Exercise 13. Creating a snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-1
Exercise 14. Creating playback 3 assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-1
Part 1: Create a decision service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
Part 2: Implement a message start event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-10
Part 3: Apply asset tagging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-17
Part 4: Create a service to query a database and populate a list . . . . . . . . . . . 14-21
Exercise 15. Enhancing a coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15-1
Part 1: Group controls into tabs on a coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-3
Part 2: Change an input to a single select on a coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-6
Part 3: Add dynamic dependent visibility to a coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-13
Part 4: Change the appearance of the coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-15
Exercise 16. Creating error handling for a service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1
Appendix A. Conducting playbacks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
Part 1: Playback 0: Capture, describe, and model the process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5
Part 2: Playback 1: Process flow data implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6
Part 3: Conduct playback 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7
Part 4: Conduct playback 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
Part 5: Conduct playback 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-16
Part 6: Conduct playback 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-19
Appendix B. Data dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part 1: Departments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part 2: Divisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part 3: JobLevels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part 4: Positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part 5: IncidentCategory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part 6: IncidentType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Appendix C. Challenge exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1

Appendix D. Service types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1


BPM Process Implementing

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Student Exercises


BPM Process Implementing

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Student Exercises


Exercises description
This course includes the following exercises:
Exercise 1: Creating a process application
Exercise 2: Creating a business process definition
Exercise 3: Modeling teams
Exercise 4: Modeling task-type activities
Exercise 5: Creating nested processes and decomposing the
business process workflow
Exercise 6: Modeling gateways in a BPD
Exercise 7: Modeling timer intermediate events
Exercise 8: Validating the process model
Exercise 9: Creating a toolkit
Exercise 10: Creating playback 1 assets
Exercise 11: Conducting playback 1
Exercise 12: Creating and implementing a coach service
Exercise 13: Creating a snapshot
Exercise 14: Creating playback 3 assets
Exercise 15: Enhancing a coach
Exercise 16: Creating error handling for a service
In the exercise instructions, a line prefixes each step. You can check
off each step as you complete it to track your progress.
Most exercises include required sections, which must always be
completed. These sections might be required before starting later
exercises. Some exercises also include optional sections that you can
choose to do if you have sufficient time and want an extra challenge.
The standard Exercise instructions section provides high-level
instructions for the tasks that you do. You apply the knowledge that
you gained in the unit presentation to do the exercise.

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Exercises description
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Student Exercises


BPM Process Implementing

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Student Exercises


Exercise 1. Creating a process application

What this exercise is about
This exercise covers how to create a process application in the
Process Center.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Create a process application in the Process Center

To accomplish the task of creating a process model (BPD) in the IBM
Process Designer, there must be a process application to contain the
model. Using the Process Center, an author first creates a process
application with all the appropriate information to enable creation of a
process model or BPD.


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Exercise 1. Creating a process application

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Exercise instructions
Hiring Requisition process
A company is experiencing rapid growth and must hire many people in a short amount
of time. The process that you are going to examine and model is called the Hiring
Requisition process. This process covers a new job position through submission,
approval, and completion so applicants can apply for the job position.

Core requirements
1.1 A Hiring Manager submits a hiring requisition to the HR Department. The request
contains the following information:
Customer details:
Requisition number
Date of request
Date position available
Job title
Job description
Job level
Number of direct reports
Salary to offer
Bonus amount
Hiring manager comments
New position
2.1 If the answer to New position is Yes, the request is forwarded to a General Manager.
After the General Manager receives the request, the General Manager indicates approval
or disapproval.
2.2 If the request is not approved, the General Manager specifies a reason and the request
is closed. If the request is approved, a salary compliance check is conducted.
2.3 The Hiring Manager is notified of the General Managers decision immediately after the
General Manager approval step.


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2.4 After the requisition is submitted, an automated system checks for salary compliance. If
the request meets salary compliance, the hiring request is automatically posted to the HR
Positions database and made available for dissemination.
2.5 When a request violates the established salary guidelines of the company, the HR
Administrator can approve or reject the requested salary override.
2.6 If the salary override is approved, the request is posted to the HR Positions database
and made available for dissemination.
2.7 If the HR Administrator rejects the requested salary, the HR Administrator must provide
comments for the violation, add a proposed salary, and send the request back to the Hiring
Manager who originated the request.
2.8 When the Hiring Manager gets the request back because of a rejection, the Hiring
Manager can negotiate an adjusted salary or can cancel the request. If the negotiation is
successful, the request is resubmitted back to the same HR Administrator.
2.9 All hiring requests must be added to the HR Positions database regardless of the
disposition at the end of the process during a finalization activity.
2.10 The HR Administrator has 4 hours to complete the review. If the review is not
completed within 4 hours, an email is sent to the HR Administrator. The email notifies the
HR Administrator of the missed deadline.

Part 1: Start IBM Business Process Manager and IBM Process Designer
Before you can start IBM Business Process Manager, three server configurations must be
started. After logging on to the lab environment, start the Deployment Manager profile, the
Node Agent profile, and the Deployment Environment.
All three server configurations must be started in order, starting with the Deployment
Manager profile; then the Node Agent profile, followed last by the Deployment
Environment. To accomplish it quickly, IBM Business Process Manager provides a quick
start routine to run the server start in order.

__ 1. Start the Process Center server.

__ a. Click the Windows Start menu and then the All Programs option.
__ b. Click the IBM folder.
__ c. Click the Business Process Manager Standard 8.5 folder and then click the
Deployment Environments folder.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013

Exercise 1. Creating a process application

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__ d. Click the DmgrProfile folder and then click the ProcessCenter Quick Start

__ e. In the IBM Business Process Manager Standard Quick Start browser window,
click the Start the Process Center Deployment Environment link.


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__ f.

In the cell credentials prompt, enter admin for the Username and Password.

A command prompt window runs through a start of the Deployment Manager profile,
Node Agent profile, and Deployment Environment. Allow the entire start to complete. It
can take a few minutes, so make sure that you provide ample time for this initial start.

__ g. When the start routine is done, do as the command window prompts, and Press
any key to continue...
__ h. The quick start browser window populates. It might take up to 30 minutes for the
servers to fully engage. When the four sections are populated on the IBM
Business Process Manager Standard Quick Start browser window
(Deployment environment administration, Administration consoles & tools,
Process application consoles & tools, and Documentation), the server is started.
__ i.

Minimize the IBM Business Process Manager Standard Quick Start browser
window so that you can use the page to access the Process Portal later in the

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013

Exercise 1. Creating a process application

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__ 2. Start the IBM Process Designer.

__ a. If IBM Process Designer is not already started on your computer, double-click the
IBM Business Process Designer 8.5 icon on the desktop to start the

A loading screen and then a login screen are displayed.

__ b. Enter we_author1 for the User Name and we_author01 for the Password.
__ c. Click Login.


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When the Process Designer opens, close the Getting Started window (this window is
provided in the first time start) to go to the Process Center window, which displays the list
of process applications that are available.

Now that everything is started and you are in the Process Center, you are ready to start
your exercises. Each exercise shows step-by-step instructions that you can follow to
complete the tasks. In IBM Process Designer, there are many different ways to complete
modeling tasks. The step-by-step instructions show one way to accomplish these tasks in
the exercises, and there are variable ways to accomplish the same thing.

Part 2: Create a process application

In this exercise, you create the first model of the hiring request process. A fundamental
benefit of IBM Business Process Manager is that the process is always executable. At any
time, you can press play to run the process, allowing you to iteratively uncover
requirements and validate the implementation.
The main point of this section is that you create a process quickly. Subsequent sections
allow you to refine and extend your process, specifying more details as you progress.
In the first exercise, you create a process application to hold your process. Then, in the
following exercises, you create a basic business process definition with team lanes, start
and end events, several activities, and a nested process.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013

Exercise 1. Creating a process application

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Student Exercises

To accomplish the task of creating a process model (BPD) in the IBM Process Designer,
there must be a process application to contain the model. Using the Process Center, an
author first creates a process application with all the appropriate information to enable
creation of a process model or BPD.
__ 1. Create a process application.
__ a. Click the Create New Process App link on right panel of IBM Process Designer.

A dialog box displays.

__ b. In the Create New Process App box:
Set Process App Name to: HR Recruitment Processes
Set Acronym to: HRR
Set Description to: Contains HR processes that are used for

__ c. Click Create.


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The process application is created and is now in your list of process apps.

__ 2. Open the HR Recruitment Processes process application.

__ a. In the Process Center, find the process application and click Open in Designer.

After opening the process application, the initial view of the Designer is as follows:

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013

Exercise 1. Creating a process application

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The highlighted area shows the process application that you are editing. Notice that the
initial screen is also an opportunity to edit the process application settings such as name,
acronym, description, and authorization. For this course, leave the settings as is and
continue with your process modeling tasks.

End of exercise

1-10 BPM Process Implementing

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Exercise review and wrap-up

This exercise showed how to create a process application in the Process Center.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013

Exercise 1. Creating a process application

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1-12 BPM Process Implementing

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Exercise 2. Creating a business process

What this exercise is about
This exercise covers how to create a business process definition.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Create a BPD

The Hiring Requisition process owner provided detailed information
about the process and its current state to the BPM analyst. The BPM
analyst documented the information and analyzed the process for
improvement. This step completed the process discovery and initial
analysis, and now the process model can be created.
To accomplish the task of creating the initial process model, you define
a pool, lanes, phases, and flow objects such as activities, events, and
nested processes. Based on the information that is provided, a BPD
based on process discovery and analysis is created. Your first task is
to create a business process definition and name it appropriately.

Successful completion of the previous exercise is required.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013

Exercise 2. Creating a business process definition

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Exercise instructions
The process owner provided detailed information about the process and its current state to
the BPM analyst, who in turn documented the information and analyzed the process for
improvement. This action completed the process discovery and initial analysis, and now
the process model can be created.
To begin the task of creating the initial process model, create a business process definition
(BPD) in IBM BPM Process Designer.

Part 1: Create a business process definition

Create a business process definition in IBM BPM Process Designer in the previously
created process application.
__ 1. Create a BPD named Hiring Request Process.
__ a. From the process library, use your mouse to hover over Processes and then
click the plus (+) icon.

__ b. In the Create New menu, select Business Process Definition.

The New Business Process Definition dialog box displays.

__ c. Enter Hiring Request Process as Name.


BPM Process Implementing

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__ d. Click Finish.

Part 2: The default business process definition (BPD)

The business process definition is created, and the initial view is shown. By default you
have a process with a team lane, a system lane, a Start event, and an End event. There is
nothing special about these events, but they are created by default, because you must
have a Start event and an End event when you create a business process definition in IBM
BPM Process Designer.

End of exercise

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013

Exercise 2. Creating a business process definition

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Exercise review and wrap-up

This exercise showed how to create business process definitions in IBM Process Designer.


BPM Process Implementing

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without the prior written permission of IBM.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013

Student Exercises


Exercise 3. Modeling teams

What this exercise is about
This exercise covers how to model teams for the business process

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Create the foundation for a BPD by adding the appropriate lanes to
the default pool

Based on the information that is provided, model the teams.

Successful completion of the previous exercise is required.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013

Exercise 3. Modeling teams

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Exercise instructions
Add the necessary team lanes to the two lanes (team and system) provided and rename
the lanes appropriately.
__ 1. Model the process teams.
__ a. Read the main process requirements in exercise 1, pages 1-2 and 1-3, and
identify the teams. In the process requirements, there are two human teams in
the main process: Hiring Manager and General Manager. There is also one
System team for a total of three lanes.
__ b. Click the Lane icon and drag one lane from the palette to the BPD.


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Your process displays as follows. If your lanes are not in the order that is shown, drag the
lane to the correct location.

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Exercise 3. Modeling teams

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__ 2. Set the properties of the team lanes.

__ a. Click the top lane to select the entire lane. The Properties tab populates at the
bottom of the screen.

__ b. In the Properties tab, change the name of the top lane from the current name to:
Hiring Manager


BPM Process Implementing

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__ c. Repeat the previous steps and change the name of the second lane from team
to: General Manager
This step leaves the bottom lane as the System lane.

__ d. Save your work by clicking Save at the top of the interface.

End of exercise

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Exercise 3. Modeling teams

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Exercise review and wrap-up

The first part of this exercise showed how to add swimlanes to the default pool. Then, you
defined and modeled teams in the business process definition.


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Exercise 4. Modeling task-type activities

What this exercise is about
This exercise covers how to model task-type activities.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Translate business process workflow steps that are documented in
the process discovery and analysis into process model tasks
Model the expected process flow for the initial process model

In this exercise, you add phases and activities to the appropriate lanes
and use sequence flow to connect the activities. As mentioned in the
unit, you model the happy path first. Gateways and various flows are
presented in the next unit.

Successful completion of the previous exercise is required.

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Exercise 4. Modeling task-type activities

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Exercise instructions
To accomplish the task of adding activities and more events to the process model, use the
process requirements that are provided at the beginning of exercise 1. Read the main
process requirements and determine the activities from the requirements. Because the
requirements were written down, it might be easier to write down the activities on paper
before proceeding. Remember, activities use a verb-noun naming convention. If you read
the requirements carefully, notice that the main process is described from item 2.1 through
item 2.4. In the process requirements, there are four activities in the main process: Submit
Hiring Request, Approve New Hire Request, Approve Hire Request, and Complete Hire
Determine which teams conduct each of the four activities. From the process requirements,
determine the following assignments:
Hiring Manager (team): Submit Hiring Request
General Manager (team): Approve New Hire Request
System (team): Approve Hire Request and Complete Hire Request

Part 1: Add phases

A phase is the highest level demarcation in a business process. When starting the process
discovery, phases are often gathered first because they are the details that process owners
easily recall about a process. After you establish the phases, the process details that fall
under each phase are gathered to help complete the discovery and analysis. Add the
activities to the team lanes to establish the correct process flow.


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__ 1. Add the Submission, Approval, and Completion phases.
__ a. Click the Phase icon and drag one phase from the palette to any lane in the

Your process looks as follows:

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Exercise 4. Modeling task-type activities

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__ 2. Repeat the previous step to create two more phases in the diagram.

__ 3. You can resize phases by dragging the border. Use the mouse to click a black
square and drag it to the preferred size. Release the mouse when finished.

__ 4. Set the properties of the phase.

__ a. Click Untitled1 to select the entire phase. The Properties tab populates at the
bottom of the screen.


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__ b. In the Properties tab, change the name to: Submission

__ c. Repeat the previous steps, but change the name of the second phase to
Approval and the last phase to Completion

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Exercise 4. Modeling task-type activities

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Part 2: Add the activities to the team lanes

Add the activities to the team lanes to establish the correct process flow.
__ 1. Model the activities and set their properties.
__ a. Click the Activity icon and drag the first activity from the palette to the Hiring
Manager lane under the Submission phase in the BPD.


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You are prompted to immediately name your activity. In the previous exercise, you named
components in the Properties tab. Now name the activities another way, by typing in the
name right after dropping the component on the BPD. Either method can be used to name
modeling components.

__ b. Immediately after you drag the activity, start typing to change the name of the
activity to: Submit Hiring Request

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Exercise 4. Modeling task-type activities

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You can also click the center of the activity to rename it at any time.

__ c. Repeat dragging three more activities to their corresponding lanes and changing
the names until your BPD is complete and the locations of each activity match
the Diagram table:
Table 1: Diagram
Submit Hiring
Hiring Manager
Approve New Hire
General Manager
Start event
End event
Complete Hire
Approve Hire Request

The two activities in the System lane have a different icon from the others. The type of
activity is System Task by default, because they are placed in the System lane.


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__ d. As a final step, move your start event before the first activity, Submit Hiring
Request, and the end event after the last activity, Complete Hire Request.

__ 2. Add sequence flow to the components in the diagram.

In Process Designer, drawing lines is a bit different from other applications that you
use. Instead of using click-drag-release or double-clicking to draw a line, click twice:
one time to start the line, and a second time to end the line.
__ a. Click the Sequence Flow icon in the palette.

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Exercise 4. Modeling task-type activities

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__ b. Click one time on the Start event.

The closest blue dot to your click is used; you do not have to click directly on the blue dot.

__ c. Move your mouse over to the Submit Hiring Request activity and click one
time. Do not double-click to release the line because it draws another line.

__ d. Repeat the steps to draw lines and sequence flow between the Submit Hiring
Request activity and the Approve New Hire Request activity.

