HW May 8, 2015

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5th Longfellow:


May 8, 2015

Lengua Espaola: Examen fin de corte, mircoles 13 de mayo.

5th Pedro Mir:

Lengua Espaola: Examen fin de corte, mircoles 13 de mayo.

5th Walter Scott:

Lengua Espaola: Examen fin de corte, mircoles 13 de mayo.

6th Keats:
Lengua Espaola: Examen fin de corte, mircoles 13 de mayo.
Francs: Entregar el proyecto para el 14 de mayo.
6th Neruda:
Lengua Espaola: Examen fin de corte, mircoles 13 de mayo.
Francs: Entregar el proyecto para el 14 de mayo.
6th Bronte:
Francs: Entregar el proyecto para el 14 de mayo.
Project : Je fais de la cuisine
But : Partager entre eux et savoir commander le menu et des aliments au
Gestion de la classe :
- lves groups par 2, 3-5 et individuel
- Chaque intgrant du groupe doit avoir :
-Les ingrdients
-La prparation
. La photocopie de la recette dans son cahier de classe. Tous les membres du
- Les diffrents groupes lisent et mettent en place la recette.
- Validation : Exposition orale Vido dgustation.
Date : Mardi 12 mai
Simulation : Simulation du restaurant de la classe: jeudi le 14 de mai

7th Mistral:

Social Studies: continue with your written project research... check

Wordpress if you don't know what needs to be researched. Presentations
begin next Wednesday and Thursday!
7th Verne:

Social Studies: continue with your written project research... check

Wordpress if you don't know what needs to be researched. Presentations
begin next Wednesday and Thursday!
7th Jane Austen:

Social Studies: continue with your written project research... check

Wordpress if you don't know what needs to be researched. Presentations
begin next Wednesday and Thursday!
8th Dickens:
Exmen Final de Ciencias Sociales

Social Studies: check PowerSchool and complete any missing work... all
grades are due by this Friday because final exams begin next Monday (May
8th Kipling:
Exmen Final de Ciencias Sociales

Social Studies: check PowerSchool and complete any missing work... all
grades are due by this Friday because final exams begin next Monday (May

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