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No 4 Ii) (at) ») Mark Scheme ‘Able (0 tick the correct structure of eve. C,EandG ‘Able to tick the correct function for B Refracts and focuses light on the retina Membiaskan dan memfokus cahaya ke atas retina Regulate and control the amount of light entering the eve Mengawal dan mengawal jumlah cahoya yang masuk ke dalam mato. Focus lignt in to the eye and maintain the shape of the eveball Memfokuskan cahaya ke dalam mata dan mengekaikan bentuk bebola mata. Detect the light stimulus and generate nerve impulses, ‘Mengeson rangsangan cahaya dan menghosiikan impuls saraf. Able to tick the correct device, Wark | Total 3 2a) 2b) Able to tick the correct letter of the internal organs involved in respiration. Able to match the parts of respiratory system with Its correct functions Gaseous exchenge occur Pertukaron gas berlaku Ribeage Sangkor rusuk Protects the lungs ‘Melindungi peparu Alveolus Alveotus Contracts or relaxes during breathing ‘Mengecut atau mengendur semasa bernofas 3(@) Able to tick( V) for the process that uses oxygen and (X) for the process that uses carbon dioxide, Photosyrthesie 3{o)(i) Able to write what will happen to the amount of gases A and & increase decrease Gas A Gas 6 3(b) Able to write the correct statement according to the observation at the experiment i Twe i) Tue

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