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__ e. Repeat the steps again to sequence the rest of the activities on the diagram to
the next component on the BPD. Each activity or event is connected to one other
activity or event in your initial diagram.

__ 3. If the lines are not straight, straighten the lines on the Start and End events by using
the Ctrl key and the arrow keys.
__ a. Click the selection icon on the element palette and then click the Submit Hiring
Request activity.

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Exercise 4. Modeling task-type activities

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__ b. While holding down the Ctrl key, press the Up arrow key to move the Submit
Hiring Request activity up until it aligns with the Start event.

__ c. Repeat the previous step to align and straighten the flow between Complete
Hire Request activity and the End event.
__ 4. Save your BPD.
__ a. Click Save to save your BPD. The first BPD is complete for this exercise. Next,
you create another BPD, a nested process.

End of exercise

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Exercise review and wrap-up

The first part of this exercise showed how to translate business process workflow steps that
are documented in the process discovery and analysis into process model tasks. Then, you
created the expected process flow for the initial process model.

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Exercise 4. Modeling task-type activities

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Exercise 5. Creating nested processes and

decomposing the business process
What this exercise is about
This exercise covers how to create a linked process and decompose a
process into nested processes.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Decompose business process workflow steps that are documented
in the process discovery and analysis into process model tasks
Create a subprocess or a linked process

In this exercise, you complete decomposition on your process and
create subprocesses or linked processes where you see opportunities
for them.
Remember that some processes might not need decomposition.

Successful completion of the previous exercise is required.

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Exercise 5. Creating nested processes and decomposing the

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Exercise instructions
To accomplish the task of adding activities and more events to the process model, take the
process requirements that are provided and translate the business workflow steps into
process tasks.

Part 1: Create a nested process

Determine whether any additional work is required for each phase and if so, what the work
Submission: Generally no rework is needed.
Approval: This phase is where most rework is done. Consider the following two activities in
this phase:
Approve New Hire Request: extra work that is required for the General
Manager to record a rejection reason
Approve Hire Request: extra team work that the HR Administrator and the
Hiring Manager require
Completion: Generally no rework is needed.
Since more than one team is involved in the Approve Hire Request activity, it is no longer
a task but a nested process. The nested process has teams, like System, HR
Administrator, and Hiring Manager. Activities include Check Hire Request, Override Hire
Request, and Negotiate Hire Request.
You must determine whether the nested process is a linked process or a subprocess as
they are created differently. If you think your nested process might ever be reused, create a
linked process. Otherwise, create a subprocess. There are benefits of using a subprocess
as processing and development time can be faster, but it cannot be reused.
Approve Hire Request is a general nested process and might be reused in other HR
processes, so you create a linked process for this scenario.
__ 1. Create a process that is called Approve Hire Request.
__ a. From the process library, use your mouse to hover over Processes and then
click the plus (+) icon.


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__ b. In the Create New menu, select Business Process Definition.

A dialog box that is called New Business Process Definition displays.
__ c. Enter Approve Hire Request as Name.
__ d. Click Finish.
__ 2. Create teams.
The nested process has teams such as System, HR Administrator, and Hiring
__ a. Click the Lane icon and drag one lane from the palette to the BPD.
__ b. Click the top lane to select the entire lane. The Properties tab populates at the
bottom of the screen.
__ c. In the Properties tab, change the name of the top lane from the current name to:
Hiring Manager

__ d. Repeat the previous steps and change the name of the second lane to: HR
This action leaves the bottom lane as the System lane.
__ 3. Create activities.
Activities include Check Hire Request, Override Hire Request, and Negotiate Hire Request.
__ a. Click the Activity icon and drag the first activity from the palette to the Hiring
Manager lane.

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Exercise 5. Creating nested processes and decomposing the

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__ b. Immediately after you drag the activity, start typing to change the name of the
activity to: Negotiate Hire Request

__ c. Repeat dragging two more activities to their corresponding lanes and changing
the names until your BPD is complete and the locations of your activities match
the Nested diagram table:
Table 2: Nested diagram
No phases
Hiring Manager
Negotiate Hiring Request
Start event, Override Hire Request, End
HR Administrator
Check Hire Request


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Exercise 5. Creating nested processes and decomposing the

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__ d. Move your start event before the first activity, Check Hire Request, and the end
event after the Negotiate Hire Request activity; and arrange the activities in an
upward diagonal line.


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__ e. Click the Sequence Flow icon on the palette, and connect the activities from left
to right.

__ f.

Click Save to save your process application.

Part 2: Attach the linked process

__ 1. Return to the Hiring Request Process by selecting Hiring Request Process from
the menu.

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Exercise 5. Creating nested processes and decomposing the

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__ 2. Change the implementation of the existing Approve Hire Request activity to a

nested process.
__ a. Drag a new lane into the diagram and name it: Approvers


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__ b. Drag it so that it is just above the System lane.

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__ c. Drag the existing Approve Hire Request activity into the Approvers lane.

__ d. Select the Approve Hire Request activity in the canvas.

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__ e. Select Implementation in the Properties tab.

__ f.

Click the drop-down menu and from the Implementation menu, select Linked

__ g. Click Select.

__ h. Select Approve Hire Request from the Business Process Definitions.

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Exercise 5. Creating nested processes and decomposing the

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__ i.

The BPD now shows Approve Hire Request as a Linked Process.

__ j.

Rearrange the activities to match the screen capture shown.

__ k. Click Save to save your BPD.

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End of exercise

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Exercise 5. Creating nested processes and decomposing the

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Exercise review and wrap-up

This exercise showed decomposing a business process to create a linked process.

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Exercise 6. Modeling gateways in a BPD

What this exercise is about
This exercise covers how to create gateways in a business process

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Add gateways to a business process definition
Model the appropriate sequence flows for each gateway

The purpose of this exercise is to add all the gateways necessary to
model the flow control for the business process definitions.

Successful completion of the previous exercise is required.

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Exercise 6. Modeling gateways in a BPD

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Exercise instructions
Part 1: Create gateways for parent process
Process flow controls are known as gateways. A gateway is represented as a diamond,
and can be thought of as a question at a point in the process flow.
Gateways are added to the parent process, the Hiring Request Process. In this part of the
exercise, create a gateway that is called Is Position New?
In the Hiring Request Process, you need a gateway to direct the process for the General
Manager to review the salary after the Submit Hiring Request activity.
If your sequence flow lines do not exactly match the exercise diagrams in this lab, that is
okay, and sequence flow lines change after implementation of the gateways. The flow lines
become default or conditional (are plain or have a diagonal hash marker) according to the
order you draw them in, so your lines vary a bit from the diagrams in the labs.

__ 1. Drag a Gateway from the palette onto the canvas to the right of the Submit Hiring
Request activity.


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__ 2. Select the Gateway and set the properties.

__ a. In the Properties tab, select General.

__ b. In Common, enter Is Position New? as Name and make sure that the Name
Visible box is checked.
__ c. In Behavior, verify that Exclusive Gateway is the Gateway Type.

__ 3. Connect the gateway.

__ a. Click to select the sequence flow between Submit Hiring Request and
Approve Hew Hire Request.

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Exercise 6. Modeling gateways in a BPD

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__ b. While selected, right-click the sequence flow and select Edit > Delete.

While selected, you can also delete the sequence flow by pressing the Delete key.

__ c. Select the Sequence Flow icon from the palette.

__ d. Connect Submit Hiring Request to the Is Position New? gateway.

__ e. Click the selection icon in the element palette and then select the line between
Approve New Hire Request and Approve Hire Request. Delete the line after
you select it.


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__ f.

Click the Sequence Flow icon and connect the Is Position New? gateway to
the top of Approve New Hire Request and the top of Approve Hire Request.

If your sequence flow lines do not exactly match the exercise diagrams in this lab, that is
okay, and sequence flow lines change after implementation of the gateways. The flow lines
become default or conditional (are plain or have a diagonal hash marker) according to the
order you draw them in, so your lines vary a bit from the diagrams in the labs.

__ 4. Label the lines.

__ a. Select the line between the Is Position New? gateway and Approve New Hire

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Exercise 6. Modeling gateways in a BPD

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__ b. In the Properties tab, in Common, enter Review Needed as Name and check
the Name Visible box.

The line displays as follows:

__ c. Select the line between the Is Position New? gateway and Approve Hire
__ d. In the Properties tab, in Common, enter Review Not Needed as Name and
check the Name Visible box.
__ e. Use the Ctrl key and the arrow keys to align the gateway and the activities.


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The line displays as follows:

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Exercise 6. Modeling gateways in a BPD

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Part 2: Create another gateway that is called Is Request Approved?

__ 1. Drag a Gateway from the palette onto the canvas to the left of the Approve Hire
Request activity.

__ 2. Click the Gateway and set the properties.

__ a. In the Properties tab, select General.
__ b. In Common, enter Is Request Approved? as Name.
__ c. In Behavior, verify Exclusive Gateway as the Gateway Type.
__ 3. Connect the gateway.
__ a. Click the Sequence Flow icon on the palette.


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__ b. Connect the Approve New Hire Request to the top of the Is Request
Approved? gateway.

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__ c. Connect the Is Request Approved? gateway to the left of Approve Hire

Request and to the left of Complete Hire Request.

__ 4. Label the lines.

__ a. Select the line between the Is Request Approved? gateway and the Approve
Hire Request linked process.
__ b. In the Properties tab, in Common, enter Approved as Name and check the
Name Visible box.
__ c. Select the line between the Is Request Approved? gateway and Complete
Hire Request.
__ d. In the Properties tab, in Common, enter Not Approved as Name and check
the Name Visible box.
__ e. Use the Ctrl key and the arrow keys to align the gateway and the activities.

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The line displays as follows:

__ f.

Click Save to save your BPD.

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Exercise 6. Modeling gateways in a BPD

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Part 3: Create gateways for the nested process

Add gateways to the nested process, Approve Hire Request. In this part, create a
gateway that is called Is Salary Compliant?
__ 1. Open the Approve Hire Request business process diagram. Click Processes and
double-click Approve Hire Request from the menu.

__ 2. Drag a Gateway from the palette onto the canvas to the right of the Check Hire
Request activity.

__ 3. Select the Gateway and set the properties.

__ a. In the Properties tab, select General.

__ b. In Common, enter Is Salary Compliant? as Name and make sure that the
Name Visible box is checked.

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__ c. In Behavior, verify Exclusive Gateway as the Gateway Type.

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__ 4. Connect the gateway.

__ a. Click the flow line icon in the element palette and click to select the sequence
flow between Check Hire Request and Override Hire Request. Hover over the
left of Override Hire Request until the cursor becomes a +. Drag the + to move
the sequence flow to Is Salary Compliant?

__ b. Connect Is Salary Compliant? to the bottom of Override Hire Request.

__ c. Click the select icon in the element palette and then click the existing line
between Negotiate Hire Request and the End event. Press the Delete key.
__ d. Move the End event from the top of the diagram and place it to the right of Is
Salary Compliant?
__ e. Click the flow line icon in the element palette and then connect Is Salary
Compliant? to the left of the End event.

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__ 5. Label and straighten the lines.

__ a. Select the line between the Is Salary Compliant? gateway and Override Hire
__ b. In the Properties tab, in Common, enter Not Compliant as Name and check
the Name Visible box.

The line displays as follows:

__ c. Select the line between the Is Salary Compliant? gateway and the Untitled end
__ d. In the Properties tab, in Common, enter Compliant as Name and make sure
that the Name Visible box is checked.
__ e. Use the Ctrl key and the arrow keys to align the gateway and the activities.

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Exercise 6. Modeling gateways in a BPD

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The line displays as follows:

Part 4: Create another gateway that is called Is Salary Acceptable?

__ 1. Drag a Gateway from the palette onto the canvas to the right of the Override Hire
Request activity.
__ 2. Click the Gateway and set the properties.
__ a. In the Properties tab, select General.
__ b. In Common, enter Is Salary Acceptable? as Name.
__ c. In Behavior, verify Exclusive Gateway as the Gateway Type.
__ 3. Connect the gateway.
__ a. Click the select icon in the element palette.
__ b. Click the line between Override Hire Request and Negotiate Hire Request and
press the Delete key.
__ c. Click the flow line icon in the element palette and click to connect the Override
Hire Request to the right of the Is Salary Acceptable? gateway.

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__ d. Connect the Is Salary Acceptable? gateway to the bottom of Negotiate Hire

Request and to the top of the End event.

__ 4. Label the lines.

__ a. Select the line between the Is Salary Acceptable? gateway and Negotiate Hire
__ b. In the Properties tab, in Common, enter Not Accepted as Name and make
sure that the Name Visible box is checked.
__ c. Select the line between the Is Salary Acceptable? gateway and the Untitled
end event.
__ d. In the Properties tab, in Common, enter Accepted as Name and make sure
that the Name Visible box is checked.
__ e. Use the Ctrl key and the arrow keys to align the gateway and the activities.

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Exercise 6. Modeling gateways in a BPD

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The line displays as follows:

__ f.

Click Save to save your BPD.

Part 5: Create another gateway that is called Resubmit Salary?

__ 1. Drag a Gateway from the palette onto the canvas to the right of the Negotiate Hire
Request activity.
__ 2. Click the Gateway and set the properties.
__ a. In the Properties tab, select General.
__ b. In Common, enter Resubmit Salary? as Name.
__ c. In Behavior, verify Exclusive Gateway as the Gateway Type.

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__ 3. Connect the gateway.

__ a. Select the Sequence Flow icon from the palette.
__ b. Connect the line from Negotiate Hire Request to the Resubmit Salary?
__ c. Connect the line from the Resubmit Salary? gateway to the top of Override
Hire Request.

Make sure that you connect these elements in the correct directions.

__ 4. Label the lines.

__ a. Select the line between the Resubmit Salary? gateway and Override Hire
__ b. In the Properties tab, in Common, enter Resubmitted as Name and check the
Name Visible box.
__ c. Use the Ctrl key and the arrow keys to align the gateway and the activities.

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The line displays as follows:

__ d. Click Save to save your BPD.

Part 6: Add End Cancel

__ 1. Drag an End event icon from the palette onto the canvas right next to the Resubmit
Salary? gateway.
__ 2. Click the End event and set the properties.
__ a. In the Properties tab, select General.
__ b. In Common, enter End Cancel as Name.
__ 3. Connect the line from the Resubmit Salary? gateway to the left of the End event.

__ 4. Label the lines.

__ a. Select the line between the Resubmit Salary? gateway and the End event.
__ b. In the Properties tab, in Common, enter Canceled as Name and check the
Name Visible box.

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__ c. Use the Ctrl key and the arrow keys to align the gateway and the activities.

__ d. Click Save to save your BPD.

End of exercise

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Exercise 6. Modeling gateways in a BPD

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Exercise review and wrap-up

The first part of this exercise showed adding gateways to the business process definitions
in IBM Process Designer. Then, you modeled the appropriate sequence flows for each

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Exercise 7. Modeling timer intermediate events

What this exercise is about
This exercise covers how to create timer intermediate events.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Add a timer intermediate event to a BPD based on business
Model an escalation path in a BPD with IBM Process Designer
Document more details for the implementation team

In this exercise, add a timer intermediate event that helps satisfy newly
identified requirements for the Hiring Requisition BPD. This action
encompasses process flow control and more activities that are based
on conditions by non-human interactions.

Successful completion of the previous exercise is required.

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Exercise 7. Modeling timer intermediate events

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Exercise instructions
Examine the process requirements and select the one that models an escalation.
The requirement for an escalation is 2.10. The HR Administrator has 4 hours to complete
the review. If the review is not completed within 4 hours, an email is sent to the HR
Administrator notifying the HR Administrator of the missed deadline.
Use the timer implementation option to model escalation paths or delays in your BPDs.
Using a timer intermediate event, you can specify a time interval after or before which
some activity is conducted. The timer implementation option is available for events that are
included in the process flow and events that are attached to an activity.
__ 1. Open the Approve Hire Request BPD.
__ 2. Drag an Intermediate event from the palette onto the lower left of the Override Hire
Request activity.

For this exercise, make sure that you drag the intermediate event onto the activity instead
of to the left of the activity. In this case, you want a boundary or attached intermediate
event instead of a sequence flow intermediate event.


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__ 3. Click the Intermediate boundary event and set its properties.

__ a. In the Properties tab, select Implementation.
__ b. In Boundary Event Details, select the Timer boundary event. The rest of the
properties are set during implementation.

