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2017 -Fr2021 JONES LIBRARY Long Range Pian ‘Mission. The Jones ibrar wil be @ commorily hub fo a diverse population of Amherst residents, where ‘books are Celebrated and ll members of the communily can enhanee the educational, ‘cullural. and lifelong lecmning pursuits. Vision The Jones libcany dai wl crenie a waleorring almacniwar Tor evesyane. cand wll ha dee ‘engaged and commited to maintaining the highest lev of professionatsm and providing exceptional customer service. The Board of ustees, Friends of the Jones Lisary System, and stat wit provide viionary leadership so that the town of Amherst and its residents will continue to suppert the library tveugh nancial and volunteer syppot The Jones Library wil help provide Amherst with abridge tothe lates state-of-the-art technologies and wil provide those needing training wih instruction and suppor. Special Collections ‘helping fo ensure a vibrant business commurily A slrong base of committed volunteess wil augment the lly staff and be recognized for thelr Important contributions hiisin the Jones library remain the entire ‘commuriy. Each voluntaer vl bs matched with appropiate task 30 tha ther sks and Interests ore atgned with the needs ofthe Roray, The Jones Urry wa ovgmentisefectvenes by developing and maining mat Donec elatorsi win olbr Amber own Geporiment, win fixers ‘Saperimantandliees ot rounding cologes ond universe C/W MARS oF woo wh Stet eel ues oe cus oies ‘Gitleal Succes Fados (CSR) + Fuly molvated and engoged sol inchuding velunteor sal. who are comviied fo providing patrons with @ welcoming cimosphere and exceplional customer service. + Adequate financing fo suppor curen! and lure opecations, as wellas proposed bulding renovations + Slato-o the-art technology, with fleibie responses fo changing technologies and the ability to provide those technologies fo patrons Support rom the residen's of Amhers and surounding townships. ‘Mutually Benet rlelorships lth other Amber departments, CAW MARS os wel as Sureuncing colege lrvios and sions ‘iy fo serve the community of Amherst. Etfectve marketing and pubic eiations Sirong suppor from the Boord of Trustees andthe iiends ofthe Jones Library Sytem. Vsionary leadership from the Board and staf to ensure that the Jones Library continues to be a value-celded ent fo the Town of Ames + fulengagement of af Amhers residents, Rom YaURASUAE senior, States T._ Provide pleasant, sale and up-To-dafe buldng by presenfing « concke ond focused pion i a ae JONES Any, INC. P2OTYAM LONG HANGEDLAN 1 Expand funding through he Town of Amhers!s appropriations, the library's Annual Fund, ‘Capital Fund, Planned Giving program, Sammys and new innovative resources. ‘Ofer and promote the foes! slateofthe-or! lecrnologies fo both staf and patrons, 4 7. Honor Amhes's ich history through preservation and promotion of the Special Collections. 8 fcgcol win ico tl ontecaagsesearana tempat a oy "AiRough The Jones Ubrary pavrons appreciak {aco oe Curent faci, he Fenor Souldated ‘plant, needs enhancements and aditional ‘marketing vehicles ore not optimalin order fo inform patrons ‘and nor patrons about the Jones Uibray's services and programs. Tmmediat Ptorites = Secure adtionat funding fo ensure the Jones Library continues fo provide high quatty senices. programs. and 0 welLeducated and engaged stat + Create @ comprehensive Technology Plan thal addresses currant and fulue technology needs. + Enhance communication effors withthe community through a mote interactive and up-to- date website os well as through newspapers and radio. JONES LnBARY, NC. PanTF¥2M LONG RANGEPLAN | 2 (eae ee | Survey Focus Groups ‘+ Alengihy survey fo measure the eflectiveness the Jones Library and fulure needs was ‘conducted from 2/12/2015 through 3/5/2015. ++ The survey was conducted through