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Felipe Esquivel

LBS 400
March 18, 2015
Science Notetaking
After reading the Grade 3 standards for science, Appendix D, Appendix
G, and Appendix F I will need to know organisms, molecules, the interactions,
energy and dynamics of ecosystems. Also, heredity: inheritance and
variation of traits, biological evolution: unity and diversity, Earths systems,
earth and human activity, motion and stability: forces and interactions, and
engineering design. These are the less I will be covering with Grade 3
science. Although, their is much more than learning just the lessons in order
to teach the students. As a teacher we must be able to maintain classroom
management and our teaching must be compatible for every student. In
Appendix D, it gives us research information on how to ensure the NGSS are
accessible to all students. Also, it is very importantly we know the
framework because it essential for all students to learn by eight different
practices. Does eight practices include student asking questions, developing
and using models, planning and carrying out investigations, analyze data,
use mathematical thinking, construct explanation, engage in argument from
evidence, and students must be able to obtain, evaluate, and communicate
information. The last piece of knowledge needed is seven crosscutting
concepts that bridge disciplinary boundaries, uniting core ideas throughout
the fields of engineering and science. With the purpose of students deepen

their understanding of the disciplinary core ideas, and develop a coherent

and scientifically based view of the world. So, not only must we know the
content of the lessons, but also the appendixes to ensure that all students
are learning.
During my undergraduate study with the major of Liberal Studies, I
have been prepared to teach science by knowing the basic content of each
of the topic of the lessons in elementary. In SMT 416, we were required to
learn the geography of the earth, which includes most of the content in
Grade 3 relating to earths and human impact, and also earths systems. In
Physics 300 we learned about motion and stability: forces and interactions,
and engineering design which are included in Grade 3 sciences. The
requirements for Liberal Studies prepare us to teach Science and every
subject an elementary student is required to learn.
Motion and stability and engineering design is the area of science I am
more prepare on teaching. Having taken a rigorous Physics class and a basic
Physics class has given me the proper knowledge to effectively teach this
area. Not only would I be able to each this area of science that includes
Physics, but I will also have many different projects available to do with the
students. Having been part of many fun projects group in Physics I have gain
the expertise to perform projects with the students.
The area I am less prepared would be the Earths sciences section that
includes earths systems and human impact on earth. Having taken the class
during summer, I feel I did not gain the same knowledge of content I would

have had gain if I would have taken it during the fall or spring semester.
During the summer we briefly went over each topic under earth sciences
compared to going into deeply research of the different aspects of the earth.
Thankfully, the documents given to us beforehand are very descriptive about
what students are required to learn which provides the teacher to relearn the
necessary content.
I plan to share artifacts and work samples from my SMT 416 class and
PHY 300 class. In SMT 416 we did a variety of projects that shows the
difference between the different geographies of the earth. Also, in Physics
300 we did a couple of lab worksheets that shows different information that
an elementary student would also be able to do but in more basic context.
The work samples demonstrate my knowledge in science by being able
to identify different aspects in Earth Sciences. Not only demonstrate my
ability to identify but also be able to start from scratch and come up with a
concrete explanation about why and how earth has different geographies.
The work samples connect to my learning of science by showing how I make
an hypothesis at the beginning of each lab worksheet and at the end be able
to supported with evidence gained throughout the experiment.

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