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Integrated Understanding by Design (UbD) Lesson Plan 1

Classroom Teacher: Andrea Reyes

Grade (K-12)/Developmental Level: 2nd

Date Lesson Will Be Taught: TBD

Lesson Topic: Conservation of Natural Resources:

Lesson Subject Area: Science, Language Arts, Social Studies

Preservice Teacher: N/A
Stage 1- Desired Result

Established Goals/Big Ideas (Include):

What are the big picture concepts, conceptual anchors, and connections?

Language processes (reading, writing, listening and speaking) are meaning making processes that involve thinking, discovering and ordering.
Language follows conventions or rules. These rules help ensure effective communication. Knowledge of conventions is needed to comprehend
and construct text (print, media, electronic).
Our limited supply of resources can be extended through conservation of wildlife, energy, and material resources. Our limited supply of
resources should be protected from pollution.
People become figures of authority in different ways.
The government helps people in different ways.

Common Core Standards:
Language Arts:
CCSS.ELA- 2.RL.1 - Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RI.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RI.2 Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.

Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III:
Social Studies:
Benchmark SS.2.3.1 Stewardship: Describe ways in which specific government agencies are responsible for environmental issues and concerns
Benchmark SC.2.2.1 Unifying Concepts and Themes: Describe changes that have occurred in society as a result of new technologies
Benchmark SC.2.8.2 Earth Materials: Identify the limited supply of natural resources and how they can be extended through conservation, reuse, and
General Learner Outcome (GLO):
GLO #1: Self-Directed Learner - The ability to be responsible for one's own learning.
GLO #2: Community Contributor - The understanding that it is essential for human beings to work together.
GLO#5: Effective Communicator - The ability to communicate effectively.
Students will understand that

Students will understand that specific government agencies are

responsible for environmental issues and concerns.
Students will understand how to use the element of space and the
principles of repetition and variety, with a variety of art media.
Students will understand that changes have occurred in society as a
result of new technologies.

Essential Questions:
What questions highlight the big ideas?

How do you determine key details and the main topic of a multiparagraph text?
Who is responsible for environmental issues and concerns?
What new technologies caused changes in society?
What changes have occurred in society as a result of new

Students will understand that there is a limited supply of natural

resources and how they can be extended through conservation,
reuse, and recycling.

What are our limited supplies of natural resources?

How can they be extended through conservation, reuse, and

Content Acquisition (Objectives):

Skill Acquisition (Objectives):
Student will know.
Student will be able to
Students will know how to use key details in a text to answer who,
Students will be able to ask and answer who, what, where, when, why,
what, where, when, and why.
and how of key details in a text.
Students will know how to identify the main topic of a multi Students will be able to identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph
paragraph text.
text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Students will know how government agencies are responsible for
Students will be able to describe ways in which specific government
environmental issues and concerns.
agencies are responsible for environmental issues and concerns.
Students will know how to describe changes that have occurred
Students will be able to describe changes that have occurred in
in society as a result of new technologies.
society as a result of new technologies.
Students will know what are the Earths limited supplies of
Students will be able to identify the limited supply of natural
natural resources.
resources and how they can be extended through conservation,
reuse, and recycling.
Students will know how they can be extended through
conservation, reuse, and recycling.
Stage 2- Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
What tasks will students be able to do to demonstrate understanding?
- Students will define key terms: natural resource, synthetic resources, renewable resources, and nonrenewable resources.
- Students will identify natural resources and synthetic resources.
- Students will identify renewable resources and non-renewable resources.

Other Evidence:
What other things can students do to
show what they know?
- Students will fill out Graphic
organizers and self-reflections.
- K-W-L Sheets

What ways can students check understandings to set future goals?

Students will complete pretest and gain understanding of what concepts they know and what
concepts they need to learn.
Students will fill out natural resource worksheet.
Students, in groups, will identify and list examples of natural resources and synthetic resources,
renewable resources and non-renewable resources.

What did you identify during selfevaluation?
- N/a

Assessment Rubric:




Overall Class Participation Rubric

Very self-directed, accepts
Self-directed cleans up
Usually self-directed,
extra class duties, cleans up after self, uses materials
cleans up after self most of
after self and others uses
safely and responsibly.
the time, uses materials
materials safely and
Leads discussion and group
activities, assists others,
initiates positive peer

Participates in discussions
and group activities and
maintains positive peer

Demonstrates a lot of
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm in all class

Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities.

Participates in discussions
and activities when
requested and is working to
develop positive peer
Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities most
of the time.

Not very self-directed,
requires a lot of prompting,
rarely cleans up after self,
is wasteful with materials,
and does not always use
them in a safe manner.
Struggles to participate in
discussions and activities
and is challenged in
maintaining positive peer
Struggles to demonstrate
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm: requires a lot
of prompting and

Use of class time

Practices extensive selfdiscipline, always stays on

task, uses class time very

Practice self discipline,

stays on task, uses class
time well.

Usually practices selfdiscipline, stays on task

most the time, uses time
well with some prompting.

Practices some selfdiscipline, but requires a lot

of prompting; struggles to
use class time well.

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
Conservation of Natural Resources: Introduction

Students will complete Pre-test.

Whats in the Bag Activity:

- All students will pull out everyday items that we use from a bag and return to their seats.
- Teacher will pose the following questions to the class:
o What item did you get?
o In one sentence how do you use it?
o Can it be found in nature or is it mad made?
- Teacher will then discuss:
o The things that we, people, use are called resources.
o There are different types of resources: natural resources, synthetic resources, renewable, and non-renewable resources.


Teacher will read along with students pages 100 101 in Social Studies Textbook covering the key natural resources, synthetic resources,
renewable, and non-renewable resources.
- Resources: A supply of something that we, people, can use to fulfill a need.

- Natural Resources: Something found in nature that people use.

- Synthetic (Man Made) Resources: Something that is not found in nature that is made by people.
- Renewable Resources: Resources that can be replaced (i.e. air, water, trees, etc.)
- Non-renewable Resources: Resources that cannot be replaced or will not be replaced in our lifetime (oil, diamonds, gold, etc.).
Check for understanding Activity
- Students will break off into groups.
- Groups will be given an allotted time limit to come up with a list comprised of natural resources and synthetic resources.
- At the end of the time limit the groups will share their lists. If another group has that same resource they are to cross it off.
- After all groups share all of their resources the group with the most resources still remaining on their list they are the winners.
- Groups will repeat activity by making lists of renewable and non-renewable resources.


Students will share in groups 1 thing they already knew and 1 thing they learned.
Students will write out reflection in their science journals about one natural resource that they use everyday.
Students will complete key terms worksheet for homework.


Students will watch the following videos as another means to anchor their learning.

This short clip shows a song that defines and shows examples of key terms:
Students with difficulty:
Students will be given guided notes to fill in the blanks.
Students will be given more time to read the necessary information.
Students will be allowed to take breaks when necessary.
Students that are more advanced:
Students will identify 20 resources that they use at home or at school. They will identify if they are natural or synthetic resource and if they are
renewable or non-renewable.

If resources are synthetic, what natural resources do they come from?

Kyle, William C., Joseph H. Rubinstein, and Carolyn J. Vega. SRA Real Science. Columbus, OH: SRA/McGraw-Hill, 2000. Print.
Viola, Herman J., and Sarah Bednarz. Houghton Mifflin History-social Science. Neighborhoods. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. N. Print.
Acknowledged: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Grade (if applicable): _________
(Course instructor, university supervisor, and/or cooperating teacher)

Integrated Understanding by Design (UbD) Lesson Plan 2

Classroom Teacher: Andrea Reyes

Date Lesson Will Be Taught: TBD
Lesson Topic: Conservation of Natural Resources:
Using Resources The Lorax

Grade (K-12)/Developmental Level: 2nd

Lesson Subject Area: Science, Language Arts, Social Studies
Preservice Teacher: N/A
Stage 1- Desired Result

Established Goals/Big Ideas (Include):

What are the big picture concepts, conceptual anchors, and connections?

Language processes (reading, writing, listening and speaking) are meaning making processes that involve thinking, discovering and ordering.
Language follows conventions or rules. These rules help ensure effective communication. Knowledge of conventions is needed to comprehend
and construct text (print, media, electronic).
Our limited supply of resources can be extended through conservation of wildlife, energy, and material resources. Our limited supply of
resources should be protected from pollution.
People become figures of authority in different ways.

Common Core Standards:
Language Arts:
CCSS.ELA- 2.RL.1 - Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RL.7 - Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters,

setting, or plot.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RI.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RI.2 Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
CCSS.ELA- 2.W.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support
the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.
CCSS.ELA- 2.W.5 With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing.
Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III:
Social Studies:
Benchmark SS.2.5.1 Rights and Responsibilities: Demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in caring for others and the environment.
Benchmark SC.2.2.1 Unifying Concepts and Themes: Describe changes that have occurred in society as a result of new technologies.
Benchmark SC.2.8.2 Earth Materials: Identify the limited supply of natural resources and how they can be extended through conservation, reuse, and
General Learner Outcome (GLO):
GLO #1: Self-Directed Learner - The ability to be responsible for one's own learning.
GLO #3: Complex Thinker - The ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving.
GLO#5: Effective Communicator - The ability to communicate effectively.

Students will understand that

Essential Questions:
What questions highlight the big ideas?

Students will understand that it is important to focus on a topic and

strengthen writing through writing process.
Students will understand their own roles and responsibilities in
caring for others and the environment
Students will understand that changes have occurred in society as a
result of new technologies.
Students will understand that there is a limited supply of natural
resources and how they can be extended through conservation,
reuse, and recycling.

How do you determine key details and the main topic of a multiparagraph text?
What is the importance of supporting details?
Who is responsible for environmental issues and concerns?
What role and responsibilities do we have in caring for others and the
What new technologies caused changes in society?
What changes have occurred in society as a result of new
What are our limited supplies of natural resources?

Content Acquisition (Objectives):

Skill Acquisition (Objectives):
Student will know.
Student will be able to
Students will know how to use key details in a text to answer who,
Students will be able to ask and answer who, what, where, when, why,
what, where, when, and why.
and how of key details in a text.
Students will know how to identify the main topic of a multi Students will be able to identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph
paragraph text.
text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Students will know how to strengthen their writing.
What is the importance of supporting details?
Students will know their own roles and responsibilities in caring
Students will be able to demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in
for others and the environment.
caring for others and the environment.
Students will know how to describe changes that have occurred
Students will be able to describe changes that have occurred in
in society as a result of new technologies.
society as a result of new technologies.
Students will know what are the Earths limited supplies of
Students will be able to identify the limited supply of natural
natural resources.
resources and how they can be extended through conservation,
reuse, and recycling.
Stage 2- Assessment Evidence


Performance Tasks:
What tasks will students be able to do to demonstrate understanding?
- Students will define key terms: natural resource, synthetic, renewable resources, and non-renewable
- Students will identify natural resources and synthetic resources.

Other Evidence:
What other things can students do to
show what they know?
- Students will fill out Graphic
organizers and self-reflections.
- K-W-L Sheets

What ways can students check understandings to set future goals?

