Indian Polity

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The iw tre mandi _o y rs » mondale 4 constit" ; ; Bout 2 Jotun ae ee ee tp P owen uo aia jaw Ss ne “b : co Bone _artapatint 2 inde to a oy the cowt gholl Ine es -» - . Owe: Crow f but te omplumunt tu FR. m py be pe. a hands of above bitieprbet®, bo 3c had, ote bak, _Nodionai okt Act «dha thie puss ant al-© hs vig é to 40 = ae vs tae prouss’ a He low. viola © un FR given und qx. Ar'9 oe 3! the low an dam cons e ¢ ont iy Sl She $C on Keshowanandabhorlo es us sts Ok Manala 1973 upheld the Jowt paxel ee gna oo coldly lel ES P phish deon tu aio porto oe So ¢ stromal e void ,. trot ae FORK Tg § SEE splash sta Hy A ON et boos + i) Ack asute hitd toh © a eanelly volia hy St when Hay Ue ne nl ca he 1478 c prottid ory ee: qd a dows : OM the Agund thet ue ae balonu. | Bie bls pant Dh ee whe eh come Nae EN owt 8 bj thom port bas abun » + rulot* ship 1D 4t% Thus the te com 2. diutlives won undin ant $4 (be oo + ? 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Hure sholt be a beners ga st 53 Bae the pew power poe ee hah 4 ‘Bude ‘bike B hal discharge hin ee thu dlnchly S x ie ey aoubodirie jo hum”. but on pubordinal. fe fun a ae ‘ ah at prreonasl ple. dhe fF SP ak aud A : Bosl Ree Sale He jn ole the fuse Pe - the Lorrie command He oltne Foo he pour bs © Peta nore pour Pinal —4lip % ee poll cheticl membre Of beth hota o fartte © ) wall glectecdl members v oh LA of dhe “gtolis “* e 2. the To co-ack 1942, Hag exphieain oe ele gnclude the UT 4 Dut © Se z ¢ Alert porcbicppacting 4m aoe Fuckuceherey 1287 he, 2 ak nota poets, § e frgte Sroliam rumble 4 8 : ° a mominalicl maralae 4, fingto Sadia a ; LA ath membre jb Lo un : ple % eeesveeseoe : — tf 5 oe = ‘ Re gee i: ah pel > | F Wt inti tte ty arin epee teed ah re beat es oe vp = Populat” that atatran | Me MLR Oo at ys ACen 1A) “Zurotie pelt. Jotol no alebd rz 100° 4 thet atolr unlntial “lick” “ie vol. he fn 2007 deg hf po Gh oak Wg Hee Pc war 207 thak kyon ALkbum Lowest Thus ma View Preaiel® & . Singh AH noble vite. eT peulowed an eect” 4, Pruarclor® wa rumba gp RS «Le Undue thes cordudati. as didarad glectid on the PIA P TATA IGIIPAVIILELEELELEEELEELEEETT THEA : fe get ei EN 3 by cl achid: furthun om ele. da ® sae nk te vindinod = mote thrown < pees oe couches in he bollot popree SR ees fertmus oo tu ; So ,» Dx _v Vee Gok. was lusloud -eleectcl ot Bie aA 4, a4 iw penal oh, courling yn the 1969 . 1 Pasibatial gut". Ia 1977 preticliol olut* Bus On Samypev. | Rodd. wan 1s dlicland lected. tei Paid Sp oll ohm Pasiinliol alect* the Peso comdidatu wae untied aot the and. ; ro the 14 pound 4 coumtin ? abel! te lek” of Prssiclonk ® oe Ompute BS txdw eots E) ott te alispule tie, g ut a preaiclonit poth be ysomd ina v banoling Shy s howe olelaton a : poe , the ee elit” Put” fob _Hpen 1S? met petit" com be wd bajo 90 21m oo et eae: ow Obe conducts who ree He a Ap yo Sine 1h cae ont 196(. the coli votoméite a Jor whotkewn, Manor | Siectnol Pasptolut at by jin valichabing due” of, S tonrok be ee quowad. fpr a Sfasinh tm cp ome mop IP : pe ssa ton the pohole et? oo hl «¢ connst be oamound jon jnvolidating pit” Ob Punicdint- “Jp se” § @ duclonis elt” frasicltt an inolicl vhalive - hod ben taker m name Prvaidind® ee sues uh colle postin, te be voli = ° = Ta ee” US ° oy ar Be Set d 4 5 ae . he holol uk” ia be to 6 Guuaiduc Sh on ae ‘ Sig. -bokung hue 00M « 6 ee ae sortinus in hn YBG bayer $ spc FUL bie pusetatr aa able, to ote e his we olut” woe fs onan OnONNNANANHAANNANNAAAAANAANANAAAN AANA r Upon the oc >+ Qualico!” > Of