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Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 1 Spring 2015

MB0038 - Management Process and Organizational Behaviour
Q1. Explain the concept of Management. Discuss the importance of Management.
Answer: Management is an art of getting things done through and with people in formally
organised groups. It is an art of creating an environment in which people can perform as
individuals and can cooperate towards the attainment of group goals

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Q2. Discuss the steps involved in the Planning process.
Answer: The steps involved in the Planning process:
Being aware of opportunities
Establishing objectives
Developing premises
Determining alternative courses
Evaluating alternative courses
Selecting a course
Formulating plans
Qualifying plans by budgeting

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Q3. What do you mean by Control? Explain the pre-requisites of an effective Control system.
Answer: Controlling is a systematic exercise which is called as a process of checking actual
performance against the standards or plans with a view to ensure adequate progress and also
recording such experience as is gained as a contribution
to possible future needs...

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Q4. Discuss the concept of a Group. Explain the purpose of a Group. Discuss the types of Formal
Answer: A group is based on the concept of synergy to attain the goal. By synergy we mean
that the sum total of the output by the individual members are collectively surpassed by the
group and this happens because of its ability to create better input (ideas) and work practices
that cover the deficiencies of each otherGet complete Answers on

Q5. Discuss any ten characteristics of an Effective team.

Answer: The following are the seventeen characteristics that make an effective team:
Clear purpose, Consensus decision making, Learning environment,
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Q6. Write short notes on the following:
a) Golemans Model of Emotional Intelligence
b) Fielders Contingency Model of Leadership

Answer: Daniel Goleman and the Hay Group have identified a set of competencies that
differentiate individuals with EI. The competencies fall into four clusters:
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