Peer Support Application

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(Please answer the following questions in complete sentences)

1. Why do you want to join the peer tutoring committee?


What are the qualities of a good tutor?


What is the difference between a tutor and a teacher?

You have been paired with a tutee that becomes distracted easily and is often not on task. How would you
help them to make a positive difference in their routine and school work. Please be as detailed as possible.

(Please answer the following questions in complete sentences)

1. A student is transferring to Hall on Monday of next week and you are asked to meet them on Monday and
welcome them to our school. What things are important to explain, show, or ask them?

Please list a time that you were new to something or somewhere, and explain how you felt. (It can be a new
school, sport, activity, etc.)

What are some qualities or characteristics that would be a positive representation of a welcome committee
member? Also, please tell about a time that you met someone new, and explain why it was a positive or unpleasant

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