__ 4. Add the Notify HR Administrator activity.

__ a. Click the Activity icon and drag the activity from the palette to the System lane.
Place it above the Check Hire Request activity.
__ b. Immediately after you drag the activity, change the name of the activity to:
Notify HR Administrator
__ 5. Connect the timer intermediate event.
__ a. Select the Sequence Flow icon from the palette.
__ b. Connect the Timer Intermediate Event to the Notify HR Administrator activity.
__ 6. Label the lines.
__ a. Select the line between the Timer Intermediate Event and Notify HR
__ b. In the Properties tab, in Common, enter 4 Hours as Name and check the
Name Visible box.
__ 7. Add End Notification.
__ a. Drag an End event icon from the palette onto the canvas to the right of Notify
HR Administrator.
__ b. Click the End event and set its properties.
__ c. In the Properties tab, select General.
__ d. In Common, enter End Notification as Name.

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Exercise 7. Modeling timer intermediate events

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__ 8. Connect the line from Notify HR Administrator to the End event.

__ a. Use the Ctrl key and the arrow keys to align the gateway and the activities.

__ b. Click Save to save your BPD.

End of exercise


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Exercise review and wrap-up

The first part of this exercise showed adding a timer intermediate event for the process

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Exercise 7. Modeling timer intermediate events

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Exercise 8. Validating the process model

What this exercise is about
This exercise covers how to validate the business process.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Validate that the business process reflects the requirements
Implement the requirements, using playback feedback and new
process requirements as input

Before moving on to implementation, it is a good idea to verify your
process in a final playback meeting.
This action can build consensus among the different stakeholders as
the model does not change much visually after playback 0. Sometimes
there is oscillation a few times between playback 1 and playback 0
until a team is firmly in the implementation phase of the playbacks.

Successful completion of the previous exercise is required.

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Exercise 8. Validating the process model

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Exercise instructions
Part 1: Verify the process model
If you have a colleague or others nearby, see whether you can explain your newly created
model to them to simulate a playback. If not, examine your BPD in IBM Process Designer
and compare it to the diagrams.
Double-click the Diagram tab to maximize your diagram. When you are done, double-click
Diagram again to return the diagram to its normal size.

Ensure that the Hiring Request Process and Approve Hire Request BPDs look similar to
the diagrams before moving on:
__ 1. Hiring Request Process:


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__ 2. Approve Hire Request:

Part 2: Add new process requirements to the BPD

There are new process requirements. During playback 0, the vice president mentions:
There are some recent issues with several job postings that contain wording that
violates a new set of hiring laws. To address this issue, the vice president suggests that
a lawyer must review every job post at some point before the job opening is released
and posted to the public. The lawyer checks for legal compliance and edits if necessary.
Examine the requirement and come up with the solution for this requirement.
__ 1. Add a lane for the legal team.
__ a. Select the Hiring Request Process from the select menu.
__ b. Click the Lane icon and drag one lane from the palette to the BPD.
__ 2. Set the properties of the new team lanes.
__ a. Click the top lane to select the entire lane. The Properties tab populates at the
bottom of the screen.

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Exercise 8. Validating the process model

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__ b. In the Properties tab, change the name of the top lane from the current name to:

__ c. Move the Legal lane between the Approvers and System lanes.

__ 3. Create an activity for a lawyer to review the hire request.

__ a. Click the Activity icon and drag the activity from the palette to the Legal lane
under the Approval phase in the BPD.


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__ b. Immediately after you drag the activity, start typing to change the name of the
activity to Review Posting.

__ 4. Add a gateway before Review Posting.

__ a. Drag the Gateway icon next to Approve Hire Request.

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Exercise 8. Validating the process model

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__ b. Name the gateway: Is Request Compliant?

__ 5. Connect the Review Posting activity.
__ a. Delete the sequence flow between Approve Hire Request and Complete Hire
__ b. Resize the Approval phase to include the Is Request Compliant? gateway.
__ c. Click the Sequence Flow icon to connect Approve Hire Request to the Is
Request Compliant? gateway. Connect the gateway to Complete Hire
Request and Review Posting as follows:

__ d. Click the Sequence Flow icon to connect Review Posting and Complete Hire
Request as follows:


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__ e. Label the sequence flow between Is Request Compliant? and Complete Hire
Request: Request Canceled
__ f.

Click the check box of Name Visible.

__ g. Label the sequence flow between Is Request Compliant? and Review

Posting: Request Compliant
__ h. Click the check box of Name Visible.
Your diagram displays as follows:

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Exercise 8. Validating the process model

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Your final BPD displays as follows:

__ 6. Save your BPD.

__ a. Click Save to save your BPD. The exercises are complete for this section.

__ 7. After adding an element to your process, it is a good practice to reverify the process
in another playback meeting. Oscillation between playback 0 and playback 1 is
common until the requirements are stable.

End of exercise

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Exercise review and wrap-up

The first part of this exercise looked at the validation of the business process, and you took
the playback feedback and added a requirement to the process.

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Exercise 8. Validating the process model

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8-10 BPM Process Implementing

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Exercise 9. Creating a toolkit

What this exercise is about
Other process applications or development projects can reuse many
of the artifacts you create in the upcoming course. Create a toolkit to
store and share these assets.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Create a toolkit
Take a snapshot of a toolkit
Import a toolkit
Add a process application dependency to a toolkit

A toolkit is a collection of assets that are shared between process
apps or other toolkits during development. Attentive application of
toolkits is an efficient method for managing the reusability and
compartmentalization of project assets.

Completing the exercises for this course requires a VMware image lab
environment that includes the exercise support files, IBM Process
Designer V8.5, and the IBM Process Center V8.5 test environment.
This exercise relies upon a process app named HR Recruitment

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Exercise 9. Creating a toolkit

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Exercise instructions
__ 1. Start IBM Process Designer from the Windows Desktop if it is not already started.

__ a. Log on to IBM Process Designer with the user name we_author1 and password
__ b. Click Process Center at the upper-right corner of the Designer view. (If you just
logged in, then you are already at the process center).

__ 2. Click the Toolkits tab.


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__ 3. Create a toolkit.
__ a. Click Create New Toolkit on the right side of the Process Center.

__ b. Name the toolkit: Hiring Requisition Toolkit

__ c. Give the toolkit the acronym: HRT
__ d. Type a brief description about the toolkit as shown in the following screen

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__ e. Click Create, and the toolkit shows up under the Toolkits tab.

__ 4. Create a snapshot of your toolkit.

__ a. Click the name of the toolkit Hiring Requisition Toolkit (HRT).
__ b. Click the plus sign next to Create New Snapshot.

__ c. Name the snapshot Baseline, add a description, and then click Create.

__ 5. Import a toolkit
__ a. Click Toolkits to return to the toolkits tab.

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__ b. Click Import Toolkit on the right side of the Process Center.

__ c. Click Browse and browse to C:/Training/Exercises/Coach Bonus.twx; then

click OK.
__ d. Click Import to import the toolkit.

__ 6. Link the toolkits on a process app.

__ a. Click the Process Apps tab and open the HR Recruitment Processes (HRR)
process application in Designer by clicking the link Open in Designer.

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Exercise 9. Creating a toolkit

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__ b. In the Designer library, click the plus sign next to TOOLKITS, and add a
dependency on the Hiring Requisition Toolkit by clicking the Baseline

__ c. Click the plus sign next to TOOLKITS and add a dependency on the WE Coach
Bonus Toolkit by clicking the WE Coach Bonus 1.0 snapshot.


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__ d. The Hiring Requisition Toolkit (Baseline) and WE Coach Bonus

Toolkit (WE Coach Bonus 1.0) are now linked to the HR Recruitment
Processes process application.

End of exercise

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Exercise 9. Creating a toolkit

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Exercise review and wrap-up

The key steps in this exercise were:
1. Create a toolkit.
Click the Toolkits tab in the Process Center.
Click Create New Toolkit.
Name your toolkit, provide an acronym, and add a description.
2. Take a snapshot of a toolkit.
Click the name of the toolkit.
Click the plus sign next to Create New Snapshot.
Name the snapshot, give it an acronym and description, and click Create.
3. Import a toolkit.
Click the Toolkits tab in the Process Center.
Click Import Toolkit.
Click Browse and find the Coach Bonus.twx file of the toolkit.
Click Import.
4. Add a toolkit dependency to a process application.
Go to your process app and click the plus sign next to Toolkits.
Select the snapshot of the toolkit.


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Exercise 10.Creating playback 1 assets

What this exercise is about
In this exercise, you create assets that are required during playback 1
of the BPD lifecycle. You create variables and implement intermediate
timer events. In this exercise, you establish routing and implement
exclusive gateways.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Create simple variables in a BPD
Implement timer intermediate events on a process
Implement gateways for a process
Implement routing for an activity

In playback 1, the process data model is implemented along with the
appropriate process flow for the data. Flow data is different from
business data in that flow data moves the process along from flow
object to flow object. The most obvious examples of flow data are the
data elements that decision points use in the process or service
diagrams. When a token is at a decision point, the values of data
elements are used to determine the next paths to take. Flow data also
includes the following circumstances:
Data that is used to determine which activities to run
Data that is used to determine who starts each activity
Data that is used to determine when an activity is due or when an
activity must be escalated
The process flow data ensures that the business process gets the right
activities to the right people at the right time.

Completing the exercises for this course requires a VMware image lab
environment that includes the exercise support files, IBM Process
Designer V8.5, and the IBM Process Center V8.5 test environment.
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Exercise 10. Creating playback 1 assets

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Exercise instructions
Part 1: Create process variables
The process model for the Hiring Request Process is in place. Now you must start to
implement the process, first by creating simple variables to implement the logic behind the
decision gateways on the current BPD.
__ 1. If you are in the Process Center, open the HR Recruitment Processes process
__ a. From the Process Center, click the Process Apps tab. Find the HR
Recruitment Processes (HRR) process app, and click the link Open in
If you are already in Designer, then skip this step and start with step 2.

__ 2. Open the Hiring Request Process.

__ a. Click Processes in the Designer library.
__ b. Double-click Hiring Request Process.

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__ 3. Create a variable to control the Is Position New? exclusive gateway.

__ a. Click the Variables tab of the Hiring Request Process canvas.

__ b. Click Add Private.

__ c. Name the private variable: isNewPosition
Confirm that the Variable Type is String. String variables are used here instead
of Boolean for flexibility of the implementation. If requirements change later, a
String is easier to change than a Boolean.

10-4 BPM Process Implementing

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__ d. In the Documentation field, click Edit and type the following values:
0= existing position
1= new position, requires approval

__ e. Click OK.
__ f.

Click the Has Default check box.

__ g. Enter "1" as the default value.

The isNewPosition variable is a string. You must use quotation marks to set the default

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__ h. Click Save to save your work.

__ 4. Go back to the Hiring Request Process diagram by clicking the Diagram tab.
__ 5. Open the Approve Hire Request linked process by double-clicking the linked
process activity in the diagram.

There is a difference between the Approve New Hire Request activity and the Approve
Hire Request process. Be sure that you select the Approve Hire Request linked process,
not the Approve New Hire Request activity.

10-6 BPM Process Implementing

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__ 6. Create a variable for the Is Salary Compliant? exclusive gateway in the Approve
Hire Request process.

__ a. Click the Variables tab in the menu bar for the Approve Hire Request process.
__ b. Click Add Private.
__ c. Name the private variable: isSalaryCompliant
__ d. Verify that the Variable Type is String.
__ e. Click Edit and type in the documentation dialog the following values:
0 = Salary is compliant
1 = Salary is not compliant
__ f.

Click OK to save the documentation.

__ g. Click the Has Default check box.

__ h. Set the default value as: "0"

__ i.

Save your work.

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Part 2: Implement intermediate timer events

In playback 0 of the hiring request process, an attached timer intermediate event was
modeled. Now your responsibility is to implement the timer event that was modeled in the
__ 1. Implement the attached timer intermediate event.
__ a. Open the Approve Hire Request process.
__ b. Switch to the Diagram tab.
__ c. Click the timer intermediate event that is attached to the Override Hire
Request activity.

__ d. Select the Implementation option in the Properties tab.

__ e. Make sure that the Interrupt activity check box is checked.
__ f.

Change the Timer Properties to the following values:

Trigger On: After Start of Step
Before/After Difference: 4 Hours

10-8 BPM Process Implementing

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__ g. Save your work.

Part 3: Implement gateways

In process modeling, several gateways are added to the BPD. Several of the gateways are
exclusive gateways, and as such these gateways must be implemented. In this section,
you enhance the process by implementing the exclusive gateways in both the Hiring
Request Process and the linked process. Use the simple variables that were created in a
previous section to implement the gateways.
Implement the exclusive gateways in the Hiring Request Process BPD and the
Approve Hire Request linked process to meet the following requirements:
If the answer to Is Position New? is 1 (true), the request is forwarded to a
General Manager. After the General Manager receives the request, the General
Manager approves or rejects the request.
In the linked process, after the requisition is submitted, an automated
system-level check for salary compliance starts. If the request meets salary
compliance, the hiring request is automatically posted to the HR Positions
database and made available for dissemination.
__ 1. Implement the Is Position New? exclusive gateway.
__ a. Open the Hiring Request Process if it is not already open.
__ b. Switch to the Diagram tab.
__ c. Click the Is Position New? exclusive gateway.
__ d. In the Properties tab, select the Implementation option.
__ e. Make sure the order of sequence flow starts with Review Needed at the top and
Review Not Needed on the bottom. If it is not in this order, then click the Up
arrow on Review Needed to make it the first implementation. This selection
makes Review Not Needed the default sequence flow.

__ f.

In the Decisions section, after the first box to the right of Review Needed, type

__ g. Next, change the drop-down menu value to: ==

__ h. In the last box to the right of Review Needed, type in: "1"
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You must include the value in double quotation marks because isNewPosition is a String
type of variable.

Now the condition is set for the Is Position New? gateway, and the default
condition is Review Not Needed if the first condition is not met.

__ i.

Save your work by clicking the Save icon at the top menu bar.

Implement the exclusive gateway in the Approve Hire Request linked process.
__ 2. Select the Approve Hire Request activity and double-click it to open the linked
__ 3. Implement the Is Salary Compliant? exclusive gateway.
__ a. Select the Is Salary Compliant? gateway.

Select the Is Salary Compliant? gateway, not the Is Salary Acceptable? gateway.

__ b. In the Properties tab, click the Implementation option.

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__ c. Make sure the order of sequence flow in the Implementation section expresses
that the Compliant option is first and that the Not Compliant option is second.
If it is not in this order, then click the Up arrow on Compliant to make it the first
implementation. This arrangement makes Not Compliant the default sequence
flow. Implement the conditions for the sequence flow.
__ d. In the first box to the right of Compliant, type in:
__ e. Change the drop-down value to: ==
__ f.

In the last box to the right of Compliant, type in: "0"

You must include quotation marks because the isSalaryCompliant variable is a string.

__ g. Save your work.

The exclusive gateway Is Salary Compliant? has the correct conditions that are set for the
sequence flow. If no condition is met, then the default flow for the token is Not Compliant.
The conditions for this gateway are set in a decision table later in exercise 14. All the
conditions that must be met are established as a business rule.

Part 4: Implement routing for an activity

Effective business process management is about getting the right task to the right teams at
the right time. Using IBM Business Process Manager, authors use lanes (sometimes
known as swimlanes for a pool) to identify the process teams. Process developers
implement routing in the BPD for each activity to the right team in the lane. The goal is to

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implement the teams for the lanes and implement assignment routing for all activities in the
__ 1. Route the Submit Hiring Request activity in the Hiring Request Process to
Lane and distribution to Last User.
__ a. Open the Hiring Request Process if it is not already open.
__ b. Switch to the Diagram tab.
__ c. Click the Submit Hiring Request activity on the Hiring Request Process.
__ d. Click the Assignments option in the Properties tab.
__ e. Click the Assign To: drop-down menu and make sure that the default
assignment is: Lane
__ f.

Change the User Distribution to: Last User

__ 2. Create a Team and add a member.

__ a. In the library, click the plus sign next to Processes.

10-12 BPM Process Implementing

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__ b. Click Team.

__ c. Name the team: General Managers

__ d. Click Finish to create your team. After it is created, the settings page for the
team is displayed.
__ e. Click Add user in the far right side of the Members section. Make sure that you
are adding a user to the Standard Members selection.