both the Jones Lbrexy and the Town of Amherst websilos {as well as via hard copy cistib led al al Amherst Bbrary branches, + Over 900 people out o the 20,000 active membership cardholders completed the survey. + Three public focus groups were publicized throughout Amherst and held al the Jones Library or people fo publ share thet views. ‘+The arges! group of respondents fo the survey wasin the 30-64 age bracket (58S), folowed by patrons 65 and obder (373 Household Age Ranges 2015 30:64 19.29 1218 a 04 0 10 20 30 40 50 © 7 Soxtce: Pubic Suvey. The Bich Goup well above the average education level for the nation Persona Eication Level, 2015, 293% 196 “Les then or some High Schoo ltHigh School Grad ‘Some Cologe Associoto's Degree ‘Bachelors Degree ‘Mosters Degree ormare Soutce: Public Suvey. The Béch Geoup JONI LnkARY, Ne. FIZFYMRLLONG RANGERLAN | 3 Survey responses inccated that the majorly ofthe parfcipants were comimitied fo the ries as evidence by the folowing 196.5 Library Viste per Yar, 2015 3%.) (2% “Daily ‘ eWeoky i se Monthy A tew times 0 yeor Online vist ‘Dont use the Hbrary ‘Souroe: Pubic Suey. The Bich Group ‘The majority of survey respondents were patrons ofthe Jones Library (P4%). Respondents aso noted that the Jones Library was the mos! convenient branch (62%): ‘Branch Patsonage 2015 other Noth AmberstLibeary ‘Munson Memorial brary Jones library 0 10 2 30 40 s0 60 7 0 9 10 Source: Pte Survey The Bkch Group ‘Most Convenient Branch, 2015 2% smrones brary sn unson Memoria Library ‘North Amberst Library Source: Pubic Suvey, The Bich Goup The highest satisfaction areas, related fo the staif at all three library branches: © Customer Service, overal 90% salsfaction rae of that 75% extremely salisie. © 83% of respondents We satisfied regarcing feeling welcomed when they visited the sdones Library. ‘© 768 indicated that hey fe the Jones Ubrary staff understood thelr needs well. (288% of respondents were sated with the staff's helpfuness. JONES MARY, INC. PanrF¥2M1 LONG HANGIPLAN | 4 +The primary concems af survey respondenls were: ‘2 Lackof adequate parking (66%) ‘2 Hous a! al tee locations + Other inaings anc extls trom the survey wi be Halcized throughout the remainder of his document, Customers ‘As of he ZOIOUS Census, There were 37819 peopl. 9,174 households, and 4.580 Tamils residing in the town of Arharst.Inclucling students. ‘+ Including he surounding fowns, the brary has on estimated service population of well over s0.00. +The populace of Amherst is deeply committed to the bibrary with almost 20.000 active membership cardholders. Over 8,000 cardholders reside in the surounding fowns. ‘Rashes Historie Population Growth, 190072010, Year Popuiation Porcentof Change 1900. 5008 = 1910 313 Tae 1920 3.550 57% 1990 5588 ‘607% 1940 6.410 ‘Bare 1950 Tose 9.30% 1960 13718 26.38 1970. 26381 91.96% 1980 33229 26.20% 1950 35.228 602% 2000. 34574 2.00% 2010. 37519 Bae Souree: US Censor aueou ‘+ Thete states include the thousands of port-me and fulsime residens essociated with higher education inilulions [Universty of Maszachurotls af Amherst, Amherst College, dnd Hampshire Colege). +The presence of higher education lstitutions hos a profound impact on Amer 1990 2000- UMass — Amherst Mare 23570 ‘Amhersi Colege 1.54 1494 Hampshire College 1250 1139. Source: Ares Fanning Deparment ‘+ Amhets’s population growths historically Snked fo the growth in student enrollment in higher education inetiuone. + The impact of changesin sludent eneotiment at UMass plays @ significant role in the population changes and composition ofthe Town, Amherst Colege and Hampshire Colege With smaller student populations have not had as dramatic an etlect on population growth. + The population, with a median age of 21.6 yeors in 2010, was far younger than the counly, the sale, or the nation. ‘+ According fo the 2010 