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Midterm Project - Part 3 Campaign Recommendations

To: Candidate Smith
From: Marlinda Cam, Campaign Consultant
Date: April 17, 2015
Re: Smith Campaign
For the 2012 campaign, there was political commercials that were used for
both Romney and Obama. Beginning with Obama, there was one of his
political commercial that he created called, For All where in the background
you are able to hear the Pledge of Allegiance Anthem that they used to
represent our nation. As you hear the Pledge of Allegiance Anthem playing in
the background at the same time you are able to hear the different voices of
multiple races saying words that what they believe America represented to
them. All these words are very meaningful and some examples would be
hope, freedom, and much more that would symbolize what each individual
view America to be. Just being able to observe from this video of Obama you
are able to see that he wants individuals to be able to understand the
message or meaning of why he is making these political commercials. The
maker of this commercials wants us to realize that as citizens of this nation
we are able to have the right to make a choice. And from these choices
everyone deserves to be treated fairly and equal. I am able to think in this
perspective because, then throughout the video they mainly used people of
different races. These people all have different ways of how they interpret
everything. With these different beliefs they could come together and try to
make a difference in society. From this commercial, at the end you are able
to see the message Obama wants us to realize that we could move forward
and create better opportunities and even better chances for our community.
For the second political commercial of Obama called, Our Voice this would
be where the celebrity Jay Z talks about what he believes in. For instance,
how he describes that everyone has a right to say what they believe in. But,
its just that at certain times we forget we have that certain right.
Throughout the video, you could see some kids who are poor and they
believe that by supporting Obama he could be able to help them in their
situation. From this video, Jay Z describes how people have lost all their hope
and confidence to say what they believe is right. Because, they believe that
their words or actions wouldnt change anything about the problem. Jay Z
believes that by supporting Obama he would be able to help us reach our
goals and be the important figure that helps us find the power of our voice.
He also describes that everyone should exercise their voice because, by
using our voice we could make a difference in society. Being able to
communicate with others in our community each day makes us realize
everything that happens in society each day. The creators of this commercial

wants us to see that everyone has a voice and that we deserve to use our
voice to say what we believe is the right things to say or do. Communication
is key when coming together with everyone to be able to make better
changes that would be able to help the society. From the commercial, you are
able to tell what the message they are trying to make you realize. But, this
commercial doesnt seem as effective as the the other video called, For All.
Their message of this commercial is clear and makes people realize that
each individual have a voice that they should use.
In addition, with this 2012 campaign there is Romney also who created
commercials that was used to advertise for this campaign. One of his few
commercial would be, Who will do more? In the beginning of this video, it
reveals the multiple cars that would be stuck in traffic. Which is relatable to
what something would happen everyday in life. This certain commercial
describes that Romney would be able to make changes to the auto industry
than Obama can ever. From this video, it didnt show all the multiple races
like Obamas video did, but instead just white people. They used people that
they feel could fit into what they are describing throughout the video. From
this commercial, it seems as though it was mostly describing certain
achievements that Romney had done. But then, at the sametime in the
background you could be able to hear a guy describing the negative things
about Obama. It seems as though they are trying to describe all the positive
achievements that Mitt Romney have done and just creating multiple
statements about Obama and trying to create a negative image of him. This
advertisement wants viewers to think that Mitt Romney would be a better
leader and helping them than Obama would be able to. Creators of this
commercial wants individuals to believe that Mitt Romney would be a better
President than Obama and Romney would be able to make huge changes in
society. This commercial I felt wasnt as effective as Obamas commercials.
Mostly because, they didnt use all different races in the video and not only
that. There was also parts where they said they could be able to improve the
auto industry. But, instead of just focusing on the auto industry it would be
best to help people who are in need first. Helping the auto industry might not
be as effective with certain individuals who cant afford to even own one.
There was also another political commercial of Mitt Romney, called The
Moment. From this political commercial, you could be able to hear Mitt
Romneys voice in the background as he talk about his thoughts and what he
believes in. For this video, it shows multiple races in the video for example
with these individuals in his commercial he wants to see different changes
that could be made. In this video, as he talk in the background he just
doesnt want everyone to think that its just an ordinary campaign. Where it
would be the liberals who would be up against the conservatives. Mitt
Romney believes that America is a strong nation and that since the past
years have been a horrible experience. In the future, he could be able to
make improvements and help these individuals to make improvements in

their community. From what Mitt Romney believes, from his perspective he
thinks that everyone is the same since they believe in America and that
there would be better improvements in the future. Romney says that its best
to look in the future rather than looking back into the past. Because look into
the future would be a better opportunity for improvements. He believes that
both Democrats and Republicans would do anything to help the society.
Romney describes just how much he cares for America and that he really
wants to help everyone. Just from this commercial, I could tell that Romney
wants us to be able to see that it is now that its the right moment to be able
to keep America in shape and making improvements rather than sticking to
the past. He wants people to trust him and that there will be opportunities
that he will be able to offer everyone.
Also, with Obamas political commercials and Mitt Romneys commercial you
could tell the difference between them. And how Obamas political
commercials were much more meaningful than Mitt Romneys because,
Obama added the Pledge of Allegiance which is an Anthem that is important
in America. Telling us that when we come together as a nation we can try to
make a difference in society if we feel there should be changes that need to
be made. There were differences between Mitt Romneys political
commercial and Obamas for instance, how Obama seems to use images of
the people because, he knows their struggles that they are going through.
While, for Mitt Romney he doesnt talk about how he would be able to help
the people of the community. But, instead he describes how he could help
the auto industry and helping the auto industry is good. But then, it wouldnt
make much a difference if some of us cant afford to have one. Both Obama
and Mitt Romney have different solutions in getting the peoples trust. But,
most often it is usually is the one that moves the people the most.
The two swing states that I chose would be Colorado and North Carolina. For
Colorado, their Median household income would be during the year 2015 it
was around $58,433. Which, included the people below poverty that was
around the years 2009-2013 and it was about 13.2%. They also had different
types of household these households would include In married couple family
that was around 61% while, for the others it would be around 36.7%. For the
education of Colorado, there were information about the post secondary
education that included the secondary education. For the less than high
school graduate it would be around 9.8%. While, for the high school
graduate was even higher that was around 22.1%. As for the college
students, this would be at least some years of college or an associates
degree that would be about 31%. For the Bachelors degree it would be
around 23.6% which is pretty good. Lastly, would be the graduate or
professional degree that would be 13.4%. As for the population of ethnicity
and their race it would include the whites that would be around year 2013,

