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My Search Story

Imagine having a sickness that is filled with unbearable, immense pain and at the end of
this pain is the big black hole we like to call death. Why go through the pain and suffering if
youre going to die in the end? Euthanasia is a big subject that is very serious and interferes with
whether it is right or not to attempt it or whether it is against religion. People should have the
rights, if they are suffering, to make the decision to end their lives with the help of another
Before I started learning about this topic, all I knew that about it was that Euthanasia was
that it was a way to put an end to suffering before death. I wanted to find out and learn more
about this subject and go more into depth about how Euthanasia is attempted and the main
reasons why people do it. I also wanted to learn more about how doctors feel towards it. During
the process of finding the 7 databases that I needed, I had many setbacks. My first setback was
the day that we first started looking for databases and when I went home to get up to the seven I
needed, my sister was on the computer and I couldnt get on because she was doing her
homework and since I couldnt get on, I was behind. Also, I tried to find good websites for my
paper and to do the C.R.A.P. test on them but I had accidentally forgotten the C.R.A.P. test paper
in my locker so I didnt know how to do it.
My Poll Process
To start of my poll process, I created five questions to ask ten different people. I asked
three students, three family members, three teachers and a mentor. I asked questions like if they
think that Euthanasia is a good thing or if they believed it was against religion to attempt it. I
took each of their opinions into consideration before I began looking at the data through bias. In
my poll for asking if Euthanasia should be allowed, almost all agreed that it should be allowed
but they also said that it is not against religion. They also said that a doctor should most
definitely ask the patient to attempt it even if the patients parents agree to it, it is called
involuntary euthanasia.
Euthanasia Research
There are two different ways Euthanasia can be done. One way is Passive Euthanasia
where the doctor withholds medical treatment in order to let a terminal illness take its course
and end the patients life. The other way is Active Euthanasia which is described as taking
deliberate steps towards taking someones life (Frey). These are two main ways to attempt
Euthanasia and neither adds to the pain that the patient is going through already. An example of
active euthanasia is Myrna Lebov who was ill with Multiple Sclerosis and finally took a
mixture of drugs at her husbands urging (Death and Dignity). She and everyone around her
were okay with what happened and actually supported her and what she was doing. In a 1930s

program at least 250,000 people with physical or mental disabilities were euthanized (Frey). This
program helped these people to not have to live with a disability and let them die in piece and
Euthanasia sometimes will be rejected because it hits some points in religion that frown
upon it (Death and Dignity). They may be against killing or suicide, but a religion should
understand the great pains involved with many serious illnesses would cause a person to value
their life lower than that of the average. They may go to extensive lengths to stop the pain;
including death. Considering that the people who make the decision as to whether or not the
church would support something such as euthanasia have never likely experienced an event that
made them come to terms with their own death, they do not understand the way terminally ill
patients would feel about their own death.Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his
saints (Psalm 116:15, Bible). This, in other words, is God stating that he is okay with the death
of his children and believes that it is precious. Judaism and Christianity, regarding the value of
human life, helps to explain why euthanasia was forbidden by the law from the time of the late
Roman Empire through the modern period (Frey). The ideals that the church is based on are
outdated and passed down through generations. Knowing now all the advances that have been
made in other fields, why keep the narrow-mindedness of the people all those years ago?
There are several positive advantages to assisted suicide/euthanasia. One advantage is
that it saves other people. When a patient attempts assisted suicide, resources such as blood that
would be transferred to the patient will instead go to a patient that is fighting for their life (Frey).
When a dying patient wants to die, another patient could use their resources to live. Another
reason Euthanasia has positive affects is shown when a patient is suffering. When patients are
suffering and there is no way to get rid of the pain for relief, they unplug or take a drug and the
main reason of doing this would be for ease the pain of the patient and to speed up the process of
death(Frey). If the patient is going through a lot of pain and at the end of the pain is death,
patients should have the right to skip the pain. The act of euthanasia is easy to do and work with.
The discovery of reliable and relatively safe anesthetics in the 1840s helped to make
euthanasia seem feasible as a way of ending the pain of terminal illness. (Frey). Also, we
shouldnt waste good medical supplies on people who want to die and are going to die anyways,
but instead they should save the medical supplies in case the supplies are needed elsewhere
( health and wellness center). If the good supplies are being wasted then its just a waste of
money. She made the decision that her existence had lost its meaning. And you cannot judge
that (Jack Kevorkian). Jack Kevorkian was a doctor who dedicated most of his life to different
ways of euthanasia. He lived in Michigan and helped tons of people attempt euthanasia and was
a big contributor towards it being legalized.

In conclusion, euthanasia helps people end pain, should be accepted into religions and is
a good way to help other people in need of resources. Patients should be eligible to end their
lives with the help of another person or doctor.

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