constitichional] Z ‘ Poy emt be o igen op Indbo a» shuld be nok be “dine thank 30 ye ~ Fy Quaid te bs MP6: > ») No ue Oh Prot: aaa ceersi i ib ad UP, PM, CoM, Gav ere | > A 0 dh Peat lui» B » nat OOP 8192 Act Pustdent vice Prupivliit slut” pct © Nominot” gubwrtbad by So Aclirs - oe raecondid ® « » 50 vubow te keep out feovelous aes By jeo00 cuennly ciptt + Topachnt of Busiclent: » Lagielahios al Exe om not be foo Se ee EE En ae ee ee ne ach unt e e forte wr CH mith: te Sakae. aE ie g at ih, Ay 4e284 ‘yi 4 eet ae Nae Reaver, fer anilel “7 “ete 8aTy t 3 ta balite aq woe poll wee ee or ee eo ee or ee eo oe oe Pe Po oer Poe _ Pheu posordl nenelul” Hewwr all the cliciarone Pinkn om nami & Praysecont me he” a impact shall “corlinue bo be volicl: > Dy Anant ob Pusidestt fo Lapulal” we hia Ube four v Vv p dllthe -bitl passat by the Rott abot hy we gt the aaaunt a Preniclit 4 Phicome och: In tho bagoncl the. PrusioliniE . 7 shumthiy he enjoy aDme che rulbonory PRs “ 4 4 neck owe opply nin veto Powe & de of P Lom : chit 2rnctt 4 sourby fo ate ke * h ~ ugtalat® tthe on Se ee oe pe eee Wu {LOM moots wv 368 cn coal”, when o ; a ; fp the Prusieluct fori CAL bt ~ trot © crvite. but aucloie eh eG UUL- Shun the Presidin og writhold. the ooaert wt =—_ zallud copplicat" @ Of obaolute Ueto Since Ae fitted ~ ta only » nomial hod. the Pret comnel exp z ubsalute “veto on Ill Sout mid wv . Whin he applus obrolit, ; rebrtoL com ro we ei) cordic fe a. peel Ulan thes. ¢ in Src bib w . prveunticd bw ss roo -, Whum eo tre Pusidlint he aholl declare gist resent te? Gl - : Sn: Kone ordinary tr % fonadol Uthat xe Darel Pa er iy ta. aes 2 c duator thot ho gtats ansunt < : ag ductors thot he urthelde $ ee Lu Haowtwor he tom ap e pesent : i veo wr od LOM » Swe & poroneiol billy jot? bibl 1AS4 : : on oulinay ot frometal bull a b aud & ‘ a peconatolunal” Cy Posh Zor tol hin ¢ DDANMANDAANHAHHAANANAHANANAAAANAAARANNHAANAA p uggut” thn oct iw. cod Suapenotue vetp Poe > on hin olincrel™ cout amy oud & geete Howwer “ the aoe sate une bull a ard fime un the, mockfird mw socal foun w wher tb de puprestalid 46 Bee sauce He canna apply amy nla, Belo onthe bill for at How Bruni. Aa Pfcul Kalon appliecl avapinele® wie O° emp O yoda] ager amet te the Shy Rao fet anh dime wv map Neto, hin qeaunl” : oi She “yh opt auoulable te Frid ya umtid 46 hum eT dun, pasty Wis ‘onset te bly et fmmasdaind Gl 2006: He * bill | whun AE wor pasosch i Srclion foot Skioee BU m 1986- Ihe pocket : wtto applied oma. blk by aw Preepichund com @ be raweraecl by hin aucersaor do Kowr tale @ amy dueialon on At ° ° (onatttalional — Ponibion of the fresnlichunctt- . we the Win fot 53, confor te net PRwOe AY ° nthe hands x Pewiclnt ho Hoes MLS pam ain pucmdamlis & pritaiona —g 1 dhe sc un RomJownya S$ Poy the e Se - 5 “pe 14S come olan im Shemdbun ee aint of wn AT4 cose ee es singh vis ate Of “il, th Sunghs oe MEALS eee op. fis | % ( <= FFF ST RRMA HhARARAAARANHAHARA TD vw) The = moumbir ote COM oMt Atti from p an lial On the basis 4 the above imurps « ont prone” utd um UK the 50 purld. that ant P53 shalt alone be wad Sond TH Oe conatit” 2 lta dik toe eho be hmm P headick by pte ih _w aden. the the Prssiclent ia Prusicink i» bound Boch on Pu adv Of COM: Penge cont ots confidant 5 is the Pusident 60 earth odwitt % com, nate he Poo a gq coud “the @ 2 aryhung. he eed Bron do amythung all band adwits Mm. the Poly ba fs ae pai. Hae Pramidlent io the 00M Bay ey 4 thot nated te .coM ey mee fcoiclunt - Thad praak & “eetheide fein me de" an aime" 4 cM Eun when the LS pans cLissdLuede j ; he aball. A oO = com te oid x ONL hime "Thane sholl bro & £74 ie. the aon, SRA ANON BLO o aa ue arapera tin iN the Pruniclinte co , felis jw oa COM En ua a corubekur : “Ey gid w odvit. hie a med un Conatet ; hada acphoumne faite A De fee Sadan egiig. cis Teg Sele tea! 