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Mrs. Cracchiolo (2014-2015)

_The Kite Runner Theme Essay_
Out of class writing
1. Looking at the feedback, what/where do you think you did particularly well?
I think I did well writing my topic sentences and inserting quotes that relate to the topic
I also did well in the organization of the paper and staying on topic.
2. Looking at the feedback, what do you think was the area you need the most
improvement in and why? (Be Specific)
I need to improve on further explaining my quotes and how they relate the main ideas.
After putting in quotes my explanations would be very weak and only wordy.
3. Did the loop cycle work for you? Why or why not?
It did because its what I used for all my main body paragraphs. I followed the steps and
it helped me layout my paper to be organized and not off topic.
4. Body paragraph construction is the most important part of your paper since this is the
area that uses evidence to back up your claims. Looking at your paper and feedback,
rate yourself overall on the following elements that correspond to the loop structure.
Topic Sentences




Supporting Details (SD)




Explanations (EXP)




Closings (CLOS)
Incorporating Quotes












Set up quotes
Used quote and documenting properly __X__

Explain relevance




Concluding sentences




5. The big question: based on your comments, checklist where you rated yourself on body
paragraph structure, and overall score, what NEW GOAL do you have for your next
writing assignment? In other words, what skills will you try to focus on in the future and

My new goal would be to not be too wordy on explaining what happens in the story but to
correlate it towards the topic sentence.
I tend to try to make my papers worthy just to fill in the page requirement, but that only
makes my paper longer and not better.
6. Any other feedback youd like to share??
The Kite Runner was an excellent book that I wish I had paid more attention to towards the
middle. Maybe if I did my paper could have been a better written.

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