What did you identify during selfevaluation?
- N/a

Students will identify the beginning, middle, and the end and provide two supporting details from
the text.
Student will identify the natural resources and synthetic resources in the text.
Students will apply knowledge of natural resources and synthetic resources from the text to real life


Assessment Rubric:


Overall Class Participation Rubric

Very self-directed, accepts
Self-directed cleans up
Usually self-directed,
extra class duties, cleans up
after self, uses materials
cleans up after self most of
after self and others uses
safely and responsibly.
the time, uses materials
materials safely and
Leads discussion and group
activities, assists others,
initiates positive peer

Participates in discussions
and group activities and
maintains positive peer


Demonstrates a lot of
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm in all class

Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities.

Use of class time

Practices extensive selfdiscipline, always stays on

task, uses class time very

Practice self discipline,

stays on task, uses class
time well.


Participates in discussions
and activities when
requested and is working to
develop positive peer
Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities most
of the time.
Usually practices selfdiscipline, stays on task
most the time, uses time
well with some prompting.

Not very self-directed,
requires a lot of prompting,
rarely cleans up after self,
is wasteful with materials,
and does not always use
them in a safe manner.
Struggles to participate in
discussions and activities
and is challenged in
maintaining positive peer
Struggles to demonstrate
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm: requires a lot
of prompting and
Practices some selfdiscipline, but requires a lot
of prompting; struggles to
use class time well.


Narrative Writing Rubric

Ask Yourself:





Did you recount a wellelaborated event or short

sequence of events?

Yes, I recounted an event or

Well, I somewhat recounted
Yes, I recounted an event or
No, I didnt recount an
short sequence of events in
an event or short sequence
short sequence of events.
event at all.
a very creative way!
of events.

Did you include details to

describe actions,
thoughts, and feelings?

Yes, I included details to

describe actions, thoughts,
and feelings in a very
creative way!

Yes, I included several

details to describe actions,
thoughts, and feelings.

Well, I included some

details to describe actions,
thoughts, and feelings.

No, I didnt include details

to describe actions,
thoughts, and feelings at

Did you use temporal

words to signal event

Yes, I used many temporal

words to signal event order
I a very creative way!

Yes, I used several

temporal words to signal
event order.

Well, I used a few temporal

words to signal event order.

No, I didnt use temporal

words to signal event order.

Yes, I provided a sense of


Well, I somewhat provided

a sense of closure.

No, I didnt provide a sense

of closure at all.

Yes, I provided a sense of

Did you provide a sense of
closure in a very creative

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:


Conservation of Natural Resources: Utilizing Natural and Synthetic Resources


Review with the class the key terms: Resources, Natural Resources, Synthetic Resources, Renewable Resources, and Non-Renewable Resources.
Read A Loud: The Lorax by Dr.Suess
o During read a loud discuss:
Natural resources depicted in the book (i.e. pond water, truffula trees, clouds (air), humming fish, etc.)
Synthetic resources depicted in the book (i.e. thneed, super-axe-hacker, factories)


Using key details students will retell the story using Sequence Graphic Organizers focusing on Beginning, Middle, and End.




o Beginning:
Students will identify who the main characters of the story are: Once-ler, the Lorax
Students will identify where the story is taking place: Street of the Lifted Lorax
o Middle:


o End:

Students will identify what the problem in the story is: Once-ler is using up all of the natural resources (truffula trees) to make
thneeds, but is creating pollution and making it difficult for the other creatures to live in their natural habitats.
Students will identify how the problem was solved: The boy receives the last Truffula seed in order to restore the natural resource of
the truffula trees, thus cleaning up the pollution that the Once-ler created.

After determining the main points in the Beginning, Middle, and End students will then support each main point with at least two supporting
details from the book.


Supporting Detail #1:

Supporting Detail #2:


Supporting Detail #1:

Supporting Detail #2:


Supporting Detail #1:

Supporting Detail #2:


Using their graphic organizer students will write a narrative writing piece retelling The Lorax.
o Students will utilize the writing process in order to strengthen their narrative writing:
Prewrite graphic organizer
Draft Write 1st draft using graphic organizer.
Revise Add details and transitional words. Do my sentences make sense? Are my sentences on topic? Do I need to rearrange
any of my sentences?
Edit Check for errors: spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar mistakes.
Publish Write final draft neatly.

Students will then reflect on the writing process and which strategies worked best for them. Students will also share at least one thing that they
need to work on.


Students will watch the following videos as another means to anchor their learning.

This clip is a read aloud of The Lorax :

Students with difficulty:
Students will be given guided notes to fill in the blanks.
Students will be given more time to read the necessary information.
Students will be allowed to take breaks when necessary.
Students will have access to the book and to a computer to utilize the auditory read aloud video
Students that are more advanced:


Students will identify 20 resources that they use at home or at school. They will identify if they are natural or synthetic resource and if they are
renewable or non-renewable.
If resources are synthetic, what natural resources do they come from?

Kyle, William C., Joseph H. Rubinstein, and Carolyn J. Vega. SRA Real Science. Columbus, OH: SRA/McGraw-Hill, 2000. Print.
Seuss. The Lorax. New York: Random House, 1971. Print.
Viola, Herman J., and Sarah Bednarz. Houghton Mifflin History-social Science. Neighborhoods. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. N. Print.

Acknowledged: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Grade (if applicable): _________

(Course instructor, university supervisor, and/or cooperating teacher)


Integrated Understanding by Design (UbD) Lesson Plan 3

Classroom Teacher: Andrea Reyes

Date Lesson Will Be Taught: TBD
Lesson Topic: Conservation of Natural Resources:
Pollution and Consequence Pt. 1

Grade (K-12)/Developmental Level: 2nd

Lesson Subject Area: Science, Social Studies
Preservice Teacher: N/A

Stage 1- Desired Result

Established Goals/Big Ideas (Include):
What are the big picture concepts, conceptual anchors, and connections?

Language processes (reading, writing, listening and speaking) are meaning making processes that involve thinking, discovering and ordering.
Language follows conventions or rules. These rules help ensure effective communication. Knowledge of conventions is needed to comprehend
and construct text (print, media, electronic).
Our limited supply of resources can be extended through conservation of wildlife, energy, and material resources. Our limited supply of
resources should be protected from pollution.
People become figures of authority in different ways.

Common Core Standards:
Language Arts:
CCSS.ELA- 2.RL.1 - Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RL.7 - Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters,


setting, or plot.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RI.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RI.2 Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III:
Social Studies:
Benchmark SS.2.5.1 Rights and Responsibilities: Demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in caring for others and the environment
Benchmark SC.2.1.1 Scientific Inquiry: Develop predictions based on observations
Benchmark SC.2.1.2 Scientific Inquiry: Conduct a simple investigation using a systematic process safely to test a prediction
Benchmark SC.2.2.1 Unifying Concepts and Themes: Describe changes that have occurred in society as a result of new technologies
Benchmark SC.2.8.2 Earth Materials: Identify the limited supply of natural resources and how they can be extended through conservation, reuse, and
General Learner Outcome (GLO):
GLO #2: Community Contributor - The understanding that it is essential for human beings to work together.
GLO #3: Complex Thinker - The ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving.
GLO#5: Effective Communicator - The ability to communicate effectively.


Students will understand that

Students will understand how to form an opinion and provide

supporting details.
Students will understand their own roles and responsibilities in
caring for others and the environment
Students will understand how to develop predictions based on
observations and conduct a simple investigation using a systematic
process safely to test a prediction.
Students will understand that changes have occurred in society as a
result of new technologies.
Students will understand that there is a limited supply of natural

Essential Questions:
What questions highlight the big ideas?

How do you determine key details and the main topic of a multiparagraph text?
Who is responsible for environmental issues and concerns?
What role and responsibilities do we have in caring for others and the
What new technologies caused changes in society?
What changes have occurred in society as a result of new
What are our limited supplies of natural resources?

Content Acquisition (Objectives):

Skill Acquisition (Objectives):
Student will know.
Student will be able to
Students will know how to use key details in a text to answer who,
Students will be able to ask and answer who, what, where, when, why,
what, where, when, and why.
and how of key details in a text.
Students will know how to identify the main topic of a multi Students will be able to identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph
paragraph text.
text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Students will know their own roles and responsibilities in caring
Students will be able to demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in
for others and the environment.
caring for others and the environment.
Students know how to develop predictions based on observations
Students will be able to develop predictions based on observations
and conduct a simple investigation.
and conduct a simple investigation using a systematic process safely
to test a prediction.
Students will know how to describe changes that have occurred
Students will be able to describe changes that have occurred in
in society as a result of new technologies.
society as a result of new technologies.
Students will know what are the Earths limited supplies of

Students will be able to identify the limited supply of natural

natural resources.


Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks:
What tasks will students be able to do to demonstrate understanding?
- Students will define key terms: conservation, natural resource, synthetic, renewable resources, nonrenewable resources, and pollution.
- Students will describe the affects of pollution on the environment.

Other Evidence:
What other things can students do to
show what they know?
- Students will fill out Graphic
organizers and self-reflections.
- K-W-L Sheets

What ways can students check understandings to set future goals?

What did you identify during selfevaluation?
- N/a

Students will define what pollution is.

Students will determine the cause of pollution.

Assessment Rubric:



Overall Class Participation Rubric

Very self-directed, accepts
Self-directed cleans up
Usually self-directed,
extra class duties, cleans up after self, uses materials
cleans up after self most of
after self and others uses
safely and responsibly.
the time, uses materials
materials safely and
Leads discussion and group
activities, assists others,
initiates positive peer

Participates in discussions
and group activities and
maintains positive peer

Participates in discussions
and activities when
requested and is working to

Not very self-directed,
requires a lot of prompting,
rarely cleans up after self,
is wasteful with materials,
and does not always use
them in a safe manner.
Struggles to participate in
discussions and activities
and is challenged in


Use of class time



Demonstrates a lot of
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm in all class

Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities.

Practices extensive selfdiscipline, always stays on

task, uses class time very

Practice self discipline,

stays on task, uses class
time well.



Usually practices selfdiscipline, stays on task

most the time, uses time
well with some prompting.

Pollution in a Box Experiment Rubric

The purpose of the lab or
The purpose of the lab or
The purpose of the lab or
question to be answered
the question to be answered
the question to be answered
during the lab is identified, during the lab is partially
during the lab is clearly
but not stated in a
identified, and is stated in a
identified or stated.
somewhat unclear manner. somewhat unclear manner.
Hypothesized relationship
Hypothesized relationship
Hypothesized relationship
between the variables and
between the variables and
between the variables and
the predicted results is
the predicted results is clear
the predicted results has
reasonable based on
and reasonable based on
been stated, but appears to
general knowledge and
what has been studied.
be based on flowed logic.
Conclusion includes
Conclusion includes
Conclusion includes what
whether the findings
whether the findings
was learned form the
supported the hypothesis,
supported the hypothesis
possible sources or error,
and what was learned from


develop positive peer

Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities most
of the time.

maintaining positive peer

Struggles to demonstrate
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm: requires a lot
of prompting and
Practices some selfdiscipline, but requires a lot
of prompting; struggles to
use class time well.

