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For Immediate Release

Media Contact
Jenny Crittenden
Executive Director

Amberly Millis
Public Relations

Gloucester seeks to turn entrepreneurs dreams into reality!

GlOUCESTER, VA6 February, 2015. Gloucester Main Street business partners, the Gloucester
Main Street Association (GMSA) and Main Street Preservation Trust (MSPT), have been
awarded $100,000 to promote small business development within Virginias Commonwealth.
Gloucester County is one of three communities to receive this incredible reward and opportunity.
The grant is a part of Governor Terry McAuliffes Virginia Community Business Launch, a
program that helps develop successful and sustainable communities by supporting small business
growth. Both GMSA and MSPT seek to use this grant as a way to empower entrepreneurs with
the tools needed for expansion and innovation.

Small business is the backbone of communities around the Commonwealth. They provide jobs,
talent, end up leading our civic organizations, and help our children pursue their dreams, said,

Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust

News Release: Special Announcement

Secretary of Commerce and Trade, Maurice Jones. Entrepreneurship is a key component of our
economic strategy, and we want to foster the development of these individuals and their ideas.
In order to receive this grant, entrepreneurs must apply and compete in the Launch Gloucester
contest. This competition enables entrepreneurs to propose their individual small business ideas,
as well as state how they plan to benefit the overall community. The winners will be announced
March 20, 2015 and the renovation process will begin.
In addition, winners will receive a startup capital, marketing and communication support,
business consultation, rent abatement, a ribbon cutting ceremony, video promotion, and
memberships to the Main Street Association and the Chamber of Commerce; a program valued
to be nearly $200,000.
Entrepreneurs and our business community will not only benefit from this grant program, but
will also have access to top mentors and a prize package which will truly help the winners build
a strong foundation for their businesses, said Jenny Crittenden, Executive Director of MSPT.
It is MSPT and GMSAs mission to provide Gloucester Main Street with the support it needs to
launch community-based entrepreneurship, develop new jobs and opportunities for innovation,
increase private investment, and promote the overall growth of the Gloucester community.
Thanks to the hard work of Jenny Crittenden and her partner, Ashley Gilmartin, Gloucester Main
Street will become the land of opportunity for many.
For more information, please visit the Launch Gloucester website at

Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust

News Release: Special Announcement

About Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust

The Main Street Preservation Trust (MSPT) is a non-profit organization that supports the
Gloucester County community by initiating growth, innovation, and sustainability. It promotes
expansion and uses its assets to attract new and additional businesses to Gloucesters Main
Street. MSPTs mission is to enhance the economic and business environment, preserve
historical landmarks in the Gloucester Court House Village area, and promote civic and cultural
activities. It is in partnership with the Cook Foundation and the Gloucester Main Street

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