Edfd221 Lesson Plan Life Cycles - Avatars

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Lesson Plan


Time: 45 mins

Unit: Science: Living Things

Lesson #_______

Level: Year 4
(Year Level Statement that this lesson is building towards)
Science Understanding
Biological Sciences
Living things have life cycles (ACSSU072).
Represent and communicate ideas and findings in a variety of ways such as diagrams,
physical representations and simple reports. (ACSIS071).

Lesson Objectives:
(Key Knowledge and Skills students should achieve in the lesson)

Intention of the lesson is to integrate all four Avatars into our lesson.
Each member of our group has avatars that need catering for.
Students will learn to comprehend the similarities and differences between the
life cycles of butterflies, frogs and other living species and integrating the
fourth grade Science from the curriculum
By the end of the lesson students will be able to define what a life cycle is and
compare to different types of life cycles.
Students will gain knowledge of a particular animal they used in that lesson to
do their life cycle with.
By the end of this learning unit students will have chosen a animal that want to
do further research on.
Classroom arrangement
With avatar 31 (hearing impaired) they will be sitting up the front. This is due
to concentration and more guidance and assistance from the teacher.
Avatar 17 (school refuser) and avatar 18 (high anxious) will be paired together
due to the fact that avatar 18 is exceeding expectations in all areas and will be
able to be a encouragement for the school refuser.
Avatar 2 (Aboriginal Australian) this avatar has poor sequential ordering. Thus
our lesson is based on sequencing the life cycle of particular animals this
child will need constant monitoring and direct instruction.
The students will be paired off with another student that the educator believes
will work well.

Students Prior Knowledge:

Students are familiar with sequencing events

The use of arrows to show the next step


Introduction & Motivation:


Introductory lesson
Discussion first of what the students believe is a life cycle
Students contribute ideas to the teacher and they produce a
mind map on the board teacher should allow students to
brainstorm ideas prior to the mind-map; with also careful
guiding and monitoring.

Teaching Approaches &

Laminated photographs of
Laminated arrows
Envelopes on each desks with
the photographs of animals in
Blue tack

Teacher provides a YouTube clip of a life cycle

Teacher provides laminated photographs on the board of
the life cycle of a butterfly. E.g
The butterfly goes through metamorphosis (physical
change) larva (caterpillar) pupa adult butterfly

Larva (caterpillar)



Teacher uses direct instruction

Here the teacher encourages
students to also use the correct
labels in the life of the animal
they have been given.
Put them from birth until final



Tadpole with legs

Young frog

Adult frog


Main Content:


During this phase of the lesson students will be at

allocated places with their pairs working on their animal
life cycle.
Students have been introduced thoroughly to the task and
have sufficient knowledge to undertake the task.

Teaching Approaches &

Laminated photographs of
different animals for each
Frog, butterflies, moths etc
Laminated arrows (to show
the next step to the process of
an animal)
Description of the event of an
animal words to match the
Blue tack

Teacher uses careful

monitoring and observation
skills here as they rotate
around the classroom

Get students to write down any attributes they can recall

from the animal they did for their life cycle chain. Provide
a sample mind-map on the board and make sure students to
the same. Here the teacher is probing for further
information from the students.
Egg (first stage)
Larva or caterpillar

pupa, or cocoon

Support and/or Extension

For fast finishers/capable
Find out about the animals;
Compare and contrast
identify animals that go
through metamorphosis
(striking change in
appearance-animal physically
develops quickly after birth)
and those that dont go
through those stages
Provide a demonstration on
the board on how student will
put into their workbooks



5 mins

To conclude the lesson the teacher must reiterate to

students the life cycle and get a student to demonstrate
their animal life cycle on the board using blue tack.

Teaching Approaches &


Assessment of Learning
(List all assessment and state if it is formative or summative)
Formative assessment
Students are to demonstrate their task to peers after completed indicating where the arrow goes for
the next step
Have a small quiz in the next lesson on Life Cycles to ensure they have comprehended
Teacher monitoring, questioning and observing students
At the conclusion of the lesson; the teacher should be able to decipher which students need more
emphasis on scaffolding and who can work independently.

Through exploration and self-discovery of an animals change in state; explicit and direct instruction
from a more knowledgeable person; the learning and development is inclusive.
Both exploration and explicit instruction throughout the lesson will benefit the students learning in
numerous ways. Direct instruction to avatar 17 (school refuser) and avatar 31(hearing impaired) as
they are students that need to have step-by-step instruction with careful monitoring to make sure they
are on task.
Were the students intrigued/engaged throughout the lesson?
Did they listen to questions/instructions?

Safety Considerations
Dont put the laminated photographs in mouths
Have a safety management poster in the classroom

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