The purpose of the lab or
the question to be answered
during the lab is irrelevant.

No hypothesis has been


No conclusion was
included in the report or
shows little effort and

Spelling, Punctuation,
and Grammar.

and what was learned from

the experiment.
One or fewer errors in
spelling, punctuation, and
grammar in the report.

the experiment.
Two or three errors in
spelling, punctuation, and
grammar in the report.

Four errors in spelling,

punctuation, and grammar
in the report.

More than 4 errors in

spelling, punctuation, and
grammar in the report.

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
Conservation of Natural Resources: Pollution Pt.1
Review key terms: resources, natural resources, synthetic resources, renewable resources, and non-renewable resources
Review The Lorax:
o What did the Once-ler do?
o What happened to all of the animals? Why did they leave?
o What was he doing to the environment with his machines?

Teacher will read: Oil Spill! By Melvin Berger

Group discussion:
o Based on what we read what does pollution mean? What is pollution?
o What are the sources of pollution? Where does pollution come from?
o How do we fix pollution?


Students will conduct experiment using the scientific method focusing on industrial pollution (pollution created by factories/ businesses) i.e. oil
spills, smog, toxic waste, etc.


Pollution in a Box
o Set up:
Clear bin filled with clean water.
Recreate pollution with vegetable oil (oil spill), coffee grinds (chemical toxins), food coloring (smog introduced into the water
o Scientific Method Approach:
Step 1 Ask a question or make an observation:
(What are you curious about, or what have you seen that makes you wonder?)
Observation: The water is dirty. It changed colors. Etc.
Question: How will the pollution be cleaned up? Will it be easy to clean up the pollution?
Step 2 Hypothesis:
(What do you think is the answer to your question or the reason for your observation?)
The pollution will be easy/hard to clean up.
Step 3 Make Predictions:
(What are some if/then statements that explain and confirm your hypothesis?)
If we remove the pollution, then the water will be clean.
Step 4 Perform Tests or Experiments:
(What will you do to test your predictions? Your hypothesis may not have been correct. Thats ok!)
Students will use strainers, tongs, and other tools to remove all of the toxins.
Step 5 State your Conclusions:
(What did your experiment show? Did the experiment confirm your hypothesis?)
Students will find that it is easier to create pollution, but difficult to remove/ fix pollution.


Students will come to the conclusion that industrial pollution is easy to make, but difficult to clean up. Sometimes the methods we have for
cleaning pollution can also harm the environment.



Students will watch the following videos as another means to anchor their learning.

This short shows a recent oil spill and how it is cleaned. :
Students with difficulty:
Students will be given guided notes to fill in the blanks.
Students will be given more time to read the necessary information.
Students will be allowed to take breaks when necessary.
Students that are more advanced:
Students will apply activity to everyday life by making a connection between the experiment and current events.
Berger, Melvin, and Paul Mirocha. Oil Spill! New York: HarperCollins, 1994. Print.
Kyle, William C., Joseph H. Rubinstein, and Carolyn J. Vega. SRA Real Science. Columbus, OH: SRA/McGraw-Hill, 2000. Print.
Viola, Herman J., and Sarah Bednarz. Houghton Mifflin History-social Science. Neighborhoods. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. N. Print.
Acknowledged: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Grade (if applicable): _________
(Course instructor, university supervisor, and/or cooperating teacher)


Integrated Understanding by Design (UbD) Lesson Plan 4

Classroom Teacher: Andrea Reyes

Date Lesson Will Be Taught: TBD
Lesson Topic: Conservation of Natural Resources:
Pollution and Consequences Pt. 2

Grade (K-12)/Developmental Level: 2nd

Lesson Subject Area: Science, Social Studies, Language Arts
Preservice Teacher: N/A

Stage 1- Desired Result

Established Goals/Big Ideas (Include):
What are the big picture concepts, conceptual anchors, and connections?

Language processes (reading, writing, listening and speaking) are meaning making processes that involve thinking, discovering and ordering.
Language follows conventions or rules. These rules help ensure effective communication. Knowledge of conventions is needed to comprehend
and construct text (print, media, electronic).
Our limited supply of resources can be extended through conservation of wildlife, energy, and material resources. Our limited supply of
resources should be protected from pollution.
People become figures of authority in different ways.

Common Core Standards:
Language Arts:
CCSS.ELA- 2.RL.1 - Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.


CCSS.ELA- 2.RL.7 - Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters,
setting, or plot.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RI.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RI.2 Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
CCSS.ELA- 2.W.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support
the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.
CCSS.ELA- 2.W.5 With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing.
CCSS.ELA- 2.W.6 With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with

Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III:
Social Studies:
Benchmark SS.2.5.1 Rights and Responsibilities: Demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in caring for others and the environment
Benchmark SC.2.8.2 Earth Materials: Identify the limited supply of natural resources and how they can be extended through conservation, reuse, and
General Learner Outcome (GLO):
GLO #2: Community Contributor - The understanding that it is essential for human beings to work together.


GLO #3: Complex Thinker - The ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving.
GLO#5: Effective Communicator - The ability to communicate effectively.
Students will understand that

Students will understand how to form an opinion and provide

supporting details.
Students will understand that it is important to focus on a topic and
strengthen writing through writing process.
Students will understand their own roles and responsibilities in
caring for others and the environment
Students will understand that changes have occurred in society as a
result of new technologies.
Students will understand that there is a limited supply of natural

Essential Questions:
What questions highlight the big ideas?

How do you determine key details and the main topic of a multiparagraph text?
How do you write an opinion piece in which they introduce?
What is the importance of supporting details?
Who is responsible for environmental issues and concerns?
What role and responsibilities do we have in caring for others and the
What new technologies caused changes in society?
What changes have occurred in society as a result of new
What are our limited supplies of natural resources?

Content Acquisition (Objectives):

Skill Acquisition (Objectives):
Student will know.
Student will be able to
Students will know how to use key details in a text to answer who,
Students will be able to ask and answer who, what, where, when, why,
what, where, when, and why.
and how of key details in a text.
Students will know how to identify the main topic of a multi Students will be able to identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph
paragraph text.
text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Students will know how to write opinion pieces stating their
Students will be able to write opinion pieces in which they introduce
opinion, supply supporting details, and provide a concluding
the topic they are writing, state an opinion, supply supporting details,
statement or section.
and provide a concluding statement or section.
Students will know how to strengthen their writing.
Students will be able to focus on a topic and strengthen writing as
needed by revising and editing.
Students will know how use a variety of digital tools to produce

and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.

Students will know their own roles and responsibilities in caring
for others and the environment.
Students will know how to describe changes that have occurred
in society as a result of new technologies.
Students will know what are the Earths limited supplies of
natural resources.

Students will be able to use a variety of digital tools to produce and

publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.
Students will be able to demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in
caring for others and the environment.
Students will be able to describe changes that have occurred in
society as a result of new technologies.
Students will be able to identify the limited supply of natural
Stage 2- Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Other Evidence:
What tasks will students be able to do to demonstrate understanding?
What other things can students do to
- Students will define key terms: conservation, natural resource, synthetic, renewable resources, non- show what they know?
renewable resources, and pollution.
- Students will fill out Graphic
- Students will describe the affects of pollution on the environment.
organizers and self-reflections.
- K-W-L Sheets
What ways can students check understandings to set future goals?

Students will define what pollution is.

Students will determine the cause of pollution.

What did you identify during selfevaluation?
- N/a

Assessment Rubric:


Overall Class Participation Rubric

Very self-directed, accepts
Self-directed cleans up
Usually self-directed,

Not very self-directed,




Use of class time

Did you introduce the

topic you are writing
Did you clearly state your
Did you supply reasons to

extra class duties, cleans up

after self and others uses
materials safely and

after self, uses materials

safely and responsibly.

cleans up after self most of

the time, uses materials

Leads discussion and group

activities, assists others,
initiates positive peer

Participates in discussions
and group activities and
maintains positive peer

Demonstrates a lot of
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm in all class

Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities.

Participates in discussions
and activities when
requested and is working to
develop positive peer
Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities most
of the time.

Practices extensive selfdiscipline, always stays on

task, uses class time very

Practice self discipline,

stays on task, uses class
time well.

Yes, I introduced the topic
in a very creative way!
Yes, I clearly stated my
opinion in a very creative
Yes, I supplied three or

Opinion Writing Rubric

Yes, I introduced my topic.

Usually practices selfdiscipline, stays on task

most the time, uses time
well with some prompting.

requires a lot of prompting,

rarely cleans up after self,
is wasteful with materials,
and does not always use
them in a safe manner.
Struggles to participate in
discussions and activities
and is challenged in
maintaining positive peer
Struggles to demonstrate
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm: requires a lot
of prompting and
Practices some selfdiscipline, but requires a lot
of prompting; struggles to
use class time well.

Well, I somewhat
introduced my topic.

No, I didnt introduce my
topic at all.

Yes, I stated my opinion.

Well, I somewhat stated my No, I didnt state my

opinion at all.

Yes, I supplied two reasons

Well, I supplied one reason

No, I didnt supply any


support your opinion?

Did you provide a
concluding statement or

more reasons to support my

opinion in a very creative
Yes, I provided a
concluding statement or
section in a very creative

to support my opinion.

to support my opinion.

reason to support my

Yes, I provided a
concluding statement or

Well, I somewhat provided

a concluding statement or

No, I didnt provide a

concluding statement or
section at all.

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
Conservation of Natural Resources: Pollution Pt.2
Review key terms: resources, natural resources, synthetic resources, renewable resources, and non-renewable resources
Review Oil Spill! and Pollution in a Box Experiment
o Whats oil?
o Whats an oil spill?
o How does it happen?
o How do we fix it? What are the different methods that are used to clean oil spills?

Teacher will read: Garbage Monster by Joni Sensel

Garbage Monster Activity

Teacher will outline one of the students using a marker and butcher paper. The outline of the students represents the earth.
Teacher and students will briefly walk around outside and pick up pollution around their classroom ad designated area on school grounds.
Teacher and students will glue their pollution to the garbage monster.


Group discussion:
o Based on what we read and garbage monster activity what does pollution mean? What is pollution?
o What are the sources of pollution? Where does pollution come from?
o How do we fix pollution?
o What are your thoughts on how we affect the environment?
o What are your thoughts about pollution?


Students will form their own personal opinion regarding pollution and writing a paper utilizing the writing process and graphic organizers.

Step 1 Prewrite graphic organizer

Students will write a topic sentence, three main points, and two supporting details for each point.


Supporting Detail #1:

Supporting Detail #2:


Supporting Detail #1:

Supporting Detail #2:

In conclusion,

Supporting Detail #1:

Supporting Detail #2:


Step 2 Draft Students will write their 1st draft using graphic organizer.
Step 3 Revise Students will add details and transitional words. (Do my sentences make sense? Are my sentences on topic? Do I
need to rearrange any of my sentences?)
Step 4 Edit Students will heck for errors: spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar mistakes using their quick word
books, word wall, and peer and teacher conferencing.
Step 5 Publish Students will, with assistance, type their final product and publish there writing in standard format.