Census, the single largest age cohort inthe Town wos those aged 18- 24, which eecounted for 500% of the Total population. ‘+The 45-64 age group, gonerally corsidered among the mast economically productive ‘members of any commurity, accounted for only 13.4% of the population. ‘+ Amhersts HORSIBGERT population is aging. According fo the Census, he population aged {65 and over was growing markedly faster than other oge groups: ‘Amherst Population by Age Cohort, 2010 ° 10 » 30 0 0 Co Population Souros: US Cente Bureau ‘+ Athough the largest segment ofthe population isthe 18-24 year old range, they accounted {orless than 20% of the survey respondents ‘+ Amherst has an exceptional welleducated population. 2000, among residents 25 years ‘oF oder, 95% were high school graduates and 68% had a Bacheler’s degree or higher, This {or exceeds statistics forthe county, sale, and natior “+ Higher education is the main diving force in Amnerst's economy. A sorticant portion of “Ambhors's population sinvolved in higher education, whether as a student of Hough ‘employment: 0%—_amsherst Employment i Amherst Employmentbyndasty,2000 sConsection 1.1% “Manufacturing 36% ‘ronspor 1% Sinfomatons. AWhooice 09% Reto Bom ‘inane fe, 3.1% “rotenone 72% stevcatonal 51.9% tnertiement 120% SOhertonices 43% Pubic Admin, 22% ‘Source: Amb Planing Depertment + Approsimately7.2% of fomilles and 20.2% of the population were below the poverty ne, ‘ellacting the high numberof students ving in Arar + More than 10% of the fown's housing is affordable, as the fown is committed to provide housing and educational opportunites fo low-income resident ‘+ _slimated medion householdincome for Amherst in 2000 was $40.07, ond the mecton Income foro family wes $61.27: JONIS LbwAny, NC. 19202.9Y2R1 LONG RANGEILAN | 6 Income Level, 2015 Monthly/Awual) B$1-$199/91-$10.999 19§200-$999/$10,400-320,799 15 §4009799/820,800 $41,599 5 $800.81.499/841.400-877.999 161,500 ox more /$78,000 or Source: Pubic Suney, The Bich Goup ‘Ames sc elatvely and increasingly racially and ethnically diverse communiy, is ‘considerably more diveise than the county and the state. ln 2000, just over 20% of Amherst’ population was non-white. ‘Ambest's population is % Hispanic/tatino. Amberst's Hispanic/Latino population has grown well over 30% since 1990, and is the fagHai# ‘rowing popLialion segment. ‘Approximately 13% of Amherst residents are foreign-born, compared to 11% iaiiSAiMe: Amherst Populationby Race, 2000, 29 6 0%, White Black/At, Arpeican Am Ind.JAK Native Aslan & Pac. 5. Other Mutat Source: US Census reo ‘Amherst aso very mut-cuitural. Approximately 2% of those age 5 and over speak & anguage other than Engish at home; only falsinto this category. LUnguistic dvenily represents a unique chaitenge to the libra ‘he most common languages spoken al home are Cape Verde/Creole, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, Khmer, Korean, ond Spanish For evety 100 fernaies there wore 91.4 males For every 100 females age 18 and over, there ‘were 88 males, TONES LNTAY INC. 7. FVABILONG RANGEWTANT 7 Facies +The exising Jones Library Bullaing was opened on Navernbor I, 1928, wih furor expansion in 1990 10 1993, ‘+ The Bibrary was designed to look lke « large home. conveying the image of "Mother ‘Amhers welcoming her children” into het iving toon, ‘re Jones Library is over 80,000 sa. with four (4) meeting rooms and three (3) nevi stucy rooms, The seating capacity inthe argos! meating room s 125. + Guidelines for MosoLtunells Leary Foul Pring recone squore footage of el us! £87,000 9, fore. community the size of Amherst + During 2014, the meeting rooms were used 3,660 times. + The Ulbraryhaszer0 dedicated parking spaces for patrons, wth the exception of two handicapped accessible spots. The lack of parking is the major overiing complaint regarding he lixary's