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21st Century Skills

Reflection and Grade Defense

21st Century Skills is the broadest and most general standard with lots of sub-criteria.
However, I have still managed to improve in every single point especially collaboration (21st
century skills collaboration #3). I was able to invent a variety of things including a well thought
out story and a unique character. I also demonstrated by ability of self-direction by coming to LA
everyday prepared and having had my HW done. My collaboration improved the most because I
started talking and participating is discussions (especially Socratic Seminars) much more often.
My critical reasoning improved a lot too because I started proposing points that were never
thought about before (Socratic seminars). Finally, I was able to demonstrate my ability of
information literacy by comparing and contrasting Hurstons life to Janies life in TEWWG.
Because of all the criteria above, I believe I deserve an A. I improved greatly in 3/5
criteria and improved slightly in the other two. I was also able to demonstrate this through
mastery of Socratic seminars and many pieces of writing (check eportfolio for writing).
Future Goals
The biggest area of improvement I need to work on is my ability of invention. All the
other categories were very strong by the end of the semester, but I feel like I still need more
practice with inventing things even though we still had lots of practice. Therefore, my goal for
next year is to create a sequence of events that are both interesting and believable even though it
may be fake.

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