Students will then reflect on the writing process and which strategies worked best for them. Students will also share at least one thing that they
need to work on.


Students will watch the following videos as another means to anchor their learning.

This clip is brief video of the affects pollution has on our environment:
Students with difficulty:
Students will be given guided notes to fill in the blanks.
Students will be given more time to read the necessary information.

Students will be allowed to take breaks when necessary.

Students that are more advanced:

Students will give at least three supporting details. Students will write a possible solution to the problem of pollution in their conclusion.
Kyle, William C., Joseph H. Rubinstein, and Carolyn J. Vega. SRA Real Science. Columbus, OH: SRA/McGraw-Hill, 2000. Print.
Sensel, Joni, and Christopher Bivins. The Garbage Monster. Enumclaw, WA: Dream Factory, 2000. Print.
Viola, Herman J., and Sarah Bednarz. Houghton Mifflin History-social Science. Neighborhoods. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. N. Print.
Acknowledged: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Grade (if applicable): _________
(Course instructor, university supervisor, and/or cooperating teacher)


Integrated Understanding by Design (UbD) Lesson Plan 5

Classroom Teacher: Andrea Reyes

Grade (K-12)/Developmental Level: 2nd

Date Lesson Will Be Taught: TBD

Lesson Subject Area: Science, Social Studies

Lesson Topic: Conservation of Natural Resources:

Conservation Solution Pt.1

Preservice Teacher: N/A

Stage 1- Desired Result

Established Goals/Big Ideas (Include):

What are the big picture concepts, conceptual anchors, and connections?

Language processes (reading, writing, listening and speaking) are meaning making processes that involve thinking, discovering and ordering.
Language follows conventions or rules. These rules help ensure effective communication. Knowledge of conventions is needed to comprehend
and construct text (print, media, electronic).
Our limited supply of resources can be extended through conservation of wildlife, energy, and material resources. Our limited supply of
resources should be protected from pollution.
People become figures of authority in different ways.
The government helps people in different ways.

Common Core Standards:
Language Arts:
CCSS.ELA- 2.RL.1 - Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RL.7 - Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters,


setting, or plot.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RI.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RI.2 Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III:
Social Studies:
Benchmark SS.2.5.1 Rights and Responsibilities: Demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in caring for others and the environment
Benchmark SC.2.2.1 Unifying Concepts and Themes: Describe changes that have occurred in society as a result of new technologies
Benchmark SC.2.8.2 Earth Materials: Identify the limited supply of natural resources and how they can be extended through conservation, reuse, and
General Learner Outcome (GLO):
GLO #1: Self-Directed Learner - The ability to be responsible for one's own learning.
GLO #2: Community Contributor - The understanding that it is essential for human beings to work together.
GLO #3: Complex Thinker - The ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving.
Students will understand that

Essential Questions:
What questions highlight the big ideas?

Students will understand their own roles and responsibilities in

How do you determine key details and the main topic of a multiparagraph text?


caring for others and the environment

Students will understand that changes have occurred in society as a
result of new technologies.
Students will understand that there is a limited supply of natural
resources and how they can be extended through conservation,
reuse, and recycling.

Who is responsible for environmental issues and concerns?

What role and responsibilities do we have in caring for others and the
What new technologies caused changes in society?
What changes have occurred in society as a result of new
What are our limited supplies of natural resources?
How can they be extended through conservation, reuse, and

Content Acquisition (Objectives):

Skill Acquisition (Objectives):
Student will know.
Student will be able to
Students will know how to use key details in a text to answer who,
Students will be able to ask and answer who, what, where, when, why,
what, where, when, and why.
and how of key details in a text.
Students will know how to identify the main topic of a multi Students will be able to identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph
paragraph text.
text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Students will know their own roles and responsibilities in caring
Students will be able to demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in
for others and the environment.
caring for others and the environment.
Students will know how to describe changes that have occurred
Students will be able to describe changes that have occurred in
in society as a result of new technologies.
society as a result of new technologies.
Students will know what are the Earths limited supplies of
Students will be able to identify the limited supply of natural
natural resources.
resources and how they can be extended through conservation,
reuse, and recycling.
Students will know how they can be extended through
conservation, reuse, and recycling.
Stage 2- Assessment Evidence


Performance Tasks:
What tasks will students be able to do to demonstrate understanding?
- Students will define key terms: conservation, natural resource, synthetic, renewable resources, nonrenewable resources, pollution, reduce, reuse, and recycle.
- Students will identify different items that can or cannot be recycled.
- Students will identify natural resources and synthetic resources.
- Students will describe the affects of pollution on the environment.
- Students will write an opinion paper in a form of a letter regarding conservation.

Other Evidence:
What other things can students do to
show what they know?
- Students will fill out Graphic
organizers and self-reflections.
- K-W-L Sheets

What ways can students check understandings to set future goals?

What did you identify during selfevaluation?
- N/a

Students will complete pretest and gain understanding of what concepts they know and what
concepts they need to learn.
Students will complete post-test and compare what they did or did not know in the beginning of the
unit to their posttest.
Students will create conservation mobile that requires them to define key terms and analyze them in
real life settings.
Students will write opinion papers regarding conservation concepts.

Assessment Rubric:


Overall Class Participation Rubric

Very self-directed, accepts
Self-directed cleans up
Usually self-directed,
extra class duties, cleans up after self, uses materials
cleans up after self most of
after self and others uses
safely and responsibly.
the time, uses materials
materials safely and

Not very self-directed,
requires a lot of prompting,
rarely cleans up after self,
is wasteful with materials,
and does not always use
them in a safe manner.




Use of class time

Leads discussion and group

activities, assists others,
initiates positive peer

Participates in discussions
and group activities and
maintains positive peer

Demonstrates a lot of
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm in all class

Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities.

Practices extensive selfdiscipline, always stays on

task, uses class time very

Practice self discipline,

stays on task, uses class
time well.

Participates in discussions
and activities when
requested and is working to
develop positive peer
Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities most
of the time.
Usually practices selfdiscipline, stays on task
most the time, uses time
well with some prompting.

Struggles to participate in
discussions and activities
and is challenged in
maintaining positive peer
Struggles to demonstrate
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm: requires a lot
of prompting and
Practices some selfdiscipline, but requires a lot
of prompting; struggles to
use class time well.

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
Conservation of Natural Resources: Conservation Solution Pt. 1
Review key terms: resources, natural resources, synthetic resources, renewable resources, non-renewable resources, pollution, conservation,
reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Teacher will read Where Does the Garbage Go by Paul Showers and Randy Chewning
Group discussion:
o What were some of the natural resources that you saw?
o What were some of the synthetic resources did you see?


o When people were done with it where did they go?

o What are the better alternatives than landfills and incinerators?

Teacher will read along with students pages B16 B19 in Science Textbook in Social Studies Textbook covering the key terms: conservation,
reduce, reuse, and recycle.
o Conservation to use resources wisely
o Reduce to use resources
o Reuse to use resource/something again
o Recycle the process of breaking down an old/used resource into its raw materials, reforming it, and using it again in its new form.
Conservation: Reduce Examples
o Group discussion:
How would we reduce the resources in school?
How would we reduce the resources we use at home?
How would reducing the resources we use affect/ save the environment?
What other sources energy do we have?
Solar power, hydro power, and wind turbines

Students will fill out guided notes worksheet focusing on the key terms: conservation, reduce, reuse, and recycle.


Students will share in groups 1 thing they already knew and 1 thing they learned.
Students will write out reflection in their science journals about three ways that they can reduce the amount of resources they use everyday.
Students will complete key terms worksheet for homework.


Students will watch the following videos as another means to anchor their learning.

This clip is a fun song that defines the terms reduce, reuse, and recycle:


Students with difficulty:
Students will be given guided notes to fill in the blanks.
Students will be given more time to read the necessary information.
Students will be allowed to take breaks when necessary.
Students will have access to computers in order to watch videos that explain the key terms and process of recycling.
Students that are more advanced:
Students will identify the different alterative forms of energy and how they are applied in everyday life.
Kyle, William C., Joseph H. Rubinstein, and Carolyn J. Vega. SRA Real Science. Columbus, OH: SRA/McGraw-Hill, 2000. Print.
Showers, Paul, and Randy Chewning. Where Does the Garbage Go? New York, NY: HarperCollins, 1994. Print.
Viola, Herman J., and Sarah Bednarz. Houghton Mifflin History-social Science. Neighborhoods. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. N. Print.

Acknowledged: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Grade (if applicable): _________

(Course instructor, university supervisor, and/or cooperating teacher)


Integrated Understanding by Design (UbD) Lesson Plan 6

Classroom Teacher: Andrea Reyes

Grade (K-12)/Developmental Level: 2nd

Date Lesson Will Be Taught: TBD

Lesson Subject Area: Science, Social Studies

Lesson Topic: Conservation of Natural Resources:

Conservation Solution Pt. 2

Preservice Teacher: N/A

Stage 1- Desired Result

Established Goals/Big Ideas (Include):

What are the big picture concepts, conceptual anchors, and connections?

Language processes (reading, writing, listening and speaking) are meaning making processes that involve thinking, discovering and ordering.
Language follows conventions or rules. These rules help ensure effective communication. Knowledge of conventions is needed to comprehend
and construct text (print, media, electronic).
Our limited supply of resources can be extended through conservation of wildlife, energy, and material resources. Our limited supply of
resources should be protected from pollution.
People become figures of authority in different ways.
The government helps people in different ways.

Common Core Standards:
Language Arts:
CCSS.ELA- 2.RL.1 - Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RL.7 - Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters,


setting, or plot.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RI.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RI.2 Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III:
Social Studies:
Benchmark SS.2.3.1 Stewardship: Describe ways in which specific government agencies are responsible for environmental issues and concerns
Benchmark SS.2.5.1 Rights and Responsibilities: Demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in caring for others and the environment
Benchmark SC.2.8.2 Earth Materials: Identify the limited supply of natural resources and how they can be extended through conservation, reuse, and
General Learner Outcome (GLO):
GLO #1: Self-Directed Learner - The ability to be responsible for one's own learning.
GLO #2: Community Contributor - The understanding that it is essential for human beings to work together.
GLO #4: Quality Producer - The ability to recognize and produce quality performances and quality products.
Students will understand that

Students will understand their own roles and responsibilities in

Essential Questions:
What questions highlight the big ideas?

