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Statement of Purpose Craig Reeves

Statement of Purpose
Its a rare thing to find someone who knew immediately their life aspirations
were. Early high school I knew that I was interested in the human being, and more
importantly what made each person unique. Learning that a persons entire genome was
mapped out, and the knowledge DNA could be understood was a changing point in my
life and I knew at that moment I wanted to devote my life to pursuing the knowledge of
genetics and hopefully be able to contribute a major scientific advancement that would
change and benefit mankind. With this knowledge in mind, I know UC Berkeley will be
the best intellectual fit for me because I have laboratory experience, a field of study that
would be approved, and clear defined goals that would be supported.
I have contributed to the research of many varied labs and have been in numerous
biotech, cellular biology and microbiology classes that contributed to my knowledge of
genetics. In high school I was accepted to be part of a select group that was introduced to
gel electrophoresis. For this work students were allowed to learn the proper way to set up
and run a gel electrophresis in addition to collecting genetic samples from cells, selecting
for certain DNA, and testing for the sought after Alu sequence. We then compiled our
data, learned how to read it and what it meant, and sent it the central company for later
In a summer program DNA alterations which I was accepted into while in my
second year of junior college we worked with different strains of bacteria, Escherichia
coli, and used different enzymes, HINDI and BAMIII, to lyse the DNA. We then attached
a different section of the plasmid DNA from a strain that was targeted because it had a
certain resistance to an antibiotic, ampicilin. By doing this we effectively created bacteria
that was resistant to certain kinds of antibiotics, proving DNA could be manipulated and
this process could later help humans and potentially cure inherited genetic diseases.
When I think of all the different and vast areas I could delve into for research in
genetics I am drawn to some of the interesting and compelling studies that I know many
researchers are already undergoing. I remember reading a study that the Miller lab was
monitoring how tiny genetic changes that organisms undergo actually propel phenotypic
evolution. This excites me as it combines two ideas that I am captivated by. Both genetics
and evolution have been centers for thought and inspiration throughout my life. I believe
I could conduct some intriguing research on the evolution of the human brain beginning
from the last common ancestor, and see how the genetic structure of the human make-up
has changed. Using this I could postulate how humans could potentially find sections of
their genetics that code for inherited diseases, which evolved from the split from earlier
ancestors and how our code changed in a way that theirs did not. In finding these
differences it might be possible to limit the areas of study for these disease origins and
where to find potential cures.
The Harland lab also inspired me with interesting ideas studying the pathway that
specifies the spinal cord and future brain of a certain species Xenopus laevis. They also
have mapped out a section of the genome of the species as well to further research. I
think these are novel ideas that could have some practical uses in modern society, like
examining the process similarities to that of humans.

Statement of Purpose Craig Reeves

I likewise imagine many original ideas that involve using controllable strains of
bacteria to promote human living. If using genetics we could alter a bacterias genetic
structure to use the mountains of refuse humans make it would both be a boon to life, and
produce a monetary wise solution to many modern issues. That is not to discount the
other ideas that affect altering bacteria to fight diseases or produce better crops could
have to help humanity.
After I conduct my research, I will get my Masters degree in the field of biology
or biotech I see a number of potential options I can go to from there. I have researched
the job of a genetic counselor, one who tests patients and help educate people about their
potential genetic risks. I think that if I needed to I could finish there and be both happy
and help fulfill my goal of promoting and helping out mankind. What I truly hope to be
able to do however is continue on and get a Ph.D. From there I will find a company,
school, or other private sector that will allow me to research hot to manipulate genetics of
bacteria or smaller organisms and use that to help people. I know I want to use genetics to
alter the path of mankind for the best.
I recognize UC Berkeley is the correct intellectual choice because what Berkeley
provides other schools never could. Firstly Berkeley provides new challenges, such as
starting in a foreign location holding different people to mingle with whom are more
insightful and mature than other schools. Additionally it holds a pronounced and
scientific advanced nature with highly technical labs. These labs are far beyond other
schools. I also understand that Berkeley provides specialties that emphasize stimulating
and contemplative biological research. This research compelled further interest and the
further I delved into the esteemed Berkeley it became clear that no competitor could avail
me the intellectual adventure or mentorship that Berkeley promises.
Overall I believe I am completely qualified to attend the Berkeley graduate
program. I participated in labs and experiments in the use and altering of genetics and
gained experience with the proper lab technique and research needed in higher studies. I
proved that not only am I a driven and optimistic human being, I have goals that are both
not only achievable, but would benefit humanity beyond all real measure if and when
successful. I may not have always known what I was meant to do in life, but once the
idea of genetics and its potential was introduced to me, I knew that was my future, and
have worked diligently towards becoming the intelligent and upstanding person I hope to
participate in a graduate study at Berkeley would be the next step on my journey.

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