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Calendar terms

In Arabic, the week always starts on Sunday and the names of the days of the week are based (mostly) on numbers.
yawm al-aHad (Sunday)
yawm al-ithnayn (Monday)
yawm ath-thulaathaa' (Tuesday)
yawm al-arbi'aa' (Wednesday)
yawm al-khamiis (Thursday)
yawm al-jum'a (Friday)
yawm as-sabt (Saturday)
When using the names of the days in conversation, the word yawm(day) is often dropped.

al-yawm (today)
ams (yesterday)
ghadan (tomorrow)
taariikh (date)

Telling time
The time of day can be described in general terms or specific times. The following words can be used to describe the
general time of day.
SabaaH (morning)
DHuhr (noon)
ba'd-aDH-DHuhr (afternoon)
masaa' (evening)
layl (nighttime)
nahaar (daytime)

When you want to know a specific time of day, you can ask as-saa'a kam?(What time is it?). Remember that time
expressions use ordinal (first, second, and so on) numbers rather than cardinal numbers (one, two, and so on), such as
the following:
as-saa'a al-waaHida (one o'clock)
as-saa'a ath-thaaniya (two o'clock)
as-saa'a ath-thaalitha (three o'clock)
as-saa'a ar-raabi'a (four o'clock)
as-saa'a al-khaamisa (five o'clock)
as-saa'a as-saadisa (six o'clock)
as-saa'a as-saabi'a (seven o'clock)
as-saa'a ath-thaamina (eight o'clock)

as-saa'a at-taasi'a (nine o'clock)

as-saa'a al-'aashira (ten o'clock)
as-saa'a al-Haadiya 'ashra (eleven o'clock)
as-saa'a ath-thaaniya 'ashra (twelve o'clock)
When expressing time between the hours, use the following terms to break things down.
saa'a (hour/time/clock/watch)
daqiiqa (minute)
thaaniya (second)
nuSf (half)
rub' (quarter)
thulth (third [20 minutes])
To give a specific time, you would state the hour and then add the minutes, quarters, etc. to the end of the phrase, as in
the following examples.
as-saa'a ar-raabi'a illaa rub' (quarter 'til four)
as-saa'a al-waaHida wa nuSf fii-SabaaH (1:30 a.m.)
as-saa'a as-saabi'a wa rub'fii-l-masaa' (7:15 p.m.)

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