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__ f.

Add we_user1 to the team by typing the first characters until you see the
we_user1 user highlighted.

__ g. Click we_user1 or press Enter on your keyboard to add it as a member.

You now have a populated list in the Standards Members with we_user1 for
the team, General Managers.
__ h. Save your work.
__ 3. Implement the routing for Approve New Hire Request.
__ a. Select Hiring Request Process from the drop-down list.

__ b. Switch to the Diagram tab.

10-14 BPM Process Implementing

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__ c. Click the Approve New Hire Request activity in the Hiring Request Process.

__ d. Click the Assignments option in the Properties tab.

__ e. Leave the value of Assign To: as Lane and the value of User Distribution as

__ f.

Click the General Manager label on the lane of the same name.

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__ g. In the Properties tab, click Select... next to Default Lane Team in the Behavior
__ h. Click the General Managers team to select it.

The General Managers team is assigned as the default team for the General
Managers lane.

__ 4. Go back and assign the General Managers team as the Experts Group for the
Approve New Hire Request activity.
__ a. Click the Approve New Hire Request activity.
__ b. Select the Assignments menu under Properties.

10-16 BPM Process Implementing

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__ c. Click Select... next to the Experts Team and then click General Managers.

__ 5. Save your work.

End of exercise

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Exercise review and wrap-up

This exercise looked at setting variables in business processes, implementing intermediate
timer events on a process, implementing exclusive decision gateways, and establishing
routing for an activity.

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Exercise 11.Conducting playback 1

What this exercise is about
The next phase in playback 1 is to test and validate that you met the
requirements for playback 1 through a review session with process
stakeholders. This exercise is about conducting a playback of your
You demonstrate the process, which follows different paths that
flow from the exclusive gateways in the BPDs.
Demonstrate tasks that are assigned, and the task that is created
in the Process Portal inbox, depending upon the swimlane and
routing settings for an activity.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Log on to the Process Portal
Create an instance of a process
Demonstrate that the process follows the various paths modeled

A quick view of what to accomplish in this exercise:
1. Log on to the Process Portal. Maximize the IBM Business Process
Manager Quick Start browser window. Click the Process Portal link
on the page.
2. Create a process instance.
- Click the name of the process to create an instance of the BPD.
3. Log on to the Process Portal as a team:
- Log out of the Process Portal and log in as a different team in
the process to show tasks that are being assigned to the correct
process team.
4. Complete the default human activities.
- Click Done when the coach is presented.
5. Demonstrate that the correct path is followed:

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- In the Process Portal, click the instance name of the task. When
the instance details page is shown, click Show Process
Instance Diagram to visualize what step of the process is
being worked on. Predict which path is followed and run
through the process to determine whether you are correct.
6. Demonstrate a different path that is followed:
- Change the Has Default variable value and demonstrate a
different path that is followed.

Completing the exercises for this course requires a VMware image lab
environment that includes the exercise support files, IBM Process
Designer V8.5, and the IBM Process Center V8.5 test environment.
This exercise relies upon a process app named HR Recruitment

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Exercise instructions
__ 1. Show the Hiring Request Process to All Users.
__ a. Click the Overview tab for the Hiring Request Process.
__ b. Next to Expose to start: click Select...

__ c. Select the All Users team.

__ d. Save the BPD.

__ 2. Log on to the Process Portal.
__ a. Maximize the IBM Business Process Manager Quick Start browser window
from the Windows Server 2008 taskbar.
__ b. Click the Process Portal link in the page.

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Exercise 11. Conducting playback 1

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__ c. Log in using we_author1 as the user ID and we_author01 as the password.

__ 3. Complete the first activity, Submit Hiring Request, in the Process Portal.
__ a. In the right frame, click Hiring Request Process to start an instance of the

__ b. A notice is displayed to indicate that the process was started.

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If you are prompted, choose an option that displays data that is delivered over both a
secure and a non-secure connection.

__ c. If the task starts automatically (it should if the task is assigned to Lane and Last
User), then skip to the next step. If the task does not start automatically, select
the Work tab in the Process Portal. The process instance is displayed, and it is
paused on the Submit Hiring Request activity. Click the task to work on it.
__ d. A window is displayed with some information contained on the default human
service coach.

__ e. Do not set any values. Click Done.

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__ 4. Show the task that is assigned to the next activity, Approve New Hire Request, in
the BPD.
__ a. Although your inbox is now empty, you can follow the process instances with
which you interacted. Click the Completed Tasks link under My Tasks to see a
list of completed tasks (to include the one you just completed).

__ b. Click the menu next to the activity you just completed labeled Step: Submit
Hiring Request, and then click View Instance.

__ c. The process instance is shown in the Process Performance tab of the Process
Portal. Move the slider in the Zoom to increase the Gantt chart view.

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__ d. You can now see that the next task is at the input status for General Managers.
This result is because you set the default value of the first gateway to "1"
(Review Needed). This change in value takes the runtime token to the input of
the Approve New Hire Request task.
__ e. Roll the cursor over the Today icon to enable the addition of an attachment or
link to a URL for the next task user to view.

__ f.

Click the Diagram tab for a model view of the same process instance.

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__ g. Now you see the BPD with the Approve New Hire Request task highlighted.
The same process performance information is given to the user as before, only
this time in a process model (or diagram) view.
__ h. Click the user name (WebSphere Education Author 1) drop-down menu list and
click Logout to log out of Process Portal.

__ i.

Log on to the Process Portal as user name: we_user1 and password:

we_user01 and click Login.

__ j.

You now see a task in the inbox for the Hiring Request Process BPD. The task
stopped at the Approve New Hire Request activity. Notice that the task is
assigned to the General Managers team, of which we_user1 is a member.

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The icon for the task can be different depending upon the state of the task. If the task is
overdue, for example, a red exclamation mark is displayed. If the task state is at risk, a
yellow cautionary icon is displayed.

__ k. Click the Step: Approve New Hire Request task. A dialog reminds you that the
unclaimed task is automatically assigned. Click Claim Task.

If a browser warning is displayed, select the option that allows you to display both secure
and non-secure content.

__ l.

A default coach is displayed for the Review Posting activity. Complete this task
by clicking Done in the human task service.

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__ 5. The task is removed from the we_user1 Work inbox. To view information about a
process in which a user participated, click the Completed Tasks option in the Work
__ a. Click the menu next to the activity you just completed labeled Step: Approve
New Hire Request, and then click View Process Diagram.

__ b. Examine the tasks that are associated with the process. The tasks lack highlights
signifying that the process instance is complete. Click the team icon on a task to
view information on the team that completed the task.

__ c. Click the blue X icon to close the Process Diagram view.

__ d. Log out of the Process Portal.
__ e. Now minimize the Process Portal browser window.

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__ 6. Show the process as it follows the Review Not Needed path.

__ a. Go back to IBM Process Designer by maximizing the application window.
__ b. Open the Hiring Request Process.
__ c. Click the Variables tab, and change the isNewPosition default value to "0"
(make sure that Has Default: is checked).

Select the isNewPosition variable and change the default value. Remember you must
enclose the value in quotation marks because the variable is a string.

__ d. Click Save.
__ 7. Create an instance to test the existing position scenario.
__ a. Maximize the Process Portal browser window and log back in to the Process
Portal as user name: we_author1 and password: we_author01
If you already closed the window, use the IBM Business Process Manager Quick Start
browser window to start the Process Portal.

__ b. Create an instance of the Hiring Request Process by clicking the link in the
Launch section.
__ c. You immediately see in a dialog that you received a new task. The task occupies
your Work inbox.

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__ d. Open the task if it is not already open.

__ e. Click Done in the default human task service window. Now no tasks are left in
the Work inbox.
__ f.

In the Work inbox, click Completed Tasks.

__ g. Click the instance of the process that you completed. The task is displayed at the
top of the list of completed tasks. Click OK on the information dialog box. In the
Process Performance tab, click the Diagram tab.

This time, the process follows the Review Not Needed path. Instead of passing
to Approve Hire Request, the process stepped through the Approve Hire
Request linked process and then to the Review Posting task. The process
followed the other path, which demonstrates that both gateways are working
__ 8. Log out of the Process Portal.
__ 9. Playback 1 is complete.
After completing the playback, remember to change the default value of the
isNewPosition variable back to "1".

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Remember, when you show your playback, you are simulating what a user sees when
interacting with the system. The urge to use the IBM Process Designer to assist with your
playback is present, but not all users can view IBM Process Designer. If you correctly
modeled your process, there is no reason to go back into IBM Process Designer to
demonstrate expected functions.

End of exercise

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Exercise review and wrap-up

In this exercise, you conducted playback 1 and reviewed your work in the Process Portal.

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Exercise 12.Creating and implementing a coach

What this exercise is about
Using the core requirements, determine and create all of the
necessary assets to support a coach in the Hiring Request Process.
Use complex business objects (variable types) to organize your data.
Pass data in and out of each diagram if you have nested processes.
Build a service and define guided user interactions with a coach.
Implement a service for an activity and map variables between a
nested service and an activity.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Determine and organize data when provided with a written process
Add business objects and object types
Create a new human service
Add variables and variable types to a service
Create and configure a coach to obtain process participant input
Add coach controls to control process flow
Create a human service and coach for the General Manager
review activity
Implement an activity by attaching a service and mapping data

In playback 2, the human services are added with the service model
canvas. Human services allow the users to access task assignments
in an activity-centered web form. At this stage of development, it is
important that the functions of the human service, which is known as a
coach, are implemented. Enhancements can be added later. This
exercise is about making sure that users have what they need in terms
of business data and task assignment information to complete the
process activity.
The default human services that were used in playback 1 are replaced
with human services that allow for entry and capture of business data.
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Exercise 12. Creating and implementing a coach service

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The human services with coaches are implemented on two activities in

the Hiring Request Process BPD.

Completing the exercises for this course requires a VMware image lab
environment that includes the exercise support files, IBM Process
Designer V8.5, and the IBM Process Center V8.5 test environment.
This exercise relies upon a process app named HR Recruitment

12-2 BPM Process Implementing

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Exercise instructions
Part 1: Build variables and business objects
__ 1. Create a complex variable to hold the position.
__ a. In IBM Process Designer, open the Hiring Request Process.
__ b. In the Designer library, click the plus sign next to the Data option, and select
Business Object.

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__ c. Name the business object Position and click Finish.

__ d. You now see the settings page for the business object. Add an attribute to the
business object by clicking Add.

__ e. Change the name of the attribute to: jobTitle

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__ f.

Keep the variable type as a String.

__ g. Continue to add the following attributes:

jobDescription (String)
jobLevel (String)
__ h. Add another attribute that is named: numDirectReports
__ i.

Change the type of the numDirectReports attribute an integer. Click Select... to

the right of Variable Type and select Integer.

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__ j.

Save your process application and close the business object.

__ 2. Move the Position business object to the Hiring Requisition Toolkit for reuse by
any process application that requires a position object.
__ a. In the library, click Data and then right-click the Position business object.

__ b. Select Move item to > Hiring Requisition Toolkit. When you are asked to
verify the move, click Move to accept.
__ c. The Hiring Requisition Toolkit in the process application immediately raises a
caution indicator because the toolkit changed. To update the toolkit, right-click it
and select Upgrade dependency to Move 1.

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__ 3. Create a business object named: CompensationDetails

__ a. Click the plus sign next to Data in the library, and select Business Object.
__ b. Name the business object CompensationDetails and click Finish.
__ c. Add the following parameters for the complex variable for
salaryToOffer (Decimal)
bonusAmount (Decimal)

__ d. Save the process app and close the business object.

__ 4. Create a business object named: RecruitingDetails
__ a. Click the plus sign next to Data in the library, and select Business Object.
__ b. Name the business object RecruitingDetails and click Finish.
__ c. Include the following parameters in the complex variable RecruitingDetails:
multipleEmployeesNeeded (Boolean)
numEmployeesNeeded (Integer)
newPosition (Boolean)

__ d. Save the process app and close the business object.

__ 5. Create a business object named: DepartmentDetails
__ a. Click the plus sign next to Data in the Library, and select Business Object.
__ b. Name the business object DepartmentDetails and click Finish.

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__ c. Include the following parameters in the complex variable DepartmentDetails:

department (String)
division (String)

__ d. Save your process application and close the business object.

__ 6. Create a business object named: HiringRequisition
__ a. Click the plus sign next to Data in the library, and select Business Object.
__ b. Name the business object HiringRequisition and click Finish.

__ c. Click Add in the Parameters section to add following parameters. Remember to

change the variable type by clicking Select... to the right of Variable Type to
change it to something other than the default (String):
requisitionNumber (String)
dateOfRequest (Date)
requestor (String)
datePositionAvailable (Date)
hiringManagerComments (String)
__ d. Add an attribute that is called position but this time, click Select... to the right
of Variable Type and use the Position business object that is in the Hiring

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Requisition Toolkit. Notice that the variable type is capitalized but the attribute
name is lowercase.


__ e. Continue to add the other complex objects:

compensationDetails (CompensationDetails)
departmentDetails (DepartmentDetails)
recruitingDetails (RecruitingDetails)

__ f.

Save the process app and close the business object.

__ 7. To pass data from the parent process (Hiring Request Process) to your nested
process (Approve Hire Request), you must map variables. Because the nested
process is a linked process, you must pass the data object to the nested process by
way of the input and output variable settings in the nested linked process.
__ a. Open the Approve Hire Request process.
__ b. Click the Variables tab.
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__ c. Add the requisitionDetails (HiringRequisition) variable as an input to the BPD.

Click Add Input.
__ d. Change the name of the variable to: requisitionDetails
__ e. Change the type of the variable to HiringRequisition.
To change the type of a variable, click Select... and choose the type (HiringRequisition)
from the list.

__ f.

Add the requisitionDetails (HiringRequisition) variable as an output to

the BPD. Click Add Output.

__ g. Change the name of the variable to: requisitionDetails

__ h. Change the type of the variable to HiringRequisition.

__ i.

Save your work.

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__ 8. Map the variables from the higher level process to the nested process.
__ a. Open the Hiring Request Process and click the Approve Hire Request linked

__ b. Click the Data Mapping menu in the Properties tab. Because the BPD already
has a private variable named requisitionDetails, click auto-map at the top of
the Input Mapping and Output Mapping sections.
__ c. In the Create variables for auto-mapping dialog, select requisitionDetails and
click OK.
__ d. Verify that your variable mapping looks similar to the following image:

__ e. Save your work.

Part 2: Create a human service and define variables

The default human service coach was used for each activity. In this section, you define and
implement specific services and coaches for activities in the BPD. In the next few sections,

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Exercise 12. Creating and implementing a coach service

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you create a coach to collect information from process teams. The service must be able to
pass the collected information in the coach to the BPD.
__ 1. Create a human service.
__ a. In the Designer library, click the plus sign next to User Interface, and select
Human Service.

__ b. Name the human service Hiring Form CS and click Finish. The CS (coach
service) suffix indicates that the service contains a coach. Later on, you create a
task service (a TS) to house the CS.

__ 2. Add the requisitionDetails output variable to the human service.

__ a. For the Hiring Form CS service, click the Variables tab.
__ b. In the settings for the variables, click Add Output.

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__ c. Name the variable: requisitionDetails

__ d. Click Select... to the right of the Variable Type option.

__ e. Type hir to filter the business objects to only those artifacts that contain those
letters, and then select HiringRequisition.

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Because you need all of the subobjects of the parent HiringRequisiton object, you use the
full object in the coach. If you need only part of the parent object, include that subobject
and map the subobject from the parent object when mapping inputs and outputs.

__ 3. Because you reuse this coach for multiple activities, add matching input variables to
the human service. If any existing data must be shown, you can present it on the
__ a. Click the output variable requisitionDetails, highlight the Name, and copy it.

__ b. Click Add Input and paste requisitionDetails into the Name field.
__ c. Click Select... to the right of the Variable Type option.
__ d. Change the type to HiringRequisition.

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As you type the name of the input variables, you might see an error icon. This error occurs
because the variables are not unique: two variables of different types have the same name.
This error disappears after you set the types of the variables to be equal; IBM Process
Designer assumes that they are the same variable if the name and type match.

__ 4. With the variables ready to go, add a coach to the Hiring Form human service.
__ a. For the Hiring Form CS service, click the Diagram tab.
__ b. Drag a Coach from the palette to the canvas.
__ c. Change the name of the coach to: Hiring Form
__ d. Save the service. When you create the coach, you connect the flows to the
Hiring Form. Right now the coach is blank and does not have a control to attach
a flow to the End, so the shell of the CS is sufficient.

