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My name is Lillian Willett and I am a fourth year student at Australian Catholic

University studying towards a degree of Bachelor of Education, Primary. As a

student at Australian Catholic University, I have studied many areas including
Mathematics, Literacy, Social Science and Humanities, Science and the Arts. I
have also studied areas of psychology, especially in focusing in the development
of children using the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky. I have also completed
subjects in Religion, focusing on Catholicism and how to teach it in schools.
This online profile is will show the works I have done throughout my four years at
Australian Catholic University and will include lesson plans and unit outlines that
I have done for my subjects since second year, as that was the year that we
began to create lessons. I have used many strategies and scaffolded my lessons
to improve them throughout the years. These lessons, unit plans and
assignments all incorporate the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers in
different ways.
The first artefact that I am presenting in this website is a unit plan that was
created for Science. It is for Year 4 and it does cover all seven strands of the
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers in the following ways:
1. Know students and how they learn
a. Understand how the students learn
2. Know the content and how to teach it
a. Content selection and organisation
b. Curriculum, assessment and reporting
c. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
3. Plan and implement effective teaching and learning
a. Establish challenging learning goals
b. Plan, structure and sequence learning programs
c. Use Teaching Strategies
6. Engage in Professional learning
a. Engage in professional learning and improve practice
This unit focused on volcanoes and how it affects the environment around it after
the volcano has erupted. I believe that this unit has been properly developed to
show how the relationship between teachers and students grow through this
learning process and that the lessons that have been planned demonstrate the 5
Es clearly.

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