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Second Grade News

M rs . Ba te

No r th wo o d S c ho o l

Ma y 8 , 20 15

Looking Ahead:
May 22nd Teacher Workshop Day No school
May 25th Memorial Day No School
June 8th - K-2 curriculum night. Students will participate in a U.S.A.
show. More information coming soon!



In math we continue to work on unit

12, Geometry. We are enjoying using
the solid blocks and pattern blocks to
find and identify shapes. This week we
found different shapes within a shape

In reading groups we have been working

on blends er, ir, and ur. Our vocabulary
words are freezes, wider, deserted,
saddest, balance, and imagine. We are
reading realistic fiction stories about
saving animals.

We are working on our subtraction

facts. This week we are working on
subtracting 2. This is very similar to
subtracting 1, only we do it twice.

In writing, we have been working on

writing paragraphs. We are focusing on
staying on topic and this week we wrote
paragraphs about the animals we are

Up Coming
May 12th
Author Visit
Jacqueline Davies

Science & Social Studies

We continue to research our animals and put
the finishing touches on our projects. We took
pictures of our shadow boxes and shared about
how we made them.
We also started working on a dance that we will
perform during our USA show in June.

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