How do you determine key details and the main topic of a multi-


caring for others and the environment

Students will understand that changes have occurred in society as a
result of new technologies.
Students will understand that there is a limited supply of natural
resources and how they can be extended through conservation,
reuse, and recycling.

paragraph text?
Who is responsible for environmental issues and concerns?
What role and responsibilities do we have in caring for others and the
What new technologies caused changes in society?
What changes have occurred in society as a result of new
What are our limited supplies of natural resources?
How can they be extended through conservation, reuse, and

Content Acquisition (Objectives):

Skill Acquisition (Objectives):
Student will know.
Student will be able to
Students will know how to use key details in a text to answer who,
Students will be able to ask and answer who, what, where, when, why,
what, where, when, and why.
and how of key details in a text.
Students will know how to identify the main topic of a multi Students will be able to identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph
paragraph text.
text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Students will know how government agencies are responsible for
Students will be able to describe ways in which specific government
environmental issues and concerns.
agencies are responsible for environmental issues and concerns.
Students will know their own roles and responsibilities in caring
Students will be able to demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in
for others and the environment.
caring for others and the environment.
Students will know how to describe changes that have occurred
Students will be able to use the element of space and the principles
in society as a result of new technologies.
of repetition and variety, with a variety of art media.
Students will know what the Earths limited supplies of natural
Students will be able to describe changes that have occurred in
resources are.
society as a result of new technologies.
Students will know how they can be extended through
Students will be able to identify the limited supply of natural
conservation, reuse, and recycling.
resources and how they can be extended through conservation,
reuse, and recycling.
Stage 2- Assessment Evidence


Performance Tasks:
What tasks will students be able to do to demonstrate understanding?
- Students will define key terms: conservation, natural resource, synthetic, renewable resources, nonrenewable resources, pollution, reduce, reuse, and recycle.
- Students will identify different items that can or cannot be recycled.
- Students will identify natural resources and synthetic resources.
- Students will describe the affects of pollution on the environment.
- Students will write an opinion paper in a form of a letter regarding conservation.

Other Evidence:
What other things can students do to
show what they know?
- Students will fill out Graphic
organizers and self-reflections.
- K-W-L Sheets

What ways can students check understandings to set future goals?

What did you identify during selfevaluation?
- N/a

Students will successfully identify which resources can be recycled and which resources cannot.
Students will explain the purpose and importance of conserving natural resources.
Students will explain the process in which resources are recycled.

Assessment Rubric:



Overall Class Participation Rubric

Very self-directed, accepts
Self-directed cleans up
Usually self-directed,
extra class duties, cleans up after self, uses materials
cleans up after self most of
after self and others uses
safely and responsibly.
the time, uses materials
materials safely and
Leads discussion and group
activities, assists others,

Participates in discussions
and group activities and

Participates in discussions
and activities when

Not very self-directed,
requires a lot of prompting,
rarely cleans up after self,
is wasteful with materials,
and does not always use
them in a safe manner.
Struggles to participate in
discussions and activities


Use of class time

initiates positive peer


maintains positive peer


Demonstrates a lot of
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm in all class

Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities.

Practices extensive selfdiscipline, always stays on

task, uses class time very

Practice self discipline,

stays on task, uses class
time well.

requested and is working to

develop positive peer
Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities most
of the time.
Usually practices selfdiscipline, stays on task
most the time, uses time
well with some prompting.

and is challenged in
maintaining positive peer
Struggles to demonstrate
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm: requires a lot
of prompting and
Practices some selfdiscipline, but requires a lot
of prompting; struggles to
use class time well.

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
Conservation of Natural Resources: Conservation Solution Pt. 2

Review key terms: resources, natural resources, synthetic resources, renewable resources, non-renewable resources, conservation, reduce, reuse,
and recycle.
Teacher will read Brother Eagle, Sister Sky: A Message from Chief Seattle
o Group Discussion:
According to Chief Seattle how should we be treating the earth and our environment?
Why should we treat it that way?
What are some of the consequences he talks about if we dont take care of the land?


Students will watch video giving a brief introduction to what reusing resources is and what recycling is and how to do it:


Students will use a graphic organizer to show the similarities and differences between reusing a resource and recycling a resource.


Only glass, paper, cardboard, and plastic can be recycled.

Old resources are broken down into raw materials, and reshaped into something new.
Reuse any material.
Good for the environment
Overall remains the same, just used differently.
Helps reduce the amount of resources used
It can be used again.



Students will share in groups 1 thing they already knew and 1 thing they learned.
Students will write out reflection in their science journals about the differences and similarities of reusing and recycling.


Students will watch the following videos as another means to anchor their learning.

This clip shows the students a more in depth explanation of the process of how items are recycled:
Students with difficulty:
Students will be given guided notes to fill in the blanks.
Students will be given more time to read the necessary information.
Students will be allowed to take breaks when necessary.
Students will have access to the computer in order to re-watch/ listen to videos that will explain the similarities and differences between reusing
resources versus recycling them. The video will also explain the process in which resources are recycled.
Students that are more advanced:
Students will be able to explain the process in which items are recycled and how they can implement this knowledge in everyday life either school
at home.
Kyle, William C., Joseph H. Rubinstein, and Carolyn J. Vega. SRA Real Science. Columbus, OH: SRA/McGraw-Hill, 2000. Print.
Seattle, Susan Jeffers, and Athae Tehon. Brother Eagle, Sister Sky: A Message from Chief Seattle. New York: Dial, 1991. Print.
Viola, Herman J., and Sarah Bednarz. Houghton Mifflin History-social Science. Neighborhoods. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. N. Print.

Acknowledged: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Grade (if applicable): _________

(Course instructor, university supervisor, and/or cooperating teacher)



Integrated Understanding by Design (UbD) Lesson Plan 7

Classroom Teacher: Andrea Reyes

Date Lesson Will Be Taught: TBD
Lesson Topic: Conservation of Natural Resources:

Grade (K-12)/Developmental Level: 2nd

Lesson Subject Area: Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Fine Arts
Preservice Teacher: N/A
Stage 1- Desired Result

Established Goals/Big Ideas (Include):

What are the big picture concepts, conceptual anchors, and connections?

Language processes (reading, writing, listening and speaking) are meaning making processes that involve thinking, discovering and ordering.
Language follows conventions or rules. These rules help ensure effective communication. Knowledge of conventions is needed to comprehend
and construct text (print, media, electronic).
Our limited supply of resources can be extended through conservation of wildlife, energy, and material resources. Our limited supply of
resources should be protected from pollution.
People become figures of authority in different ways.
The government helps people in different ways.

Common Core Standards:
Language Arts:
CCSS.ELA- 2.W.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support
the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.


CCSS.ELA- 2.W.5 With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing.
CCSS.ELA- 2.W.6 With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with
Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III:
Social Studies:
Benchmark SS.2.3.1 Stewardship: Describe ways in which specific government agencies are responsible for environmental issues and concerns
Benchmark SS.2.5.1 Rights and Responsibilities: Demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in caring for others and the environment
Fine Arts:
Benchmark FA.2.1.1 How the Arts are Organized: Use the element of space and the principles of repetition and variety, with a variety of art media.

Benchmark SC.2.2.1 Unifying Concepts and Themes: Describe changes that have occurred in society as a result of new technologies
Benchmark SC.2.8.2 Earth Materials: Identify the limited supply of natural resources and how they can be extended through conservation, reuse, and
General Learner Outcome (GLO):
GLO #1: Self-Directed Learner - The ability to be responsible for one's own learning.
GLO #3: Complex Thinker - The ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving.


GLO #4: Quality Producer - The ability to recognize and produce quality performances and quality products.
GLO#5: Effective Communicator - The ability to communicate effectively.
GLO #6: Effective and Ethical Users of Technology - The ability to use a variety of technologies effectively and ethically.
Students will understand that

Students will understand how to form an opinion and provide

supporting details.
Students will understand that it is important to focus on a topic and
strengthen writing through writing process.
Students will understand that specific government agencies are
responsible for environmental issues and concerns.
Students will understand their own roles and responsibilities in
caring for others and the environment
Students will understand how to use the element of space and the
principles of repetition and variety, with a variety of art media.
Students will understand that changes have occurred in society as a
result of new technologies.
Students will understand that there is a limited supply of natural
resources and how they can be extended through conservation,
reuse, and recycling.

Essential Questions:
What questions highlight the big ideas?

How do you write an opinion piece in which they introduce?

What is the importance of supporting details?
Who is responsible for environmental issues and concerns?
What role and responsibilities do we have in caring for others and the
How can you use the element of space and the principles of
repetition and variety?
What new technologies caused changes in society?
What changes have occurred in society as a result of new
What are our limited supplies of natural resources?
How can they be extended through conservation, reuse, and

Content Acquisition (Objectives):

Skill Acquisition (Objectives):
Student will know.
Student will be able to
Students will know how to write opinion pieces stating their
Students will be able to write opinion pieces in which they introduce
opinion, supply supporting details, and provide a concluding
the topic they are writing, state an opinion, supply supporting details,
statement or section.
and provide a concluding statement or section.
Students will know how to strengthen their writing.
Students will be able to focus on a topic and strengthen writing as


Students will know how use a variety of digital tools to produce

and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.
Students will know how government agencies are responsible for
environmental issues and concerns.
Students will know their own roles and responsibilities in caring
for others and the environment.
Students will know how to utilize the element of space and the
principles of repetition and variety, with a variety of art media.
Students will know how to describe changes that have occurred
in society as a result of new technologies.
Students will know what are the Earths limited supplies of
natural resources.
Students will know how they can be extended through
conservation, reuse, and recycling.

needed by revising and editing.

Students will be able to use a variety of digital tools to produce and
publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.
Students will be able to describe ways in which specific government
agencies are responsible for environmental issues and concerns.
Students will be able to demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in
caring for others and the environment.
Students will be able to use the element of space and the principles
of repetition and variety, with a variety of art media.
Students will be able to describe changes that have occurred in
society as a result of new technologies.
Students will be able to identify the limited supply of natural
resources and how they can be extended through conservation,
reuse, and recycling.

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks:
What tasks will students be able to do to demonstrate understanding?
- Students will define key terms: resources, natural and synthetic resources, renewable and nonrenewables resources, pollution, conservation, reduce, reuse, and recycle.
- Students will describe, compare, associate, analyze, and apply the information they have learned.

Other Evidence:
What other things can students do to
show what they know?
- Students will fill out Graphic
organizers and self-reflections.
- K-W-L Sheets

What ways can students check understandings to set future goals?

What did you identify during selfevaluation?
- N/a

Students will create banner.

o Students will define key terms: reduce, reuse, and recycle.
o Students will compare the affects of conservation and the lack of conserving resources.
o Students will associate the knowledge they have of recycling to what they see in everyday
o Students will analyze the purpose and effectiveness of conservation.


o Students will create at least 3 different ways they can apply their knowledge of conservation
in their own personal lives.

Assessment Rubric:




Overall Class Participation Rubric

Very self-directed, accepts
Self-directed cleans up
Usually self-directed,
extra class duties, cleans up after self, uses materials
cleans up after self most of
after self and others uses
safely and responsibly.
the time, uses materials
materials safely and
Leads discussion and group
activities, assists others,
initiates positive peer

Participates in discussions
and group activities and
maintains positive peer

Demonstrates a lot of
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm in all class

Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities.

Participates in discussions
and activities when
requested and is working to
develop positive peer
Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities most
of the time.

Not very self-directed,
requires a lot of prompting,
rarely cleans up after self,
is wasteful with materials,
and does not always use
them in a safe manner.
Struggles to participate in
discussions and activities
and is challenged in
maintaining positive peer
Struggles to demonstrate
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm: requires a lot
of prompting and


Use of class time



Element of Space


Practices extensive selfdiscipline, always stays on

task, uses class time very

Practice self discipline,

stays on task, uses class
time well.