84%. Then, the Black or African American the percentage would be around
4%. American Native or Alaska Native would be 1% which isnt as much. The
asian population would be around 2.8% out of the whole population of
Colorado. Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander would be about 0.1% and two
or more races would be about 3.4%. The other races would include 4.7%
then, the Hispanic or Latino would be 20.8%. As for the whiles only not
Hispanic or Latino it would usually be around 69.7%. The age and gender
portion would be for the year 2012, ages 2034 would be 28.4%. Then, the
age group 35-54 would be 14.3%. And the other age group, would be 55-69
this would be 12.1%. Last age group, around 70+ it would be 11.4%.
As for North Carolina, during the year 2009-2013 their Median household
income would be $46,344. The people below poverty level would be the
years also between 2009- 2013 17.5%. Then, for the education the less than
High School Graduate would be 17%. The High School graduate would be
around 29.1%. As for the some college or even associates degree it would
be 45.4%. The The Bachelor's degree would be also around this percentage
of 45.4%. The ethnicity or race of North Carolina would be the Whites would
be around 71.7% for the year 2013. As for the Black or African American the
percentage would be around 22%. Then, the American Indian or Alaska
Native would be 1.6%. As for Native Hawaiian or others would be around
0.1%. With two or more races it would be around 2%. The Hispanic or Latino
percentage would be around 8.9%. The white percentage would be around
64.4% for North Carolina. Moving forward to the age and gender portion or
section. Would be that ages 20-34 the percentage would be around 40.6%.
Then, there would be the second age group that is the 35-54 this would be
around 27.8%. The other age group would be 55-69 and the percentages of
this would be 16.6%. The last age group would be the 70+ or even older that
would be between 8.9%.
Both Colorado and North Carolina have differences to them. And from these
two swing states it could make a huge difference when coming to voting for
a President. Because, not everyone realizes, but these certain states could
make a huge difference when it comes to voting. That is why most often,
Presidents pay attention to these states just in case in the future they might
need help from these states when they need certain amount of support.
Colorado seems to be in the Republican side. While, for North Carolina it
seems to be more on the Democratic side of the party. Its interesting to see
that both of these states have certain different amount of differences to
them by their income, their population, education, and much more. But,

comparing and contrasting between these two swing states you would get a
better idea of why they can make a difference when it comes to voting.
In addition, for the discussions that we had concerning Obamas and Mitt
Romneys media campaign there were a variety of information. The article
that I did was called, How Campaigns Amass Your personal information To
Deliver Tailored Political Ads. From this article, it would talk about the
different advertisements that would show up as we browse through the
internet. Most often, these these advertisements arent at random, but
usually based on the information that they collect on each individuals. As
they collect these information of ours they would be able to tell our voting
behaviour. For instance, who would we most likely vote for and that way they
would be able to have plans that would be able to get us to vote. A company
like Aristotle is the source provider for these candidates that could provide
basic information for them. Information like our name, gender, race, and
where we live could help these candidates figure out ways to get us to vote.
They have many different plans and ideas on getting individuals to vote, but
this would be one of the few plans that they have and in the end they find it
to be very successful for them. Its a crazy idea that they are able to track all
our information online and our hobbies that we like. Its interesting how just
basic information of ours is very useful to them and what they could be able
to use those information for.
In conclusion, its nice and convenient to know the process and methods that
these candidates use to get everyone to vote. For example, the political
commercials that they use seem to be quite useful. And with these
commercials they try to target a certain group of people that would support
them. Then, with the swing states they could be able to use for their process
of becoming elected. These swing states could be able to make a huge
difference when determining who would be elected if that would be their only
solution that they could turn to. Then, there would be the Obama and
Romneys media campaign tactics that they use on individuals. Mostly online
where they track basic information of individuals and use these information
to get people to be able to vote. These information of ours is very useful for
them and could come in handy for them in the future. With all these different
plans that these candidates use it gave me a better picture of the kind of
process they would use to get everyone to support them. It would seem
difficult because you would have to be convincing as a candidate and willing
to help everyone if you are considered the public figure of the states.

Chicago Citations
Obamas Political Ads:
"For All. Youtube. Youtube Video. Accessed April 4, 2015.
"Our Voice. Youtube. Youtube Video. Accessed April 5, 2015.
Mitt Romneys Political Ads:
"Who will do more?. Youtube. Youtube Video. Accessed April 5, 2015."
"The Moment. Youtube. Youtube Video. Accessed April 6, 2015."
U.S. Bureau of the Census. American Factfinder. online. 2009-2013. Census
Bureau. Available: [8 Apr.
U.S. Bureau of the Census. American Factfinder. online. 2009-2013. Census
Bureau. Available:
src=CF [10 Apr. 2015].
U.S. Bureau of the Census. State and County Quickfacts. online. March 31,
2015. Census Bureau. Available: [10 Apr. 2015].
"How Campaigns Amass Your Personal Information to Deliver Tailored Political
Ads. PBS. PBS Video. Accessed April 9, 2015."

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