Eporfolio Refelction

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E-Portfolio Reflection

This e-portfolio is a collection of signature assignments that I

have completed throughout the Elementary Education program at
Dixie State University. The DESERT model was created by the
professors to meet the national standards for a teacher preparation
program. These assignments are classified under the DESERT model
standards and they prove that I am highly qualified to teach and meet
the needs of all students. As a student, I learned a lot from
completing these assignments and I know they demonstrate my ability
to be in the classroom. This reflection will look at half of the
benchmark assessments and describe how the assignment helped me
meet the DESERT model standards. The benchmark assessments I
have selected are: comprehension lesson, science lesson and the
classroom management plan.
D is for Diversity. On assignment in this section is the Student
Assessment Profile. I used my time in practicum to collect data and
get know my students and their needs. This shows that I am willing to
sacrifice my time for my students. The comprehension lesson falls
under the first E in the DESERT model, which stands for Effective
Pedagogy. The comprehension lesson looks at five students of varying
ability levels and the instructional strategies I will use to meet their
needs. Completing this assignment highlights my ability to look at the

contextual factors of a class, see the needs of the students and plan
lessons accordingly to meet their needs. For example, one female
student described in the lesson is an English language learner with a
WIDA level 3.
The lesson is focused on text structure, more specifically,
sequencing. Prior to the lesson, I will send her home with the book in
Spanish to read with her parents. Allowing her to read it in her native
language will help her transfer and apply that knowledge to English.
Also, I will provide her with a vocabulary card that includes key words
in Spanish and English as a reference to reinforce learning. This is only
one child that is discussed in the lesson, but her needs are clearly met.
With thorough planning and preparation of the needed materials, I
display a caring characteristic because I take the time to meet her
needs. This assignment shows that I am aware of my students and
what they need to be successful to learn.
The next assignment is under the S, which stands for subject
matter. I have selected my science lesson. When my mentor teacher
gave me the topic of reptiles to teach, I was intimidated because my
knowledge of reptiles was the bare minimum. In order for me to feel
confident while teaching this lesson, I had to take the time to increase
my knowledge about reptiles. I learned about the differences between
reptiles and amphibians. For the lesson, I chose to focus on physical
features of 5 reptiles and how the features help them meet their

needs. I did not know very much about any of the animals I selected,
so learned all about them. Learning the subject matter prepared me to
teach this lesson and answer student questions and clear up
misconceptions. For example, some students thought fish and frogs
were reptiles and I was able to use what I knew to clarify. I took the
time to learn what I needed to, in order to feel prepared for this lesson.
By doing this, I demonstrate my desire to learn what I do not know,
and my competence in to teach the students what they need to know
and more. Sacrificing my time to learn and prepare this lesson shows
that I care enough about my students and their knowledge. This
science lesson clearly highlights the connection with subject matter.
The third benchmark assessment I have selected to look at is
under the second E for environment. The assignment is my
classroom management plan. The classroom management plan took
the full semester to create. It includes: my management philosophy,
created awards, procedures and letters to students and parents. In
my opinion, I developed a strong classroom management plan and that
is key to having a successful classroom. If the environment is not
stable, chaos will ensue. I know that this assignment has helped me
meet the standard for Environment.
I am confident that if I implement my management plan, the
classroom will be successful. Students need structure and reliability
and this assignment has prepared me to give them that in a classroom

setting. I know that I will need to make changes to my management

plan as needed, but I am confident that it is a solid foundation. I have
met the environment standard through a management plan because I
am able to provide a consistent and safe place for children to learn.
Under Reflection I have a video of myself teaching a math
lesson and a self-reflection. This shows that I am a qualified teacher
and that I have learned best practices to implement into the
classroom. The final DESERT model standard is Teaching Disposition
under this section I have prepared a classroom website. I have learned
that open communication is key. This website will provide my students
and their parents with the information they need, an area to contact
me, and additional school recourses. From this assignment, I have
learned to be open and listen to the parents and students to improve
my classroom. This shows that I care about my students and their
In order to meet the accreditation standards, the professors at
DSU created the DESERT model. I know that the model provides me
with what I need to be a confident, qualified teacher. The benchmark
assessments have ensured that I take specific knowledge with me out
of this Elementary Education program. As a result of completing the
required assignments, I am prepared to take charge of a classroom and
show my students I care for them through my words and my actions.

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