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DISCLAIMER: Please note that the owner of this site and contributors will not accept

the responsibility nor be held responsible for the use or mis-use of any or all of the many
techniques, procedures or therapies herein portrayed and related. Use your intuition and
good sense when choosing alternative therapies, using an orthodox medical practioner
where necessary.
Mudras are easy to perform at anytime, although sitting in the lotus position and
focusing on the healing can be an advantage.
Although mudras can be used for healing certain ailments, regular practise of mudras
will contribute to your overall good health and can be used as a preventive measure.
Continuous practice of the mudras will create minute changes in your body using pulse
centres on parts of your hands, which trigger certain healing processes within the
corresponding body part.

Mudras are to be performed with both hands at the same time, unless otherwise

Start with 10 minutes at a time and increase up to 3/4 hour for best results.
Fingers should remain comfortable during the procedure and not held stiffly or


Gyan Mudra
Description: The thumb and index finger are brought together gently while all the other
fingers remain upright.
Uses include:
Mental Peace
Sharp Memory
Mental Disorders
Develops telepathic ablilities
Developes clairvoyant and extra-sensory ablilities
Apan Vayu Mudra

Description: Fold the forefinger to touch the mound of the thumb. The little finger
should be held erect. Then place tips of middle finger and ring finger together on tip of
thumb all touching each other. (BOTH HANDS)
Uses include:
Strengthens heart
Emergency first aid for severe heart attack if administered within 2 seconds.
Self Confidence
Normalises blood pressure
Menstruation related problems
Purifies the entire body
Rudra Mudra
Description: Place tips of index finger and ring finger together on top of the tip of
thumb, with other fingers extended comfortably. (BOTH HANDS)
Uses include:
Improves blood circulation
Brings clarity in thought.
Low blood pressure
Improves eyesight
Improves breathing
Controls eating habits
Blocked Veins
Improves concentration
Apan Mudra
Description: Place tips of thumb, middle finger and ring finger together in each hand.
Uses include:
Gall Bladder
Removes wastes products
Toxic release
Bladder problems
Balances mind
Self confidence

Inner Harmony
Prithvi Mudra
Description: Place the tip of the ring finger on top of the tip of the thumb. Extend all the
other fingers and keep them comfortably straight as possible.
Uses include:
Inner stablity
Self Assurance
Strengthens body and mind
Glowing skin
Increases energy
Shankha Mudra
Description: The left thumb should be held in the right fist and then the left index finger
should touch the right thumb. Put light pressure with the remaining fingers of the left
hand onto the closed fist fo the right hand. Swap over sides.
Uses include:
Thyroid Glands.
Blood Vessels
Muscular System
Good for actors and singers for voice enhancement
Varuna Mudra
Description: Place thumb down on little finger and keep all remaining three fingers
comfortably straight.
Uses include:
To enhance beauty
Removes impurities from the blood
Restores moisture to skin
Painful cramps
Shunya Mudra
Description: Place thumb down on middle finger and keep all remaining three fingers
comfortably straight.

Uses include:
Numbness in the body
Vayu Mudra
Description: Place thumb down on index finger and keep all remaining three fingers
comfortably straight.
Uses include:
Stiff Neck
Knee Pain
Joint Pain in hands and feet
Linga Mudra
Description:Join your palms in front of your chest and lock the facing fingers together
keeping your thumbs upright. Hold for 3 minutes, release and repeat twice.
Uses include:
Weight Reduction
Colds and Coughs
Strengthens lungs
Make sure you drink plenty of water as Linga Mudra generates heat in your body.
Varuna Mudra
Description: Join your little finger to the tip of your thumb. Keep other fingers
comfortably straight.
Uses include:
Dry skin
Blood problems
Restores moisture to the body
Relaxes muscles ~ cramp
Diarrhea and dehydration
To enhance beauty

Shankha Mudra
Description: The left thumb should be held in the right fist and then the left index finger
should touch the right thumb.
Uses include:
Thyroid Glands
Enhances quality of voice
Surabhi Mudra
Description:Join the little finger and ring finger, then join the middle finger and index
finger together. This pose can also be called "cow posture" as the mudra makes cloven
hooves of your hands,
Uses include:
Rheumatic inflammation
Sharpens your intellect
Surahi Mudra
Description:Join the little finger of one hand with the ring finger of the other and vice
versa. Similarly, join the forefinger with the middle finger of the other hand and vice
versa. Leave your thumbs free.
Uses include:
Rheumatic inflammation
Sharpens your intellect
Shankh Mudra, Sukshma Mudra and Hansi Mudra are very useful in addressing
cough, inability to sleep and irritability.

The physical body is made up of five elements namely - Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Aakash (ether
- the tiny intercellular spaces in the human body).
Imbalance of these elements disrupts the immunity system and causes disease.
Deficiencies in any of these elements can be made up by connecting one part of the body with
another in a particular manner through Mudras.
When a finger representing an element is brought into contact with the thumb, that element is
brought into balance. Therefore the disease caused by the imbalance is cured. Mudras start
electromagnetic currents within the body which balance various constituting elements and
restore health. The joining of fingers creates an effect on the human body.
Five Fingers for Five Elements
* Thumb
* Index
* Middle

* Ring
* Little
Mudras for Benefits:

Gyan Mudra
Effective in cases of mental ailment, imparts happiness, the intellect develops, memory is
Join the tips of the index finger and thumb and keep the other 3 fingers stretched and joined.

