Gummy Bear Sacrifice

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Name: ______________________________

Gummy Bear Sacrifice:

In this demo, I add a gummy bear, made of glucose mainly, into
a melted solution of potassium chlorate (KClO4). By doing this, I
am breaking the bonds in the sugar (glucose) molecules of the
gummy bear.

What form of energy do the glucose bonds of the gummy bear have before I break
them? (Hint: Its not just potential energy) ______________________________

Prediction What do you think will happen? Be specific! (i.e. a change of energy is
not good enough!)

What form of energy did the gummy bear have after I added it to the melted
solution? ____________________________

Whoosh Bottle Explosion:

In this demo, I add ethanol into an empty 5 gallon jug of water, let the
ethanol evaporate naturally and trap the ethanol fumes inside the bottle. I
then decant the ethanol that hasnt evaporated and ignite the fumes left
inside. By doing this, I am combusting the ethanol and breaking the carbon
chemical bonds in it.
What form of energy do the carbon bonds of ethanol have before I ignite them?
(Hint: Its not just potential energy) ______________________________

Prediction What do you think will happen? Be specific! (i.e. a change of energy is
not good enough!)

Name: ______________________________
What form of energy did the ethanol have after I added it to the melted solution?

Analysis Questions

If the 0.0045 kg gummy bear exploded and let out its heat and light at a speed of
25.5 m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the gummy bear after the explosion?

If the whoosh bottle was tipped onto its side, thereby allowing it to shoot
sideways, contained 3.00 kg of gas and had potential energy (Ep) in the form of
chemical bonds equal to 30.05 Joules, what would the velocity of the bottle be as it
shoots sideways? Assume that 100% energy transfer happens here (even though
this is completely impossible). (Hint: remember the law of conservation of energy).

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