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Pron sanyo CO. aes Daca Pb hg PA ee gmat” relating A aa e elisa : = vom PM: ® Fe odes” sanity fo oe coms etd in UK, tha Mele DORIS b won w the rb te oncou®, 1 the aM ast bound by . com, thoug : 2 Te wonving fee ie ule one »y dhe Prot hdl ip tak ia subi or prclinany Te naurt coskon. ne, poatcol pally «anil? of . poblical posite. enjoy moj oly any Lg & E i) e s e MTT?) 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Tak ge bie ean who as um Hour oon. 2010 + ent noma Qin ce oY Colokta HO On o. resolat? anlio - ry jeri ee commilkix hiadid PP WC » Peo mombue pene °. 27 b- Do posite ae a Vis: Sepurhooe’ | FP Rao (yurest) es “ane toba & os pinakarton ¢ ay ot 5 é es: ot Gitlumn - WC VS) Siepaneleare the rod, committic — ait eae mind taal y Todiciel Standards » Actoutabitlib, UL 2010 = he Rb was intaduud un LS ae we peparicle oO te eee aS z ; a 3 F B ! ca rode, by - ye on membuis , Oo Av e Fe ees aitong aoe Leth rominghde > oe o co o o Cc o e o o e ° o o o i - o e ° o o o ° o o o = oe e Ce co co c , A - Indio amok am 2mnminewtt et E, AG ea Ghee Sf, the complamt a pyemon meeungit’ oe. bhotll wtht aM gee re eee ea mae with ns wt growing chongte : cuabing Paral (sh). Sk 0 complaint De a cu, ake) ste. (epoakall be pe ge © See aes wuseibel Ay Oe ° oe Vieeren nominatic CTL Band 2 ailing jeg pa ; Ae ws te complain’ “4, ee ha © thon the pout. fan: tid. 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Covusaton 4 Irclia told oll zat” Ho epficee Prat w View Pra. as tea rouse op Poot akecte Aagae la libese ¥ Vous Fystue ob has conforud Sais one on ‘ ~vaulotia at ee coke saad > pe EE the. ; ; banc on: wn “d 5 ane dh it oon odt ; we lat 326 foorsht y Undue te oie eeeeeeoeceoosaevnnee eeeeonaoce od Ah nAnnnAnnanrnnnnnninihrth A NnRHARhRAAANHRAAHRHANHRHHAHRHAA KH KH BM ea Suniverenl ptfacu on prople on Src. St ye ela tae veparol ol fammmal, apeciod be Mss me scree AO! pe Sivulanio! const li . ee bee : cede allows , pruporat” — oiky ore slucbiol yall Bok grwck! dledtval, 10U for sachs fouglvst © comatchunny No citigun sholk be clinquoligizch | P hon baing include in suebirok alle on graud B only Bh aligns, REE coke as OK amy of them: BEET) sanyo vee gmaven Baad geet i oll plect” So ee gO ob SE Tptlotine - Pe eee fp eluctiral polis ondh Bolt, conatitutnyy Ine Rawle 9 laa a Prople 1450, ¥_APAIASL: ® rocked nent” of pl 145° pi Bab 8] Konfow Pe power on skate Augislabina | tne ° by tows APA 19St prwedia that din _ahuct dlaputis : Gt? palling to both “hours oo % adalie Q manne «On prosandid fy fast Pb he Pala rd only bitome tre ° seo eye Sadana oy Payicol antl Aap dnl eo a dumc dre cowl can no consbbuuncy ep Shay con anit Loti conpistt ey! te. duma ib ® rave) a FSO ON Jaz te ate. a ie moo. Sa Poll yume vl ghe ee" wndhionad an 0 aingls & Sh tie rage Te eT PT ijsaco_fe s0lalteey. ¢ Be Ber dg CO om Ok RIG Pez by Pie a . e 4 ce ghe Pox sae C a kann ® Pq gvore EC Y o [rorclé a mance of eee oe . : es inion % EC Jott be bein calling ¢ : ‘ee s S > e : ¢ c e ° © ¢ ¢ o . ¢ c ¢ ¢ ¢ o ¢ + e ‘ ¢ ¢ © cs ° © On the banw prin che et The EC! howe hewn a Oe: z thot oo CEL They howe ane quod: e Ree 4 vee prcouicly ec otal 8x o qudge o & Thay aholl craw poclorey atlowantse Y punrslon payable CECI- Undue ort 324, the che oppacniticl a cout athe pd bo eroble dum