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I am interested and wanted to join with PT.

Ditana Energy Solutions in business and

developtment of progam Clean Stoves Inisiative (CSI) or Tungku Sehat Hemat Energy in
Central Java regions.
I would like to apply for job vacancy as Sales Cordinator (SC). I am very motivated and
convinced can doing the job description in that position with qualification and experience
which I had.
(1) Jobs experience during 3.5 years manage a company, gave abilities and
skills at doing region;s maping, built sales network, established the right
sales strategies, manage human resources especially on giving traning
and guidance to sales agent.
(2) Jobs experience guidanced student doing Community Development
Program (CDP) ( Kuliah Kerja Nyata) through program live-in in villages at
some regencies in Central Java during 7 years, make an easier for
concieving characteristic of viillages which later became object and target
marketing THSE.
(3) Jobs experience at Institutional Affair during 9 years giving experience for
built the relationship with government or private who needed by this
company (PT. Ditana Energy Solutions).
(4) Jobs experience as Head of Editorial Staff adding abilities for good writting
and communicating.
I realize only can doing passive english (written) but that thing became a
challange for leart and adapted appropriate with jobs demands. I am really
deserved the jobs oppurtunities which on offer by PT. Ditana Energy Solutions and I

hope my qualifications and my experiences merit to your consideration.

Thank you for kind attention, and I am looking forward to your reply.

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