accessbilly and convenience, +The lack of parking was the oveniing source of discontent | groups. + Tholack of adequate parking alo creates a significant baler lo aecettilly fr he wet + Therepair and mointenance costs continue lo grow. In FY 2014, these expenses excoedod, 8% of the library's expenditures. +The Trustees of the Library are in he process of developing a Bulding Program fo evaluate changing conditions and to prepare for meeting the fulue needs ofthe Town's residents, + During 2014, the library applied for and received a $50,000 Planning and Design grant from the Massochusetls Board of Ubcary Commissions lo expand and enhance the curen! facies. ‘+ The Town of Amott provided a match of $25,000. ‘+ The majorly of suvey and focus group participants indicated that they appreciate the front facade ofthe Jones Urary de 10 is tle and its history. However, many responcients noted the need for signican! improvements to the exiting facies and the need for expansion. ‘Comments related to the folowing topics were conssent throughout the survey resus: featgbeaings ing ora co ‘©The Jones Library snot aesthoticaly pleasing on the inside ‘There isc need for improvements to accessilly forthe handicapped. (© There should be areas set ase for eadinghesearch (quiet areas) and conversationsimeelingiete. 9 Aseparate area for leone should be created. The: iRoom Is cramped, outdated. and dy both the survey and the focus Sai ‘The Jones bray ne. asa fatal pad staff of é0 individuals. Of this foal, 30 posiions Ge lover 20 nous a week and 30 are under 20 hous i week ‘+The Jones Library, inc ao statled by a volunteer base of over 150 people. + Cusiomer service fom the Jones Libya sla is considered fo be excellent and isseen as the Jones Library's shongest asset as incicated in the survey. + Ofte paid sat. 10 peopt| ARI. cxe reaching the age of potential retiement in the near ue. JONI Lanny, NC. 2D. LONG RANGETLAN | 8 ‘Jones Library SiaffHaucation Level D018 Degree: Number Percentage MLS/OLS 16 31.6% ‘Other Graduate Beares 5 88% Bachelor Gthor ie 23.1% 2 or More Years of COlEGE 2 35%, Fewer han 2 Yeas of Colege é 105% High Schoo! bipioma, a 35%, High School Student/Other 3 140% Total 7 100.0%. Source: Anne Roper ration Survey Services ‘Cumrenly, Bacause ofthe significant numbers of Amherst's populations inal ore einer Involved in secondary education or ore prolesionass, there isc town-wide need fer high ‘vaity educational suppor! and bray services. The iraxy has significant increased its collections and progromsin ESL. to meet the needs ofthe change in demographics. To meet the needs ofa broad spectrum of Amherst residents, he lorary curently circulates rmatefasin tho folowing languages: Language “aus Children Chinese. x ‘Dulch Trench German Hebrew. Hint italian “apanese ‘Khmer ‘Korean Portuguese Rusion Spanish New foreign language fatal are added {and outdated collections are removed) as domand dictates The Jones brary ranks 18%In Massachuses for overall ciculaton, and 8 ln cxculation for £Y 2014 citculation forthe Jones Ubrary ands branches was: ranch Jones library 788625, Bae ‘Munson Mermoril Libr 38087 Noth Amherst Library 35045, Te Total Cheulalion 511759 100% ‘+ _Librory Holdings as of 6/30/14 Matedal Type ‘halt | Young | Chitarens [Toate ‘Adult Books 1a2ala ‘sea | 65401 | 198.008 Prin! pofodicals newspapas and an 17701 245; vs90] 19,636 ‘Aucto (compact dics, layaways, 13901 2 Bir] 16300 etc) ‘Video [VIS/Dses/OVD's, ala 77a 6 3082 | “Toa ebooks Base? 0 of 24389. Downloadable avelo (abdabooks, 7221 © of 7221 muse, otc owrloodabie vides Be a a 96. Mates in electronic format 2 ° 35 10 {inchucing CO-ROMS) ‘Materia in micoforms fiche, rls, a 0 T w tc) Macellaneous (e.g. ebook readers, laptops, ks, framed at pins, 00 ° 156 656 puppets, fis. otc) Tolals | 204817, ia | 72756 | 270.083 +The Library hos