fo fond” priaante 4 raat. The constit! provichs Ha 2 f to ‘vg peru conc ” cEL Hy ako ast be pars, pom Be aneaph on 5. ene om judge - Se ao itr eomnck be chonged to hw py Hos ‘ allovsantes v Oyu BA Completed FL w comnot be Led exept“ olursin Finamciol -emengency - ¢ ane PPE OUBeBYOUYEOHE D8 U4UEGCHEYVYUGOUVEY SCeeeoseeeeceeecesoeeseseeeeedsenesHeeoe 3 ocbien” te a2 AM OO well vowed > He chal —2njoy Plus of judge 4 se onduc Wes cxppoenitich ac CEC DRL ahol be © Pape Quscuraion = pent ' , eT ea eT CREE apne ips weman 40 Libeuc. UN Roce Keeping e 2010 - RJ become e t1BP- G00 be penple in babtalion an "1 .” Netes Balan - Chiltan prsideint unwomer Pu - UN entity fe e emporium Bp eee i Grae equality e ¢ aD oo morals — Political parliy- Movemuit for seeiabeam . 61.23. ‘ Tattapwre— Worlels AT Nucor power plant attr °” trodion. iy y ° Zone 4» Or Salemce aren’ “ Koaiwagnien® = Kaniwon~ Topon - got nuclan power grvey ptot” im wold § Shudclown an 'o7 anki Savo- Sapri.s om G ib dpoanhuaching thre agited agai: the Power plaril 7 Eaxthaale- 2010 > AgiDe Hoxte , Quingas. - Ther Sey w Chile in 37h am doth tolh Chile~ Maule Region ut arcth quale Shoanxi in Chinn 16 eit. BIO pisple liad Hi —UN- 201-20 - Trt dieode btodlin i : Zol- YN- Inkl: year fost) ‘ ae Falaxtod 4°% shchril aby se> Hockay Trcic. was fpored. To Ab Indio > host Hokey wt-on te “s dla > , Pte Bo ly > Du gen Nitrarlandl » Eng = Semiferabst Hockey Tie @ y b : > Rebate ~ Rian Prastesp Sung h -CRL NIA Shanocl Chancho Sunho ~ : . Nia ADveruat nelatid artiitle —* suo molec imsead cat» canrat take 0 case On hh Own” - é NIp ack 08", car- only when aakad Be Qulhi Syiectod folic gab ack (046 - e M9b4- CBL was arb by cabinet oboe art: TO anqurne othare COT. comes nabs! Aupyrwision Ns Cve+ cBL~ undu® v7 Feconneh ora tay > Pika- Bo an enctinc Lows of Apdaman - Boo- Sunide nak 2 person <> penidents > children fora: digtteno: nobo- pmank Card 5 Tran — “Jurdulah Sunes Muslin ong. fpondin Posecatcon Sunnis -natioral ob he tage 3 re Rau Al oS Gngnd Bahia Bolock ~ —Tandullah~ soldioe 4 Ged” = vIipAL G12 peceGeeeseseseesrvoeseesececseon nanqnnagandgqanianananaandigaqangangqaganiaqantaqanqaadanianianwgieaninian#ken ~3 top v Brazil ebochd max: 70° + timer te non: Pounanwt membre UNSC Bhutan ~ not even one”) Myanmar © Fauci Drohin * UNsC- LOTS We 40 ee majority Yi Veto - ove power a Fastan Fido Pre. S pagions- Apucay Arices Lotin Arn Caritbzon, WwW uttinn Europe athuns-: + Kaas only stati conduct cont exnmun on Inclia.* 5 otal” Date oe ; Nak Populat” Ruger ‘ > Folina Beorts Sujato Marcher. RUmaPol , na Foo Gyan Suction Mishoo — Kou — Tagore Lonol of the Ecub- Kowa us Wa Fost? ; ae Veer = Sahubyo dnxdantn. = “Te titre Cyclical = avavpetemosvseoeoeeeseoeoeoacecees F e 3 a Gamgox Advaveliavato = Gparsti. t PadrrSubramanium. - Bhackeatjem Draanith howard 2 then Sorasuxtti: Sammon ° ‘Wyo Soramon— - = Brchodes yartou’ e . es a, s ® . . : | all aiyroboute A gore an : rie yet abot the corto . alk connant” -hoapnelous Saag ge Sa e —> Pies Morgan Torta he naplocing Lanraj Kany Hiv” g ‘i Sistas GM Cake. i je addres Pak Fanttond : ; é > START 1- ara Jndupeaclantly tangfiteb Reenlny ® Vebicde : —Lowee hoor Rayrrion Fda ean Upp house ® u : . Smear o- nn pus permanent members «g | Tomei Regouli Commie” dappostsh Talia, ¥~Brogil:® s unse: no voko powers “atte - wn bs again? the obsut tom : ° > Highs Cont — Bagg : e a 7 Endoaulphon — pryducecl $800 tonnes | 4B 4500 comarn® neat export a Excol Enop Ore an GT worlds Aargeot rdloatphan oi Hurdustan Troecticicle Lhd © Commandol et Leet - : K a5 in Rottixdamn