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May 4, 2009 Dear Sir of Madame, | would like to warmly recommend Steven Bredberg for a position asa history teacher, Mr. ‘Bredberg isan intelligent, hard working and knowledgeable graduate of our undergraduate program in history here at Texas A&M University —Commere, where I am a professor. Mr. Brodberg is curently in ‘our master's program history, working on his thesis and serving asa teaching assistant | fist met him as an undergraduate ina world history clas inthe spring of 2002 and was deeply impressed by his intligence and clear historical thinking. have known Me. Bredberg for sx years, 38 ‘mn undergraduate student, a member of Phi Alpha Thets, a graduate student, anda graduate asistan, 1 believe that Iam in a good postion to comment knowledgably on his expertise, which is considerable, and work habit, which ae excellent. As a student, I found Mr. Bredberg to be an avid reader who ways contributed intelligently to class discussions and whose written work s thoughtful and carefally ‘composed. In our department, teaching assistants ae teachers-ofrecard with their own classes, so in that ‘sense forthe past two years Mr. Bredberg has been a colleague as well asa student. Asa fellow teacher, 1 ‘ound him to engaging, imaginative, and profesional | have every expectation that he will succeed as a high school history teacher, Pleat contact me if you have any question regarding his application. uy de fd reel Tena ARH Univesity Commerce (603) 886.5528 Department of History, Collegeof Arts and Sciences “Teas A&M Unwvarsty-Comunerce, PO, Box 3011, Commerce, Texas 754289011 Coutece oF ATS AND SciENCES May 4 2008 “To Whom It May Concer: "wie o endorse Steven Bredber's application be 2 teacher a your disc, 1 hve known Me ‘Bredbeg fo eight years now, both sa ert as his graduate thesis advo, nd ara natu of record in my department. Across the yas have seen im grove ntllectulyand personaly nd have teen mos impressed wih is abit, i work nd is potent ‘ince becoming a radiate stale with ws, Mr. Bredberg as had nameros teaching opportunitis. These ‘began a graduate assistant in which e graded and tear-aught for and wih faculty merber, Mr. Ee Gres, Mr. Gruver came ous afer more than a decade ithe public sehools and eurently supervises our teacher cerifcaton programs inhstory. He san oustanding teacher mec and has taught Mr. Bredberg, a eat deal. Texpect tht Me Graver wil atest to that himelf a efersee ‘As deprment head, | have been delighted to have Me. Bredberg teaching the two semesters of American ‘istry survey to our entering students. Me Bredberg's ables re sach tat ef etsted with to Sections with ol of roughly iy students. Not one has thee been a stuent complain nor has there been any evidence hat Me Bredbor is an "easy" scr. He has a very good Balance of academic rigor. insight ino the world of his students, and determination to consistent improve his own work Las yen, Texas ABM Univerity-Commereadministred a national reognied teaching evaluat instrament alts couse sections, the IDEA assent frm Kansas Sate Universi, IDEA compares ‘Studer reported Ianing agaist the eaingoutomes se by instucers also compares boca da ide ‘department and compares departments and insrucios with ek peers ike instiutions inthe US and ‘Camda. The evaluations for bah of Mr Bredbers's second semester US history sections were ‘oustanding beter om average than most for fllsine fac. Me Breer complete his masters thei ner my dion ths semester, and should receive his deree this month He is also nearing completion ofa eching ntership wth Caio Mill ISD which hs added to his strengths as a teacher and piven him fresh insight onthe Ke12 environment ‘Mr. Breer is obviously fed with knowledge a2al for and reat sbi in teching. This department onfident inthe training we hae offered hin and equally confide: nhs abit leave us and make a dieence wherever he works. Please fel eto contact me rl should you hve any questions about his qualeations. Interim Assistant Dean Collegeof Ars and Scences Texas A&M Universiy-Commerse Commerce, TX 75428:5011 03-886 5178 Royse City High School 700 FM'2642 + P.0.Box 479. © Royse City, Tx 75189 972.636.9991 © Fax 972.635.2906 '* Online: wiw reed org sear web Kerry Walker chard Pease Crag Bowere Principal ‘asian Principal ‘Arson Pracpal Assan Priscipl May 27, 2009 ‘To Whom It May Concern: | had the good fortune to have Steven Bredbutg work as a student teacher under ime for the spring semester of 2009. Steven was assigned to another teacher and myself. He taught Economics and World History during his assignment. Steven was always prepared for class with good lessons. He has an excellent knowledge base so he could éxpand on many topics in a way that is unusual for a student teacher. Healso demonstrated a clear understanding that classroom management and discipline must be set by the teacher so a proper learning ‘environment can be put into place. His respect for others helped him build solid relationships with his students. | highly recommend Steven for any teaching position. | believe he has a bright future in education and that any organization will benefit from his knowledge and dedication. Please feel free to call or email it you have any additional questions. GAL Sus— David A. Skidmore, Chair History Department Royse City High School 972-636-9991

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