__ 5. Add a task service (TS) that contains the coach service.

__ a. In the Designer library, click the plus sign next to User Interface, and select
Human Service.

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__ b. Name the new service Submit Hiring Form TS and click Finish.

__ c. You now see the Submit Hiring Form TS service. In the Designer library, click
the User Interface, and drag the Hiring Form CS onto the canvas of the

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__ d. This task service (TS) creates the request form for the user to complete, and
does not receive data from another activity. Output variables are created for this
TS, and you initialize the variables inside of this TS. You create a different TS
later to show the data that was created. The other TS must have both input and
output variables. Because of the way you created the coach service (CS), you
can reuse the CS for both of the task services: one that creates the form and one
that accepts an existing form.
Drag a Server Script to the left of the Hiring Form CS in the diagram.

__ e. Change the name of the server script to: Initialize Variables

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__ f.

Connect the flow from left to right:

Connect the Start event to Initialize Variables.
Connect Initialize Variables to the Hiring Form CS.
Connect Hiring Form CS to the End event.

__ g. It is easy to straighten out the lines when building a service. If you select
something on the canvas, you must click anywhere on the canvas to clear the
object selection. Next, right-click the palette, and click Tidy Layout.

__ h. Your object snaps into alignment (even though it sometimes does not get it
exactly). If you must adjust the objects even more, click one of them, hold down
Ctrl key, and then press the keyboard arrows to move your objects.

__ 6. Create output variables for the task service (TS) and map them to the coach service
(CS) inputs and outputs.
__ a. In the Submit Hiring Form TS service canvas, click the Hiring Form CS
service and then click the Variables tab.
__ b. In the settings for the variables, click Add Output.

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__ c. Name the first output variable: requisitionDetails

__ d. For the Variable Type option, click Select... and click HiringRequisition.

__ e. Click the Diagram tab and then click the Hiring Form CS coach service.
__ f.

In the Properties tab for the Hiring Form CS coach service, select the Data
Mapping option.

__ g. In the Input Mapping section, click the variable selection button to the left of the
requisitionDetails(HiringRequisition) variable. After you see the variable
selection window, double-click requisitionDetails to map it in the first block of
the section.
The field populates with the tw.local.requisitionDetails variable.

__ h. Auto-map the variables in the Output Mapping section. Click Auto-map to the
right of the requisitionDetails(HiringRequisition) variable. If a variable

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matches the input or output variable name exactly, it automatically inserts the
variable into the box. If it does not find one, it does not add anything.

__ i.

The final mapping looks as follows:

__ j.

The next step is to initialize the variables for the service. Click the Initialize
Variables service script and type the following into the Implementation script
box to initialize the complex variables:
tw.local.requisitionDetails = new tw.object.HiringRequisition();
tw.local.requisitionDetails.position = new tw.object.Position();
tw.local.requisitionDetails.compensationDetails = new
tw.local.requisitionDetails.departmentDetails = new
tw.local.requisitionDetails.recruitingDetails = new

__ k. Save your work.

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Part 3: Create a Hiring Form coach

You created the human service with a coach and the task service with variables for data
input and output. Now build the first coach that becomes an online form for process team
use in the process application.
__ 1. Create your coach fields from the Output variables.
__ a. From the menu, select the Hiring Form CS coach service.

__ b. For the Hiring Form CS service, click the Coaches tab.

__ c. Click the Hiring Form coach.

When laying out a coach, consider how items are laid out. This consideration
determines whether the coach is laid out vertically or horizontally. This coach
lays out items vertically except for the position field.
__ d. Click the OK control button type on the coach canvas.

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__ e. In the Properties tab, General section, change the label of the control button
type to: Submit

__ f.

Open the Variables tray palette.

The first inputs that you add are the components of the requisitionDetails
variable. From the services palette, expand requisitionDetails and drag the
requisitionNumber field to the canvas above the Submit control button type.

__ g. Now drag the Requestor field underneath Requisition number.

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__ h. The date fields occupy a great deal of space. It is more efficient to arrange them
horizontally instead of stacking them vertically. To position them side-by-side,
add a horizontal section from the Section controls.
Expand the Views tray palette and then click the down icon to the Section area
in the palette. Drag a Horizontal Section divider onto the canvas beneath the
Requestor field.

__ i.

Click the Variables tray palette and drag the date fields (requisitionDetails >
dateOfRequest and requisitionDetails > datePositionAvailable) into the
horizontal section.

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__ j.

Add the Hiring manager comments field beneath the horizontal section.

__ k. Create another horizontal section below the Hiring manager comments input

__ l.

In the Properties view of the new section, set the Label value to: Position

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__ m. In the Variables tray palette, expand the position variable and drag the fields
into the new horizontal section.

__ n. Group the recruitingDetails variables together, setting them apart from the
other data on the screen in a vertical section. Drag a vertical section onto the
canvas above the Hiring manager comments input control and label it:
Recruiting Details

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__ o. Add the fields from the recruitingDetails variable to the new vertical section.

__ p. Drag a vertical section onto the canvas below Recruiting Details, and label the
new section: Compensation Details
__ q. Add the fields from the compensationDetails variable to the new vertical

The intent of this playback is to have data flow on the coach. The labels do not
look exactly like the end product, and the color scheme does not look like the

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corporate color scheme. Leave this coach and return to it in a later playback; you
concentrate on visual layout in playback 4.

__ r.

For the final section, drag a vertical section onto the canvas below the
Compensation Details, and label the new section Department Details.

__ s. Add the fields from the departmentDetails variable to the new vertical section.

__ 2. Add the sequence flow.

__ a. Click the Diagram tab.
__ b. From the palette, click the Sequence Flow tool.

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__ c. Draw the sequence flow lines from left to right, connecting the Start event to the
Hiring Form coach, and from the coach to the End event. The Submit control in
the coach, when pressed, exits the coach and flows down the sequence flow line
that is labeled Submit.

__ d. Straighten out the lines by right-clicking the canvas and click Tidy Layout.

__ e. Save your work.

__ 3. Run the coach.
__ a. Now that there is a working coach with variables bound to the fields, run the
coach and view it in a browser. Click the run button at the upper right of the
process designer.

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__ b. The default browser opens and displays the coach. This coach is not meant to be
an attractive, fully functioning front end; you add more functional and visual
features in playback 4. The intent of this playback is to start data flow. Next,
verify that the data is flowing. When you are ready, click Submit to close out the

__ c. The task is complete; close the browser.

__ 4. Debug the Submit Hiring Form task service and verify that data is flowing.
__ a. Open the Submit Hiring Form TS.

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__ b. Click the debugger icon.

__ c. The browser is displayed again, but this time it is in debug mode.

__ d. The process designer (in the background) displays another window that asks if
you want to switch the Process Designer to the Inspector. Click Yes, and if you

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want, check the check box to remember your decision. The process designer
switches to the Inspector mode.


You can move the browser window aside if you cannot see the prompt in IBM Process

__ e. Switch back to the browser, and the debugger is waiting to complete the
Initialize Variables step in the service. Click Step.

__ f.

The server script runs, and the values of the requisitionDetails variable are

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__ g. You see that the variable is initialized but has no values that are assigned to the
variables. Switch back to the process designer, and the Hiring Form CS service
now has the token on it.

__ h. Click Step Over and the browser displays the coach, but the debug window does
not return until all of the steps in the service are complete.

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__ i.

Complete the data on the coach and click Submit. Any values are sufficient.

__ j.

The client-side browser data populates the server-side variable.

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__ k. Click Run to complete the service. The service is complete, so you can close the
browser. To return the Process Designer back to Designer mode, click Designer
at the top of the window.

Part 4: Create a human service for the Approve New Hire Request
Because the Approve New Hire Request activity in the Hiring Request Process reviews
the same data that is entered in the last human service, you can reuse the coach service
(CS). However, you must create a task service (TS) to accept input from the first activity,
Submit Hiring Form TS.
In this section, do the same basic tasks as in the previous section, but this time for the
Approve New Hire Request activity in the BPD.
__ 1. Duplicate the Submit Hiring Form TS.
__ a. From the Designer library, click the User Interface option.
__ b. Right-click Submit Hiring Form TS and select Duplicate.

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__ c. Right-click Submit Hiring Form TS 2 and select Rename...

__ d. In the New name option, rename the service to Approve New Hire TS and click

__ e. From the Designer library, click the User Interface option and then double-click
Approve New Hire TS.
__ f.

Click Initialize Variables and press the delete key on your keyboard. You do not
need to initialize because all the variables from the Submit Hiring Form activity
are used in this activity. By deleting the Initialize Variables script object, you
avoid overwriting the variables.

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__ g. Use the sequence flow tool to reconnect the flow from the Start event to the
Hiring Form CS:
Connect the Start event to the Hiring Form CS.
Connect the Hiring Form CS to the End event.

__ 2. It is important to modify the Approve New Hire TS to reflect both input and output
data. Select the Variables tab to begin.
__ a. Click the output variable requisitionDetails, highlight the Name, and copy it.
__ b. Click Add Input and paste requisitionDetails into the Name field.
__ c. Click Select... to the right of the Variable Type option.
__ d. Type hir to filter the business objects to only those artifacts that contain those
letters, and then select HiringRequisition.

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__ e. Save your work.

Part 5: Add a service to an activity

In the Hiring Request Process modeling effort, many of the activities are placed on the
diagram canvas with default human services. It is time to implement the services that were
created to the appropriate activities in the BPD. In this section, you replace default human
services in the Submit Hiring Request and Approve New Hire Request activities in the
Hiring Request Process BPD with the appropriate task services.
__ 1. Open the Hiring Request Process BPD.
__ a. In the Designer library, select the Processes option.
__ b. Double-click the Hiring Request Process BPD.

__ 2. Implement the Submit Hiring Request activity service.

__ a. Click the Submit Hiring Request activity.
__ b. In the Properties tab, click the Implementation option.

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__ c. In the Implementation section, click Select...

__ d. Select Submit Hiring Form TS from the list.

The service is displayed in Implementation.

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__ 3. Map the Submit Hiring Request outputs (the first activity does not need input
__ a. In the Properties tab for the Submit Hiring Request activity, click the Data
Mapping menu option.

__ b. Click the Auto-map input icon for the Output Mapping.

Sometimes, the variables must be created for auto-mapping. IBM Process Designer
creates these variables automatically. Select the variable and click OK. Whichever ones
you select create a private variable in the BPD and automatically map the variable to the

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The output mapping is now complete and looks like the diagram.

__ 4. Implement the Approve New Hire Request activity.

__ a. Click the Approve New Hire Request activity in the Hiring Request Process
__ b. In the Properties tab, click the Implementation menu option.
__ c. In the Implementation section, click Select...
__ d. Select Approve New Hire TS from the list.

The service is displayed in Implementation.

__ 5. Map the Approve New Hire Request inputs and outputs.
__ a. In the Properties tab for the Approve New Hire Request activity, click the Data
Mapping menu option.
__ b. Because the variable was already created, it is easy to map the variables. Click
the Auto-map output icon for both the input and output mappings.

__ 6. To change the BPD flow, you can assign business data object data to a process flow
object. Assign the NewPosition variable to the IsNewPosition variable.
__ a. Click the User Interface library option and then double-click the Submit Hiring
Form TS.

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__ b. Click the Variables tab.

__ c. Click Add Output.
__ d. Name the variable isNewPosition and keep the type as String.

__ e. Click the Diagram tab.

__ f.

Add a Server Script after the Hiring Form CS service.

__ g. Name the activity: Map New Position Var

__ h. Connect the flows.

__ i.

In the Properties of the new server script, select Implementation.

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__ j.

Add the following code to the script box:

if (tw.local.requisitionDetails.recruitingDetails.newPosition == true)
tw.local.isNewPosition = "1";
tw.local.isNewPosition = "0";

__ k. Save your work.

__ 7. Map the new variable in the BPD.
__ a. Go to the Hiring Request Process BPD and click the Submit Hiring Request

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__ b. Click the Data Mapping menu under Properties and click the auto-map button.
It maps the new variable.

__ c. Save your work.

Run the process. You can affect the process flow through your New Position selection on
the coach.

Playback 2 is complete.
As part of the development process, you now review the playback and examine its
functions in the Process Portal.
Test the following functions:
When you create an instance of the Hiring Request Process, does it display your
Are all the fields on the coach?
If you need more information about conducting the playback, consult the appendix.

End of exercise

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Exercise review and wrap-up

This exercise looked at creating the assets that are required for a coach. These assets
include complex business objects, lists, services, a coach form, and mapping.

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Exercise 13.Creating a snapshot

What this exercise is about
In IBM Business Process Manager, a developer can capture a BPD at
a specific point during development. Sometimes these captures are
planned to freeze development phases. In this exercise, you use IBM
Process Designer to create a snapshot of your process application.
This exercise is not a recommendation for a development phase. Only
the individual development teams decide when phases are reached.
Rather, this exercise is to practice the mechanics of capturing a
snapshot of a process application.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Create a snapshot of your process application

Create a snapshot from inside IBM Process Designer:
1. Inside of IBM Process Designer, click Snapshot.
2. Give the snapshot a descriptive name.

Completing the exercises for this course requires a VMware image lab
environment that includes the exercise support files, IBM Process
Designer V8.5, and the IBM Process Center V8.5 test environment.

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Exercise instructions
__ 1. Create a snapshot of the Hiring Request Process in IBM Process Designer.
__ a. In IBM Process Designer, return to the Process Center perspective if you are not
already there.

__ b. From the Process Apps list, hover over the HR Recruitment Processes
process application and then click the Open in Designer option.
__ c. Click Snapshot at the upper right corner.

__ d. Give your snapshot a name and description, and click OK when you are done.

__ e. Your snapshot is displayed in the Revision History at the lower left corner of the

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End of exercise

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Exercise review and wrap-up

This exercise looked at creating a snapshot for the process app after conducting playback

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Exercise 14.Creating playback 3 assets

What this exercise is about
This exercise is about creating implementation assets to support
playback 3.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Create a decision service
Create and configure a UCA
Start a BPD with a message start event
Use tagging to organize your assets
Query a database to obtain information and populate a list variable
Create environment variables (ENVs) and exposed process
variables (EPVs)

In playback 3, the process interactions and integrations are
implemented so the process can have all the functions that are
needed to complete any process activity. Not all the functions are
developed within the process application when it comes to user
interactions. Some of the business data can be found, for instance, in
systems within an organization. So it is important to tap into the data,
and that is why integrations play a vital role in having a full and robust
process application. Other process interactions involve events within
the process model. These Intermediate events or even start events
can have a need for unique event handlers, such as listeners for
messages that trigger an event. It would be the appropriate time to
implement, test, and finalize all remaining process application

Completing the exercises for this course requires a VMware image lab
environment that includes the exercise support files, IBM Process
Designer V8.5, and the IBM Process Center V8.5 test environment.

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Exercise instructions
Part 1: Create a decision service
The business process is a candidate to include a decision service in the process flow.
Decision services allow the business process to make routine decisions that are based on
real business rules to speed up the process and eliminate user error.
The process owner and the project manager decided that decision services are a critical
addition to this project. Although they understand that adding requirements in this late
stage of the project (past playback 1) affects project timelines, they are willing to take this
risk to realize cost savings overall for the project. They decided this addition is within the
scope of the projects current release cycle.
The criteria that they must use is to route hiring requisitions for administrator override if the
salary is not compliant. The salary is considered to be compliant depending upon the job
level. Different job levels have different compliance ceilings.
Your task is to implement that decision service on a BPD.
__ 1. Create a decision service.
__ a. In the Designer library, click the plus icon next to Decisions.
__ b. Click Decision Service to create a service.

__ c. Name the decision service: Salary Compliance Service

__ d. Click Finish.

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__ 2. Add a BAL Rule.

__ a. You are now in the new service. Drag a BAL Rule from the service palette onto
the canvas.

__ b. Click the BAL Rule object and rename it to: Check Compliance

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__ c. Use the sequence flow tool to connect the sequence flow from left to right,
beginning at the Start event, to Check Compliance, and finally to the End

__ 3. Add variables to the service.

__ a. Click the Variables tab.
__ b. Click Add Input and name the variable: compensation
__ c. Click Select... and select CompensationDetails as the variable type.

