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Economy of Soviet union

by: Pasinee, Pirada, Lalita

The Soviet Union was the first country to base
its economy on communist principles, were the
state owned all the means of production and
farming was collectivized.

Command Economy
The communists were inspired by the ideal thoughts about
command economy by Karl Marx. He believed that
capitalist system is concentrated all the wealth in the hand
of fews and abandon everyone else to live in poverty.

command economy
Marx thought that Communist system will replace
capitalism and it will make everyone equal and share all the
wealth together. Unfortunately, marx's thought is only an
idealistic one.

In collective farming, farmers were not permitted to grow their own food, but
were forced to help cultivate government crops. The harvest was supposed to
be distributed to the collective members.
In reality, due to unreasonably high government quotas, farmers got far less for
their labor than they did before collectivization. Many refused to work.

Kids.Net.Au - Encyclopedia > Soviet Union. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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