Corwen” ete: corset Paik ss bochies ‘aude Cham E pollutant - Bomrun e Shokholm- Posisterce epee e pont + give Rettiden: obout Pur Tajormu perso oa 8 AADVAAIAADAPVPIAAAAANAAIAADAAIDCPVTITLLLLELLLELEL LL Liki k bebe kL WP Chosen - Tnchian Flute axponal Coll of the vol Sw Shoama - Somber | _ BB Kobro - goiter ; Chovalive daw L’ Onoche 10 James - Wows Athans Chom pion E nh phils Sthualb. — Raunnucup i asks Gopikrtshn - Gunpinee ~ an & movl proksting. @ ander 400 pecliore arcplodion by Ree, ; 2 No nace pal ® non NPT Atgroidoriie counbues _ e 2 . o> Rawmwb- Russia — space Atachon * Loe Utre# aac LSE iA HDR: du “Ark 2b ole peveescocvece = F E se _@ NSG e Ss Howoy , Fus,0Z. Treloncl e @ —Zimbabut last’ » Congo os Vandana Shiva = Fossnpul Eaini niate Gerson Comortiun - Canoda e em Intl Gnur ie den nai os dS Elechon COMmINOOnUe p- e Ec( Conclitions % SIMA aE Ets & Pransachon + . Busines) Act! yaa” a Undue. the constitel®, an EC w o-pparntid ‘bi the § Buz, hel ia remoud the fut on datiaoll of CEC: de EC ote avevrice condi? au segulaliod @ by £6 ( Conlitions op Suuits 4 ELIA & ess a: ® puoi) ACE SF Thee Qe é Se ee = bh iteol EG uote Sn arolod be oppo sui: Ss pueans ay : be well versecl om aren adr : * cihy Bets apes YER titi iy Be pe he qtbome GE ya seen Mis canbitr fo og Sa jaaipoaarte aa ee Heb ® gi a nee Ta carpet dh as CEL provicled the oo EL and CEE cumulative no: Ae AMES , 2 wrecorcl pra - His aodary odlowoncms Ww “pursion ake 29uL wm that Shey velul® Geeceee 4 ‘ al. an Es Rw © CEC mM Hen ON" riche ob 324(s) an EC % Pamoud Pur on vucommmdal” CEG « Bosid on. Sc deetaionup in TN Shashon v/s VOL "AS cone ib io amduratood® hon ben mind by Pru . sed} -opinteray one 8 . : ec ¢ ¢ ¢ e c - c « S = e c a 8 ee roumoual on EC The CEC & net Io pst hus power “Suo- matin de te $C pointiol Cob the intal” % wonalitutional maker WOK © ty dnulat. the EC the wurde saHuaney By te oe w othe dudarck denbsu ca e ®; ino thao rudid in EC 2 (Elctio (ommiaion e e Tn ordi te she the auckonomsy Ww the . @ indipendonce *% EGC ow make Lb exapotetical on Cer fumsiioning the EG haw made a pies 4 8 ncommundat” for implumnibal” to ee “ py The conalit™ swe be suited amunchid to : porate thet Mur dhotl comault a hi : paul howwng YP. PML, mimitin Betis) © pach Sprokor gy LS Madi of opponit” th LS before CEG & out EC. S00 b moke use 89 he €U. ohatl ole be pomducd am @ Manne OL ® St _ia ramoued ° . Ae traie poli the CEG w the GG sholL Pe pus pon ig oP ony A 5 pat undun stole - anes $1) dhe CEC we oth EC sholl be made bbe te @ jum any golibical poocky joe otluant soyee opie © hove e State Blrction Commissions ° Fiwe conbitibional body zstd ob 73"4 se 3 Sete eS eee the o § aorchayats _& Murnci.p ie JE io ow atagh mumbi® z ze who’ fis cleaigmaticl on SEC Hein oppwinttl @ ¢ Hy ee fon hin Lonusnned “ Canrnotlae ® HARE AO ean ene . bie Fee ne Hunt ALL bis ds athe avwice § sonalit™ are dows stocte lattuac # ieaeaicl be by ha 7 Ragan : Under ant 3244) o kigional EG Aon ls eppantial © Prax on Pacommundal* Se -€¢ oat ide hua te LS v tA oe onthe ae ite the philio Beles aes aes toe BC in holdiig = fp Y fanaa? Ibs % both houses a oe) CEL DOES NOT -become oi mumbue EE Het Pad. ee CEL. Sp a a Ble haw bean appoctic geo cet Byu. an souk arabe eee ab o rpae Lenco’ peor eee 8 ayecall -poabiol - duucl? SF E 3 ae = e Pog nnis of EC i anbamcy, ° Undies S24), conprs He power of fuputidine, did « ¢ 2% ¢ ¢ ¢ \¢ ¢ e ¢ ¢ ¢ S S GC € 8 conto a cond OL Weck ty ae Offices % Pra ge ve * tO both houses eh Rott » “Stet. Lokun OT enuncrr 5 we pews ibeedide auth cies Sec han jprmulated mle &_reagalet” an foun SGondast op euat? rule 16) 7 Reena” of Euck” Se Orda), 19 Modul Cools. 