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Benito Mussolini

By Ian Kligman

Early Life
Mussolini was born in Dovia di Predappio, Italy.
His father was a socialist, who is said to have
influenced Benito's political decisions.
His Fathers Political views
combined anarchy,
military authoritarianism, and

Childlife and School

As a young boy, Benito was known to be a bully
to other kids. At 8 he was sent to boarding
school. His behavior just got worse. In 1894 he
was expelled from boarding school for stabbing
another student with a pocket knife.

Avoiding Military Involvement

In his 20s, Mussolini Emigrated to Switzerland
To avoid military service. While in Italy he had
difficulty finding a job. He studied Philosophy
during this time. But eventually he was sent
back to Italy for falsifying his papers.

Before Fascism
Up until Mussolini's rise to power creation of
the National Fascist Party, He was a political
journalist and a Member of the Italian Socialist
Party. He also served in WW1 as an italian

Mussolini's Rise to power

Benito adopted fascist ideas and soon was a
leading proponent in the fascist community. He
then became prime minister in 1922. He now
controlled a vast portion of Italys military
power. With this, Italy took over a lot of territory
in the mediterranean.

Mussolinis Downfall
With a new hunger for military control, he
advanced in the mediterranean and supported
Hitler's attacks until he exhausted his armed
forces in the late 1930s. He then used hitler as
a crutch until the German surrender in Italy in

Mussolini's death
In the last days of the war in Italy, Mussolini
tried to flee from the advancing Allied Army.
Partisans found him in the back of a truck
wearing ragged clothing. He was taken prisoner
and the partisan leaders decided to execute
him and several other fascists. Their bodies,
beaten terribly, were hung at a gas station, for
all to see.

Definition: An authoritarian and nationalistic
right-wing system of government and social
organization. Often revolved around
totalitarianism and authoritarianism.

Definition: A political theory derived from Karl
Marx, advocating class war and leading to a
society in which all property is publicly owned
and each person works and is paid according
to their abilities and needs.


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