__ d. Click Add Input and name the variable: position

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__ e. Click Select... and select Position as the variable type.

__ f.

Click Add Output and name the variable: isCompliant

You now have the following variables for the decision service.

__ 4. Add the rules for the service.

__ a. Click the Decisions tab.

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__ b. Select the Check Compliance BAL rule.

A default rule is added to the BAL rule editor. The condition and action options are editable.
If you click either, an editor is displayed to assist you with writing the rule. As is the case
with a Java or JavaScript editor, you can also use content assist (Ctrl + space) to assist.
The BAL rule is a simple set of if-then statements. In this example, if the salary is over or
under a threshold, it is not compliant. Otherwise, it is compliant. The threshold levels are:
Associate. Minimum salary: 40,000, maximum: 60,000
Manager. Minimum salary: 50,000, maximum: 75,000
Director. Minimum salary: 70,000, maximum: 95,000
President. Minimum salary: 100,000, maximum: 150,000.
The virtual machine settings occasionally cause unexpected behavior when using content
assist. Press the delete key and then press the spacebar to see the content assist window
display again. Use content assist as much as possible when building rules.

__ c. For the first rule, select the <condition> statement for your rule, and select the
following rule pieces:
the salary to offer of <a compensation details>
is between <min>
and <max>

14-6 BPM Process Implementing

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the job level of <a position>
contains ...
__ d. Select the <action> statement of your rule, and select the following rule pieces:
set <variable> to <variable value>
to "1"
set <variable> to <variable value>
to "0"

After the BAL rule is built, it reads much like a natural sentence. You assign a
value in the first rule, and as the other rules below it evaluate, if one of them
evaluates to true, then it overwrites the variable.
__ e. Click the plus symbol to create a second rule.

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__ f.

Build the next rule by using the previous method to flag the salary as
non-compliant if it does not fall within the same range. Build the rule to read:
if the job level of position contains "Manager" and all of the
following conditions are true:
- the salary to offer of compensation is more than 50000
- the salary to offer of compensation is less than 75000
then set isCompliant to "1";

__ g. Continue on with the third BAL rule. Copy and paste the prior rule and change
the variables as required.

__ h. Add the final rule. Copy and paste the prior rule and change the variables as

__ 5. Save your work.

If this service was a correct implementation, you might consider a decision table to
implement the rule requirements instead of if statements. BAL rules are more powerful
and flexible compared to table rules, so after you master the concepts of BAL rule building,
decision tables are an easier application of rules.

__ 6. Add the rule to the BPD.

__ a. Return to the Approve Hire Request process.
14-8 BPM Process Implementing
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__ b. Select the Check Hire Request activity in the System swimlane.

__ c. Click the Implementation menu option in the Properties tab for Check Hire
Request activity.
__ d. Use the select menu to change the activity to a Decision Task.

__ e. Click Select... in the Implementation section.

__ f.

Click Salary Compliance Service.

__ 7. Map the variables for the Check Hire Request activity.

__ a. Click the Data Mapping menu option in the Properties tab for the Check Hire
Request activity.

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__ b. Map tw.local.requisitionDetails.compensationDetails to compensation

for the first input.
__ c. Map tw.local.requisitionDetails.position to position for the second
__ d. Map isCompliant to tw.local.isSalaryCompliant for the output.

Notice that you do not need to send the full requisitionDetails object into every activity. If
a subprocess or an activity needs only a small amount of data from the larger object, send
in what is necessary. This approach helps the performance of your processes at run time.
It also helps to name variables the same across your processes if you know that they hold
the same data because it helps with maintenance, troubleshooting, and auto-mapping. If
you named the variable in the rule isSalaryCompliant rather than isCompliant, then you
can auto-map the variable.

__ e. Save your work.

Part 2: Implement a message start event

In the Hiring Request Process modeling, you created a BPD that communicated how a
process instance is started with an online data entry by either customers or customer
representatives, or through older green screen systems. Tight integration is planned with
this process and the older systems until they can be replaced with the new BPM servers.
The older systems would create a special hire request that would purge obsolete records
from the older database system. Because the new BPM system must replace the older
systems, this job must be initiated from the process. The good thing is that the Complete
Hire Request service that is already included in the BPD is the same service that was used
to process this special request. When a hire request is sent to this service with a blank hire
request number, it initiates the purge service in the older system.
To satisfy the green screen systems start of the process, a Start Message event must be
added to the BPD. Now it is time to implement the BPD so an instance of the process can
be initiated monthly.
__ 1. Open the Hiring Request Process BPD if it is not already open by clicking
Processes in the Designer library and double-click Hiring Request Process.

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__ 2. Create a General System Service to enable the UCA.

__ a. In the Designer library, click the plus sign icon next to the Implementation menu
__ b. Click the General System Service option.

__ c. Name the service: Systematic Request ES

Generally, the enabling service for a UCA is suffixed with ES for Enabling Service.

__ d. Click Finish.
__ e. Click the Variables tab for the general service.

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__ f.

Create a requisitionDetails (HiringRequisition) input and output


__ g. Initialize the variable, but it does not need to be completed, so create a server
script to initialize the variable and pass it out of the service.
Click the Diagram tab and then drag a server script onto the diagram.
__ h. Name the server script: Create Vars
__ i.

In the Properties pane, select Implementation.

__ j.

Add the following script for the implementation:

tw.local.requisitionDetails = new tw.object.HiringRequisition();

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__ k. Use the sequence tool to connect the flow and save the service.

__ 3. Create and enable an Undercover Agent (UCA).

__ a. Click the plus sign icon next to Implementation, and click the Undercover
Agent option.

__ b. Name the UCA: Systematic Request

__ c. Make sure that the Time Elapsed schedule type is selected.
__ d. Click Finish to complete the creation of the UCA.
__ e. In the Details section of the UCA settings page, click Select... and select the
Systematic Request ES general service.

__ f.

Click the Enabled check box for the new Undercover Agent.

__ g. Create the schedule according to the following script:

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Every month (all months) on the first Saturday at Midnight

on the hour.
Select all the months, then the First..., Saturday, Midnight, and On the hour
This setting generally provides time for the purging service to complete over the

__ h. Save your work.

__ 4. Implement the Systematic Request start message event on the Hiring Request
Process BPD.
__ a. Select the Hiring Request Process BPD.

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__ b. Drag a Start message event from the palette to the BPD.

__ c. Set the name of the start message event to: Systematic Request Start
__ d. Connect Systematic Request Start to the Complete Hire Request activity.

__ e. Click the Implementation option in the Properties tab, and click Select... next
to Attached UCA:

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__ f.

Select the Systematic Request UCA you created to the activity.

__ 5. Map the Systematic Request Start event UCA outputs to the BPD variables.
Select the Data Mapping option in the Properties tab.
__ a. In the Output section, click the variable selection icon for the
requisitionDetails (HiringRequisition) variable.
__ b. Double-click the requisitionDetails variable. The output maps to the

__ c. Save your work.

__ 6. Test the UCA.
__ a. Click the Implementation item in the library, click the Systematic Request
UCA, and then click Run now in the Scheduler section.

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__ b. A dialog displays which indicates that the message is scheduled for immediate
execution. Click OK.

__ c. Open the Hiring Request Process and then click Inspector in the upper left

__ d. Click the Process Instances tab if it is not already selected. Click the refresh
button to see the instances that were created in the Process Center.
__ e. If everything was successful, you have a Hiring Request Process instance (the
highest numbered instance) present in the left frame. This window shows all the
instances that ran in the Process Designer and their status. The latest instance is
now in Completed status. If you click the instance, the tasks show up in the right
window, and you see only one task that is already closed. All system tasks are
assigned to the admin user. Use the inspector tool in the future to troubleshoot
your instances.

Part 3: Apply asset tagging

There is now a robust number of assets in the Designer library for the Hiring Request
Process BPD. You can use asset tagging in IBM Business Process Manager to organize
your existing process application assets. Asset tagging allows developers to accomplish
tasks such as associating a UCA with its enabling service.
__ 1. Tag the Systematic Request Start service.
__ a. Click the Designer tab and then in the Designer library, click the Implementation
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__ b. Right-click the Systematic Request ES general system service.

__ c. Click Tags > New...

__ d. Name the tag UCA and then click OK.

__ e. Go back to the Designer library and click the Implementation menu option.
__ f.

Right-click the Systematic Request UCA.

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__ g. Click Tags > UCA.

__ 2. Sort by tag.
__ a. In the Designer library, click the All menu option.
__ b. Click the arrow to the right of Type.
__ c. Select Tag from the options.

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__ d. You see all the artifacts with the tag UCA grouped.

__ 3. Create a favorite.
__ a. Click the Processes library item and change the list view select menu to Type.
__ b. Hover to the left of the Hiring Request Process. You notice the outline of a star.
__ c. Click the star next to the Hiring Request Process.

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__ d. Click the Smart Folder in the library and then the Favorites category to verify
that the BPD favorite is now part of the Favorites smart folder.

Part 4: Create a service to query a database and populate a list

Up until now, the green screen systems required employees to look up the different codes
and enter them into the system. Because customers use this system, a better approach is
to offer a menu with readable options that correspond to the codes in the database. The
Job Level and Department details inputs make up the menus.
The tables are already established in the TRAINING database as JOBLEVELS. You build a
new data object called DepartmentDetails that contains the other fields: Division and
Department. These fields match the DIVISIONS and DEPARTMENTS tables in the
TRAINING database.
Use an environment variable to hold database information for one query, and an exposed
process variable (EPV) to hold the database information for the other.
__ 1. Create a General System Service to retrieve the incident categories.
__ a. In the Designer library, click the plus sign icon for the Implementation menu
option and click the General System Service option.
__ b. Name the service: Retrieve Department Categories
__ c. Click Finish.

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__ 2. Add variables to the service.

__ a. Click the Variables tab.
__ b. Click Add Output and name the variable: departmentCategoriesList
__ c. Click the Is List check box and then click Select... for the variable type.
__ d. Select NameValuePair from the list.

__ e. Now click Add Private and name the variable: sql

Leave the variable type as a string.
The variables for the service resemble the following diagram:

__ 3. Add the elements onto the canvas.

__ a. Click the Diagram tab of the service.
__ b. Drag a Server Scriptlet from the service palette to the canvas.
__ c. Click the server scriptlet and rename it: Set SQL

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__ d. Expand the System Data toolkit in the Designer library and then select the
Implementation option.
__ e. Click the SQL Execute Statement and drag it onto the canvas to the right of the
Set SQL server scriptlet.

__ f.

Connect the objects on the canvas from left to right: from the Start event to the
Set SQL server scriptlet, to the SQL Execute Statement, and finally to the End

__ 4. Implement the Set SQL server scriptlet.

__ a. Click the Set SQL server scriptlet.
__ b. In the Properties tab, click the Implementation menu option.

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__ c. Click Select... next to Binding: and click the sql variable.

__ d. Type the following SQL query in the script box. The intent is to map the results
directly into a NameValuePair type object, so you must rename the results to
enable that direct mapping.

__ 5. Map the inputs and outputs of the SQL Execute Statement service.
__ a. Click the SQL Execute Statement service.
__ b. In the Properties tab, click the Data Mapping menu option.
__ c. In the Input Mapping, click the map icon for the sql (String) variable and
variable type. Click the sql variable from the list.
__ d. In the Output Mapping, click the map icon for the results (ANY) variable and
variable type. Double-click the departmentCategoriesList variable.

__ e. In the returnType (String), add the following text: "NameValuePair" (include

the quotation marks). Leave the Use default checked for the parameters and
maxRows variables.

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__ f.

Clear the Use default check box for dataSourceName.

__ g. A JDBC data source was already created for you. In the dataSourceName, type
"jdbc/TrainingDB" (include the quotation marks).

__ 6. Create an exposed process variable (EPV) to manage the data source name.
__ a. Click the plus sign icon in the Data menu option in the Designer library.
__ b. Select Exposed Process Value.
__ c. Name your EPV DataSource and click Finish.
__ d. In the Exposed Process Value settings, click Add in the Exposed Process
Value Variables section.
__ e. Set the following values in the Variable Details section:
External Name: TrainingDatabase
Variable Name: trainingDB
External Description: This is the name of the JDBC data source
for the training database.
Default Value: jdbc/TrainingDB

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Exercise 14. Creating playback 3 assets

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__ f.

Save your work.

__ 7. Select Retrieve Department Categories from the menu to return to the service.

__ a. Click the Variables tab, click the Link EPV, and then select the DataSource

__ b. Click the Diagram tab to return to the service objects. Click one time on the SQL
Execute Statement object.
__ c. In the Properties tab, click the Data Mapping menu option.
__ d. Remove the current Use default value and add the trainingDB EPV as the
dataSourceName; and do not forget to cast your EPV to a String. The entry is:

14-26 BPM Process Implementing

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Your final input data mapping should look as follows:

__ e. Save your work.

__ 8. Create a General System Service to retrieve job levels; however, use an
Environment variable (ENV) to accomplish this implementation.
__ a. In the Designer library, click the plus sign icon for the Implementation menu
option and click the General System Service option.
__ b. Name the service: Retrieve Job Levels
__ c. Click Finish.
__ 9. Add the service elements on the service modeling canvas.
__ a. Click the Diagram tab of the service.
__ b. Drag a Server Scriptlet from the service palette to the canvas.
__ c. Rename the server scriptlet: Set SQL

__ d. Expand the System Data Toolkit in the Designer library and then select the
Implementation option.
__ e. Click the SQL Execute Statement and drag it into the canvas next to the Set
SQL server scriptlet.

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__ f.

Connect the objects on the canvas from the Start event to the Set SQL server
scriptlet, to SQL Execute Statement, and finally to the End event.

__ 10. Add an environment variable to your process application.

__ a. Select the Process App Settings from the menu.

__ b. Select the Environment tab and then click Add on the right side of the
Environment Variables section.

__ c. Complete the following values for the environment variable:

14-28 BPM Process Implementing
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Key: TrainingDB
Default: jdbc/TrainingDB

__ d. Save your work.

__ 11. Add the variables to the Retrieve Job Levels service.
__ a. From the drop-down menu, select the Retrieve Job Levels service.

__ b. Click the Variables tab.

__ c. Click Add Output and name the variable: jobLevels
__ d. Click the Is List check box and then click Select... for the variable type.
__ e. Select NameValuePair from the list.

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__ f.

Click Add Private and name the variable: sql

Leave the variable type as a string.

__ 12. Implement the Set SQL server scriptlet.

__ a. Click the Diagram tab.
__ b. Click the Set SQL server scriptlet.
__ c. In the Properties tab, click the Implementation menu option.
__ d. Click Select... next to Binding: and click the sql variable.

__ e. Type the following script in the Implementation script box:


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__ 13. Map the inputs and outputs of the SQL Execute Statement service.
__ a. Click the SQL Execute Statement service.
__ b. In the Properties tab, click the Data Mapping menu option.
__ c. In the Input Mapping, click the map icon for the sql (String) variable. Click
the sql variable from the list.
__ d. In the Output Mapping, click the map icon for the results (ANY) variable or
variable type. Double-click the jobLevels variable.
Your data mapping resembles the following diagram:

__ e. In returnType (String), add the following text: "NameValuePair" (include the

quotation marks). Leave the Use default checked for the parameters and
maxRows variables.

__ f.

Clear Use default for dataSourceName (String) and enter:

Notice that it is not required to cast an EPV to a String.

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__ g. Your final input data mapping resembles the following diagram:

__ 14. Save your work.

Debug the service to determine whether the data is retrieved from the database correctly.

Playback 3 is complete.
As part of the development process, you now review the playback and examine its
functions in the Process Portal.
Does the decision service route the request correctly according to job type and salary?
You cannot test the Undercover Agent in the Process Portal.
You test the database query in a later exercise.
If you need more information about conducting the playback, consult the appendix.

End of exercise

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Exercise review and wrap-up

The first part of this exercise looked at creating a decision service. You created rules in
Business Action Language (BAL) to support the service and then implemented the new
service in a BPD. Next, you created a message start event as a trigger to run the process.
You organized their assets with tags. Finally, you built a query service to read information
from a database. The query service is built with environment variables and exposed
process variables.