approximately 20 independently purchased database Ecenses (nol io network, MBLC, oF MI} + #72014 ckeultlon information (7/1/13-6/30/14) ‘Materal Type ‘Adult| Young” | Children’s | Toale Adult Books 170763 4507 | 131497 | 206.807 Pint paodicak, newspaper and renee 10.634 412 van} 1asi7 ‘Auaio [compact dss, playawers, 32055 To a05| 59957 fle) Video [Vi /Dscs/OVD's, ele) Tae, 26 | i918 | Tis ‘800s 9057 0 0 9057 Downloadable audio Tavdiebooks, 3.657 ° 0 ‘3487 music, ete oweloodabie video. ws a a ‘Materials in electronic Tomnel Sas ° ° Br {including CO-ROMS) ‘Materiel micotorms (che ls, T @ o T te) ‘Miscaanedus (6.9, eBook reader, laptops, ks, ramed at prints. 746 7 Ke hay puppets, fis, ole) Totals | 34077 ‘ogei| —9.167| stra Subscriptions os a 6/30/14 Pint Sel Subscriptions 300 Hleclonic Seal Subscrisfions 2 ther Subscriptions a Tetah me JONES LBA, INC. FY2NP.FYIBL LONG RANGE FEAN | 10 FY 2014 Services at Man Ubrery & All ranches Tofal number of Saturdays the ibrar system was open 5 Total number of Sundays the Koray system was open 3 Totot attendance in ibray system eae Total numberof reference transacTens in ibrar salem 2022 Total number of chicren’s programs hellinWorary system 218 Tolal attendance ot chilcren’s programs in brary system 621 Total numberof Young Adult programs in Bory system 45 Tolal attendance al Young Adul programs in bray system 587 Total number of adull programsin brary system 300 Tota attendance at Adull programs in foray system “4600 Total number of non-subsided volunteos 200 Total number ofhour by non fvounleets 19.078 The survey and focus groups consistent incicated that he primary asset ofthe Jones Library was the customer service is staff provides, On a scale of I~. where one is extremely soltied and five extremely dizatsied: Satisfaction with eroles Staff Provile 100% — 90% 0% | am | on as. 50%6 “ ae a3, 30% ee 20%, a 10% oa | Welcomeness Understand Hep’ Knowiedgable Recommend ‘Needs Source: Put Suvey, The Bich Group |55% of suvoy expondents find the average wail fo speak with @ member ofthe staf Yo bo ot long ata ONS Lnwany, NC. 19aN.FYMBL LONG RANGE ILAN | 11 ‘Average Watt Tone 0% 108% 2086 50% 40% SORE —6OH 70% ON 90H 10005 baremeyy tong simoderatoyy long « Netiner Nor Moderately snort s Not at aliongs Source: Pubte Survey, The Bich Group + 73% of survey respondents visi the libraries in the aftemoons! Visit Time of ay saturdays Evenings Atermoons Mornings o wm 0 3 4 50 6 70 6 Sourco: Pubic Survey. The Bich Group ‘+ The Jones Litxary’s General Cotection was the most widely vied service (878, clong with ‘he ntelxary Loan progiam (68%) Jones itary Series sed other Interitrery Loan Tex Forms ‘Communty Space Special Collections Burnett Gotery ics Room ES Uren help Programs Source: Pubic Suey, he Bkch Group {JONES MRA, INC. FH7FYODI LONG RANGEPLAN | 12 ‘Operations ‘© On ascole of I-5, where one i exiremely salted and ve I exlremely asafisied: Customer Serotee Satisfaction Jones Library Munson Memorial brary North Amberet Library (0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80H 90% 10086 21 2 43 u4 45 wDonol we Source: Puc Survey, The Brch Group ‘+The suvey examined the operations ofthe Jones library. Highlights ave as flows: Curbside Book Return 0% 50% 20% 30% 40% 5M HTH 80H 90% 10% “Mott important Very important Somewhal importa! «Notimpotant Source: Pbk Sve. he Bich Gr + naccordance wt he high atsfacton wih the Hoy tft, 36% of he respondents htcated tnt wl-ehectout wos nol mpertn, However. s7intcoted Tet hoy woud Uie 0 sel-checkou! MGURIEIBW stofing fo be atlocated ekewhere twoughout he trond Importance -ceckout 0% 1086 20% 30% 40-50 GOH 70% BOBO 100% Mos! important uVeryimportan! «Somewhat important uNot impectant Source: Pubic Suvoy, The Bich Coup JONES Lay, INC. aD7YRI LONG RANGEMLAN | 18 Use of Selfcheckout BYes No “No opinion Source: Pubic