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Learning Styles

6 / 5 / 2015


For student teachers to gain an initial understanding

of how learners have a preferred learning style and
the importance of using a variety of teaching
methods/activities in the classroom.

Focus: On the activities

This week you will pay
close attention to the
different activities your
MST uses during the day.

Keep a record of the different activities that the

students are involved in during the day. Think
about which learning style the activity is best
suited for.


6 / 5 / 2015

Learning Activity Number of

Topic (Lesson)

from 1-5
activities during
this lesson


Aural (listening
and speaking)


The teacher
spoke the

Bright numbers
were displayed
on the screen


The children put

up the number of
Children had to
draw pictures
to match the
number on the
screen (for
example 2-
children drew 2
squares, etc.)

Teacher said that this is center time
you can choses any thing you wont.
Kids choses activities and Eleonore in
these picture choses to cut the paper as
different shapes.

Reading/ Writing
Teacher gave each student bodies paper
and they have to choses a color and
color the paper.
Kids take the paper and Liyana in this
picture enjoys color the paper and after
she finish she said to teacher could I
have another paper.


6 / 5 / 2015

Reading/ Writing
When they finish all the activites
for this day teacher open a movie
for the kids.
One of the kids didnt enjoy the
movie he said that I dont want to
see I want to draw.

Visual & Aural

When teacher teach the
lesson she bring color ice and
show the kids and she tell
them about this ice.
Some kids interest to touch
the ice they have kinesthetic

Teacher gave each student paper with color
and they have to color the picture.
One of children spend one week and he
dont finish his picture.


6 / 5 / 2015

Observe one child. Try and determine from the information you know
what this childs learning preference is.
In your observation, please write:
What the child seemed to enjoy doing most during the activities.
The parts of the activities that the child seemed to enjoy least.
What you think this childs learning preference is (justify your answer with the
information you learned in the VARK workshop).

Saif is the kids I choses, I think that his learning style is Visual and
writing, because chiders do sport from GONOODLE he just stand
and see the smart board. However he enjoy when teacher open a
movie of some time he like to draw and color. He doesnt want to
play any thing he just stand and see what other they do.


6 / 5 / 2015

Please reflect on Learning Styles.

1. What is your learning style? (From the VARK survey). Please attach your VARK results from
the website.
My learning style is visual I didnt spires because I now my self.
2. What kinds of activities help you learn best?
I think that I learn by watching a video of see a picture
3. What do you do that helps you learn when you are studying?
When I was student I spent my time to get a video for the lesson and some time I draw a
picture by my self to study better.
4. Why is it important to know your preferred learning style?
Because not all people in the word has same learning style.
5. Why is it important for a teacher to know about learning styles?
Because she have to do many activates for the lesson for all students in the class. And that
thing learns about what student understand.



6 / 5 / 2015

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