Usually practices selfdiscipline, stays on task

most the time, uses time
well with some prompting.

Environmental Awareness Poster Rubric

Title is clear, can be read,
Title is somewhat clear, can
Title can be read.
and is creative.
be read, and neat.
The poster is exceptionally
The poster is attractive in
The poster is acceptably
attractive in terms of
terms of design, layout, and attractive though it may be
design, layout, and
a bit messy.
Consistently uses the
Sometimes uses the
Usually uses the element of
elements of space and the
element of space and the
space and the principles of
principles of repetition and
principles of repetition and
repetition and variety, with
variety, with a variety of art
variety, with a variety of art
a variety of art media.
Ideas were expressed in a
Ideas were expressed in a
Ideas were somewhat
clear and organized
pretty clear manner, but the organized, but were not
fashion. It was easy to
organization could have
very clear. It took more
figure out what the letter
been better.
than one reading to figure

Practices some selfdiscipline, but requires a lot

of prompting; struggles to
use class time well.

Title cannot be read or
The poster is distractingly
messy or very poorly
designed. It is not
Rarely uses the element of
space and the principles of
repetition and variety, with
a variety of art media.
The letter seemed to be a
collection of unrelated
sentences. It was very
difficult to figure out what


out what the letter was


was about.

the letter was about.

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
Conservation of Natural Resources: Banner Project
Review key terms: resources, natural resources, synthetic resources, renewable resources, non-renewable resources, pollution, conservation,
reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Students will create banner mobile, which encompasses all that they have learned regarding conservation.
Banner Mobile Project:
o Describe It Students will define, give at least one example per term, and draw corresponding pictures for the key terms: reduce, reuse, and
o Compare It Students will draw two pictures and write at least one or two comparative sentences explaining each picture. One picture will
convey a world that does not conserve resources and the other a world in which conservation is practiced.
o Associate It Students, using the knowledge they have gained form this unit, will associate that knowledge to things they see everyday.
They will draw and label resources that they know that can either be recycled or are biodegradable.
o Analyze It Students will write at least one paragraph analyzing the purpose and the effectiveness of conserving resources.
o Apply It Students will write at least three examples as to how they can apply the knowledge they have gained and apply that information
into their own personal lives outside of the classroom.



Students will share in groups 1 thing they already knew and 1 thing they learned.
Students will write out reflection in their science journals about one natural resource that they use everyday.
Students will complete key terms worksheet for homework.


Students will research other methods of conservation that were not covered in this unit.

Students with difficulty:
Students will be given guided notes to fill in the blanks.
Students will be given more time to read the necessary information.
Students will be allowed to take breaks when necessary.
Kyle, William C., Joseph H. Rubinstein, and Carolyn J. Vega. SRA Real Science. Columbus, OH: SRA/McGraw-Hill, 2000. Print.
Viola, Herman J., and Sarah Bednarz. Houghton Mifflin History-social Science. Neighborhoods. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. N. Print.
Acknowledged: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Grade (if applicable): _________
(Course instructor, university supervisor, and/or cooperating teacher)


Integrated Understanding by Design (UbD) Lesson Plan 8

Classroom Teacher: Andrea Reyes

Date Lesson Will Be Taught: TBD
Lesson Topic: Conservation of Natural Resources:
Research/Opinion Writing

Grade (K-12)/Developmental Level: 2nd

Lesson Subject Area: Science, Language Arts, Social
Preservice Teacher: N/A
Stage 1- Desired Result

Established Goals/Big Ideas (Include):

What are the big picture concepts, conceptual anchors, and connections?

Language processes (reading, writing, listening and speaking) are meaning making processes that involve thinking, discovering and ordering.
Language follows conventions or rules. These rules help ensure effective communication. Knowledge of conventions is needed to comprehend
and construct text (print, media, electronic).
Our limited supply of resources can be extended through conservation of wildlife, energy, and material resources. Our limited supply of
resources should be protected from pollution.
People become figures of authority in different ways.
The government helps people in different ways.

Common Core Standards:
Language Arts:


CCSS.ELA- 2.RL.1 - Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RL.7 - Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters,
setting, or plot.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RI.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA- 2.RI.2 Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
CCSS.ELA- 2.W.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support
the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.
CCSS.ELA- 2.W.5 With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing.
CCSS.ELA- 2.W.6 With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with
Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III:
Social Studies:
Benchmark SS.2.3.1 Stewardship: Describe ways in which specific government agencies are responsible for environmental issues and concerns
Benchmark SS.2.5.1 Rights and Responsibilities: Demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in caring for others and the environment
Benchmark SC.2.2.1 Unifying Concepts and Themes: Describe changes that have occurred in society as a result of new technologies
Benchmark SC.2.8.2 Earth Materials: Identify the limited supply of natural resources and how they can be extended through conservation, reuse, and


General Learner Outcome (GLO):

GLO #1: Self-Directed Learner - The ability to be responsible for one's own learning.
GLO #3: Complex Thinker - The ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving.
GLO #4: Quality Producer - The ability to recognize and produce quality performances and quality products.
GLO#5: Effective Communicator - The ability to communicate effectively.
GLO #6: Effective and Ethical Users of Technology - The ability to use a variety of technologies effectively and ethically.
Students will understand that

Students will understand how to form an opinion and provide

supporting details.
Students will understand that it is important to focus on a topic and
strengthen writing through writing process.
Students will understand that specific government agencies are
responsible for environmental issues and concerns.
Students will understand their own roles and responsibilities in
caring for others and the environment
Students will understand that changes have occurred in society as a
result of new technologies.
Students will understand that there is a limited supply of natural
resources and how they can be extended through conservation,
reuse, and recycling.

Essential Questions:
What questions highlight the big ideas?

How do you determine key details and the main topic of a multiparagraph text?
How do you write an opinion piece in which they introduce?
What is the importance of supporting details?
Who is responsible for environmental issues and concerns?
What role and responsibilities do we have in caring for others and the
What new technologies caused changes in society?
What changes have occurred in society as a result of new
What are our limited supplies of natural resources?
How can they be extended through conservation, reuse, and


Content Acquisition (Objectives):

Skill Acquisition (Objectives):
Student will know.
Student will be able to
Students will know how to use key details in a text to answer who,
Students will be able to ask and answer who, what, where, when, why,
what, where, when, and why.
and how of key details in a text.
Students will know how to identify the main topic of a multi Students will be able to identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph
paragraph text.
text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Students will know how to write opinion pieces stating their
Students will be able to write opinion pieces in which they introduce
opinion, supply supporting details, and provide a concluding
the topic they are writing, state an opinion, supply supporting details,
statement or section.
and provide a concluding statement or section.
Students will know how to strengthen their writing.
Students will be able to focus on a topic and strengthen writing as
needed by revising and editing.
Students will know how use a variety of digital tools to produce

Students will be able to use a variety of digital tools to produce and

and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.
publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.
Students will know how government agencies are responsible for
Students will be able to describe ways in which specific government
environmental issues and concerns.
agencies are responsible for environmental issues and concerns.
Students will know their own roles and responsibilities in caring
Students will be able to demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in
for others and the environment.
caring for others and the environment.
Students will know how to describe changes that have occurred
Students will be able to describe changes that have occurred in
in society as a result of new technologies.
society as a result of new technologies.
Students will know what are the Earths limited supplies of
Students will be able to identify the limited supply of natural
natural resources.
resources and how they can be extended through conservation,
Students will know how they can be extended through
reuse, and recycling.
conservation, reuse, and recycling.
Stage 2- Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
What tasks will students be able to do to demonstrate understanding?
- Students will define key terms: conservation, natural resource, synthetic, renewable resources, nonrenewable resources, pollution, reduce, reuse, and recycle.
- Students will identify different items that can or cannot be recycled.
- Students will identify natural resources and synthetic resources.
- Students will describe the affects of pollution on the environment.

Other Evidence:
What other things can students do to
show what they know?
- Students will fill out Graphic
organizers and self-reflections.
- K-W-L Sheets


Students will write an opinion regarding an aspect of conservation of their choosing.

What ways can students check understandings to set future goals?

Students will write opinion paper regarding conservation concepts that have been pre-approved by
Students will know their own personal responsibility in taking care of the earth.

What did you identify during selfevaluation?
- N/a

Assessment Rubric:



Overall Class Participation Rubric

Very self-directed, accepts
Self-directed cleans up
Usually self-directed,
extra class duties, cleans up after self, uses materials
cleans up after self most of
after self and others uses
safely and responsibly.
the time, uses materials
materials safely and
Leads discussion and group
activities, assists others,
initiates positive peer

Participates in discussions
and group activities and
maintains positive peer

Participates in discussions
and activities when
requested and is working to
develop positive peer

Not very self-directed,
requires a lot of prompting,
rarely cleans up after self,
is wasteful with materials,
and does not always use
them in a safe manner.
Struggles to participate in
discussions and activities
and is challenged in
maintaining positive peer


Demonstrates a lot of
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm in all class

Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities.

Use of class time

Practices extensive selfdiscipline, always stays on

task, uses class time very

Practice self discipline,

stays on task, uses class
time well.

Did you introduce the

topic you are writing
Did you clearly state your
Did you supply reasons to
support your opinion?
Did you provide a
concluding statement or

Yes, I introduced the topic
in a very creative way!
Yes, I clearly stated my
opinion in a very creative
Yes, I supplied three or
more reasons to support my
opinion in a very creative
Yes, I provided a
concluding statement or
section in a very creative

Opinion Writing Rubric

Yes, I introduced my topic.

Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities most
of the time.
Usually practices selfdiscipline, stays on task
most the time, uses time
well with some prompting.

Struggles to demonstrate
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm: requires a lot
of prompting and
Practices some selfdiscipline, but requires a lot
of prompting; struggles to
use class time well.

Well, I somewhat
introduced my topic.

No, I didnt introduce my
topic at all.

Yes, I stated my opinion.

Well, I somewhat stated my No, I didnt state my

opinion at all.

Yes, I supplied two reasons

to support my opinion.

Well, I supplied one reason

to support my opinion.

No, I didnt supply any

reason to support my

Yes, I provided a
concluding statement or

Well, I somewhat provided

a concluding statement or

No, I didnt provide a

concluding statement or
section at all.


Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
Conservation of Natural Resources: Research/Opinion Writing

Review key terms: resources, natural resources, synthetic resources, renewable resources, non-renewable resources, pollution, conservation,
reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Group Discussion:
o What is pollution?
o Who or what does it affect?
o How does conservation help?
o What problems do we face because we are not being responsible with our resources?


Students will research and write an opinion paper on any topic in regards to a pre-approved environmental issue. The students will write their paper
utilizing the writing process and graphic organizers.

o Students will use the following sites for their online research in addition to their in print research (at least two book resources):
Tennessee Electronic Library:
World Almanac for Kids:
Fact Monster:
National Geographic for Kids:


Internet Public Library-Kidspace:

o Students will take notes on provided graphic organizers

Step 1 Prewrite graphic organizer
Using their research students will write a topic sentence, three main points, and two supporting details for each point.



