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Unit I

1. Write the structure of C program?
2. What are the different data types available in C?
3. Define Variable in C.
4. Define Expression.
5. What is meant by an Algorithm ?
6. Write down the difference between = and = = operator?
7. Define Identifier.
8. State the difference between local and global variables.
9. What are the different types of Input statements in C?
10. What are the different types of Output statements in C?
11. What are types of Constants in C ?
12. Define the types of Bitwise Operator in C.
13. What are the different types of increment operators ?
14. What are the logical operators in C?
15. What are the relational operators in C?
16. Define a string.
17. Mention any Four Math library function in C.
18. Mention any Four Keywords in C.
19. Distinguish between Compiler and Interpreter.
20. Explain the string library functions with an example?

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