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Trae Mohr

El/md methods
S. Swenson
Classroom Management Plan
Creating a Safe Learning Environment
Bandura-Observational learning theory- I will allow my students to observe their peers
behavior. If they see me reward a student for good behavior, they will want to be
rewarded too. If they see me punish a student for bad behavior, they will make sure they
dont repeat that behavior.
Dewey- Learning by doing- Young children will learn best through experience. If a child
is performing a behavior that is considered bad, I will let them know what they should be
doing. If they repeat the behavior I will punish them, this should teach the student(s) not
to perform this behavior again.
Erikson-Socioemotional development-Industry vs. Inferiority This stage covers their
entire elementary school career. As the children grow, I should encourage and
compliment them on all of their skills. This way, they children will grow confident in
their abilities and perform better in physical education as well as outside of class as they
get older.
Gagne- Conditions of learning- Children learn at all different levels so I must use many
different instructional strategies so that all of my students can be successful.
Locke- Tabula Rasa- Individuals are blank slates; I should teach students beginning when
they are in kindergarten to enjoy physical fitness. If they learn early they will be better
advocates as they get older.
Behavioral Rules
Classroom rules
o Listen to Your teacher
o Be kind to others
o Play Fair
o Give 110%
o Always wear gym shoes
Consequences for misbehaviors
o First offense- I will warn the child and write their name up on a board
o Second offense- 5 minute timeout
o Third offense- 10 minute time out
o Fourth offense- call home to parents
o Fifth offense- send child to principal
Incentives for good behavior
o Praise students for doing a good job
o Hand out stickers if they are doing what they are told
o Hand out prizes for completing goals

Handling student conflict

o I will remain calm and listen to the students involved. I should repeat what the
students say so I can make sure I understand the full story. Unless the conflict is
just about sharing, I may have to meet with the students after class. I will have the
students talk through the situation and how it made them feel. I will tell them
what they could have done to avoid the situation. They should then apologize and
move on. If the action was severe, I may have to call the parents or send them to
the principals office.
Students will want to receive stickers and prizes so they will show good behavior and
complete their goals in order to receive a prize.
Some students will just want attention and if I praise them for good behavior and ignore
bad behavior then they will start doing what I ask of them
If I praise students for their effort and skill then they will feel confident and perform
Group Activity Expectations
Partner grouping
o Find someone with same shirt color
o Pick a card, now find someone with same card
o Find a partner
Small groups
o Find three friends who were born in the same season as you
o Number off
o Pick a card; find someone with the same suit as you.
Large groups
o Number off
o Fall with winter, spring with winter
o Boys vs. girls
Non-Instructional Methods
o The students will enter the gym in a single file line and go sit down on their
assigned spot.
o The students will line up single file at the door and wait for their teacher to come
and retrieve them.
Taking attendance
o I will have numbers taped on the side line that I will have the kids sit on in
alphabetical order. This will make it easy to quick rundown the roster and check
who is not in class.
Starting and stopping cues

o Freeze
o Go
o Two whistles = go
o One whistle= stop
Intrusive events
o Students must ask me if they can get a drink or use the bathroom
They may only go if I am not explaining a game or talking
o I will give the students a chance to get a drink half way through class if we are
doing something that requires a lot of cardio
Defining the teaching area/boundaries
o The teaching area will be inside the basketball court.
o No students are a loud to leave the gym without my permission.
Equipment Use
Equipment will be set to side when class begins.
Students may only use equipment when I give them permission
When I am talking, equipment should be set on ground next to feet
At the end of class, students will put equipment back where they got it.
They should report broken equipment to me. I will then file a report notifying the
department of the broken equipment.
o Indoor
Students will follow school procedures
o Outdoor
If we are close enough to the school, we will head inside
If we are too far away then we will head to the shelter or see low ground
such as a ditch
o Indoor
Students will follow classroom procedures and head outside away from
o Outdoor
Students will head as far away as possible from the school
o Indoor
I will inspect the injury to check for severity, if it is a broken bone I will
send a student to go get the nurse.
For a bruise or possible sprain, I will get ice for the kid and send him to
the nurses office.
o Outdoor

I will again inspect the injury and then send a student in to get the nurse
for a severe injury otherwise I will just get the kid some ice and let him sit

Communication with Parents

Dear parents of _____________,
I am sending you this letter to inform you of how your child is currently doing in my
physical education class. So far this quarter, ______________ has been doing extremely well.
He/she is currently receiving an A in my class. He/she shows up to my class everyday and gives
it their all, he/she shows great behavior which seems to be rubbing off on those with history of
bad behavior. I also wanted to inform you that in weeks we will be having our annual school
wide field day. This is a great way to promote physical activity; there will be relay races, water
balloon toss, sack race, three legged races. You name it. Every year we try to encourage parents
to get involved and volunteer to help run each station. I have attached to this letter a form in
which you can sign up to help if you are interested. I thank you for taking the time to read this
and I hope to see you at our field day event.
Thank you

Trae Mohr
Physical education department


Classroom Management Reflection

I really enjoyed putting together this classroom management plan. I feel as though it fits
my personality and will make for a great environment. When it came to figuring out theories to
model my management plan after, I had an easy time. I chose the Bandura- Observational theory
because I feel that students will want positive attention from me and if they see me giving that to
the ones who show good behavior then they will start copying that behavior. I chose Deweys
theory because I do feel that children will learn the best by doing so I will try to give them as
much time possible to practice the skill.
I feel that the five classroom rules I picked are essential for success in the physical
education classroom. If the students listen to what I say and do as I say then they will have a
100% success rate. They must be kind to others, if they are bullies then no one will enjoy
physical education and this will not only make my job harder but it will also lower the success
rate of my students. Students need to play fair; I will not tolerate cheating and unsportsmanlike
conduct. They should give it their all, if they do this then they will be successful in all aspects
and last but not least they must wear gym shoes. I will not allow the students to participate in
some activities if they are not wearing gym shoes for safety reasons.
I feel that the best way to motivate kids is to bribe them with prizes such as stickers or
little knick knacks. Verbal praise is not always going to work but if students are rewarded with
prizes for good behavior then they will always look to win a prize. But I cant always give

students with bad behavior attention, otherwise they will get what they are looking for and will
keep repeating the same behavior over and over again. If the class behaves well as a whole after
a few weeks, I will give them a free day where they can choose the games we play. This will be
another way to motivate my students to behave and get the planned lesson done on that day.
Entering and exiting my gym will be pretty basic, the students should line up and wait
when exiting and when they enter they should go right to their assigned number this will make
for a smooth transition into my class so that I can take attendance and get the day started. I will
try to keep a whistle on me for starting and stopping cues if the gym is loud and I do not feel like
yelling over the students. Students will only be a loud to get a drink or go to the bathroom during
game time unless it is an emergency. This way they dont miss the instructions for the activities.
Finally for emergencies I will follow the school protocols in a calm and orderly fashion. This
Plan has really made me think of how I want to run my classroom and I feel that if I am able to
stick to my plan then teaching will be that much easier.

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