Survey. he Bich Group Narang rab ‘©The survey and focus goup respandenis indicated the need lor iprovernents fo the Jones Urary's marketing and publicly of services and programs. +The folowing are statics related to how patrons receive information regarding how they find out about Jones Library programs and services} ‘Marketing of Library Serotced/Programs other Newspaper TWand/or radio Ubrary sft Facebook Word of mouth iors round town, LUbrary website Fes in the forery oo Source: Pubic survey. he Bech Group A, INC FDI LONG RANGE LAN | 14 ifectivenessof Jones Library Marketing 0% 10% 20K AMMEN —ORK 7K ONO «100% i Bdromely well u Moderately well Nelther Nor u Moderately poor & Not at ll well Source: Pubic Survey, The Bich Group ‘+ Many residents are not awore of programs and many found the cuen! websile confusing {and not user fiend) “Technology ‘+ Many patrons ely on the Jones Ubrary fora great deat of ther fechnology needs ‘+ Asiniicant numberof survey tespandents rated access to pubic computers as important, followed by access fo copies, printers fax. scanners etc. wilh less emphasis placed on hhaving the lates fechnology and a multrmedia lab: Tecology Serotes ‘Mutrmedia tab owes! Tech |=Most Important WF &inlermet Very important Copier. printer, fx scanner, “sSomewhal Important otc: 14No! Important Pubic Computers 0% 20% 40% GON 009% 10086 Source: Pubic suvey, The Bech Goup JONES any, NC. PaD.FYARL LONG RANGEPLAN | 15 “Technology Inventory & Projections amar es To iE on Se cop “a 2 "3 a acer ‘ 2 2 ta {ibe coomnton Tee ‘ % 6 i 5 ie z ca a ina i i t : on ¢ nl ‘ $ Vie sca . ' : i ake vMN pasa MA ° wa Bea canto ‘ nA 3 nk Vis ot soulers/access points: a zs uy 2 Soa ores Tz WA Bae ‘wot Sacer 7 H : i rat tes t i t i en i t 1 1 tear i 1 z t 1 Gesion Got 1 WA 2 WA St pie Sao i WA z wk AV kropone Son Ayaeropone 1 nA 2 Nik iV ase en Suen 1 WA 2 WA arc aa _Honeiling System we we Ni ‘ Seneca an wk NA 7 wk Soneies [aoe makerspace equipment) we wa 2 pu aoe one ie wk NA 7 i ‘Oe Pon a a 2 7 Wigs commnicoion | yy wa | Nm \ Mis doves | ny a Z JONES LIBRARY INC. FIDO YAIDLLONG HANGEPLAN | 16 a a I] + Jones library Source of Funds Summary ace ane | FT| Wa] Fe ‘Adeat_| Aca actual | _Budget_| _ndget Town Appropriation —| Piaasatt | $i,e4i.209 | $1.49078 | $1741.09 | $1,760.55 | $1.008008 bar state Ald $530 are | $o60H | $40000|” 90000 Jones borne Seon | SHoaaae| —fareoar | gra | —Bam9.56 | $2AZ TIE Endowment Woodbury Fora ‘$uavs | —girazee | — yoasa0 | —$23000 | $2000 Bulag Expansion & 758] — $4e@0 | — $1588] — $5000] — 38007 Renovation Special Colectons $o001 | $6167 | — 2705 | $6000] $6000 TLAnustfond Dive | Fasano | gaia | —Siaser| —$u7.000,| —$7o000 | $7000 eplocernenifiost $509 38055] $225 $7,000 $7000 Soaks Jonas is" ‘iam | sz2076| —s1a000 | — Faas | siamo) H1ez00 Donation B00Ks Jones Fines! aia] slam] Fe] — sires sraDI0 ‘nation Programs) Gis, Grants, Fass] vases | gaTSer somos | $eKore| $02 Rasowes, He, Total “Paareast| sa.69es | $a5a7 ssi | $ave pes | GaaeT.on | sar wo nmhess. + During « focus group, members ofthe Boord of Tuslees developed the folowing sources of revenve increases, forthe Jones library fo meet its curent ond future needs: inal Reve Soares “Jones Library Badge Summary FT YTS + Incrder to moe! bseary services for the commurily,curen! levels of funding are insuticiot + Approximately 80% of the library's annual budget & appropriated through the Town of Future Endowment $10,000,000 “Annwel Fund $130,000 Friends $100,000 ‘Capial Campaign $10,000,000 Reduction in Energy Coals $25,000 JON LeARY, IN. PANTY LONG RANGE PLAN | 17 Organization Key 2 Blue —Hlected Officials ‘© Red-Frofessional Scckeaster': Degree in © Green - Profesional Scole/Ms © Yolow- Profesional Sealo/Non Mis 2 While - Non-Pofessional Scole/Unon Member © Purple -Non-Frofessional Scale/Union Member Peach - Non-Unian Seale a