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Bronxwood Preparatory Academy Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: _____Ms. C_____________________

Date: ____3/4/14__________
Subject: _____English____________________
Topic: ________________
Week-At-A-Glance (main focus topic/s for the week)
How can we
How do we
write our
write s full
paragraph for
our research

Aim: (What you intend to teach; question format, preferably using How or Why?)
How do we draft our first working thesis statement for our research paper?

Do-Now (3-5 mins.)

Motivation: (a brief statement or a question to

spark interest on new or previous topic)
Have you ever heard of the Black Plague in Europe?
This surprisingly began with people throwing
garbage out of their windows. Now lets see how
these events are written in a practice introduction,
with a strong thesis statement.

Essential Question(s):(Big idea that supports the lesson)

What are the components of a working thesis statement?

Instructional Objectives: (what students are expected to be able to do, know and/or
understand at end of lesson)
SWBAT draft a working thesis statement
SWBAT make corrections to the first draft and create a second draft to their working thesis.

CCLS and NY Standards: (Standards are to be written out)


Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced
searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question;
integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and
following a standard format for citation.


Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing
products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information.
Resources and Materials:(technology, visual aids, books, etc.)
Smart Board, website, video, Worksheets and Graphic Organizers

Development and Mini Lesson

(content you plan to cover,
activities, notes, vocabulary)

Key questions to check for understanding

Student will be shown the video
(accommodates visual learners)
Research Paper Introduction, from the
website Teacher Tube. The video will
outline that an introduction has goes
from very general, to very specific.
The general information comes first,
followed by back ground information,
then the more specific information being
the thesis statement. The three
components of a well written
introduction will then be outlined. They
include, making sure it is an Attention
grabber, has background information
and then a thesis statement.

DOK 1 &2
Your thesis statement is the argument/main idea of our research
paper. In short it is the answer to the question that your research
paper will answer. Before we move on to the thesis. Look back
at all that you have written as facts during your research project.
By now you should be able to answer your research question.
What is the answer in one sentence? This is the beginning of
your thesis statement.

DOK 3 and 4
Construct your argument for your paper based
on the research you have conducted

10- minutes
Model Thesis statement-non thesis
statements (point of entry/strategy
The class will then be provided with a
model thesis statement, and four
problematic thesis statements to help
them compare well written and poorly
written thesis statements. The thesis
should fit the scope of your paper, which
means everything you argue can be
backed up with additional facts located
in your paper.

Differentiation: (Resources, tools, methodology to meet the needs of all students

e.g., students will be grouped according to skill, interest level)

Special Education Student

Dicaroly Medina

Donnell Smith
Adrian De La Rosa
Kelly Henry
Deshaun Johnson

Focus of Disability
Visual Learner

Intellectual Disability
Speech or Language

Planning Accommodation
Dicaroly benefits from
preferential seating, she is
better about taking notes when
given a graphic organizer.

Provide outline format/graphic

Learning Disability

Alternative Assessment

Emotional Disturbance

Graphic Organizer

Dayshawn Smith

Learning Disability

Limit length of assignment.

Casey Wharton

Learning Disability

step-by-step procedures for

desired results.

Dante Willock

Learning Disability

Redirection, modeling, visual aids,

Assessment/Application (activity, task you plan to have students perform to

demonstrate they understand the content being taught or apply new information)
How will they do this? (ex. independent, partner, group activity)
Students will be instructed to write their own thesis statement.
Lower Level Learners will be provided with sentence starters. (strategy #2) Students will also
be provided with a checklist to refer to while, and after drafting their thesis statements.( Point
of entry/strategy #3)
Drafting the Thesis
Students will refer back to the Thesis Worksheet which will be used as a checklist to identify
the components of their thesis statements.
We have two attempts at writing the thesis, so try it out and I will check it and provide
feedback. Even if it is not perfect the first time, that is alright, as long as you show what you
have, the corrections can be made in the second draft.

Whole Class Sharing:

At least 4 Students will be selected to share their thesis statements

Draft your thesis statement on loose leaf and bring the working thesis written to class

Final Summary:(closure to recap, new ideas or questions)

Teacher says, In conclusion a working thesis states the main idea of your paper, it can be
edited and may change as you write your essay. The exit slip will ask: Identify what makes
your thesis statement well written or identify what needs to be changed?

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