Shoonya Mudra
Relief in diseases and pains relating to the ear.
Press the middle finger on the base of the thumb and keep the thumb on middle finger. Keep
the other three fingers straight.

Apaan Mudra

Helps in clearing the body by elimination of waste matter from the mouth, eyes, ears, nose
etc. Helps when urine is obstructed, reduces constipation.
Join the tip of the thumb with the tip of middle and ring finger, keeping the other finger

Prana Mudra
Helps in pumping the life force into your body. Beneficial for all types of diseases. Imparts
special power to the eyes.

Join the tip of the thumb with tip of little and ring finger. Keeping other two fingers straight.

Vayu Mudra
Helps in diseases like arthritis, trembling in Parkinson's disease. Better results obtained if
practices after Prana mudra.
Press the index finger on the base of thumb and keep the thumb on the index finger. Let the
other fingers be straight.

Prithvi Mudra
Makes body sturdy. One experiences happiness.
Join the tip of the thumb and ring finger.

Varun Mudra
Improves the deteriorated quality of blood due to shortage of water & gives freshness to the
Join the tip of the thumb and little finger.

Surya Mudra
Reduces weight of your body.
Put the tip of ring finger at the base of thumb, with thumb gently pressing on it.

Ling Mudra
Produces heat in the body and helps in curing cold and cough.

Interlock the fingers of both hands together. Keeping the left thumb up (encircled by right
thumb and index finger) i.e. left thumb should be vertically straight and right thumb around it.
When to do?

Can be practiced at all times while sitting, lying, standing, walking or even talking.

For good results should be practiced for 24 minutes continuously. Can be practiced for 45 minutes also at one time.

If a mudra cannot be made in both hands, you may do it in one hand only

Hand Mudra Meanings, Explanations and

March 7, 2012 By ClaireAusten
While at yoga class or watching a yoga video, you may have noticed certain hand movements
that are held while in a pose or during meditation. These are called Hand Mudras, and they have
a specific and deliberate purpose. In this post, Ill demonstrate various mudras and explain their
meanings and benefits.

What is a Mudra?
Mudra is Sanskrit for seal, mark, or gesture. Typically, mudras are used during meditation or
pranayama as a way to direct energy flow in the body. According to yoga, different areas of the
hand stimulate specific areas of the brain. By applying light pressure to these areas of the hand,
you will activate the corresponding region of the brain.
In addition to the reflexology aspect of hand mudras, these positions symbolize various
feelings, emotions, and states of being. Hand positions play a part in many societies and
religions. The Christian church uses many hand movements during mass all of which
symbolize various important ideas. Even in modern Western culture we have hand movements
that are associated with a meaning: clapping, flipping the bird, or holding the hands up and palms
open to signify surrender.

The mudras described below are an ancient part of the Buddhist and Hindu traditions. Although
they were developed thousands of years ago their meaning is still understood and relevant
Gyan Mudra

Gyan Mudra
Description: The index finger and thumb are lightly touching at the tips. The remaining three
fingers are held out gently (not ridged). This is one of the most recognized and commonly used
mudras. In many depictions of the Buddha, you will notice he holds this mudra.
Meaning: This hand mudra is also known as the seal of knowledge. The thumb represents fire
and divine nature and the index finger represents air and individual human consciousness. When
the two fingers are placed together in Gyan Mudra, it is meant to symbolize and encourage
Wisdom and Expansion.
Benefits: When used during meditation or pranayama, Gyan mudra can help ease drowsiness,
inspire creativity, and increase concentration.
Shuni Mudra

Shuni Mudra
Description: The middle finger and thumb are lightly touching at the tips. The remaining three
fingers are held out gently (not ridged).
Meaning: This hand mudra is also known as the seal of patience. The middle finger represents
Aakash and courage to hold duty and responsibility. The thumb represents fire and divine nature.

When the two fingers are placed together in Shuni Mudra, it is meant to symbolize and
encourage Patience, Discernment, Focus and Discipline.
Benefits: When used during meditation or pranayama, Shuni Mudra can help encourage patience
and the courage to fulfill ones responsibilities. It also helps to develop noble thoughts and turn
negative emotions into positive ones.
Surya Ravi Mudra or Prithvi Mudra

Surya Ravi Mudra

Description: The ring finger and thumb are lightly touching at the tips. The remaining three
fingers are held out gently (not ridged).
Meaning: This hand mudra is also known as the seal of life or seal of the sun. The ring
finger represents earth, energy, strength and endurance. The thumb represents fire and divine
nature. When the two fingers are placed together in Surya Ravi Mudra, it is meant to symbolize
and encourage energy, balance, health, and vitality.
Benefits: When used during meditation or pranayama, Surya Ravi Mudra can give you energy,
positivity, intuition, and help encourage positive change in your life. It also helps to build and
invigorate the bodily tissues.
Buddhi Mudra or Varun Mudra

Varun Mudra

Description: The little finger and thumb are lightly touching at the tips. The remaining three
fingers are held out gently (not ridged).
Meaning: This hand mudra is also known as the seal of mental clarity. The little finger
represents water and communication. The thumb represents fire and divine nature. When the two
fingers are placed together in Buddhi Mudra, it is meant to symbolize and encourage openness
and fluid communication.
Benefits: When used during meditation or pranayama, Buddhi Mudra can encourage clear and
effective communication. It also helps balance the water element in the body, activating the
salivary glands and moistening dry eyes and skin.

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