Educ 201 Philosophy Statement

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Philosophy Statement
Daphne Martin
EDUC 201
Foundations of Education
Instructor: Egbert

Philosophy Statement


Philosophy Statement 2

Philosophy Statement
In a classroom environment, there are many variables that influence and contribute
to learning. When creating and implementing a learning environment, it is imperative that the
teachers not only create a setting that promotes learning, but also take the time to understand
each child. Classrooms are widely diverse and complex. Students learn differently and are
at various developmental levels. Teachers who properly manage their classrooms and establish
expectations will be able to incorporate diverse teaching philosophies and create an excellent
learning environment for each student. It is important that teachers create a learning
environment that encourages students to do their best and makes learning interesting.
The philosophies in the book that best describes my personality are cognitivism and
constructivism. There are aspects within those philosophies that are pertinent such as being
concerned with the process of learning rather than the end product. Also children should be
encouraged to learn from each other and it is important to provide multiple opportunities for
small group activities.
According to my philosophical beliefs all schools should teach students to be interactive,
building on what the student already knows and then allow them to adapt. This would allow the
students to ask questions, develop answers and interact and interpret the environment. The
cognitivism and constructivism philosophies state that the learner actively constructs his or her
own understandings of reality through acting upon and reflecting on experiences in the world.
When something new occurs and it doesnt fit into the students previous learning, the student
actively strives to learn and restore balance.
The teachers role is to maintain a proper balance between actively guiding the child
and allowing opportunities for them to explore things on their own to learn through


Philosophy Statement 3

discovery. Teachers should act as guides to children's learning processes and the curriculum
should be adapted to individual needs and developmental levels. Teachers also rely on openended questions to encourage discussion among students and stresses hand-on problem solving.
I learn best by being actively involved in a lesson with hand-on problem solving or group
discussions where I can build on prior knowledge and be able to make sense of new knowledge.
Subject material should be taught using group discussions, student- teacher collaboration, some
lecturing and student involvement. This should be partially decided by the student, due to their
interests and partially by the teacher, due to his/her curriculum. This is stated in the cognitivism
and constructivism philosophies.
A philosophy is important because it makes teachers explore and get to know individual
students needs, being able to develop a curriculum best suited for the student. Therefore,
cognitivism and constructivism philosophies, or certain aspects of several are important to the
governance of my life.

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