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Society of Student Social

Workers (SSSW)
(April 13, 2015)

The regular meeting of the Society of Student Social Workers was
called to order at 10:12 on April 13, 2015 at FSU Panama City
Campus in SGC Conference Room.

Sonia Pham, Angela Marnett, JT Kinnear, Chelsie Braden, Regina
Graham, and Ryan Beidelman

Toga Party Event:
party event as

Angela, Gina and So attended the toga

volunteers and participants.


Confirmed use of ANS fees for food.

Confirmed time of Banquet on April

25, 2015 at 6:00pm

Confirmed a marble cake for banquet with
white butter cream icing decorated with FSU


SSSW members helping with the banquet are

to be there on April 25th at 5:00pm for
preparation and setup.
Members are made aware that Mrs. Shaheen
and Mrs. Calohan will be attending

We are still in need of speakers for the

Members discussed bulletin and music.
SSSW members voted in favor of the
following: Graduates are allowed one guest to
attend banquet free of charge. For any
additional guests, there will be a $5.00 flat fee
at the door.
SSSW members who are volunteering for
Banquet, but not graduating, are not to bring
Members discussed awards speech.
Cake will be ordered by Allison
There is $540.00 of ANS Fees for food
SSSW will need to use $266.00 from offcampus funds for awards
Need roughly $110.00 for honor chords
Gina and Dr. Goldman are to sign checks for
honor chords and awards.
SSSW will use 5 star trophies and awards for
banquet awards
Allison confirmed that banquet flyer was sent
to masters students and that one had RSVP.
Allison states that someone needs to meet
with Ms. Pat at faculty office and get the key
from her to closet with decorations.

Regina and Angela volunteer to come in early
for banquet set up.
Members discuss doing a bake sale to raise


Topic Heading

SSSW members voted in favor of charging a

$5.00 door fee for additional guest.

*** Meeting called to close at 10:59 am by Angela and was

seconded by Gina.
Next Meeting will be May 18, 2015.

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