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Exercise 15.Enhancing a coach

What this exercise is about
This exercise is about enhancing the presentation and appearance of
a coach service.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Create tabs on a coach
Change a text control to a single select control
Add a visibility rule to an input control
Apply a class to a control
Change the look of a control through CSS
Create a coach view

In playback 4, the enhancements that the business wants for process
application user interfaces happen at this stage. Often, the initial
development efforts are marred with requests to begin with full fidelity
user interfaces. It is not uncommon to have this request as it is driven
with a desire to impress executive level stakeholders with prototypical
user interfaces that can be manipulated. It is better to reserve this type
of development for this playback stage. You ensure that the data
model is in place, the functions of the user interface were approved,
and all the remaining process application interactions and integrations
are complete. Now the enhancements can be done without fear that
rework would be needed later because of a change in requirements to
the items in the prior playbacks. Changes can happen, but the
likelihood is that those functional requirement changes are handled in
Optimization and not within the development cycle because
consensus is reached to move to this stage of development.

Completing the exercises for this course requires a VMware image lab
environment that includes the exercise support files, IBM Process
Designer V8.5, and the IBM Process Center V8.5 test environment.
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Exercise 15. Enhancing a coach

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You must have a business process diagram entitled Hiring Request

Process that contains a coach service named Hiring Form CS.

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Exercise instructions
Part 1: Group controls into tabs on a coach
You completed three playbacks in the development cycle. In one of the previous playbacks,
you provided a functional look at the coaches in the Hiring Request Process. Enhance
the coaches with more features and functions. Start with creating a polished look to the
coach by grouping similar data into tabs.
__ 1. Create the tabs.
__ a. Click the User Interface option in the Designer library.
__ b. Double-click Hiring Form CS.
__ c. Click the Coaches tab and click the Hiring Form coach.
__ d. Click the View tray palette and scroll down to the Section.
__ e. Drag the Tabs section onto the palette at the top of the coach.

__ f.

In the Section palette, drag a Vertical section and drop it onto the first tab.

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Exercise 15. Enhancing a coach

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__ g. Label the vertical section: Requisition Details

__ h. Drag the Requisition number and Requestor controls onto the editable area of
the vertical section.
__ i.

Drag the Horizontal Section onto the editable area of the vertical section.

__ j.

Place the Hiring manager comments control underneath the Horizontal


__ k. Click the plus (+) icon on the tab next to the Requisition Details tab.
__ l.

Move the Position Details horizontal section onto the tab. This one is much
easier since all the controls are already in a horizontal section.

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__ m. Create tabs for the Recruiting Details, Compensation Details, and

Department Details. Drag each of the respective sections onto their tabs.

__ n. Save your work.

__ 2. View the coach.
__ a. Click the run button at the top of the coach.

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Exercise 15. Enhancing a coach

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__ b. The coach now has multiple tabs. Click the tabs to see what is contained in each

Label the input fields and sections to give the coach a more refined appearance.

Part 2: Change an input to a single select on a coach

Until now, any input would be accepted for the Department input on the page. If only
certain values are allowed, you must then approach the control in the following ways. The
first way would be to limit the input to only acceptable values by using a selection like the
single select on a coach. The second way is through validation of the page date. Many
times the solution is both approaches. This section demonstrates to developers how to
create a single selection to limit the values that are allowed.
When considering whether to add integration services to a task service (TS) or a coach
service (CS), consider whether the service is always required for the coach.

15-6 BPM Process Implementing

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For this application, you always need the department data to map the value of the variable
to its display name. Therefore, you add the integration service to the CS.
__ 1. Add the Retrieve Department Categories service to the Hiring Form CS service.
__ a. In IBM Process Designer, open the Hiring Form CS service. Select User
Interface and double-click Hiring Form CS.
__ b. Select the Diagram tab.
__ c. Click Implementation in the Designer library.
__ d. Drag Retrieve Department Categories onto the Hiring Form CS diagram.
__ e. Reconnect the Hiring Form CS diagram so that the Start event connects to
Retrieve Department Categories, which connects to the Hiring Form coach,
and then to the End event.

__ 2. Auto-map the output variable of the integration service and allow the system to
create the private variable.
__ a. Select the Retrieve Department Categories activity from the Hiring Form CS
__ b. In the Properties tab, click Data Mapping.
__ c. In the Output Mapping section, click the auto-map button. A dialog prompts you
to create the list variable.

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__ d. Select the private variable and click OK. The mapping is automatically

__ 3. Change the control on the Hiring Form coach to a single select.

__ a. Select the Coaches tab.
__ b. Select the control that is bound to the department variable.

__ c. Change the view that the control is bound to. Right now, all the input boxes on
the coach are text views. These controls are all variables that are bound to string
data types.
In the Behavior section, click Select... next to View. Select the Single Select
chosen (Bonus, Control) which is contained in the WE Coach Bonus Toolkit.

15-8 BPM Process Implementing

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__ d. After you change the view binding, the control on the palette has a different look.
It is now a Single Select type of view control.

__ 4. Because the control returns an element of the list, you must create a simple variable
of the list type.
__ a. Select the Variables tab on Hiring Form CS.
__ b. Click Add Private.
__ c. Create a private variable that is named department of type NameValuePair.
Remember, it is not a list, but a simple variable.

__ 5. Assign the binding of the control to the department variable.

__ a. Select the Coaches tab.
__ b. Select the Department field on the Hiring Form coach.
__ c. In the Properties tab, select the General option.
__ d. In the Behavior section, click Select... next to the Binding property.

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__ e. Double-click department (NameValuePair) from the variable list.

__ 6. Assign the list values to enable the selections that populate the single select menu.
__ a. Click the Configuration menu under Properties.
__ b. Click Select... next to the Select List.
__ c. Double-click the departmentCategoriesList variable.

__ d. Because the control uses the .name variable for the Display Name Property
and the .value of the Value property settings by default, you do not have to set
those settings. If you are using a variable other than a NameValuePair, you must
assign the values that populate the name and value of the control. Your settings
now resemble the following diagram:

15-10 BPM Process Implementing

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__ 7. Bind the selection value back to the variable.

__ a. In the Hiring Form CS service, click the Diagram tab.
__ b. Drag a server script object onto the diagram.
__ c. Name the server script: Bind Department
__ d. Reconnect the Hiring Form CS diagram so that the Hiring Form coach
connects to Bind Department and Bind Department connects to the End
__ e. Select Bind Department. In the Properties tab, click Implementation.
__ f.

Add the following implementation code to the script:

tw.local.requisitionDetails.departmentDetails.department =

Another approach that you can take without creating a private variable is to bind to the
.listSelected property of the variable in the select list binding.
tw.local.requisitionDetails.departmentDetails.department =

__ 8. Save your work.

__ 9. Debug the coach, and verify that the Department single select works and binds the
data to the variable.
__ a. Click the debug button.
__ b. The debugger starts in a browser window. In IBM Process Designer, if you are
prompted to switch to the Inspector view, click Yes.
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__ c. In the debugger, click Step Over. The Inspector progresses to the Hiring Form
__ d. Click Step. The coach is displayed.
__ e. Select the Department Details tab. In the Department field, make a selection
and click Submit.

Make sure that your browser is Internet Explorer 9 or above or Mozilla Firefox. Internet
Explorer 8 causes rendering problems with IBM BPM v8.5.

15-12 BPM Process Implementing

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__ f.

Verify that the data is bound to the variable inside the debugger.

__ g. Click Run.

Part 3: Add dynamic dependent visibility to a coach

You continue to enhance the coach by providing a dependent visibility. Use the stock
controls and a coach view. The testers of the original coach provided feedback that the
numEmployeesNeeded field is unnecessary if the check box for
multipleEmployeesNeeded is not checked. Therefore, the testers would like to hide the
numEmployeesNeeded field when the check box is not checked.
__ 1. Change the visibility of the numEmployeesNeeded control.
__ a. Click the numEmployeesNeeded control in the Recruiting Details tab.
__ b. Click the Visibility link in the Properties tab for the control.

__ c. Click Rule and then select the Variable option.

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__ d. In this interface, you set the rule values to control the visibility of the input control.
Select Same as parent in the Set to: option.
__ e. Click Select to choose the variable to control the controls visibility. Choose the
multipleEmployeesNeeded variable from the Input > recruitingDetails list.

__ f.

Choose Equal to in the Condition: option.

__ g. Next, make sure the Value: option is set to true because the variable is a
boolean type. With this rule, the control is visible if the check box is selected (or
set to true) by the user.
__ h. Now set the Otherwise: option to Hidden so the control is not visible other than
when the multipleEmployeesNeeded variable is true.

__ i.

Save your work.

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__ 2. Run the coach.

__ a. Click the Run button on the coach.

__ b. Click the Recruiting Details tab on the web form.

__ c. Click the Multiple employees needed check box to test the visibility of the Num
employees needed control. Repeat this step until you are satisfied that the
visibility rule is working as designed and intended.

__ d. Close the browser when the test is completed.

The option of None might be used instead of Hidden. By using Hidden, a separation on
the web form between the two check boxes is maintained.

Part 4: Change the appearance of the coach

You already encountered some alignment issues in one of the tabs that require attention.
The default size of an input box also does not give much room for user input. First, change
the size of the explanation box to provide more space, and then fix some alignment issues
in the tabbed section. In addition, add a Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) class to a control.
Finally, create and implement a custom HTML control, and move the CSS class to a coach
__ 1. Add a class to the Hiring manager comments input control.
__ a. If it is not already open, open the Hiring Form CS service.

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__ b. Select the Coaches tab and click the Hiring Form coach.
__ c. Select the Requisition Details tab and click the hiringManagerComments
__ d. Click the HTML Attributes option under the Properties tab.

__ e. Click Add Class and change the class name to: largeInput

__ 2. Add a Custom HTML control and add CSS to control the size of the input box.
__ a. Click the Advanced tray palette and select Custom HTML.

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__ b. Drag a Custom HTML section to the bottom of the coach.

__ c. Select the Custom HTML control.

__ d. In the Properties tab, enter the following code into the Custom HTML text area:
.largeInput>div {
width: 500px;
__ e. Save your work.
__ 3. Run the coach. Notice that the size of the hiringManagerComments field is much

__ 4. Create a coach view to share the class.

__ a. Now that you corrected the width of the input box, you can move the CSS into a
coach view to share with other coaches in the process app.
Click the plus sign next to User Interface and select Coach View.

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__ b. Name the coach view HR Recruitment Process CSS and click Finish.

__ c. Click the Behavior tab and select Inline CSS.

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__ d. Copy and paste the CSS from the Custom HTML control on the Hiring Form
CS service into the Inline CSS box. You do not need the <style> tags because
the coach view inline CSS block adds it automatically.

__ e. Save your work.

__ 5. Replace the Custom HTML control with inline CSS.
__ a. Delete the Custom HTML control from the Hiring Form coach.
__ b. In the Designer library, click User Interface.
__ c. Drag the HR Recruitment Process CSS service onto the coach. It can be
anywhere on the coach, but the top of the coach is best.

__ d. Save your work.

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__ 6. Run the coach to verify that the coach view added the correct class. If the CSS
becomes adopted across all the process apps, consider moving the common CSS
into a CSS file and use it as a managed file.
Playback 4 is complete.
As part of the development process, you now review the playback and examine its
functions in the Process Portal.
Test the following functions:
Does the coach display all the tabs?
Are all the fields on the correct tabs of the coach?
Does the single select field query the department table on the database?
Is the number of employees field hidden if multiple employees are unnecessary?
Is the number of employees field required if multiple employees are necessary?
Does the single select field display the contents correctly?
Is the hiringManagerComments field long enough to support more text?
If you need more information about conducting the playback, consult the appendix.

End of exercise

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Exercise review and wrap-up

The first part of this exercise looked at adding a tabbed section to the coach. You then
moved the existing coach fields onto the tabbed section to create a coach with a more
refined appearance. You labeled the fields to improve the appearance.
You then changed a control on the coach to a single select type of control. This control is
populated by using the database query service, which you created in a previous exercise.
You bound the selection to a variable and debugged the coach service.
The third part of this exercise looked at controlling the visibility of a control on the coach by
using a custom visibility field and by configuring a visibility rule from the Coach Bonus
Finally, this exercise looked at adding a Custom HTML control to format fields in the coach
view. You then moved the HTML code into a separate, inline CSS that replaced the Custom
HTML control.

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Exercise 16.Creating error handling for a service

What this exercise is about
When the process application that you develop in IBM Business
Process Manager includes integrations with external systems, server
scripts, and other complex implementations, you must anticipate
potential exceptions. You must create components to handle those
exceptions when they occur. For example, if a BPD includes an
integration with a database system, that database might not be
available when each new instance of the BPD runs. So, when you
develop the integration in IBM Business Process Manager, you must
handle exceptions to detect errors and recover in a predictable
manner. You can build error handling capabilities into both BPDs and
services by using the available exception components.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Harden a service with a Catch Exception component

1. Inside the IBM Process Designer service diagram, drag a Catch
Exception and attach it to a generic service or a human service.
2. Create a flow from the Catch Exception.

Completing the exercises for this course requires a VMware image lab
environment that includes the exercise support files, IBM Process
Designer V8.5, and the IBM Process Center V8.5 test environment.

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Exercise 16. Creating error handling for a service

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Exercise instructions
__ 1. Add a Catch Exception event to the Hiring Form CS service.
__ a. In the Designer library, select the User Interface option.
__ b. Double-click the Hiring Form CS human service.
__ c. Select the Diagram tab.
__ d. Drag an Error Intermediate Event from the service palette to the canvas.

__ 2. Add a coach to display an error message.

__ a. Drag a coach from the service palette onto the canvas.
__ b. Name the coach: Show Error Message

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__ 3. Add a postpone task service.

__ a. Drag a Postpone Task service from the palette to the canvas
__ b. Name the new service: Postpone Task

__ 4. Create the error message coach.

__ a. Click the Coaches tab and select the Show Error Message coach.
__ b. Expand the Section drawer in the palette.
__ c. Drag a horizontal section from the View tray palette Section category to the top
of the coach designer canvas.
__ d. Change the display label on the section to: An error has occurred
__ e. Nest another horizontal section inside the first one.

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__ f.

Change the display label on the internal section to: Error information

__ g. Drag a Custom HTML control from the Advanced tray palette into the Error
Information section.
__ h. Add error information to the HTML text block that is provided to the user:
<p>An error has occurred. You can either re-try what you were doing,
or you can postpone this activity until a later date.</p>
<p>If you need further assistance, please call our customer service
hotline: (555)555-5555.</p>

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__ i.

Drag another horizontal section below the previous section and delete the label.
This section is a button group.

__ j.

Click the OK button and drag it into the new horizontal section.

__ k. Click the View tray palette and in the Control section, click a button and drag it
next to the OK button.

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__ l.

Change the label of the first button control to Retry and change the second
button label to Postpone

__ 5. Reconnect the flow on the Hiring Form CS canvas.

__ a. Select the Diagram tab.
__ b. Connect the new elements on the canvas:
Connect Catch Error to Show Error Message.
Connect Show Error Message to Postpone Task by the Postpone
Connect Postpone Task back to Show Error Message.
Connect Show Error Message to Retrieve Department Categories by
the Retry control.

16-6 BPM Process Implementing

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After you connect the Show Error Message coach to other activities, the flow editor
automatically uses the button controls from the coach. If the controls do not match the flow,
you can either reroute the connection arrows or change the end state binding.
To change the end state binding, select the connection arrow.
Select the Properties tab.
In the Behavior section, click Select...
From the coach dialog, select the button control to which you want to bind the

__ 6. Save your work.

Playback 5 is complete.
As part of the development process, you now review the playback and examine its
functions in the Process Portal.
Does the error message coach display correctly?
If you need more information about conducting the playback, consult the appendix.

End of exercise

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Exercise 16. Creating error handling for a service

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Exercise review and wrap-up

This exercise looked at adding a Catch Exception component to capture and manage
errors in the process.

16-8 BPM Process Implementing

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Appendix A. Conducting playbacks

What this exercise is about
After the end of each playback in the development cycle, test your
work in the Process Portal. Conducting a playback is a good time to
demonstrate to business stakeholders how data flows in the process

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
Log on to the Process Portal
Create an instance of a process
Demonstrate the business data flow through coaches

A playback between business and IT is a focused demonstration of a
partially implemented process model at the designated development
phase. The goal of a playback is to encourage discussion, build
consensus, improve collaboration, and ultimately approve the process
model. Playbacks thus enable the iterative agile development of the
process application.
Playbacks provide early visibility and input from the business group on
the process application functions. Often times, the perspective of the
business group benefits development because they quickly identify
adjustments to requirements well before the final product is
1. Log on to the Process Portal. The URL is:
http://<server URL:port>/portal
2. Demonstrate process flow. Complete a coach and submit the data.
3. Show the effects of business data as it changes the process flow.