Supporting Detail #1:

Supporting Detail #2:

Supporting Detail #1:

Supporting Detail #2:

In conclusion,

Supporting Detail #1:

Supporting Detail #2:

Step 2 Draft Students will write their 1st draft using graphic organizer.
Step 3 Revise Students will add details and transitional words. (Do my sentences make sense? Are my sentences on topic? Do I
need to rearrange any of my sentences?)
Step 4 Edit Students will heck for errors: spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar mistakes using their quick word
books, word wall, and peer and teacher conferencing.
Step 5 Publish Students will, with assistance, type their final product and publish there writing in standard format.


Students will then reflect on the writing process and which strategies worked best for them. Students will also share at least one thing that they

need to work on.


Students will anchor their learning by researching local agencies that specialize in their chosen topic.

Students with difficulty:
Students will be given more time to complete assignment.
Students will be given more time to read the necessary information.
Students will be allowed to take breaks when necessary.
Students, depending on IEP, will only need to provide 2 main points.
Students that are more advanced:
Students will give at least three supporting details. Students will write a possible solution to their given topic.
Kyle, William C., Joseph H. Rubinstein, and Carolyn J. Vega. SRA Real Science. Columbus, OH: SRA/McGraw-Hill, 2000. Print.
Viola, Herman J., and Sarah Bednarz. Houghton Mifflin History-social Science. Neighborhoods. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. N. Print.

Acknowledged: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Grade (if applicable): _________

(Course instructor, university supervisor, and/or cooperating teacher)


Integrated Understanding by Design (UbD) Lesson Plan 9

Classroom Teacher: Andrea Reyes

Date Lesson Will Be Taught: TBD
Lesson Topic: Conservation of Natural Resources:
You Can Make a Difference

Grade (K-12)/Developmental Level: 2nd

Lesson Subject Area: Science, Language Arts, Social
Studies, Fine Arts
Preservice Teacher: N/A
Stage 1- Desired Result

Established Goals/Big Ideas (Include):

What are the big picture concepts, conceptual anchors, and connections?

Language processes (reading, writing, listening and speaking) are meaning making processes that involve thinking, discovering and ordering.
Language follows conventions or rules. These rules help ensure effective communication. Knowledge of conventions is needed to comprehend
and construct text (print, media, electronic).
Our limited supply of resources can be extended through conservation of wildlife, energy, and material resources. Our limited supply of
resources should be protected from pollution.
People become figures of authority in different ways.
The government helps people in different ways.

Common Core Standards:
Language Arts:
CCSS.ELA- 2.W.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support
the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.


CCSS.ELA- 2.W.5 With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing.
CCSS.ELA- 2.W.6 With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with
Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III:
Social Studies:
Benchmark SS.2.3.1 Stewardship: Describe ways in which specific government agencies are responsible for environmental issues and concerns
Benchmark SS.2.5.1 Rights and Responsibilities: Demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in caring for others and the environment
Fine Arts:
Benchmark FA.2.1.1 How the Arts are Organized: Use the element of space and the principles of repetition and variety, with a variety of art media.

Benchmark SC.2.2.1 Unifying Concepts and Themes: Describe changes that have occurred in society as a result of new technologies
Benchmark SC.2.8.2 Earth Materials: Identify the limited supply of natural resources and how they can be extended through conservation, reuse, and
General Learner Outcome (GLO):
GLO #1: Self-Directed Learner - The ability to be responsible for one's own learning.
GLO #3: Complex Thinker - The ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving.


GLO #4: Quality Producer - The ability to recognize and produce quality performances and quality products.
GLO#5: Effective Communicator - The ability to communicate effectively.
GLO #6: Effective and Ethical Users of Technology - The ability to use a variety of technologies effectively and ethically.
Students will understand that

Students will understand how to form an opinion and provide

supporting details.
Students will understand that it is important to focus on a topic and
strengthen writing through writing process.
Students will understand that specific government agencies are
responsible for environmental issues and concerns.
Students will understand their own roles and responsibilities in
caring for others and the environment
Students will understand how to use the element of space and the
principles of repetition and variety, with a variety of art media.
Students will understand that changes have occurred in society as a
result of new technologies.
Students will understand that there is a limited supply of natural
resources and how they can be extended through conservation,
reuse, and recycling.

Essential Questions:
What questions highlight the big ideas?

How do you write an opinion piece in which they introduce?

What is the importance of supporting details?
Who is responsible for environmental issues and concerns?
What role and responsibilities do we have in caring for others and the
How can you use the element of space and the principles of
repetition and variety?
What new technologies caused changes in society?
What changes have occurred in society as a result of new
What are our limited supplies of natural resources?
How can they be extended through conservation, reuse, and

Content Acquisition (Objectives):

Skill Acquisition (Objectives):
Student will know.
Student will be able to
Students will know how to write opinion pieces stating their
Students will be able to write opinion pieces in which they introduce
opinion, supply supporting details, and provide a concluding
the topic they are writing, state an opinion, supply supporting details,
statement or section.
and provide a concluding statement or section.
Students will know how to strengthen their writing.
Students will be able to focus on a topic and strengthen writing as


Students will know how use a variety of digital tools to produce

and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.
Students will know how government agencies are responsible for
environmental issues and concerns.
Students will know their own roles and responsibilities in caring
for others and the environment.
Students will know how to utilize the element of space and the
principles of repetition and variety, with a variety of art media.
Students will know how to describe changes that have occurred
in society as a result of new technologies.
Students will know what are the Earths limited supplies of
natural resources.
Students will know how they can be extended through
conservation, reuse, and recycling.

needed by revising and editing.

Students will be able to use a variety of digital tools to produce and
publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.
Students will be able to describe ways in which specific government
agencies are responsible for environmental issues and concerns.
Students will be able to demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in
caring for others and the environment.
Students will be able to use the element of space and the principles
of repetition and variety, with a variety of art media.
Students will be able to describe changes that have occurred in
society as a result of new technologies.
Students will be able to identify the limited supply of natural
resources and how they can be extended through conservation,
reuse, and recycling.

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks:
What tasks will students be able to do to demonstrate understanding?
- Students will research local government agencies that specialize in their pre-approved topic.
- Students will write an opinion paper in a form of a letter regarding conservation.

Other Evidence:
What other things can students do to
show what they know?
- Students will fill out Graphic
organizers and self-reflections.
- K-W-L Sheets

What ways can students check understandings to set future goals?

What did you identify during selfevaluation?
- N/a

Students will write opinion paper in the form of a letter to a local agency regarding conservation
concepts that they have chosen to research.
Students will be able to identify the cause of their environmental concern, what is being done, and
what they can do to further the restoration efforts.


Assessment Rubric:




Use of class time

Overall Class Participation Rubric

Very self-directed, accepts
Self-directed cleans up
Usually self-directed,
extra class duties, cleans up after self, uses materials
cleans up after self most of
after self and others uses
safely and responsibly.
the time, uses materials
materials safely and
Leads discussion and group
activities, assists others,
initiates positive peer

Participates in discussions
and group activities and
maintains positive peer

Demonstrates a lot of
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm in all class

Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities.

Practices extensive selfdiscipline, always stays on

task, uses class time very

Practice self discipline,

stays on task, uses class
time well.

Participates in discussions
and activities when
requested and is working to
develop positive peer
Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities most
of the time.
Usually practices selfdiscipline, stays on task
most the time, uses time
well with some prompting.

Not very self-directed,
requires a lot of prompting,
rarely cleans up after self,
is wasteful with materials,
and does not always use
them in a safe manner.
Struggles to participate in
discussions and activities
and is challenged in
maintaining positive peer
Struggles to demonstrate
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm: requires a lot
of prompting and
Practices some selfdiscipline, but requires a lot
of prompting; struggles to
use class time well.


Letter Writing Rubric



Salutation and Closing

Salutation and closing have

no errors in capitalization
and punctuation.

Salutation and closing have

1-2 errors in capitalization
and punctuation.

Punctuation, Spelling,
and Grammar

Writer makes no errors in

capitalization, punctuation,
spelling, and/or grammar.

Writer makes 1-2 errors in

capitalization, punctuation,
spelling, and/or grammar.


Ideas were expressed in a

clear and organized
fashion. It was easy to
figure out what the letter
was about.

Ideas were expressed in a

pretty clear manner, but the
organization could have
been better.


Complies with all

requirements for a friendly

Complies with almost all

the requirements for a
friendly letter.

Salutation and closing have
3 or more errors in
capitalization and
Writer makes 3-4 errors in
capitalization, punctuation,
spelling, and/or grammar.
Ideas were somewhat
organized, but were not
very clear. It took more
than one reading to figure
out what the letter was
Complies with several of
the requirements for a
friendly letter.

Salutation and/or closing
are missing.
Writer makes more than 4
errors in capitalization,
punctuation, spelling,
and/or grammar.
The letter seemed to be a
collection of unrelated
sentences. It was very
difficult to figure out what
the letter was about.
Does not have any of the
requirements for a friendly



Element of Space

Environmental Awareness Poster Rubric

Title is clear, can be read, Title is somewhat clear,
Title can be read.
and is creative.
can be read, and neat.
The poster is
The poster is attractive in The poster is acceptably
exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout,
attractive though it may
terms of design, layout,
and neatness.
be a bit messy.
and neatness.
Consistently uses the
Usually uses the element
Sometimes uses the
elements of space and the of space and the
element of space and the
principles of repetition
principles of repetition
principles of repetition
and variety, with a variety and variety, with a variety and variety, with a variety
of art media.
of art media.
of art media.

Title cannot be read or
The poster is distractingly
messy or very poorly
designed. It is not
Rarely uses the element of
space and the principles
of repetition and variety,
with a variety of art

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
Conservation of Natural Resources: You Can Make a Difference

Review key terms: resources, natural resources, synthetic resources, renewable resources, non-renewable resources, pollution, conservation,
reduce, reuse, and recycle.


Group Discussion:
o Now that you know what you know about resources, pollution, and different conservations strategies what will you do with that
knowledge? What can you do?
o What are your responsibilities now?
o How can you make a difference?
Teacher will show class a few short clips of students making a difference:
o Star Fish Story Making a Difference Everyday:
o Sam, Recycling to Make a Difference:


Students research which agency, local agency preferably, that specialize in their environmental concern.
Students will edit their published opinion papers and change them so that they become letters to their respective agencies.
Students will then create a poster depicting either the problem or the solution of their researched environmental problem.


Students will share in groups 1 thing they already knew and 1 thing they learned.
Students will write out reflection in their science journals about one natural resource that they use everyday.
Students will complete key terms worksheet for homework.

Students with difficulty:
Students will be given guided notes to fill in the blanks.
Students will be given more time to read the necessary information.
Students will be allowed to take breaks when necessary.
Students that are more advanced:
Students will come up with a realistic and tangible solution to the environmental problem that they have researched and will explain how they
would implement it.


Kyle, William C., Joseph H. Rubinstein, and Carolyn J. Vega. SRA Real Science. Columbus, OH: SRA/McGraw-Hill, 2000. Print.
Viola, Herman J., and Sarah Bednarz. Houghton Mifflin History-social Science. Neighborhoods. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. N. Print.