54 Condiud aly SC um the Senna Pane ath 2 0 te valde She St hal tok the Easonelt 7 aa gine? control wv conduct Teurny 64 is ; ‘ ee es given wotdhak possible reas ace ® 5, BE to bold fou & pee whi a) Ri pe ee, : > At S240). powecon EC 5 ON rane colic ba eee OT power enjond hy EC due ork S240) io a Maven Of pout in the aun thot whew pth Puck a stot dgilaline howe pared valicd Plows ing, To » the abicl™ Lommuanton Sphalhad sn ocordame. = auch laos Rud i Poko tow i ail on mak snechquats ° F poisons peloting fs ie Bthon the EC enjoys Hagar Oe Bony duion fe KUL up ths vol hold fous xpos ell i dhe fevnutal % des sages by the ke ae caer eee) 42 tn. naTL 8 9 we fe HAD OevBUY, KG powers Heuer ae e@ | pauses okt 324 the EC fannat pu e late amc ch @ m ieiOi4 OF pomtha ant muant fo. 9 Nest cite d,s voli Aaws mode forth w® F ctecle loti = The possenn EO aR oe / ena te aa) , vl apo ‘b Jay The EC aha occonclamie c © | falar Sede ey hide op tect dee “s loline § ren Et tlh ont Os < to pul ow, eee natinigL® justi ns hutarone re Noe oat y Tn the Re -pone EC! goor Cone thy © sc ak thot wmndu tye the : aghast Be tal ae sate 8. OLS GH RR apr es stale ¥ oleo$ : eeoeeereesesveeoe.e DAA OADANDQADPHnAqgqgnggqra~ggggqaqaqgqqgqqgqgqqgqggngqqgaagnaa® vole in the Wa odlact 2 drab ca LA of the abate Or » i wins otlost 6 stot, on 3! arat bbe in higher ie Gpa aen A = Notional » 1 phe rae a valid vole only ox more atotio Individually «0 gen” uct” ald to te Lsor LA »¥ obo wine ottiast 4 moh on the DAL iF win oblast 2 0 elab prom 16-fom 9 a Reeesaeeeveasete es » Ab puunt Ine, BrP, NCP» BSP, Phe cem § hove ben Men wh on national "party « dhe Lap e was dlwuso as Nok Pooky yma ety 2010 6 Aumetiti anjoyed boy reeognioad Porcties nls -e y Coen abetime on BO or AR yi at patie A, eA cancdidoti A ae aoe @nod asl hove be ee ee § conatituanay : oe) The naru.s Te on cardidatin at © rusognlad PP He Opriasd aun ica © dur ¥ pint on tap. Nboklst poparts or en 3 by consid ‘ree wy tindipundads S) he concidet. nominated ion PP : the the abut” ja odjowed in the armmincal . we ha titindivead y woharee Ue aba x given ap late Jancling om Kino nok om awn ovliad state bameny a © eh 2 sid political parluts i te ku 1 _pourton 7) Only Oger Tindaihucte 1028 | pee ey the code rahstth : savaul © ote Por amu i ion Eltal® Coupe o ayvak amauk fT all bx made owoilale - sae alt contribu” Btn ole fo rela, rere ka mad e e e ‘ « Gin exces 1p pagan _— 4 « e ¢ ard. SPE he, yy Tre fot aholl poriodicolly aa es nn aud pepindituw an sora iink np JPA EC shall be erpowserscl b ale pdse ganrnable, Aestct peti” on glid®. maihs a ai by political portics » otr waibl a Aronsbyy Pee en 5 os She cert eeue ay the Lommiltirr Sk P tre Fleck” Dtwe Rolatid Lows ea gill od te provide for SFE ° greece wot rab jo oppoaicl be _tre intinduct® > se Seseoresecen eatin Ge on cinuilol” & the not power abc ue oe ee ut feng, * ee pena. coil e “ek a violas tat | Re te Equadily ena % PAB aa Be alin ag eee EteeCresoaues OOANnQngqnaqagnnapannqnanangnndnanangnandnnngdqqgqngnnnana : fap cbincusssor sOvowws citizen = yoda die ——, “Prienioniie< © wad o posaparct ky Gol >hdwevde not “gee porsport c the iki gor Snolio cooveg Lt ws eguol meod 4 fe ne ass aches Pe ‘t USA’ No visw Mu ued viatt Srolia- wd te meddle on Snolic. any beget es His proputice ¥ ge eS wd faa undue low in Srdioe He cannot yole Gpies Srdian onigen - ane iE afl cittjlen af Indic, who Diver oulaide DO TBE conu Ahogs Gta, RLS ton mod vote - by the eiorsiaingt ss RPA > pho mb panes mn " times & jpwignur who Dyes “40% pie tate! Galeie fes AB poy Fore Peeespoeeesvenve ntandands Accoumtobility ell > senator DOPET dos not have fiud tenure Now" ‘Gobinit sucrabuey pga wy acto 4 a snidiod Os Sys ° A pap — 2h Chig. of Raw, Dordow cL, DGPS ae AEE ; ea Hams Su, Fin eg fos emis GTP Cobink sxc - 3p we Auk lo(u) 7 dois nck condor omy wight bub only ~ Gronvidl- Austin - Podmashee Auord 2011 slued Se it eves exter seg x esved Pork TL = commmatone TT XD. os -Conscieng. conabitul” > Dom Seboten WS Sho Kowdl Shuklo: => Hobsas 1A Khanna x MH > Cwolie Petition > Heads susie dlicoll™ Ruin fordadlick™ by sc Yoab137— so has poms fo poviur hb oun judgement Darrian LEY unde the Aame at . Me oan coludias Cuobive putt. a, nolan => Comma Parcept™ ; Ee eee eee af “Co The. : —— “he Payers Srdem Sidi = WA > | g gompb Comal» Abetutony oe Hecommerdil Je” be aap 2 ces : ii ee eo ee i OAVOIANAaANAQdaAQggngnngqgqnggtqaqgagqngqgqgqnaqgqqgagngwag > New human Right - Access te chun woe de wonitat” + Ra open) fay Evo Mpls Polwion Puz- + Sangle. diractine: See GUA) of Delhi spraok Eat AU! 4s. cradtid the CBG CAL con on cha oinat atuil svwend srehecliog : aachiand otthorities da nardid> g wobore > Ycobinet ia Somchion: Union — Prez in sam ontng aucthorly State Mun hos Ss ec KHO > CSL i S0A\ eS Sure a bueouscnard > Pearse Look [ox Jott Rit . ote - NR Heel get wh ee 25" dan iso ~ EC wee tate 2010-4 > Nokona ditt Woy - Saxe ae eoy, in subordinate | Both be ET diph: Peenk theta of oe pPeeonn Te dogo itgent oH counliy * Woking lp rizahon> Jo 4 aj pole Sh won Of comer as is ty B yur ouLe 3 ye ° . . e e e e ° e ° e e e e ® e e . ° ° ° ° « e @ ° . e ° e e e ° e e aH vege ~ Hamust beg gituen Scho. e Hema hy sorrel Os > quota - « » cUse ps 10 yrs * e 42° ammondmant' oddid eminent jwusk - ® | 4 pumoved it “pom Sc. . poittur Atak @ = Oochuine 4 Hounonius conbuct” - cntont” dati the vicaeldeie ow cee hole anbonk® to pees kon 5 : constitt”. > Priwolt pumbuis — BILL only om Sridoy zyrohowe Tien coined by Meclion, at 12-reon ° ° ° i ad! 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ROHAN a e = Sanivaily io natthe pole grand for oppourctrant Ww So e > APXTN > equol KS = ME AS * fe . olin wees” => ps PA Gaye eho a e axno_ap clisterchad ' pore ductslon> © he taditinl ravinn por (eves fncbicling eae AE Com Gane ; ea cite a plaon 5 es BG vou thom 5 mamlann AP ante ee gout worronl ‘ Fe tin a Wnanch prumiaia souk any Ta pean. comp ap Gomory ogmerh e RANAnanAneanaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnt ° al cae pe BR gorernr ¥ oR. “ee . 5 wily eh oh» A sere uke 2000 ce, OR, THe MP ° wr by quis care 2006 oummundynend ~ 164 + e ° 5 De ed Kalam» puspeaine ude | | fosolute velo > Papsu Copproprial kA Pajerdro. Prasas® | ' eo; ducon Past Hice — Pocketueto - Grane Zail - ee Able Verketuapiwor : : = MP. solaniess = pmmundd— Pocketuele = Pt aeaseeta pears - APT Portioment Obus of Propuk frenmund~ BELL Luspenaive yen: 2 Sb ailing Pouy banlee Suet. 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She bam Union wos chisel Vannes 4) Constituent Mrevortly bicause 2 EG Sncbin is =: > Union sp snore =) abertio Loresing _togediat See the abetia ¢ comsbitinted Hoe provral” 24% =? we aoe ww? atate Sn ottur norco , Partiomenrt cor o® stot, alte the pounduuin gq ® ee toe we nem olla te aay $ Toe 0 oe hile Axb2 Alka abt © @ j eo adiminaon of nav abelian in the unton. % cabs. eb 3 Lalla obt yuat™ of nso ° ne di, j Buk thoes fa ow produ to be $ pruopoant abot be ivaduud ing he eee w Ad e m 2 é & soul the - panied AE lh gk HL tothe i | — Lgiddline F glicit