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Mothers Day

10 May 2015
Pastor Art Brammer, Tay Street Baptist Church

Made in the image of God Gen 1:26-27; 2:18, 20-24

The maternal love that God put within a mothers heart is His love.
The Christian husband understands that his wife is wired differently than him
for Gods purposes.
Example: Priscilla (Acts 18:26)

Optimistic heart Luke 15

Some women have seen their daughters head away from home into morally and
spiritually dangerous territory.
Example: Rebekah (Gen 28:3-4)

Teaching children spiritual things 2 Tim 1:5; 3:14-15

Every mother does many things for their children, one thing is vital training
them in the Bible.
Example: Jochebed (Heb 11:24-26)

Housekeepers Titus 2:5

Women are to be the guard of a home, one who makes sure the home is what it
should be.
Example: Sarah (Gen 21:12)

Endless attention to needs Is 49:15

A stressed out mother may forget her child; a nursing mother is less likely to
forget her child; God will never forget His own.
Example: Paul (1 Thess 2:7-8)

Release children to the will of God 1 Kings 3:16-28

As Christians we believe life is in Gods hands.
Example: Hannah (1 Sam 1:11)
Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she
shall be praised. (Prov 31:30).

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