eee iaetolare or ee Fron sconcosnsisorsa paris brecer | onodkne Siesta gieclaen fc sche at Ta A. Conplel he Penning ended rt Bee | ccweerans on ea Tata [ang 7 eos ieee eee Se ar jet a rea nee — oa wa 5. fate schometes fee | ras ce Se plarvsok nani mapat atecpicuresotste | _fatees | ranzone 7._ndopender cs extol bee! Taser Traore et 1. spate Conducted reg Pe MOLE tae | wea ce ea Ra aN toe IRE a 2 eet scion erase Sisco [— tae SHE oar delgnond permission to apply for and accept grant funds Tn ey | TO ete eon trieegace instore mexcrresse® | oper | yar cere ching tea tna eee eet Peo loclonen sineed we ehiera tesa! ee mae —| a ee iensaat —“le = oy 7 tagn coreeten vt rena Testeos | ang pee Wah he Tow fo hae he Nar aha Lay Sronchmode handicapped aecexbie recior | ongoing 3 Wath he Tom ove Te bebo he Ta Navsihunedieay manrerorsechie aise | bieser | erasers sane Se Ta 1. compete chert Bee | semmerz15 St Fa eaeed oor PCS site —|[raaors 3 San ae fae ae — €. Complete Duron eee Terao Sat Diector stat | noon ‘nro ond promote CTech, pin wel pas stat | _ Analy table and promole pega and saves Stait_—| anna ‘Complete an oper hous sd Drocier—| —FY2017 Work wih C/W MARS fo improve IS Sotwore Drecter | onesine Dale and preserve appropri colectons win — Special Collections acl Onacing 7 Calor lh tr Ba RGA a and dveational entios neldng In Arie schow vieciee | Gagan Sloe Ine Anos provement Ose! (BD), the | Stat eng rho Area Chamber of Commerce Drecior Stott Sneaina, Tso 1A. Conde annalievew oral Brecter | Annvoty ‘stat B._Encoulage colaboration between Library Departments | PKECI" | ongoing Revie cresting balweon Ub Daparimonts Statl_—| —Ongana ©. Rove spent king Biector | onacing Provide ome opportuni forlechologcalvoring | —Tustoos , _and staff development Director Ongsing 7 Fatcatein the Town Managors lf achievement recognition plan Ongoing Tsteor Brecier | Ongeing stat ‘A rome brary senisexfpoarors ving socal moda | — Biacior : _as well as newspapers and radio Stott Ongoing 5 Engoge polar in mor ue erly ananerocve Engoge stot! | Ongoing Teer . Atlend mre comunity events representing he Tass ee na 3 Stott D-Bepand he Homaboond Frogram Stal_—| nga Tasos §. Ineroie outooch nora wes by rang the oi Urey protien the commmnly Drocior | Onaning F._ Increase opporuniies for group visisand library fous | PESSIE® | ongoing ‘Expand nda ough he Town of Amer — appropriations, the library's Annual Fund, Capital Fund, Brector ‘Ongol Planned Giving program, Sammys and new innovative al na A tees eaedtow apnomretowrcteene | prectr | Onasina 2. vce analimprve the Arnel nd melas Tysiees | one Bogie Copal compan tatoos —| Sommer 075 ons A, ING NERD LONG RANGE AN 29 Tulees ©. Re-slablin oPlamed Giving progam Greco | summer 2015 Si Tess €. fatale and inprove he Semen Greco | Ongoing sa Tree f. Research and ciecenmovolve indng sources Drecr | onacina Sia 6. pane crprat donations Tatoos | ongoing aes 14. Support he end fhe Jones bey yom Drecr | ongcing St Tonos 1. Advocate frincreated Sot Ad wih agit Brest | Ongoing st Oe an promt ho ef Wae-cihe-a Technologies | —Brector | Grog to both stat and patrons. Staff going A toate on Ann Tecnology Fon Bree | valet B. Request ational Town eaten Tochnsogy WV | — fasts | waseraons coe recor Tana! 6. flantr th sain of aco Frequency alee Identification (RFD) technology oer core Tuner ©, Planforiheistalaon ofan Automated Motes Renaing Stem Dect | Ongoing 7 Hane rir hry rough prerewlon and recto" | ongon promotion of the Special Collections. Stott sentinel Areas Speck cotecion alia St Ongoing 8. Promote Special Colecton Deparment BrecirTongoing Cokie dill acces fo Special Catocton malas | — st —| —Onaoi D~Contne paca the Spuci Calecion coloctons_| sgt | ~Oneon * ‘eaieeoaness sang maaan see esa {ONS UMAR, INC. FaNTFYBMLTONG RANGERLAN | 21

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