sk e e a) wo dime lunit 2" @ ° Ane 3 The Opinion e ° e e ° ° Shalt sno ot oh qs6, _— rege : t Sein a i \ y ni AM anda the prsacalions +b ab 3 e > : ¢ ¢ ¢ c ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ c ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ c ¢ Cc ¢ c ¢ ¢ Ss ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ c ¢ ° ¢ ¢ ¢ ¥ jndaporclame- ds Sfe dein ; ; + ry_idovitirin Port Ae incbadad fe > nmurruls fut B= anger pouincaphy ¢ ( > fate acral ue prawns wo emote imcrby albote , princely» epee Andaman oN ‘ cot risa” p dh» # put eS ccahan wus covectia anto oe etabs Ruorgais” Ace ‘ Linn dumquiilatc aoe Piast $e providecl Me oa ae “tt “abt ¢ abinglhewudl c ree Ly Me Bah rch Aropno gues politic w ‘onder ak ‘ neo eM polities cloain ts Bayi ¢ duoghe fet P aoe ficol abet © ooh: SE hos spropruch pale _atebilty ott ea h : popu” an pan ® oa homo gunous ie aa Dade git hag ro obese agony ; she Lagistotoons SE thon gunn o ath ‘Be bh vad major AL populal” at gat” St dulasyecl Ane amningunie Of Hinolé i 9 ; on tor oyfidal davquoge a Srolio Fomok ap Sralln Saka. 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Combs : e a, we 9, vortidus Ptasdnar — Langue tals ea hoary yuo, @ ane 0° hock war Auiciclys ° Un MH UP oletdlid an opti } eur as Jovy crduuitlins im wailinn uP, nothing ae sab a be et coun im wold if gumne UP may pee outonoeny Political » AO, bekeaanolrure A ae bn puabial Juve -» Govehalande bade rapruserdet 4° e c oe ¢ c c ec cS c ¢ ¢ ¢ e e c c e c c c ¢ c c c i - ¢ o o c c > - ‘~ io o co Y sige sf abet ab claw not ; : the adlritin® » Shull be peonomicody adobe Hy eae | > > > dhe howe bun dlmande for tthe, sual? x aman 5 ermollor pbati primarily coun tha one jb in the ine avelopacl ay wo. liprivod” — ton the atolie tile UP, we, BP Mi B pagiions 4 longue ’ draped si wn the gaocth aL, wti_atot trad ® -¥ ottwe 220° cortividial OD OW “Loge no, Local § Bae be be nttapoluccdl Hien, db,» Seg eenoble otye Ay on abate ‘ by Aadlt camnsl : santa the 0 olut Le rg On on : qa : 2 ne «UA NES o Bh vise aaa” & tem macro Lal haley ty ths Zour uy Connon gy bobo. arollin, cat akould neither bs opp Qaed nor be pocbcl on tu bare % ashok Tun eu “et Fy wAtbirnote Le rit : ee te ahud be odrun™ ee : “or wakility © x political col. 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Const” porcss orc 82, provick f* Mars at tin ‘an LS puralon ah pupurbot * ab ce pe Bu lati care po Ae ch wos eilatoeh pee LAG, 1ATZ]}- However ately 42% prong wdliol _ jrupeunus by vores a ataiin on ade - hoa ie Ha aes euth = ae Le acre ald gee reel cs in Lg SAL 2026 bicowrne by tre pstohiliaak™ im Sri : pulol Hime the a bop ¥ ape “ atalis u F We ae 4 : Tonangqgnnnngngntwan qQag pee team md? JE mane « short buck pom euLON 4 parlicumerct « St claus rahhs Blone ony agit oe piel hay bay 2 yp : aol ing the dake > A bw Fel 4 : ee ed ah bot. Ao. Baiotiig ec p deo jh atting Vibe Be Tn Bova egeithaas Picssidanct in ore to _cxpedlite a covroidixat" © a qbub , orn A SRR ae “bing the Bak wreck nok git dope’ os 5e } Whee chow oo bull ope “ pot ose pag pe Se sp Wal pony EE RG aie Fick pad gs ee ee MRE ae oc «. Quaione Pytiomurt ° : | ee gets =: Lage reat 3 novo * - ° sete e~ Man: 90 : ‘ Le Shingp Prox 20°T ¢ af (depen) ee vocttig, wounie op Porbiarants mwa’ ' 28 os Fike ane 2 va pupal wr a pore e : ; on- wnat np among te atnsiore oe gk Rudge oie ee a budget % gout posercl olurung Halo ~wieasion ! > D iptclunk “Angad: _ pe arsal on farcicinent. > : te 1 pig 4 buclget Aroaloins JE r» a a eae > “eh to ey gee . 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