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Lomeli 1

Bryan Lomeli
English 102
Toulmin Argument
13 February 2015
Toulmin Response
1) The essay was quite easy to read because she had information leading to the initial claim
which helped give insight. The initial claim was pretty well stated paper organized.
Although the reading comprehension wasnt 100 percent it was sufficient enough to
understand the whole concept as a whole.
2) It would be better to give a classical style because they are more to the point and more
concise. They help with academic essays and feel it would be easier to follow if it was in
a classical form. There was a good beginning because the topic was very thorough and
3) Non aggressive toulmin seems too mild because it gives great evidence throughout the
paper but lacks position and assertiveness towards the topic. It would shower greater
voice in the topic by being more aggressive towards the issue on how compromise has

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