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How did you go about drawing this image? (Did you plan?

Did you
use patterns, reflections of lines? Did you experiment? Did you
consult peers/teachers?)
I started out this image by tracing an image of a bike. I started with the
circles of the wheels and the frame. Once all the circles on the picture were
traced, I started to work on the frame, the y=x lines or the linear equations.
Then I went on to the spokes. I saved the handlebars and bike seat for last as
those used the most difficult equations. I realized and figured out that once I

had a few lines or circles on the page it was easier to see where the others
would be placed: how much wider, longer or higher on the graph. I did reflect
a little when I had one line or circle that was the same as on the other side of
the origin or graph. I could use the same equation and only change the
positive and negative signs. I did use a lot of experimentation to know where
to put the lines. If I didnt know what a function did or what variables would
move the line and how, I found that going to the extremes helped so that
you could see the drastic change and then plan accordingly to the drawing.
During this project Ben really helped me, but as I said; once I got a few
functions down, it was easier to do.
How did using Desmos and creating this drawing help you
understand function families and their transformations? (Be sure to
touch on at least two specific function families.)
Desmos helped me to understand the basic functions more and what the
specific variables did. I began to see a pattern and realize when that when I
wanted to move a line or function to the left or right I would change h, when I
wanted to move something up I would change k and a and m changed the
slope. I really started to understand more of what I had to change by the
time I was done making the picture. The quadratic equation for me I actually
needed to have it be horizontal so instead of doing y=a(x-h)2 +k, I used
x=a(y-h)2 +k and that made it horizontal then I changed the negative or
positive signs depending on which way I wanted it to face. I figured this out
purely by just playing around and critically thinking my way through the
logics of it. When I was working with my linear functions I found that
sometimes I would go really high up in numbers with b (y=mx+b )to get it to
be at the angle I wanted, I tried to figure out why it would make such a high
jump, it is still slightly confusing but I was able to change some of them to a
negative slope and that made b much smaller. I now understand that the
angles or slopes of lines have to do everything with b. Mostly this project
taught me about what each function was for and what the variables do and
how they change.

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