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History Reflection Questions

After reading from the History-Social Science framework, I will need to know a complex
of important events. It primarily depends on what grade I will have to teach. They start in
kindergarten by learning how to work together. During grade one they develop social skills and
responsibilities. They are aware of cultural diversity. In grade three, they learn about there local
history. The most important history stage during elementary would be considered fourth grade. In
fourth grade, students learn about the state of California. California history includes the missions,
gold rush, railroads, population growth, exploration and colonial history, the physical setting, and
modern California. It is a complex history of California. In grade five they transition into the
history of the entire country of the United States.
The study of history is set to enable students to appreciate how ideas, events, and
individuals have intersected to produce change over time as well as to recognize the conditions
and forces that maintain continuity within human society. Students will be able to respect the
right of others. Students will be more active in taking roles as citizens and know how to work for
change in a democratic. So, it is very important as a teacher to teach students history effectively
to have students gain these important goals while studying history.
Thanks to my LBS 375 with Kim Trimble I am prepared to teach history in the
elementary setting. We learn everything about California. We started from Pre-Columbian all
through modern California. We emphasize in the missions of California, which are set to be
taught during fourth grade. We also emphasize on local history of Los Angeles and the
Dominguez family. We got tested on the geography of the state and the importance of significant
events that occurred after the colonization. History should not be a factor to me after taking Kim
Trimble for LBS 375 and History being one of my favorite subjects.
Although, in the area of World history I will feel less prepared. I have taken several of
history classes that deals with world history such as HIS 120, HUM 314, and others but I feel
that since world history is so broad I would not know what the state requires the teacher to teach
since they have set curricula for each subject.
I plan to share some of the geographical maps that we were required to do in LBS 375.
The geographical map illustrates how California has a little of everything and how our rich
geographical setting created this wonderful state. Also, I will share one of the radio recordings
we were required to record as a group. This recording was suppose to be a radio interview
talking about an important event that took place during early 19th century when radio was one of
the two only new source available to the public.

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