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Joann Saleh

Period 6
May 8,2015

Free, Free Palestine!

Free, Free Palestine, weve been hearing these protest to free the state of Palestine for
decades. Many Presidents in office have been trying to get the State of Israel and Palestine and
make ends meet. Palestine wont stop fighting till the last living Palestinian is dead and Israel
wont stop till the last square foot of land is apart of Israel. If I were president I would try to
resolve the conflict between them. I would try to get the two minorities to agree on anything that
interests them, take baby steps, and soon they could have peace. People would ask how that
would impact the United States positively? Creating peace is the United Nations goal, but if the
United States did it on their own with the cooperation of the two states, it would make the U.S.
look superior to the countries in the Middle East because the countries have been trying to
destroy Israel since the day it was created. Middle Easterners think that the UN is faulty for their
problems, and by UN they mean the United States. Billions of dollars are given to aid Israel for
their protection. If the two states are on good terms, Israel doesnt need aid anymore, the billions
of dollars spent on aid can be used to end poverty in America and better education opportunities
for everyone.
During World War II, Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles that was a result of the first
World War. He invaded countries and started to convince everyone that the Jewish minority was
the reason why the Germans lost the first World War and that the country is in the state of
depression because of the reparations that Germany owes is all caused by the Jews. Hitler
convinced the entire German country that the only race is the Aryan race and anything else

should not exist starting with the Jews. So, because of Hitlers convincing tactics, he managed to
achieve a mass genocide of Six Million German Jews. Those who escaped were lucky and who
were caught and sent to concentration camps were struggling to survive until further notice of
As the war came to an end, Hitler fell from power and eventually committed suicide.
Millions of Jews were homeless and had no where to go with little hope left. The United Nations
had to find a place that the refugees could go, feel safe. and call home. Whats a better place than
the origin of their religion and their ancestors from thousands of years ago, Jerusalem. The
problem with this is that people already occupied the area called Palestine. The UN removed all
the people in Jerusalem for the New development and named it the state of Israel, now all Jews
have some place to look forward to which gave them hope. But wait, now the Palestinians and
Israelis hate each other and the Middle East are pointing their fingers at the United States of
America.Why cant we all just live in a state of peace?
The United States could clear their name if they brought peace in the middle east starting
with the cause, the creation of Israel on May 14, 1948. Not only could they clear their name they
could make themselves look superior. The middle east has been trying to destroy israel since the
day it was born, if the U.S creates peace in Palestine, the Palestinians could calm other country
shits, Jerusalem with be open to the public, international airports would be open in the
Palestinian country, and anyone from all countries are welcome. The U.S would look so bad ass,
they ended a war that no one else could and everyone would want to be United states allie.
The creation of israel has caused so many problems with middle eastern relations, pre
world war II/creation of Israel we got a majority of energy from Saudi Arabia. When the United
Nations forced the removal of all Palestinians in the new Israel, Saudi Arabia was furious along

with its neighboring countries. Saudi Arabia raised oil prices, the U.S. retaliated and aided Israel
with 2 billion dollars which led to the removal of more Palestinians. This pissed off Saudi
Arabia, forcing them to cut off the U.S. from their oil, the U.S. went in an energy crisis cause the
country they get 95% of petroleum from them. So the US was in some deep shit, trucks couldn't
get their food to stores, gas stations had no gas. Further more, the creation of Israel was placed in
Jerusalem, the only land for Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Palestinians are restricted from
going in, and so are plenty of other countries. Muslims and Christians get along in the middle
east, why is it that they cant get along with Jews?
The United States spends so much money on the war in the middle east, by creating
peace in Palestine it could create the domino effect and the Arab terrorist wouldnt be targeting
Israel or America. The U.S. doesnt have to aid Israel anymore, Arab countries have nothing
against the U.S. they become dependent allies. One benefits from each other and we cool again
we can go back to the days terrorists were just terrorists and not categorized by their religion. We
can spend our money that was supposed to be for war and aid and end poverty and improve
education, we can stop focusing on the worlds and start working on our problems.
Being president would be awesome, enacting laws in this country is hard, we cant just
wave a wand and make everything as we wish. We live in a democracy we need to convince
people in this country before we try to convince people in other countries. Although creating
peace in Palestine would be phenomenal, unfortunately both states are hard headed and by the
end of anyones presidency they are stressed out enough and the arab-israeli conflict is at the
bottom of United States worries.

Chapter 9 middle eastern timeline
16 years of being a child of one Palestinian refugee and a descendant of Palestinian activists.
The United States Should Recognize the state of Palestine Washington Post. Web, 20 Apr.
Why the U.S. Should support Palestinian Statehood at the U.N. Web. 20 Apr.2015
Free Palestine Movement.Web.20 Apr.2015

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