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Monday £4" october 2043 HARRIET STAR, EDFX215 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE EARLY CHILDHOOP 2 Harriet you have shown clear evidence to be working as a professional. Your interactions are professional with staff, families ana community. You are demonstrating an understanding of the diverse needs of the children ana supporting their Learning. Your planning shows organisation and effective time use. As a learner you responded well to mentoring and feedback and you have showw ability to reflect further on this in your daily reflections. Your observations and planning and your ability to link theory ave of very good quality keep this up. As acurriculum decision maker you have shown @ high level of understanding and documentation. Harriet You are doing really well and have a good understanding of what is weeded to complete your PEP placement. Well done 2, Romily Goggin ACU PEP Visitor.

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