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Sigma Takes the Trophy (and a couple more trophies,

and a few plaques too)

Homecoming 2014 was, as usual, a very successful one for Sigma Society! A special thanks to the 2014 homecoming co-chairs,
Rachel Wineberg and Courtney Inlow, for all their donated time. We
teamed up with the men of Sigma Tau Gamma for float, and the
men of Alpha Gamma Rho for the variety show. Our float was a
tribute to Scott Bostwick, complete with his red hat and a spinning
red paw. The variety show was a spin-off of Friends with a couple
additional characters: Bobby the Bearcat and Meaghan Schmidt. In
the competitive division, Sigma took first place in float, paper mache head, and jalopy. Our dancing clowns were strong with some
flips and pyramids, and received a very deserving second place.
We also placed third in Variety show. Sigma won parade supremacy and overall homecoming supremacy for the competitive division.
I think the most impressive of all our awards though, was the fact
that Sigma Society won the campus wide penny wars competition.
This was a fight to the finish, with members of many organizations
throwing money into the buckets at the very last second. We had to
wait an entire week to find out who won, but it was worth it: Sigma
came out on top! And of course, the money was donated to charity.

Current Executive Board

Pres. Meaghan Schmidt
VP. MacKenzie Maguire
Secretary. Marg Eliason
Treasurer. Stephanie Robinson
PR. Rachel Hetzel
Parliamentarian. Courtney Young
Fundraising. Rachel Kortkamp
Service. Jeannie Schleip
Sarah Bickham
Historian. Katelin Lusch
Bridal Show. Alexis Forbes
Tanner Lewey
Recruitment. Lily White
Alycia Drost
Homecoming. Lucy King

Becca Nowakowski

The ladies of Sigma

Society enjoyed getting
to work with and know
the men of Sig-Tau.
The week following
homecoming was a
time for relaxation with
a bowling mixer.

Sigma Society with Sigma Tau Gamma and the Homecoming Awards

Sigma Adopts

The newest members of Sigma Society!

This Christmas, Sigma Society decided to adopt a local

Maryville family in need.
This mother and daughter
recently lost everything in a
house fire. Sigma Society
members donated money
and then headed to Walmart
to pick up items to make the
familys life a little easier
throughout this difficult time.
Some of these items included: pillows, blankets, kitchenware, soap.. etc. The
family was very appreciative!

Sigma Takes Shape (a new, much larger

Fall Rush was a very successful one for Sigma Society! 76
new members were activated this semester, going down as
the largest pledge class in Sigma Society History! Of course
with activation comes Mom-Dot week, or should I call it MomDot-Dot week because the twins were plentiful this semester.
With there being more pledges than actives, twins were inevitable! But the moms outdid themselves and every dot received generous gifts throughout the week. Mom-Dot reveal
started with a live version of Guess Who and we ended the
night with a room full of blindfolded dots and silly selfies from
the moms.

The donation to the family

The Sigma Society

composite photo for the
2014-2015 school year.
The bleachers in Lamkin
were one of the few places large enough to hold
our growing organization.

"Sigma has changed my

life for the better. I
thought I had hit bottom
and then I found this organization. I can't imagine being anywhere without this wonderful group
of girls"
-Margaret Eliason

I really like how Sigma

Society has grown because we are able to do
more. We have completed almost 3,000 hours.
We have helped so many
people through all of our
projects. I am so excited
for the upcoming semester!
-Jeannie Schleip

The ladies of Sigma Society gathered around the fire after a long morning of apple picking

Sigma Starts a Tradition

Bright and early on a chilly Saturday morning, many of the ladies of
Sigma Society gathered to travel to the cutest little apple orchard in
Bedford, Iowa. For the second year in a row, Sigma has went
apple picking to bring back fresh fruit for the Ministry Center in
Maryville. Many of the girls have been looking forward to this since
last year, myself included! Upon arrival, Johnny Appleseed greeted
us and led our 15 vehicle caravan through the woods on his Gator
until we reached the orchard. He showed us which trees were
ready to be picked, and set us free! Johnny brought us coffee and
donuts midmorning and as we wrapped up the morning, we gathered around the fire for a song and a blessing. I had the opportunity to talk to Johnny Appleseed and he said that as long as theres
apples on his trees he will always be happy to welcome Sigma
back! And so, a tradition was born!

Sigma Sorts
Coats, coats, and more coats! In early November the Ladies of Sigma Society caravanned to Kansas City to help with Project
Warmth: a mission of making extreme weather months more bearable for your Kansas City area neighbors in need. The day was
spent unloading bags upon bags, sorting coats into Mens, Womens, and Childrens piles, and bagging up the sorted coats. We
created an assembly line for a final tally, and headed back to

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