Acknowledged: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Grade (if applicable): _________

(Course instructor, university supervisor, and/or cooperating teacher)


Integrated Understanding by Design (UbD) Lesson Plan 10

Classroom Teacher: Andrea Reyes

Grade (K-12)/Developmental Level: 2nd

Date Lesson Will Be Taught: TBD

Lesson Subject Area: Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Fine Arts

Lesson Topic: Conservation of Natural Resources:

School Presentation

Preservice Teacher: N/A

Stage 1- Desired Result

Established Goals/Big Ideas (Include):

What are the big picture concepts, conceptual anchors, and connections?

Language processes (reading, writing, listening and speaking) are meaning making processes that involve thinking, discovering and ordering.
Language follows conventions or rules. These rules help ensure effective communication. Knowledge of conventions is needed to comprehend
and construct text (print, media, electronic).
Our limited supply of resources can be extended through conservation of wildlife, energy, and material resources. Our limited supply of
resources should be protected from pollution.
People become figures of authority in different ways.
The government helps people in different ways.

Common Core Standards:
Language Arts:
CCSS.ELA- 2.SL.1 - Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and
larger groups.


a. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care. speaking one at a time about the
topics and texts under discussion).
b. Build on others talk in conversations by linking their comments to the remarks of others.
c. Ask for clarification and further explanation as needed about the topics and texts under discussion.

Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III:
Social Studies:
Benchmark SS.2.3.1 Stewardship: Describe ways in which specific government agencies are responsible for environmental issues and concerns
Benchmark SS.2.5.1 Rights and Responsibilities: Demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in caring for others and the environment
Fine Arts:
Benchmark FA.2.1.1 How the Arts are Organized: Use the element of space and the principles of repetition and variety, with a variety of art media
Benchmark SC.2.1.1 Scientific Inquiry: Develop predictions based on observations
Benchmark SC.2.1.2 Scientific Inquiry: Conduct a simple investigation using a systematic process safely to test a prediction
Benchmark SC.2.2.1 Unifying Concepts and Themes: Describe changes that have occurred in society as a result of new technologies
Benchmark SC.2.8.2 Earth Materials: Identify the limited supply of natural resources and how they can be extended through conservation, reuse, and


General Learner Outcome (GLO):

GLO #1: Self-Directed Learner - The ability to be responsible for one's own learning.
GLO #2: Community Contributor - The understanding that it is essential for human beings to work together.
GLO #3: Complex Thinker - The ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving.
GLO #4: Quality Producer - The ability to recognize and produce quality performances and quality products.
GLO#5: Effective Communicator - The ability to communicate effectively.
GLO #6: Effective and Ethical Users of Technology - The ability to use a variety of technologies effectively and ethically.
Students will understand that

Students will understand how to form an opinion and provide

supporting details.
Students will understand that it is important to focus on a topic and
strengthen writing through writing process.
Students will understand that specific government agencies are
responsible for environmental issues and concerns.
Students will understand their own roles and responsibilities in
caring for others and the environment
Students will understand how to use the element of space and the
principles of repetition and variety, with a variety of art media.
Students will understand that changes have occurred in society as a
result of new technologies.
Students will understand that there is a limited supply of natural
resources and how they can be extended through conservation,
reuse, and recycling.

Essential Questions:
What questions highlight the big ideas?

How do you determine key details and the main topic of a multiparagraph text?
How do you write an opinion piece in which they introduce?
What is the importance of supporting details?
Who is responsible for environmental issues and concerns?
What role and responsibilities do we have in caring for others and the
How can you use the element of space and the principles of
repetition and variety?
What new technologies caused changes in society?
What changes have occurred in society as a result of new
What are our limited supplies of natural resources?
How can they be extended through conservation, reuse, and

Content Acquisition (Objectives):

Skill Acquisition (Objectives):
Student will know.
Student will be able to
Students will know how to use key details in a text to answer who,
Students will be able to ask and answer who, what, where, when, why,
what, where, when, and why.
and how of key details in a text.
Students will know how to identify the main topic of a multi Students will be able to identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph
paragraph text.
text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Students will know how to write opinion pieces stating their
Students will be able to write opinion pieces in which they introduce
opinion, supply supporting details, and provide a concluding
the topic they are writing, state an opinion, supply supporting details,
statement or section.
and provide a concluding statement or section.
Students will know how to strengthen their writing.
Students will be able to focus on a topic and strengthen writing as
needed by revising and editing.
Students will know how use a variety of digital tools to produce
Students will be able to use a variety of digital tools to produce and
and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.
publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.
Students will know how government agencies are responsible for
Students will be able to describe ways in which specific government
environmental issues and concerns.
agencies are responsible for environmental issues and concerns.
Students will know their own roles and responsibilities in caring

Students will be able to demonstrate own roles and responsibilities in

for others and the environment.
caring for others and the environment.
Students will know how to utilize the element of space and the
Students will be able to use the element of space and the principles
principles of repetition and variety, with a variety of art media.
of repetition and variety, with a variety of art media.
Students will know how to describe changes that have occurred
Students will be able to describe changes that have occurred in
in society as a result of new technologies.
society as a result of new technologies.
Students will know what are the Earths limited supplies of

Students will be able to identify the limited supply of natural

natural resources.
resources and how they can be extended through conservation,
Students will know how they can be extended through
reuse, and recycling.
conservation, reuse, and recycling.
Stage 2- Assessment Evidence


Performance Tasks:
What tasks will students be able to do to demonstrate understanding?
- Students will define key terms: conservation, natural resource, synthetic, renewable resources, nonrenewable resources, pollution, reduce, reuse, and recycle.
- Students will identify different items that can or cannot be recycled.
- Students will identify natural resources and synthetic resources.
- Students will describe the affects of pollution on the environment.
- Students will write an opinion paper in a form of a letter regarding conservation.

Other Evidence:
What other things can students do to
show what they know?
- Students will fill out Graphic
organizers and self-reflections.
- K-W-L Sheets

What ways can students check understandings to set future goals?

What did you identify during selfevaluation?
- N/a

Students will complete pretest and gain understanding of what concepts they know and what
concepts they need to learn.
Students will complete post-test and compare what they did or did not know in the beginning of the
unit to their posttest.
Students will create conservation mobile that requires them to define key terms and analyze them in
real life settings.
Students will write opinion papers regarding conservation concepts.

Assessment Rubric:


Overall Class Participation Rubric

Very self-directed, accepts
Self-directed cleans up
Usually self-directed,
extra class duties, cleans up after self, uses materials
cleans up after self most of
after self and others uses
safely and responsibly.
the time, uses materials
materials safely and

Not very self-directed,
requires a lot of prompting,
rarely cleans up after self,
is wasteful with materials,
and does not always use
them in a safe manner.




Use of class time


Element of Space

Leads discussion and group

activities, assists others,
initiates positive peer

Participates in discussions
and group activities and
maintains positive peer

Demonstrates a lot of
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm in all class

Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities.

Practices extensive selfdiscipline, always stays on

task, uses class time very

Practice self discipline,

stays on task, uses class
time well.

Participates in discussions
and activities when
requested and is working to
develop positive peer
Demonstrates effort,
curiosity, and enthusiasm
during class activities most
of the time.
Usually practices selfdiscipline, stays on task
most the time, uses time
well with some prompting.

Environmental Awareness Poster Rubric

Title is clear, can be read,
Title is somewhat clear, can
Title can be read.
and is creative.
be read, and neat.
The poster is exceptionally
The poster is attractive in
The poster is acceptably
attractive in terms of
terms of design, layout, and attractive though it may be
design, layout, and
a bit messy.
Consistently uses the
Usually uses the element of Sometimes uses the
elements of space and the
space and the principles of element of space and the
principles of repetition and repetition and variety, with principles of repetition and
variety, with a variety of art a variety of art media.
variety, with a variety of art

Struggles to participate in
discussions and activities
and is challenged in
maintaining positive peer
Struggles to demonstrate
effort, curiosity, and
enthusiasm: requires a lot
of prompting and
Practices some selfdiscipline, but requires a lot
of prompting; struggles to
use class time well.

Title cannot be read or
The poster is distractingly
messy or very poorly
designed. It is not
Rarely uses the element of
space and the principles of
repetition and variety, with
a variety of art media.





Collaboration with Peers


Speaks Clearly

Ideas were expressed in a

clear and organized
fashion. It was easy to
figure out what the letter
was about.

Student is completely
prepared, has obviously
rehearsed, and shows a
full understanding of the
Almost always listens to,
shares with, and supports
the efforts of others in the
group. Tries to keep
people working well
Volume is loud enough to
be heard by all audience
members throughout the
Speaks clearly and
distinctly all the time, and
does not mispronounce

Ideas were expressed in a

pretty clear manner, but the
organization could have
been better.

Ideas were somewhat
organized, but were not
very clear. It took more
than one reading to figure
out what the letter was

The letter seemed to be a

collection of unrelated
sentences. It was very
difficult to figure out what
the letter was about.

Oral Presentation Rubric

Student seems pretty
prepared, but might have
needed a couple more
rehearsals. Student shows
good understanding of the
Usually listens to, shares
with, and supports the
efforts of others in the
group. Does not cause
disturbances in the group.

Student is somewhat
prepared, but it is clear
that they did not
rehearse. Student shows a
good understanding of
parts of the topic.
Often listens to, shares
with, and supports the
efforts of others in the
group, but sometimes are
not a good team member.

Student does not seem
prepared at all and does
and does not understand
the topic very well either.

Volume is loud enough to

be heard by all audience
members at least 90% of
the time.
Speaks clearly and
distinctly most of the
time, but mispronounces

Volume is loud enough to

be heard by all audience
members at least 80% of
the time.
Speaks clearly some of
the time and
mispronounces several

Volume often too soft to

be heard by all audience

Rarely listens to, shares

with, and supports the
efforts of others in the
group. Often is not a good
team member.

Often mumbles or cannot

be understood.


any words.

a few words.


Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
Conservation of Natural Resources: Conservation Presentation

Students will watch video of how students from another school are promoting conservation in their school:


Students will be broken up into six different groups focusing on their own key term. They are to define it, explain, and give a few examples. Each
group need to make sure they answer the following questions:
What is it?
What are they used for? Or what does it do?
What are examples?

Natural Resources
Synthetic Resources

Each group will create some sort of visual display to go along with their presentation. Whether it is a poster or visual aids.



Students will take post-test and compare their results with their pretest
Students will write in their science journal a brief reflection their overall experience. What they learned, and how they will apply this information
to their lives.

Students with difficulty:
Students will be given guided notes to fill in the blanks.
Students will be given more time to read the necessary information.
Students will be allowed to take breaks when necessary.
Students that are more advanced:
Students will be in charge of making sure their group is well informed of what they are to do and they stay on task.
Kyle, William C., Joseph H. Rubinstein, and Carolyn J. Vega. SRA Real Science. Columbus, OH: SRA/McGraw-Hill, 2000. Print.
Viola, Herman J., and Sarah Bednarz. Houghton Mifflin History-social Science. Neighborhoods. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. N. Print.
Acknowledged: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Grade (if applicable): _________
(Course instructor, university supervisor, and/or cooperating teacher)


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