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Sumner Avenue School ee 45 Sumner Avenue, Springfield, MA 01108 Mw March 12, 2015 ‘To Whom it may cencem: Tam writing this letLer in support of Robert Maher for a position within your schoo! district. Mr. Maher has completed his practicum experience with me in the spring semester of 2015. He would be an asset to any school system because he has successfully taught in an inner eity school, he conducts himself professionally, and he is committed to teaching quality Physical Education. ‘An urban selting with students who have vast learning and emotional needs can be a tough environment lo being a teaching career. Me. Maher handles himself well, He keenly observes and then implements the ‘management techniques already in place. While he is quick to praise students who achieve or exceed expectations, Mr. Maher acknowledges inappropriate behavior and is developing necessary tools to get students back on track. He creates and uses a variety of visual aids lo assist students who are English language leamers and who have diverse learning styles. Doing so bas allowed him to achieve lesson objectives with students time and time again. Professionalism is one key to the success of a Physical Education program, and he definitely exhibits this trait. Mr. Mahcr has willingly taken on all the tasks of'a seasoned professional such as planning lessons, communicating with parents, attending after school meetings, events, and professional development, performing daily bus duty, and creating and implementing visual aids and word walls, He has implemented the school’s Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) by handing out the school’s koala dollar rewards for positive behavior as well as the minor write ups to inform parents of unacceptable behavior. Mr. Maher also takes well Lo critiques of his teaching, carefully listening to the feedhack given and implementing weaks us necessary. One of Mr. Maher's strengths is his commitment to teach quality Physical Education, He does this by following the pacing guide and leaning outcomes set by the city. According to the pacing guide, rhythms and dance is the unit of instruction to be taught for the dates of his practicum. While many people avoid dance because they luck confidence und interest in the material, Mr. Maher puts the time in to prepare intetesting and challenging lessons that met city, state and national standards. Students have to cooperatively create dance routines while incorporating movement concepis presented in earlier units of study. He spends considerable lime preparing himself with information about rhythms, obtaining videos and music for instruction, and creating the visual aids needed to guide students through their routines. In closing, I support the candidacy of Robert Maher for a position within your school system. He is able to teach in a challenging environment, conducts himself professionally, is committed to tcaching quality feel free to contact me at 413-787-7430 with any further questions. C eeagey po Sharon Burzynski - Physical and Health Education Teacher Physical Education. Those qualities make him a valuable attribute to any stall, Thank you for your time. Please Qn # ‘Sumner Avenue Elementary School

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