Math Final Draft

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Esquivel 1

Esquivel Felipe
LBS 400
April 28, 2015
Math Reflection
In order to teach mathematics in elementary grades I will have to relearn subtracting,
adding, and basic number sense. I will have to be able to solve word problems and applying
basic math methods such as adding and subtracting. Also, another topic mention in the Common
Core standards and framework is geometry. Geometry includes identifying basic shapes
transitioning into using shapes to find area and perimeter. Some other topics mention in the
Common Core standards are fractions, and statistics.
My math classes at Cal State University of Dominguez Hills, has prepare me to teach
Mathematics. MAT 107 and 207, has taught me number sense and geometry. Both of these
classes requires you to be able to break down each problem and know why each problem is
breakable into steps. Being able to break down each problem will help me as a teacher know how
to teach the students step by step. At my fieldwork, by experiencing how the teacher taught math
and how students understand, has given me a head start to be able to plan ahead for my lesson
Personally, I feel more comfortable teaching geometry. I have always been able to
understand how and why geometry works. I have received much more knowledge and content in
MAT 207 and as a student teacher observing master teacher. Having taken MAT 207, I am know
able to break down each geometry problem and explain each step. Overall, geometry will be one
of my strongest content areas while teaching math.

Esquivel 2
The content area I feel less prepare in would be fractions. Fractions were not mentioned
in full detail during my math courses at Dominguez Hills. Fractions is a topic that most students
struggle in and as a teacher I will be pressure to be able to teach it. I must be able to break down
fractions and know how to explain step by step. In order to prepare for fraction, I will have to use
resources available for me, such as Khan academy. Khan Academy is a free website for teacher
to learn math and get helpful tips with teaching math.
Some artifacts dealing with Math that I will share will be work samples from students
that I thought during this semester on Saturdays. I was a student teacher at Orchard Academy in
Bell. I was given the task to teach students how to add expressions dealing with variables and
exponents. Students built a dream house using algebra tiles. At the end the student was required
to find the perimeter by adding common terms. These work samples demonstrates my ability to
effectively teach students algebra and shows student progress. At first these students did not
know how to combine like terms. After 6 weeks of teaching like terms and transitioning into
algebra tiles, students were now able to combine like terms dealing with units, variables, and

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