Completing the exercises for this course requires a VMware image lab
environment that includes the exercise support files, IBM Process
Designer V8, and the IBM Process Center V8 test environment.
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Appendix A. Conducting playbacks

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This appendix relies upon successful completion of a playback in the

development process.


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Exercise instructions
The ability to shift direction during each playback phase is key to reaching the ultimate
BPM project target. The appreciably faster time to value that the BPM team and business
realize with this approach sets the direction for future BPM project development.

Themed playbacks
Often playbacks are conducted as themed phases of development. The number of
playbacks depends on the number of themes that the organization wants to use and the
complexity of the business process needs. This reference guide for playbacks focuses on
the use of six playback themes: playback 0 through playback 5. This guide can be used as
a primer for just about any BPM project development effort.

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Appendix A. Conducting playbacks

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Project management and the BPM lifecycle

Completion of the project management means that a large portion of the BPM lifecycle is
complete. After the project development is complete, which is 1014 weeks, the process
application is monitored during production. The process performance data is then
evaluated and analyzed for more efficiency. Business goals can also be altered based on
process performance at this stage of the lifecycle. After completion, the next iteration of the
project is initiated, and the project development with playbacks begins again.

1. Design goals:
- Capture executive vision
- Process nomination
- Process prioritization
- Process discovery
- Process analysis

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2. Modeling goals:
- Create a process model
- Process adjustments
- Process simulation
3. Execution goals:
- Implement the process model as a process application
- Adjust business process requirements as needed
- Deploy and monitor the process application
4. Optimization goals:
- Analyze and evaluate process performance data
- Evaluate the business process ability to meet new business

Part 1: Playback 0: Capture, describe, and model the process

In playback 0, documentation and process analysis set the correct framework for the
process model creation, process automation, and process activity added value to gain
efficiencies, visibility, and effectiveness for the business process. The entire playback 0
stage typically takes 13 weeks to complete.

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Part 2: Playback 1: Process flow data implementation

In playback 1, the process data model is implemented along with the appropriate process
flow for the data. Flow data is different from business data in that flow data moves the
process along from flow object to flow object. The most obvious examples of flow data are
the data elements that the decision points use in the process or service diagrams. When a
token comes to a decision point, the values of data elements are used to determine the
next paths to take. Flow data also includes the following data:
Data that is used to determine which activities to run
Data that is used to determine who runs each activity
Data that is used to determine when an activity is due or when an activity must
be escalated
The process flow data ensures that the business process gets the right activities to the right
people at the right time.


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Part 3: Conduct playback 2

In playback 2, human services are added with the Service Modeler. Human services allow
users to access task assignments in an activity-centered web form. At this stage of
development, it is important that the functions of a human service, which is known as a
coach, are implemented. Enhancements can be added later. This playback is about
making sure that users have what they need in terms of business data and task
assignment information to complete the process activity.

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The default human services that were used in playback 1 are replaced with human services
that allow for entry and capture of business data. The human services with coaches are
implemented on two activities in the Hiring Request Process BPD. This session validates
the playback 2 process application.
__ 1. Log on to the Process Portal as User Name: we_author1 and Password:
__ a. Maximize the IBM Business Process Manager Quick Start browser window.
__ b. Click the Process Portal link to start the Process Portal.


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__ c. Log in as User Name: we_author1 and Password: we_author01

__ 2. Create an instance of the Hiring Request Process in the Process Portal.

__ a. In the right frame, click Hiring Request Process to start an instance of the

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__ b. A notice is displayed to indicate that the process was started.

__ c. Select the Work tab in the Process Portal. The process instance is displayed,
and it is paused on the Submit Hiring Request activity.
__ 3. The custom coach is displayed. Complete the coach with any data and click

__ 4. Log out of the Process Portal and log back in as User Name: we_user1 and
Password: we_user01
__ 5. Run the Approve New Hire Request task.
__ a. Select the Approve New Hire Request step. A dialog reminds you that the
unclaimed task is automatically assigned. Click Claim Task.

A-10 BPM Process Implementing

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__ b. The data from the last coach is displayed in the new coach. Click Submit to
complete the validation of data flow.

__ 6. Log out of Process Portal.

Part 4: Conduct playback 3

In playback 3, the process interactions and integrations are implemented so the process
can have all the functions that are needed to complete any process activity. Not all the
functions are developed within the process application when it comes to user interactions.
Some of the business data can be found, for instance, in systems within an organization.
So it is important to tap into that data, and that is why integrations play a vital role in having
a full and robust process application. Other process interactions involve events within the
process model. These intermediate events or even start events can have a need for unique
event handlers, such as listeners for messages that trigger an event. It would be the
appropriate time to implement, test, and finalize all remaining process application

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Appendix A. Conducting playbacks

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Validate that the decision service and business rules produce the expected results, which
depend on the business data input into a coach.
__ 1. Log on to the Process Portal as User Name: admin and Password: admin
__ a. Maximize the IBM Business Process Manager Quick Start browser window.
__ b. Click the Process Portal link to start the Process Portal.

A-12 BPM Process Implementing

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__ c. Log in as User ID: we_author1 and Password: we_author01

__ 2. Create an instance of the Hiring Request Process in the Process Portal.

__ a. In the right frame, click Hiring Request Process to start an instance of the

__ b. A notice is displayed to indicate that the process was started.

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__ 3. Complete the coach.

__ a. Complete the coach with any data you want, but leave the is new position field
as false (not checked).
__ b. Set the job level to Associate, and the salary to offer under the Compensation
Details must be set to a number in the range of 4000060000.
__ c. Click Submit when done.
__ 4. The process forwards the task to the Approve Hire Request subprocess, evaluates
the rule from the decision service, and then completes the task.
__ 5. View the Completed Tasks to show the completed instances.
__ 6. Select the latest instance in the list, click the chevron arrow, and select View
Process Diagram.

__ 7. The diagram displays how the rule controlled the flow of the process. The instance
advanced all the way to Review Posting because a review is not needed. The
Check Hire Request BAL rule evaluated that the salary was compliant, so the
Approve Hire Request subprocess was completed as well.

A-14 BPM Process Implementing

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__ 8. Create another instance that follows a different path in the process.

__ a. Click the blue X arrow to leave the diagram view and then select the Hiring
Request Process to start a new instance of the process.
__ b. Complete the coach with any data you want. This time, change isNewPosition
to true (checked). Set the job level to Director, and the salary to offer under the
Compensation Details must be set to a number not within 7000095000. Click
Submit when done.

__ 9. Show the different path taken based on how the rule is assessed as a complex
__ a. Click the Completed Tasks and find the latest instance. Click the chevron arrow
and then select the View Process Diagram.

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Appendix A. Conducting playbacks

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__ b. Notice the different path that was taken, and how the flow went to the Approve
New Hire Request because you set the new position to true.

__ c. Click the blue X icon and then complete the task for the next activity and follow
the process flow.
__ d. Try the same data without the isNewPosition checked. View the different flow
results from the rule and the decision gateway Is salary compliant.
__ e. When the tasks are completed, log out of the Process Portal and minimize the
browser window.

Part 5: Conduct playback 4

The enhancements that the business wants for process application user interfaces happen
at this stage. Often, the initial development efforts are marred with requests to begin with
full fidelity user interfaces. It is not uncommon to have this request as it is driven with a
desire to impress executive level stakeholders with prototypical user interfaces that can be
manipulated. It is better to reserve this type of development for this playback stage. You
ensure that the data model is in place, the functions of the user interface are approved, and
all the remaining process application interactions and integrations are complete. Now the
enhancements can be done without fear that rework might be needed later because of a
change in requirements to the items in the prior playbacks. Changes can happen, but the
likelihood is that those functional requirement changes are handled in Optimization and not
within the development cycle because there was consensus to move to this stage of

A-16 BPM Process Implementing

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With the new integrations and added features and functions in the hiring requisition BPD
coaches, it is now necessary to get sign-off for the process application. Conduct a playback
of your process to review the added enhancements.
__ 1. Show the coach enhancements.
__ a. Maximize the Process Portal browser window.
__ b. Log in as User Name: we_author1 and Password: we_author01
__ c. Create an instance of the Hiring Request Process.
__ d. On the hiring form, demonstrate the tabs and how they are intended to move the
user along in a wizard-like experience.

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__ e. Show the extended hiringManagerComments input.

__ f.

Demonstrate the dependent visibility control on the Recruiting Details tab.

__ g. Demonstrate the drop-down list on the Department Details tab.

A-18 BPM Process Implementing

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This playback represents some of the items you show during playback 4. Most likely, you
would continue to refine your UI so you show the polished appearance, and make the
coaches production-ready.

Part 6: Conduct playback 5

In playback 5, peer testing of all functions, all interface design, and all use cases can be
done. The process application error handling allows the development team to fix any
process application problems that were not detected earlier. After testing and approval, the
move is made to deploy the process application to a test environment that is a user
production environment so the process application can be monitored and tested under
business conditions.

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Appendix A. Conducting playbacks

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The last playback consists of validation of the error handling that you implemented in the
process application.
__ 1. Change the Retrieve Incident Categories service to throw an error.
__ a. For this demonstration, you want to show what would happen if a database is
unreachable, so you remove the connection information to cause this error.
__ b. In the Designer library, click the Implementation option and open the Retrieve
Department Categories service.
__ c. Click the SQL Execute Statement service. In the Properties tab, erase the
value of the returnType(String) option.

__ d. Save this service.

__ 2. Show the user experience when an error occurs in a service.
__ a. Log on to the Process Portal:
- User Name: we_author1
- Password: we_author01
__ b. Click Hiring Request Process to create an instance of the process.

A-20 BPM Process Implementing

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__ c. You immediately see the error display. Click Retry.

__ d. You immediately see the error display again. Click Postpone.

__ e. The task remains in the inbox until the error can be resolved.

You can correct the problem and show how a user would recover by going back into the
Portal and running the task again. This time the coach displays as expected.

End of exercise

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Exercise review and wrap-up

This exercise conducts all the playbacks from playback 2 to playback 5.

A-22 BPM Process Implementing

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Appendix B. Data dictionary

Training database
The JNDI is jdbc/TrainingDB.
The training database that is used in the foundation courses uses the following database

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Appendix B. Data dictionary

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Part 1: Departments


Null allowed


Professional Services


Null allowed


Part 2: Divisions



Part 3: JobLevels


Null allowed



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Jr Associate
Sr Manager
Vice President

Appendix B. Data dictionary

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Part 4: Positions


Null allowed

Part 5: IncidentCategory


Null allowed


Natural Event or Disaster

Part 6: IncidentType



Null allowed

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Collision with another vehicle
Collision with a stationary object
Collision with a cyclist
Collision with a pedestrian
Collision with an animal
Theft of entire vehicle
Theft of stereo
Theft of items in vehicle
Theft of part of vehicle, not listed above
Hail damage
Other storm damage
Glass damage
Pothole damage
Parking lot damage by shopping cart

Appendix B. Data dictionary

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Appendix C. Challenge exercise

The following appendix provides a consolidation exercise for the Process Implementation
course. It is optional and can be completed at the end of the course (if you are done with
the core exercises earlier than other members of the class), or after the training class is

Consolidation exercise
The Post Position activity in the sample process is not implemented. This exercise allows
you to use your existing knowledge to provide a service for this activity.
The business determined that on completion of the hiring request, the details of the new job
should be posted in the Positions table. The details of this table are contained in Appendix
B: Data dictionary.
To assist you in your testing of the insertion of details into the Positions table, you create a
separate service to read the rows that are contained in that table.
To accomplish this task, you use the Records control type. Details of how to use this control
can be found in the Help file. In IBM Process Designer, click Help > Help to activate the
IBM Business Process Manager Information Center.

Key steps
1. Insert a new record into the Positions table by using the details
that are captured in the BPD.
2. Ensure that the id field of the Positions table contains a unique
value that is related to the instance ID of the BPD.
3. Set the Status field of the Positions table to 1 signifying that the
new position is active.

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Appendix C. Challenge exercise

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Appendix D. Service types

The following pages contain the service types and what tools and components are
available to build each service type.
Service type
Human service

General system service

Ajax service

Decision service

Integration service

Advanced integration
IBM Case Manager
integration service
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Use a human service when you want to create an interactive
service. A human service is the only type of service that can
contain coaches and postpones. Human services generate
tasks in IBM Process Portal. Note: A human service is the only
type of service that can call other nested human services.
Use a general system service when it is necessary to
coordinate other nested services or to manipulate variable
data. For example, if you want to implement data
transformations or generate HTML for a coach, you can use a
general system service. General system services cannot
include Java or web service integrations directly. You can call a
general system service from any other type of service and a
general system service can call other nested services.
Use an Ajax service when you want to include a control in a
coach to implement dynamic data selection such as
automatically populating lists and automatically completing edit
boxes. An Ajax service can pull data dynamically from a
connected data source, such as a database. You cannot call an
Ajax service from other types of services, but an Ajax service
can call other nested services.
Use a decision service when you want a condition to determine
the implementation that is started. For example, when a certain
condition evaluates to true, IBM Business Process Manager
implements the JavaScript expression that you provide.
Decision services cannot include Java or web service
integrations directly. You can call a decision service from any
other type of service, and a decision service can call other
nested services.
Use an integration service when you want to integrate with an
external system. An integration service is the only type of
service that can contain a Java or web service integration. You
can call an integration service from any other type of service,
and an integration service can call other nested services.
Use an advanced integration service when you want to
integrate with a service created in IBM Business Process
Manager Advanced.
Use an IBM Case Manager integration service when you want
to integrate with an IBM Case Manager server.
Appendix D. Service types

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Component Icon

Available with...
All service types

Enables you to select and move
components on the diagram.

All service types

Enables you to connect service

components to establish the order in
which the steps in the service occur.

Integration service

Use to start an external web service.

This component enables you to supply a
WSDL URI and then use any of the
available services.
Integration service
Use to call methods from a Java class.
You can use the methods to complete
tasks like reading or writing files or
sending SMTP mail.
Human service only Use to create the interfaces for your
human services. Coaches enable you to
easily add the fields, buttons, and other
controls to enable users to participate in
a business process. For more
information, see Building Coaches.
All service types
Use when you want to write JavaScript
to run on the Process Server in the
service context. The Server Script
component is useful for parsing through
variables and running programmatic
Decision service only Use to build conditions for your decision
Decision service only Use to include decision services
available on an ILOG JRules Rule
Execution Server.
All service types


Use to bind blocks of formatted text (for

example, HTML, XML, or XSLT) directly
to a service variable. This type
eliminates the necessity to store large
blocks of text in default values for

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Human service only

Human service only

All service types

All service types

All service types

All service types

All service types

All service types

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Use to change the priority, due date,

status, or other aspects of a task; for
example, if you want the status of a task
to change to Closed each time that a
user completes a task. Use this
component to properly set the status
and move the task into each Closed
folder in IBM Process Portal.
Use to halt processing without changing
the status of a task.
Use to model a point in the process
execution where only one of several
paths can be followed, depending on a
Use to end service execution. For
services that contain multiple paths,
each path requires its own end event.
Note: An end event is automatically
included each time that you create a
Use to add information about the overall
service or each step in the service to the
diagram. Adding notes helps other
developers understand your design.
Use to purposely produce an error and
end processing. You might, for example,
use a Throw Exception component if
you return too many rows from a
database (over a limit that is normal and
would bog down the server).
Use to start an Undercover Agent (UCA)
from your service.
Use to listen for exceptions from the
service component to which it is

Appendix D. Service types

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All service types

All service types

All service types

IBM Case Manager

Integration service
Integration service


Use to indicate a point in a service at

which you want IBM Business Process
Manager to capture the runtime data for
reporting purposes. For examples of
how tracking events are implemented,
see Creating a basic custom report
and Creating a more advanced
custom report.
Use to incorporate other services in your
current service. Nested services are
generally defined to run specific,
repeatable functions such as exception
handling routines, integration with
outside systems, or data manipulation.
Nested services are often used in
multiple process applications and likely
exist in a toolkit. Note: Human and Ajax
services cannot be nested.
Use to send task-related alerts to IBM
Process Portal.
Use to integrate a case management
case in IBM Case Manager.
Use to integrate with an Enterprise
Content Management system.

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